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The annelid polychaete Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818 from the early Middle Eocene (middle-late Cuisian) of Çankırı Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey)

Year 2006, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 173 - 179, 01.04.2006


The annelid of the genus Rotularia is a common element of Jurassic to Early Tertiary shallow-water marine faunas but few studies have been conducted on its palaeoecologic and stratigraphic significance. The polychaete Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818, from the middle-late Cuisian Yoncalı formation of the Çankırı Basin, Central Anatolia is here described and its mode of life and palaeobiogeographic distribution are discussed. This is the first polychaete annelids species Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818 discovered in Turkey, Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck is a stratigraphically and geographically widely distributed species. 


  • Akgün, F., Akay, E., and Erdoğan, B., 2002. Tertiary terrestrial to shallow marine deposition in Central Anatolia: A palynological approach. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, 127- 160.
  • Benini, A. C., Braga, G., and Ungaro, S., 1988. Analisi paleosinecologica di una comunità di un livello a Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck (Poli- chete serpulide) presso Sossano (Monti Berici, Vicenza). Memorie di Scienze Ge- ologische, 40, 413-437.
  • Benini, A. C., Marega, G., and Ungaro, S., 1992. Anal- isi paleosinecologica del livello a Rotularia spirulaea di Grancona (Monti Berici, Vice- nza). Memorie di Scienze Geologische, 44, 87-107.
  • Birgili, S., Yoldas, R., and Ünalan, G., 1975. Çankırı- Corum havzasının jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. MTA Rapor No. 5621, Ankara. 78 p. (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Burmeister, H., 1837. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Part 2, Enslin, Berlin. pp. 369-858.
  • Chamberlin, R. V., 1919. The Annelida Polychaeta of the Albatros Tropical Pacific Expedition, 1891-1905. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University press, 48, 1-514.
  • Cossmann, M., 1912. Essais de Paleoconchologie Comparee, Neuvieme Livr. Paris, pp. 215.
  • Cossmann, M., and Pissarro, G., 1911. Inoconogra- phie complete des coquilles fossiles de l’Eocene des environs de Paris. 45 p.
  • Defrance, J. M. L., 1827. Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie. Levrault, Paris, 647 p.
  • Erdoğan, B., Akay, E., and Uğur, M. S., 1996. Geol- ogy of the Yozgat region and evolution of the collisional Çankırı Basin. International Geology Review, 38, 788-806.
  • Goldfuss, A., 1826. Petrefacta Germaniae. Duessel- dorf, pp. 224-242.
  • Grube, A. E., 1850. Die Familien der Anneliden. Arch. Naturgeschichte 16, 249-364.
  • Karagiuleva, J. D., 1964. Les Fossiles de Bulgarie Paleogene Mollusca. Academie des Sci- ences de Bulgarie, 270 p.
  • Koch, A., 1894. Die Tertiarbildungen des Beckens der siebenbürgischen Landestheile. 1. Theil. Palaogene Abteilung. Mitteilungen Jahr- buch ung Geologie R. Anst, 10, 179-397.
  • Lamarck, J. B., 1809. Memoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris. Annales du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, 1, pp. 299-312.
  • Lamarck, J. B., 1818. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres, v. 5, Paris.
  • Macellari, C. E., 1984. Revision of Serpulids of the genus Rotularia (Annelida) at Seymour Is- land (Antarctic Peninsula) and their value in stratigraphy. Journal of Paleontology, 58 (4), 1098-1116.
  • Meszaros, N., 1957. Fauna de Moluşte a depozite- lor paleogene din nordvestul Translivaniei. Biblioteca de Geologie şi paleontologie 1, Bucuresti, 174 p.
  • Müller, A. H., 1958. Lehrbuch der Palaozoologie, 2 (1), 1-497.
  • Oppenheim, P., 1901. Die Priabonaschicten und ihre Fauna im Zusammenhange mit gleichal- terigen und analogen Ablagerungen ver- gleichend betrachet. Palaeontographica, 47, 1-348.
  • Piveteau, J., 1952. Traite de Paleontologie, Paris, 790 p.
  • Regenhardt, V. H., 1961. Serpulidae (Polychaeta sed- entaria) aus der Kreide Mitteleuropas, ihre ökologische, taxonomische und stratigra- phische Bewertung. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg, 30, 5-115.
  • Rovereto, G., 1899. Serpulidae del Terziario e del Quaternario in Italia. Palaeontographica Italiana, 4, 47-92.
  • Rovereto, G., 1904. Contributio allo studio dei Vermeti fossili. Bolletino della Societa Paleontolog- ica Italiana, 23, 67-83.
  • Savazzi, E., 1995. Morphology and mode of life of the polychaete Rotularia. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 69 (1/2), 73-85.
  • Schauroth, C. F., 1865. Verzeichniss der Ver- steinerungen im Herzogl. Naturaliencabi- net zu Coburg. Coburg, 327 p.
  • Schmidt, W., 1955. Der stratigraphische Wert der Serpulidae im Tertiar. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 29, 38-45.
  • Serra-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A. K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R., Pignatti, J., Samso, J. M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambar- eau, Y., Tosquella, J., and Zakrevskaya, E., 1998. Larger foraminiferal biostratigra- phy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. Bulletin Society Geologie de France, 169 (2), 281-299.
  • Şuraru, N., and Şuraru, M., 1967. Rotularia spirulaea (LAM. ) (Vermes) im Eozan des sieben- bürgischen Beckens. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 41, (1-2), 111-117.
  • Taylor, P. D., and Wilson, M. A., 2003. Palaeoecol- ogy and evolution of marine hard substrate communities. Earth-Sciences Reviews, 62, 1-103.
  • Tüysüz, O., and Dellaloğlu, A. A., 1994. Palaeogeo- graphic evolution of the Çankırı Basin and surroundings, Central Anatolia Proceed- ings of the 10th Petroleum Congress of Tur- key, 56-76.
  • Wrigley, A., 1951. Some Eocene Serpulids. Proceed- ings of Geologists Association, 62, 177- 202.
  • Zittel, K., 1924. Grundzuge der Palaontologie, 1. Abteilung, Invertebrata. Munchen u. Ber- lin.

