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Mineral chemistry and petrochemistry of Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the İkizce (Ordu) area, NE Turkey

Year 2005, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 25 - 47, 01.02.2005



  • Adamia, S. A., Lordkipanidze, M. B., and Zakariadze, G. S., 1977. Evolution of an active conti- nental margin as exemplified by the Alpine history of the Caucasus. Tectonophysics, 40, 183-199.
  • Aliyazıcıoğlu, İ. ve Arslan, M., 1998. Gümüflhane yö- resi volkanik kayaçlarının jeokimyasal ve petrolojik karakteristikleri: Doğu Pontid Güney Zonunda Paleosen-Eosen volka- nizmasının geliflimi. Türkiye Cumhuriye- ti’nin 75. Yılında Fırat Üniversitesi’nde Je- oloji Mühendisliği Eğitiminin 20. Yılı Sem- pozyumu Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Elazığ, 24
  • Arslan, M., and Aliyazıcıoğlu, İ., 1998. Petrographical and geochemical characteristics of the Gümüflhane area Eocene volcanic rocks: Implications for the evolution of Eastern Pontide back-arc volcanism, Third Interna- tional Turkish Geology Symposium Abst- racts, Ankara, p.182.
  • Arslan, M., and Aliyazıcıoğlu, İ., 2001. Geochemical and petrochemical characteristics of the Kale (Gümüflhane) volcanic rocks: Impli- cations for the Eocene evolution of Eas- tern Pontide arc volcanism, Northeast Tur- key. International Geological Review, 43(7), 595-610.
  • Arslan, M., Tüysüz, N., Korkmaz, S., and Kurt H., 1997. Geochemistry and petogenesis of the Eastern Pontide volcanic rocks, Nort- heast Turkey. Chemi der Erde (Geoche- mistry), 57, 157-187.
  • Arslan, M., Aslan, Z., fien, C., and Hoskin, P., 2000. Constrains on petrology and petrogenesis of Tertiary volcanism in the Eastern Ponti- de Paleo-arc system, NE Turkey. Goldschmidt 2000. Journal of Conference Abstracts, Volume 5(2), 157-158.
  • Arslan, M., Temizel, İ., and Abdioğlu, E., 2002. Sub- duction input versus source enrichment and role of crustal thickening in the gene- ration of Tertiary magmatism in the Pontid Paleo-Arc setting, NE Turkey. In: B. De Vi- vo and R.J. Bodgar (eds.) Workshop- Short Course on Volcanic Systems, Geoc- hemical and Geophysical Monitoring, Melt inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems, Naples, Italy, 13-16.
  • Aydın, F., 2003. Değirmendere vadisi (Trabzon-Esi- roğlu, KD-Türkiye) volkanitlerinin mineral kimyası, petrolojisi ve petrojenezi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 233 s (yayım- lanmamıfl).
  • Bacon, C.R., and Hirschmann, M. M., 1988. Mg/Mn partitioning as a test for equilibrium betwe- en coexiting Fe-Ti oxides. American Mine- ralogist, 73, 57-61.
  • Baker, D.R., and Eggler, D.H., 1983. Fractionation paths of Atka (Aleutians) high-alumina ba- salts: constraints from phase relations. Jo- urnal of Volcanology and Geothermal Re- search, 18, 387-404.
  • Bektafl, O., Yılmaz, C., Taslı, K., Akdağ, K., and Öz- gür, S., 1995. Cretaceous rifting of the Eastern Pontide carbonate platform, NE Turkey: The formation of carbonate brec- cias and turbitides as evidence of a drow- ned platform. Giornale di Geologia, 57, 233-244.
  • Çamur, M. Z., Güven, İ. H., and Er, M., 1996. Geoc- hemical characteristics of the Eastern Pontide volcanics: An example of multiple volcanic cycles in arc evolution. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 5, 123-144.
