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Resistivity inversion modelling in landfill sites and its application in an old waste landfill site

Year 2006, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 195 - 209, 01.04.2006



  • Ahmed, A. M., and Suleiman, W. N., 2001. Evaluation of groundwater and soil pollution in a land- fill area using electrical resistivity imaging survey. Environmental Management, 28, 655-663.
  • Aristodemou, E., and Thomas-Betts, A., 2000. DC re- sistivity and induced polarisation investiga- tions at a waste disposal site and its envi- ronments. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44, 275-302.
  • Barker, R. D., 1990. Improving the quality of resistivity sounding data in landfill studies. In: S. H. Ward (ed.), Geotechnical and Environmen- tal Geophysics, Vol. 2: Environmental and Groundwater, Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 245-251.
  • Barker, R. D., 1992. A simple algorithm for electrical imaging of the subsurface. First Break, 10 (2), 53-62.
  • Benson, A. K., Pyne, K. L., and Stubben, M. A., 1997. Mapping groundwater contamination using DC resistivity and VLF geophysical meth- ods-a case study. Geophysics, 62, 80-86.
  • Bernstone, C., and Dahlin, T., 1999. Assessment of two automated electrical resistivity data acquisition systems for landfill location surveys: Two case studies. Journal of En- vironmental and Engineering Geophysics, 4, 113–121.
  • Bernstone, C., Dahlin, T., Ohlsson, T., and Hogland, W., 2000. DC-resistivity mapping of inter- nal landfill structures: Two pre-excavation surveys. Environmental Geology, 39 (3-4), 360-371.
  • Buselli, G., and Lu, K., 2001. Groundwater contami- nation monitoring with multichannel electri- cal and electromagnetic methods. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 48, 11-23.
  • Cardarelli, E., and Bernabini, M., 1996. Two case studies of the determination of parameters of urban waste dumps. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 36, 167–174.
  • Carpenter, P. J., Calkin, S. F., and Kaufman, R. S., 1991. Assessing a fractured landfill cover using electrical resistivity and seismic re- fraction techniques. Geophysics, 56, 1896- 1904.
  • Chambers, J. E., Ogilvy, R. D., Kuras, O., Cripps, J. C., and Meldrum, P. I., 2002.3D electrical imaging of known targets at a controlled environmental test site. Environmental Ge- ology, 41, 690-704.
  • Dahlin, T., 1996.2D resistivity surveying for ground- water and environmental applications, First Break, 14, 275-284.
  • Dey, A., and Morrison, H. F., 1979. Resistivity mod- eling for arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional structures. Geophysical Prospecting, 27, 106-136.
  • Drahor, M. G., Göktürkler, G., Berge, M. A. ve Kur- tulmuş, Ö. T., 2004. Dört farklı elektrot dizilimine göre bazı üç-boyutlu sığ yeraltı yapılarının görünür özdirenç modellemesi. Yerbilimleri, 30, 115-128.
  • Drahor, M. G., Göktürkler, G., Berge, M. A. ve Kurtul- muş, Ö. T., 2005. Bazı sığ yeraltı yapıları- nın özdirenç ters-çözümü. Yerbilimleri, 26 (2), 1-14.
  • Erdoğan, B., 1990. İzmir–Ankara Zonu’nun İzmir ile Seferihisar arasındaki bölgede stratigrafik özellikleri ve tektonik evrimi. TPJD Bülteni, 2, 1–20.
  • Geotomo Software, 2001. RES2DMOD software, ver. 3.01. http: //www. geoelectrical. com, 15 November 2005.
  • Geotomo Software, 2003. RES2DINV software, ver. 3.4. http: //www. geoelectrical. com, 15 No- vember 2005.
  • Grellier, S., Bouyé, J. M., Guérin, R., Robain, H., and Skhiri, N., 2005. Electrical resistivity tom- ography (ERT) applied to moisture meas- urements in bioreactor: Principles, in-situ measurements and results. International Workshop Hydro-Physico-Mechanics of Landfills LIRIGM, March, 21-22 2005, Gre- noble 1 University, France.
  • Hinze, W. J., 1990. The role of gravity and magnetic methods in engineering and environmental studies. In: Geotechnical and Environmen- tal Geophysics, Vol. 1. Society of Explora- tion Geophysicists, Tulsa, pp. 75-126.
  • Karlık, G., and Kaya, M. A., 2001. Investigation of groundwater contamination using electric and electromagnetic methods at an open waste-disposal site: A case study from Is- parta, Turkey. Environmental Geology, 40, 725-731.
  • Loke, M. H., 1999. Rapid 2D resistivity forward mo- delling using the finite-difference and finite- element methods. Software User Manual of Res2dmod.
  • Loke, M. H., Acworth, I., and Dahlin, T., 2003. A com- parison of smooth and blocky inversion methods in 2-D electrical imaging surveys. Exploration Geophysics, 34, 182-187.
  • Meju, M. A., 2000. Geoelectrical investigation of old/ abandoned, covered landfill sites in urban areas: model development with a genetic diagnosis approach. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44,115-150.
  • Ogilvy, R., Meldrum, P., Chambers, J., and Williams, G., 2002. The use of 3D electrical resistiv- ity tomography to characterise waste and leachate distribution within a closed land- fill, Thriplow, UK. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 7, 11–18.
  • Peters, L., Daniels, J. J., and Young, J. D., 1994. Ground-penetrating radar as a subsurface environmental sensing tool. In: Proceed- ings The Institute of Electrical and Electro- nics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) 82, pp. 1802- 1822.
  • Splajt, T., Ferrier, G., and Frostick, L. E., 2003. Appli- cation of ground penetrating radar in map- ping and monitoring landfill sites. Environ- mental Geology, 44, 963-967.
  • Ünver, H., 1997. DEÜ Kaynaklar Kampüsü su etüdü raporu (yayımlanmamış).
Year 2006, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 195 - 209, 01.04.2006