Çankırı Havzası’nda (Orta Anadolu, Türkiye) erken Orta Eosen (orta-geç Küviziyen) annelid polychaete Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818

Year 2006, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 173 - 179, 01.04.2006


Stratigrafik ve paleoekolojik açıdan üzerinde ender olarak durulan annelid cinsi Rotularia, Jura’dan Erken Tersiyer’e kadar sığ su denizel ortamlarda bulunur. Orta Anadolu’da Çankırı Havzası’ndaki Yoncalı formasyonunda orta-geç Küviziyen’de polychaete Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818, tanımlanmış, yaşam şekli ve paleobiyocoğrafik yayılımları da tartışılmıştır. Paleocoğrafik olarak, geniş stratigrafik ve coğrafik yayılıma sahip olan Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818, polychaete annelid türü Türkiye’de ilk defa bulunmuştur


  • Akgün, F., Akay, E., and Erdoğan, B., 2002. Tertiary terrestrial to shallow marine deposition in Central Anatolia: A palynological approach. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 11, 127- 160.
  • Benini, A. C., Braga, G., and Ungaro, S., 1988. Analisi paleosinecologica di una comunità di un livello a Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck (Poli- chete serpulide) presso Sossano (Monti Berici, Vicenza). Memorie di Scienze Ge- ologische, 40, 413-437.
  • Benini, A. C., Marega, G., and Ungaro, S., 1992. Anal- isi paleosinecologica del livello a Rotularia spirulaea di Grancona (Monti Berici, Vice- nza). Memorie di Scienze Geologische, 44, 87-107.
  • Birgili, S., Yoldas, R., and Ünalan, G., 1975. Çankırı- Corum havzasının jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları. MTA Rapor No. 5621, Ankara. 78 p. (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Burmeister, H., 1837. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. Part 2, Enslin, Berlin. pp. 369-858.
  • Chamberlin, R. V., 1919. The Annelida Polychaeta of the Albatros Tropical Pacific Expedition, 1891-1905. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University press, 48, 1-514.
  • Cossmann, M., 1912. Essais de Paleoconchologie Comparee, Neuvieme Livr. Paris, pp. 215.
  • Cossmann, M., and Pissarro, G., 1911. Inoconogra- phie complete des coquilles fossiles de l’Eocene des environs de Paris. 45 p.
  • Defrance, J. M. L., 1827. Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie. Levrault, Paris, 647 p.
  • Erdoğan, B., Akay, E., and Uğur, M. S., 1996. Geol- ogy of the Yozgat region and evolution of the collisional Çankırı Basin. International Geology Review, 38, 788-806.
  • Goldfuss, A., 1826. Petrefacta Germaniae. Duessel- dorf, pp. 224-242.
  • Grube, A. E., 1850. Die Familien der Anneliden. Arch. Naturgeschichte 16, 249-364.
  • Karagiuleva, J. D., 1964. Les Fossiles de Bulgarie Paleogene Mollusca. Academie des Sci- ences de Bulgarie, 270 p.
  • Koch, A., 1894. Die Tertiarbildungen des Beckens der siebenbürgischen Landestheile. 1. Theil. Palaogene Abteilung. Mitteilungen Jahr- buch ung Geologie R. Anst, 10, 179-397.
  • Lamarck, J. B., 1809. Memoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris. Annales du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, 1, pp. 299-312.