  • Chawthorn, R.G., and O’Hara, M.J., 1976. Amphibo- le fractionation in calcalkaline magma ge- nesis. American Journal of Science, 276, 309-329.
  • Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., and Zussman, J., 1992. An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Mine- rals. Longman, London, 696 pp.
  • Dymek, R. F., 1983. Titanium, aluminum and interla- yer cation distributions in biotite from high- grade geisses, West Greenland. American Mineralogist, 68, 880-899.
  • Eggler, D.H., 1972. Amphibole stability in HO-under- 2 saturated calcalkaline melts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 15, 28-34.
  • Eğin, D., Hirst, D.M., and Phillips, R., 1979. The pet- rology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the northern Harflit river area, Pontid volcanic province, northeast Turkey. Jour- nal of Volcanology and Geothermal Rese- arch, 6, 105-123.
  • Ewart, A., 1982. The mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Recent orogenic volcanic rocks: with special reference to the andesitic-ba- salticcompositional range. In: R.S. Thorpe (ed.) Andesites: Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks, John Wiley, New York, 29- 95.
  • Floyd, P.A., Shail, R., Leveridge, B.E., and Franke, W., 1991. Geochemistry and provenance of Rhenohercynian synorogenic sandsto- nes: implications for tectonic environment discrimination. In: A.C., Morton, S., Todd, and P.D.W. Haugton (eds.) Geological So- ciety of London Special Publication, 57, 173-188.
  • Gill, J.B., 1981. Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tecto- nics. Springer, Berlin, 390p.
  • Green, T.H., and Pearson, N.J., 1985. An experimen- tal study of Nb and Ta partitioning betwe- en Ti-rich minerals and silicate liquids at high pressure and temperature. Geochimi- ca et Cosmochimica Acta, 47, 925-939.
  • Gust, D.A., and Perfit, M.R., 1987. Phase relations of a high-Mg basalt from the Aleutian Island Arc: implications for primary island arc ba- salt and high-Al basalts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 97, 7-18.
  • Güven, İ. H., 1993. Doğu Pontidler’in jeolojisi ve 1/250 000 ölçekli kompilasyonu. MTA, An- kara (yayımlanmamıfl).
  • Irvine, T.N., and Baragar, W.R.A., 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of common vol- canic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8, 523-548.
  • Kazmin, V. G., Sbortshikov, I. M., Ricou, L. E., Zo- nenshain, L. P., Boulin, J., and Knipper, A. L., 1986. Volcanic belts as markers of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Evolution of Tethys. Tectonophysics, 123, 123-152.
  • Keskin, İ., Yergök, F. A., Kara, H., Dönmez, M. ve Arslan, M., 1998. Ünye-Fatsa-Kumru-Kor- gan (Ordu) dolayının jeolojisi. M.T.A Ra- poru, 10182, Ankara (yayımlanmamıfl).
  • Le Maitre, R. W., 1989. A Classificiation of Igneous Rocks and Glossary of Terms. Blackwell, Oxford, 193 pp.
  • Leake E. B., Wooley, A. R., Arps, C. E. S., Birch, W. D., Gilbert, M. C., Grice, J. D., Hawthorne, F. C., Kato, A., Kisch, H. J., Krivovichev, V. G., Linthout, K., Laird, J., Mandarino, J., Maresch, W. V., Nickhel, E. H., Rock, N. M. S., Schumacher, J. C., Smith, D. C., Stephenson, N. C. N., Ungaretti, L., Whit- taker, E. J. W., and Youzhi, G., 1997. No- menclature of Amphiboles Report of the Subcommittee on Amphiboles of the Inter- national Mineralogical Association Comis- sion on New Minerals and Mineral Names. European Journal of Mineralogy, 9, 623- 651.
  • Morimoto, M., 1988. Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Mi- neralogical Magazine, 52, 535-550.