  • Ahmed, A. M., and Suleiman, W. N., 2001. Evaluation of groundwater and soil pollution in a land- fill area using electrical resistivity imaging survey. Environmental Management, 28, 655-663.
  • Aristodemou, E., and Thomas-Betts, A., 2000. DC re- sistivity and induced polarisation investiga- tions at a waste disposal site and its envi- ronments. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44, 275-302.
  • Barker, R. D., 1990. Improving the quality of resistivity sounding data in landfill studies. In: S. H. Ward (ed.), Geotechnical and Environmen- tal Geophysics, Vol. 2: Environmental and Groundwater, Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 245-251.
  • Barker, R. D., 1992. A simple algorithm for electrical imaging of the subsurface. First Break, 10 (2), 53-62.
  • Benson, A. K., Pyne, K. L., and Stubben, M. A., 1997. Mapping groundwater contamination using DC resistivity and VLF geophysical meth- ods-a case study. Geophysics, 62, 80-86.
  • Bernstone, C., and Dahlin, T., 1999. Assessment of two automated electrical resistivity data acquisition systems for landfill location surveys: Two case studies. Journal of En- vironmental and Engineering Geophysics, 4, 113–121.
  • Bernstone, C., Dahlin, T., Ohlsson, T., and Hogland, W., 2000. DC-resistivity mapping of inter- nal landfill structures: Two pre-excavation surveys. Environmental Geology, 39 (3-4), 360-371.
  • Buselli, G., and Lu, K., 2001. Groundwater contami- nation monitoring with multichannel electri- cal and electromagnetic methods. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 48, 11-23.
  • Cardarelli, E., and Bernabini, M., 1996. Two case studies of the determination of parameters of urban waste dumps. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 36, 167–174.
  • Carpenter, P. J., Calkin, S. F., and Kaufman, R. S., 1991. Assessing a fractured landfill cover using electrical resistivity and seismic re- fraction techniques. Geophysics, 56, 1896- 1904.
  • Chambers, J. E., Ogilvy, R. D., Kuras, O., Cripps, J. C., and Meldrum, P. I., 2002.3D electrical imaging of known targets at a controlled environmental test site. Environmental Ge- ology, 41, 690-704.
  • Dahlin, T., 1996.2D resistivity surveying for ground- water and environmental applications, First Break, 14, 275-284.
  • Dey, A., and Morrison, H. F., 1979. Resistivity mod- eling for arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional structures. Geophysical Prospecting, 27, 106-136.
  • Drahor, M. G., Göktürkler, G., Berge, M. A. ve Kur- tulmuş, Ö. T., 2004. Dört farklı elektrot dizilimine göre bazı üç-boyutlu sığ yeraltı yapılarının görünür özdirenç modellemesi. Yerbilimleri, 30, 115-128.
  • Drahor, M. G., Göktürkler, G., Berge, M. A. ve Kurtul- muş, Ö. T., 2005. Bazı sığ yeraltı yapıları- nın özdirenç ters-çözümü. Yerbilimleri, 26 (2), 1-14.
  • Erdoğan, B., 1990. İzmir–Ankara Zonu’nun İzmir ile Seferihisar arasındaki bölgede stratigrafik özellikleri ve tektonik evrimi. TPJD Bülteni, 2, 1–20.
  • Geotomo Software, 2001. RES2DMOD software, ver. 3.01. http: //www. geoelectrical. com, 15 November 2005.
  • Geotomo Software, 2003. RES2DINV software, ver. 3.4. http: //www. geoelectrical. com, 15 No- vember 2005.
  • Grellier, S., Bouyé, J. M., Guérin, R., Robain, H., and Skhiri, N., 2005. Electrical resistivity tom- ography (ERT) applied to moisture meas- urements in bioreactor: Principles, in-situ measurements and results. International Workshop Hydro-Physico-Mechanics of Landfills LIRIGM, March, 21-22 2005, Gre- noble 1 University, France.
  • Hinze, W. J., 1990. The role of gravity and magnetic methods in engineering and environmental studies. In: Geotechnical and Environmen- tal Geophysics, Vol. 1. Society of Explora- tion Geophysicists, Tulsa, pp. 75-126.
  • Karlık, G., and Kaya, M. A., 2001. Investigation of groundwater contamination using electric and electromagnetic methods at an open waste-disposal site: A case study from Is- parta, Turkey. Environmental Geology, 40, 725-731.
  • Loke, M. H., 1999. Rapid 2D resistivity forward mo- delling using the finite-difference and finite- element methods. Software User Manual of Res2dmod.
  • Loke, M. H., Acworth, I., and Dahlin, T., 2003. A com- parison of smooth and blocky inversion methods in 2-D electrical imaging surveys. Exploration Geophysics, 34, 182-187.
  • Meju, M. A., 2000. Geoelectrical investigation of old/ abandoned, covered landfill sites in urban areas: model development with a genetic diagnosis approach. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44,115-150.
  • Ogilvy, R., Meldrum, P., Chambers, J., and Williams, G., 2002. The use of 3D electrical resistiv- ity tomography to characterise waste and leachate distribution within a closed land- fill, Thriplow, UK. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 7, 11–18.
  • Peters, L., Daniels, J. J., and Young, J. D., 1994. Ground-penetrating radar as a subsurface environmental sensing tool. In: Proceed- ings The Institute of Electrical and Electro- nics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) 82, pp. 1802- 1822.
  • Splajt, T., Ferrier, G., and Frostick, L. E., 2003. Appli- cation of ground penetrating radar in map- ping and monitoring landfill sites. Environ- mental Geology, 44, 963-967.
  • Ünver, H., 1997. DEÜ Kaynaklar Kampüsü su etüdü raporu (yayımlanmamış).