  • Lamarck, J. B., 1818. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres, v. 5, Paris.
  • Macellari, C. E., 1984. Revision of Serpulids of the genus Rotularia (Annelida) at Seymour Is- land (Antarctic Peninsula) and their value in stratigraphy. Journal of Paleontology, 58 (4), 1098-1116.
  • Meszaros, N., 1957. Fauna de Moluşte a depozite- lor paleogene din nordvestul Translivaniei. Biblioteca de Geologie şi paleontologie 1, Bucuresti, 174 p.
  • Müller, A. H., 1958. Lehrbuch der Palaozoologie, 2 (1), 1-497.
  • Oppenheim, P., 1901. Die Priabonaschicten und ihre Fauna im Zusammenhange mit gleichal- terigen und analogen Ablagerungen ver- gleichend betrachet. Palaeontographica, 47, 1-348.
  • Piveteau, J., 1952. Traite de Paleontologie, Paris, 790 p.
  • Regenhardt, V. H., 1961. Serpulidae (Polychaeta sed- entaria) aus der Kreide Mitteleuropas, ihre ökologische, taxonomische und stratigra- phische Bewertung. Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Staatsinstitut in Hamburg, 30, 5-115.
  • Rovereto, G., 1899. Serpulidae del Terziario e del Quaternario in Italia. Palaeontographica Italiana, 4, 47-92.
  • Rovereto, G., 1904. Contributio allo studio dei Vermeti fossili. Bolletino della Societa Paleontolog- ica Italiana, 23, 67-83.
  • Savazzi, E., 1995. Morphology and mode of life of the polychaete Rotularia. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 69 (1/2), 73-85.
  • Schauroth, C. F., 1865. Verzeichniss der Ver- steinerungen im Herzogl. Naturaliencabi- net zu Coburg. Coburg, 327 p.
  • Schmidt, W., 1955. Der stratigraphische Wert der Serpulidae im Tertiar. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 29, 38-45.
  • Serra-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A. K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R., Pignatti, J., Samso, J. M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambar- eau, Y., Tosquella, J., and Zakrevskaya, E., 1998. Larger foraminiferal biostratigra- phy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. Bulletin Society Geologie de France, 169 (2), 281-299.
  • Şuraru, N., and Şuraru, M., 1967. Rotularia spirulaea (LAM. ) (Vermes) im Eozan des sieben- bürgischen Beckens. Palaontologische Zeitschrift, 41, (1-2), 111-117.
  • Taylor, P. D., and Wilson, M. A., 2003. Palaeoecol- ogy and evolution of marine hard substrate communities. Earth-Sciences Reviews, 62, 1-103.
  • Tüysüz, O., and Dellaloğlu, A. A., 1994. Palaeogeo- graphic evolution of the Çankırı Basin and surroundings, Central Anatolia Proceed- ings of the 10th Petroleum Congress of Tur- key, 56-76.
  • Wrigley, A., 1951. Some Eocene Serpulids. Proceed- ings of Geologists Association, 62, 177- 202.
  • Zittel, K., 1924. Grundzuge der Palaontologie, 1. Abteilung, Invertebrata. Munchen u. Ber- lin.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

İzzet Hoşgör This is me

Yavuz Okan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2006
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 27 Issue: 3


EndNote Hoşgör İ, Okan Y (April 1, 2006) The annelid polychaete Rotularia spirulaea Lamarck, 1818 from the early Middle Eocene (middle-late Cuisian) of Çankırı Basin (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Yerbilimleri 27 3 173–179.