  • Özsayar, T., Pelin, S. ve Gedikoğlu, A., 1981. Doğu Pontidler’de Kretase. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Yer Bilimleri Dergisi, 2, 65
  • Pearce, J.A., 1983. Role of the sub-continental lit- hosphere in magma genesis at active con- tinental margins. In: C.J., Hawkesworth, and M.J. Norry, (eds.) Continental Basalt- sand Mantle Xenoliths, Shiva, Cheshire, 230-249.
  • Perfit, M.R., Gust, D. A., Bence, A.R., Arculus, R.J., and Taylor, S. R., 1980. Chemical Charec- teristic of Island-Arc Basalts: Implications for Mantle Sources. Chemical Geology, 30, 227-256.
  • Presnall, D.C., Dixon, J.R., O’donnell, T.H., Drennes, N.L., Schrick, R.L., and Dycus, D.W., 1978. Liquidus phase relations on the join diopside-forsterite-anorthite from 1 atm to 20 kb: Their bearing on the generation andcrystallization of basaltic magma. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petro- logy, 66, 203-220.
  • Romick, J.D., 1987. Amphibole fractionation and magma mixing in andesites and dacites from the central Aleutians, Alaska. Tran- sactions American Geophysical Union (EOS), 68, 461 pp.
  • Saunders, A. D., Tarney, J., and Weaver, S. D., 1980. Tranverse geochemical variations across the Antarctic Peninsula: Implicati- ons for the genesis of calc alkaline mag- mas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 46, 344-360.
  • Sun, S., and McDonough, W.F., 1989. Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalt: Implications for mantle composition and processes In: A.D. Saunders, and M.J. Norry, (eds.), Magmatism in the Ocean Basins, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 42, 313-345.
  • fien, C., 2000. Doğu Pontid alkalen provensine (KD, Türkiye) ait Eosen sonrası kayaçlar içeri- sinde bulunan ultramafik nodüllerin pet- rografisi, mineralojisi ve kimyası. Cumhuri- yetin 75. Yıldönümü Yerbilimleri ve Ma- dencilik Kongresi Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, 1, 55-66. fien, C., Arslan, M. ve Van. A., 1998. Doğu Pontid (KD Türkiye) Eosen (?) alkalen volkanik provensinin jeokimyasal ve petrolojik ka- rakteristikleri. Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 7, 231-239.
  • Taylor, S.R., and McLennan, S.M., 1985. The Conti- nental Crust, Its Composition and Evoluti- on. Blackwell, Oxford, 312 pp.
  • Temizel, İ., 2002. İkizce (Ünye-Ordu) yöresi volkanik kayaçlarının petrografik, jeokimyasal ve petrolojik incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Te- zi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bi- limleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 152 s (yayım- lanmamıfl).
  • Temizel, İ., and Arslan, M., 2002. Geochemical and petrological characteristics of İkizce (Or- du) area volcanic rocks: Evidences on the evolution of Eastern Pontides Tertiary Vol- canism, NE Turkey. 1st International Symposium of the Faculty of Mines (İTÜ) on Earth Sciences and Engineering, Abstracts, p.90.
  • Temizel, İ. ve Arslan, M., 2003. İkizce (Ünye-Ordu) yöresi Tersiyer volkanitlerinin gelifliminde etkili olan magmatik olayların jeokimyasal modellenmesi (KD Türkiye). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitü- sü Dergisi, 7(2), 161-177.
  • Thompson, R.N., Morrison, M.A., Hendry, G.L., and Parry, S.J., 1984. An assessment of the relative roles of crust and mantle in mag- ma genesis: An elemental approach. Phi- losophical Transactions of The Royal So- ciety, London, a310, 549-590.
  • White, W.M., and Patchett, J., 1984. Hf-Nd-Sr isoto- pes and incompatible element abundan- ces in island arcs: implications for magma origins and crust mantle evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 67, 167
  • Winchester, J., and Floyd, P.A., 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differantation productus using ımmobile elements. Chemical Geology, 20, 325-343.