Dolgu alanlarda özdirenç ters-çözüm modellemesi ve eski bir atık dolgu alanına uygulanması

Year 2006, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 195 - 209, 01.04.2006


Dolgu alanlardan kaynaklanan sorunlar, çevresel araştırmalarda önemli bir etkendir. Özellikle kentlerin yakınlarında bulunan eski ve yeni çöplük sahaları büyük sorunlar üretebilir. Bu aşamada çöp sahası ve çevresindeki jeolojik özellikler oldukça önemlidir. Jeofizik aramalar, kirletilmiş alanlardaki değişik sorunları belirlemede yaygın olarak uygulanmaktadır. Elektrik özdirenç yöntemi, bu tür alanlardaki değişik sorunların belirlenmesinde çok yararlı olup, yöntem atık ve dolgu alan araştırmalarında sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, atık ve dolgu alanlarda elektrik özdirenç ters-çözüm yönteminin yararlılığını incelemek amacıyla, iki-boyutlu yapay ve arazi verileri kullanılarak modelleme çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Yapay veriler, değişik dolgu ortamlarını benzeştirmek için üç farklı benzetim modeli kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Hesaplamalarda, özdirenç yönteminin dört temel dizilimi (Wenner, Schlumberger, dipol-dipol, pol-pol) kullanılmıştır. Yapay benzetim çalışmaları, gömülü yapılar arasındaki özdirenç zıtlıkları çok yüksek ve yapılar yüzeye yakın konumda bulunuyorlarsa, derindeki dirençli ve/ya da iletken katmanların belirlenmesinin hemen hemen olanaksız olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca benzetim çalışmaları, yapı boyutlarının da önemli olduğunu ve yapı boyutlarındaki azalmanın da yapıların saptanmasını azalttığını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Sonraki aşamada, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi alanında bulunan eski bir atık sahası üzerinde iki-boyutlu özdirenç çalışması yapılmıştır. Özdirenç verisi, üç ayrı hat üzerinden elde edilmiş ve iki-boyutlu özdirenç tersçözüm yöntemi kullanılarak yorumlanmıştır. Özdirenç ters-çözüm çalışmaları, çöplükteki atıkların genelde 10 ile 15 m derinliğe değin uzandığını ve elektriksel değerlerindeki hızlı değişimlere göre alanın bu bölümünde farklı atık hücreleri ya da katmanlarının bulunduğunu göstermiştir. Böylece kullanılan yöntemin alan çalışmalarında da yararlı sonuçlar ürettiği belirtilmelidir