  • Yoldafl, R., Keskin, B., Korkmaz, S., Didik, S., Kal- kan, İ., Ağrıdağ, D. ve Besbelli, B., 1985. Samsun ve dolayının (Kızılırmak-Yeflilır- mak arasındaki bölge) jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. MTA Rapor No. 8130 (yayım- lanmamıfl).
Year 2005, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 25 - 47, 01.02.2005



  • Adamia, S. A., Lordkipanidze, M. B., and Zakariadze, G. S., 1977. Evolution of an active conti- nental margin as exemplified by the Alpine history of the Caucasus. Tectonophysics, 40, 183-199.
  • Aliyazıcıoğlu, İ. ve Arslan, M., 1998. Gümüflhane yö- resi volkanik kayaçlarının jeokimyasal ve petrolojik karakteristikleri: Doğu Pontid Güney Zonunda Paleosen-Eosen volka- nizmasının geliflimi. Türkiye Cumhuriye- ti’nin 75. Yılında Fırat Üniversitesi’nde Je- oloji Mühendisliği Eğitiminin 20. Yılı Sem- pozyumu Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, Elazığ, 24
  • Arslan, M., and Aliyazıcıoğlu, İ., 1998. Petrographical and geochemical characteristics of the Gümüflhane area Eocene volcanic rocks: Implications for the evolution of Eastern Pontide back-arc volcanism, Third Interna- tional Turkish Geology Symposium Abst- racts, Ankara, p.182.
  • Arslan, M., and Aliyazıcıoğlu, İ., 2001. Geochemical and petrochemical characteristics of the Kale (Gümüflhane) volcanic rocks: Impli- cations for the Eocene evolution of Eas- tern Pontide arc volcanism, Northeast Tur- key. International Geological Review, 43(7), 595-610.
  • Arslan, M., Tüysüz, N., Korkmaz, S., and Kurt H., 1997. Geochemistry and petogenesis of the Eastern Pontide volcanic rocks, Nort- heast Turkey. Chemi der Erde (Geoche- mistry), 57, 157-187.
  • Arslan, M., Aslan, Z., fien, C., and Hoskin, P., 2000. Constrains on petrology and petrogenesis of Tertiary volcanism in the Eastern Ponti- de Paleo-arc system, NE Turkey. Goldschmidt 2000. Journal of Conference Abstracts, Volume 5(2), 157-158.
  • Arslan, M., Temizel, İ., and Abdioğlu, E., 2002. Sub- duction input versus source enrichment and role of crustal thickening in the gene- ration of Tertiary magmatism in the Pontid Paleo-Arc setting, NE Turkey. In: B. De Vi- vo and R.J. Bodgar (eds.) Workshop- Short Course on Volcanic Systems, Geoc- hemical and Geophysical Monitoring, Melt inclusions: Methods, Applications and Problems, Naples, Italy, 13-16.
  • Aydın, F., 2003. Değirmendere vadisi (Trabzon-Esi- roğlu, KD-Türkiye) volkanitlerinin mineral kimyası, petrolojisi ve petrojenezi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 233 s (yayım- lanmamıfl).
  • Bacon, C.R., and Hirschmann, M. M., 1988. Mg/Mn partitioning as a test for equilibrium betwe- en coexiting Fe-Ti oxides. American Mine- ralogist, 73, 57-61.
  • Baker, D.R., and Eggler, D.H., 1983. Fractionation paths of Atka (Aleutians) high-alumina ba- salts: constraints from phase relations. Jo- urnal of Volcanology and Geothermal Re- search, 18, 387-404.
  • Bektafl, O., Yılmaz, C., Taslı, K., Akdağ, K., and Öz- gür, S., 1995. Cretaceous rifting of the Eastern Pontide carbonate platform, NE Turkey: The formation of carbonate brec- cias and turbitides as evidence of a drow- ned platform. Giornale di Geologia, 57, 233-244.
  • Çamur, M. Z., Güven, İ. H., and Er, M., 1996. Geoc- hemical characteristics of the Eastern Pontide volcanics: An example of multiple volcanic cycles in arc evolution. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 5, 123-144.
  • Chawthorn, R.G., and O’Hara, M.J., 1976. Amphibo- le fractionation in calcalkaline magma ge- nesis. American Journal of Science, 276, 309-329.
  • Deer, W. A., Howie, R. A., and Zussman, J., 1992. An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Mine- rals. Longman, London, 696 pp.
  • Dymek, R. F., 1983. Titanium, aluminum and interla- yer cation distributions in biotite from high- grade geisses, West Greenland. American Mineralogist, 68, 880-899.
  • Eggler, D.H., 1972. Amphibole stability in HO-under- 2 saturated calcalkaline melts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 15, 28-34.
  • Eğin, D., Hirst, D.M., and Phillips, R., 1979. The pet- rology and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the northern Harflit river area, Pontid volcanic province, northeast Turkey. Jour- nal of Volcanology and Geothermal Rese- arch, 6, 105-123.
  • Ewart, A., 1982. The mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Recent orogenic volcanic rocks: with special reference to the andesitic-ba- salticcompositional range. In: R.S. Thorpe (ed.) Andesites: Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks, John Wiley, New York, 29- 95.
  • Floyd, P.A., Shail, R., Leveridge, B.E., and Franke, W., 1991. Geochemistry and provenance of Rhenohercynian synorogenic sandsto- nes: implications for tectonic environment discrimination. In: A.C., Morton, S., Todd, and P.D.W. Haugton (eds.) Geological So- ciety of London Special Publication, 57, 173-188.
  • Gill, J.B., 1981. Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tecto- nics. Springer, Berlin, 390p.
  • Green, T.H., and Pearson, N.J., 1985. An experimen- tal study of Nb and Ta partitioning betwe- en Ti-rich minerals and silicate liquids at high pressure and temperature. Geochimi- ca et Cosmochimica Acta, 47, 925-939.
  • Gust, D.A., and Perfit, M.R., 1987. Phase relations of a high-Mg basalt from the Aleutian Island Arc: implications for primary island arc ba- salt and high-Al basalts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 97, 7-18.
  • Güven, İ. H., 1993. Doğu Pontidler’in jeolojisi ve 1/250 000 ölçekli kompilasyonu. MTA, An- kara (yayımlanmamıfl).
  • Irvine, T.N., and Baragar, W.R.A., 1971. A guide to the chemical classification of common vol- canic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8, 523-548.
  • Kazmin, V. G., Sbortshikov, I. M., Ricou, L. E., Zo- nenshain, L. P., Boulin, J., and Knipper, A. L., 1986. Volcanic belts as markers of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Evolution of Tethys. Tectonophysics, 123, 123-152.
  • Keskin, İ., Yergök, F. A., Kara, H., Dönmez, M. ve Arslan, M., 1998. Ünye-Fatsa-Kumru-Kor- gan (Ordu) dolayının jeolojisi. M.T.A Ra- poru, 10182, Ankara (yayımlanmamıfl).
  • Le Maitre, R. W., 1989. A Classificiation of Igneous Rocks and Glossary of Terms. Blackwell, Oxford, 193 pp.
  • Leake E. B., Wooley, A. R., Arps, C. E. S., Birch, W. D., Gilbert, M. C., Grice, J. D., Hawthorne, F. C., Kato, A., Kisch, H. J., Krivovichev, V. G., Linthout, K., Laird, J., Mandarino, J., Maresch, W. V., Nickhel, E. H., Rock, N. M. S., Schumacher, J. C., Smith, D. C., Stephenson, N. C. N., Ungaretti, L., Whit- taker, E. J. W., and Youzhi, G., 1997. No- menclature of Amphiboles Report of the Subcommittee on Amphiboles of the Inter- national Mineralogical Association Comis- sion on New Minerals and Mineral Names. European Journal of Mineralogy, 9, 623- 651.
  • Morimoto, M., 1988. Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Mi- neralogical Magazine, 52, 535-550.
  • Özsayar, T., Pelin, S. ve Gedikoğlu, A., 1981. Doğu Pontidler’de Kretase. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Yer Bilimleri Dergisi, 2, 65
  • Pearce, J.A., 1983. Role of the sub-continental lit- hosphere in magma genesis at active con- tinental margins. In: C.J., Hawkesworth, and M.J. Norry, (eds.) Continental Basalt- sand Mantle Xenoliths, Shiva, Cheshire, 230-249.
  • Perfit, M.R., Gust, D. A., Bence, A.R., Arculus, R.J., and Taylor, S. R., 1980. Chemical Charec- teristic of Island-Arc Basalts: Implications for Mantle Sources. Chemical Geology, 30, 227-256.
  • Presnall, D.C., Dixon, J.R., O’donnell, T.H., Drennes, N.L., Schrick, R.L., and Dycus, D.W., 1978. Liquidus phase relations on the join diopside-forsterite-anorthite from 1 atm to 20 kb: Their bearing on the generation andcrystallization of basaltic magma. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petro- logy, 66, 203-220.
  • Romick, J.D., 1987. Amphibole fractionation and magma mixing in andesites and dacites from the central Aleutians, Alaska. Tran- sactions American Geophysical Union (EOS), 68, 461 pp.
  • Saunders, A. D., Tarney, J., and Weaver, S. D., 1980. Tranverse geochemical variations across the Antarctic Peninsula: Implicati- ons for the genesis of calc alkaline mag- mas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 46, 344-360.
  • Sun, S., and McDonough, W.F., 1989. Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalt: Implications for mantle composition and processes In: A.D. Saunders, and M.J. Norry, (eds.), Magmatism in the Ocean Basins, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 42, 313-345.
  • fien, C., 2000. Doğu Pontid alkalen provensine (KD, Türkiye) ait Eosen sonrası kayaçlar içeri- sinde bulunan ultramafik nodüllerin pet- rografisi, mineralojisi ve kimyası. Cumhuri- yetin 75. Yıldönümü Yerbilimleri ve Ma- dencilik Kongresi Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, 1, 55-66. fien, C., Arslan, M. ve Van. A., 1998. Doğu Pontid (KD Türkiye) Eosen (?) alkalen volkanik provensinin jeokimyasal ve petrolojik ka- rakteristikleri. Turkish Journal of Earth Sci- ences, 7, 231-239.
  • Taylor, S.R., and McLennan, S.M., 1985. The Conti- nental Crust, Its Composition and Evoluti- on. Blackwell, Oxford, 312 pp.
  • Temizel, İ., 2002. İkizce (Ünye-Ordu) yöresi volkanik kayaçlarının petrografik, jeokimyasal ve petrolojik incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Te- zi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bi- limleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 152 s (yayım- lanmamıfl).
  • Temizel, İ., and Arslan, M., 2002. Geochemical and petrological characteristics of İkizce (Or- du) area volcanic rocks: Evidences on the evolution of Eastern Pontides Tertiary Vol- canism, NE Turkey. 1st International Symposium of the Faculty of Mines (İTÜ) on Earth Sciences and Engineering, Abstracts, p.90.
  • Temizel, İ. ve Arslan, M., 2003. İkizce (Ünye-Ordu) yöresi Tersiyer volkanitlerinin gelifliminde etkili olan magmatik olayların jeokimyasal modellenmesi (KD Türkiye). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitü- sü Dergisi, 7(2), 161-177.
  • Thompson, R.N., Morrison, M.A., Hendry, G.L., and Parry, S.J., 1984. An assessment of the relative roles of crust and mantle in mag- ma genesis: An elemental approach. Phi- losophical Transactions of The Royal So- ciety, London, a310, 549-590.
  • White, W.M., and Patchett, J., 1984. Hf-Nd-Sr isoto- pes and incompatible element abundan- ces in island arcs: implications for magma origins and crust mantle evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 67, 167
  • Winchester, J., and Floyd, P.A., 1977. Geochemical discrimination of different magma series and their differantation productus using ımmobile elements. Chemical Geology, 20, 325-343.
  • Yoldafl, R., Keskin, B., Korkmaz, S., Didik, S., Kal- kan, İ., Ağrıdağ, D. ve Besbelli, B., 1985. Samsun ve dolayının (Kızılırmak-Yeflilır- mak arasındaki bölge) jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. MTA Rapor No. 8130 (yayım- lanmamıfl).

İkizce (Ordu) yöresindeki Tersiyer yaşlı kalk-alkalen volkanitlerinin mineral kimyası ve petrokimyası, KD Türkiye

Year 2005, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 25 - 47, 01.02.2005


Doğu Pontidler’in batısında yer alan inceleme alanının tabanında; Geç Kretase-Paleosen yafllı Akveren Formasyonu’nun Tekkiraz Üyesi bulunmaktadır. Bu formasyonun üzerine uyumsuzlukla Paleosen (?)-Eosen yafllı Koçevyanı bazaltı gelmektedir. Bu birimi uyumsuzlukla üzerleyen Eosen yafllı Tekkeköy Formasyonu; Çaybaflı Üyesi,Kurttafllı Tepe andeziti, Kale Üyesi, İkizce andeziti ve Teknecik andezit porfirinden oluflmaktadır. İncelenen volkanitler; genellikle andezit, andezit porfir ve piroklastitlerinden daha az oranda ise bazalt ve bazaltik andezitten oluflmakta olup, genelde porfirik, mikrolitik porfirik, hyalo-mikrolitik porfirik, hyalopilitik, yer yer de entersertal, entergranüler, akıntı ve glomeroporfirik doku göstermektedir. Kayaçlar; klinopiroksen (Wo, olivin , hornblend (Mg#=0.49-0.82), biyotit (Mg#=0.48-0.60), daha az oranda da magnetit, apatitve zirkondan oluflmaktadır. Plajiyoklas fenokristallerinde halkalı zonlanma, elek dokusu, kemirilme; hornblend vebiyotitlerde opaklaflma ve bozunma; klinopiroksenlerde kemirilme yapıları gibi dengesizlik dokuları gözlenmektedir. Volkanitler; genel olarak kalkalkali ve toleyitik-alkali geçiflli olup, orta derecede potasyum içerirler. Ana oksit veiz element değiflimleri, kayaçların gelifliminde klinopiroksen, olivin, hornblend, plajiyoklas, magnetit ve apatit ayrımlaflmasının etkili olduğuna iflaret etmektedir. Yüksek büyük iyon yarıçaplı litofil element (Sr, KO, Rb, Ba) vehafif nadir toprak element (La, Ce) ile düflük Nb, Zr, Y ve TiO2içerikleri, kayaçların yitim ve astenosferik ergiyiklerin karıfltığı zenginleflmifl bir köken magmadan türediğine iflaret etmektedir. Ayrıca Koçevyanı bazaltı olivin+ojit denetimli ayrımlaflmayla, andezitik kayaçlar ise ojit + hornblend ± plajiyoklas kontrollü ayrımlaflma ve özümleme ±magma karıflımıyla oluflmufltur


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There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İrfan Temizel This is me

Mehmet Arslan This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2005
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 26 Issue: 1


EndNote Temizel İ, Arslan M (February 1, 2005) İkizce (Ordu) yöresindeki Tersiyer yaşlı kalk-alkalen volkanitlerinin mineral kimyası ve petrokimyası, KD Türkiye. Yerbilimleri 26 1 25–47.