  • Ahmed, A. M., and Suleiman, W. N., 2001. Evaluation of groundwater and soil pollution in a land- fill area using electrical resistivity imaging survey. Environmental Management, 28, 655-663.
  • Aristodemou, E., and Thomas-Betts, A., 2000. DC re- sistivity and induced polarisation investiga- tions at a waste disposal site and its envi- ronments. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44, 275-302.
  • Barker, R. D., 1990. Improving the quality of resistivity sounding data in landfill studies. In: S. H. Ward (ed.), Geotechnical and Environmen- tal Geophysics, Vol. 2: Environmental and Groundwater, Tulsa, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 245-251.
  • Barker, R. D., 1992. A simple algorithm for electrical imaging of the subsurface. First Break, 10 (2), 53-62.
  • Benson, A. K., Pyne, K. L., and Stubben, M. A., 1997. Mapping groundwater contamination using DC resistivity and VLF geophysical meth- ods-a case study. Geophysics, 62, 80-86.
  • Bernstone, C., and Dahlin, T., 1999. Assessment of two automated electrical resistivity data acquisition systems for landfill location surveys: Two case studies. Journal of En- vironmental and Engineering Geophysics, 4, 113–121.
  • Bernstone, C., Dahlin, T., Ohlsson, T., and Hogland, W., 2000. DC-resistivity mapping of inter- nal landfill structures: Two pre-excavation surveys. Environmental Geology, 39 (3-4), 360-371.
  • Buselli, G., and Lu, K., 2001. Groundwater contami- nation monitoring with multichannel electri- cal and electromagnetic methods. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 48, 11-23.
  • Cardarelli, E., and Bernabini, M., 1996. Two case studies of the determination of parameters of urban waste dumps. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 36, 167–174.
  • Carpenter, P. J., Calkin, S. F., and Kaufman, R. S., 1991. Assessing a fractured landfill cover using electrical resistivity and seismic re- fraction techniques. Geophysics, 56, 1896- 1904.
  • Chambers, J. E., Ogilvy, R. D., Kuras, O., Cripps, J. C., and Meldrum, P. I., 2002.3D electrical imaging of known targets at a controlled environmental test site. Environmental Ge- ology, 41, 690-704.
  • Dahlin, T., 1996.2D resistivity surveying for ground- water and environmental applications, First Break, 14, 275-284.
  • Dey, A., and Morrison, H. F., 1979. Resistivity mod- eling for arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional structures. Geophysical Prospecting, 27, 106-136.
  • Drahor, M. G., Göktürkler, G., Berge, M. A. ve Kur- tulmuş, Ö. T., 2004. Dört farklı elektrot dizilimine göre bazı üç-boyutlu sığ yeraltı yapılarının görünür özdirenç modellemesi. Yerbilimleri, 30, 115-128.
  • Drahor, M. G., Göktürkler, G., Berge, M. A. ve Kurtul- muş, Ö. T., 2005. Bazı sığ yeraltı yapıları- nın özdirenç ters-çözümü. Yerbilimleri, 26 (2), 1-14.
  • Erdoğan, B., 1990. İzmir–Ankara Zonu’nun İzmir ile Seferihisar arasındaki bölgede stratigrafik özellikleri ve tektonik evrimi. TPJD Bülteni, 2, 1–20.
  • Geotomo Software, 2001. RES2DMOD software, ver. 3.01. http: //www. geoelectrical. com, 15 November 2005.
  • Geotomo Software, 2003. RES2DINV software, ver. 3.4. http: //www. geoelectrical. com, 15 No- vember 2005.
  • Grellier, S., Bouyé, J. M., Guérin, R., Robain, H., and Skhiri, N., 2005. Electrical resistivity tom- ography (ERT) applied to moisture meas- urements in bioreactor: Principles, in-situ measurements and results. International Workshop Hydro-Physico-Mechanics of Landfills LIRIGM, March, 21-22 2005, Gre- noble 1 University, France.
  • Hinze, W. J., 1990. The role of gravity and magnetic methods in engineering and environmental studies. In: Geotechnical and Environmen- tal Geophysics, Vol. 1. Society of Explora- tion Geophysicists, Tulsa, pp. 75-126.
  • Karlık, G., and Kaya, M. A., 2001. Investigation of groundwater contamination using electric and electromagnetic methods at an open waste-disposal site: A case study from Is- parta, Turkey. Environmental Geology, 40, 725-731.
  • Loke, M. H., 1999. Rapid 2D resistivity forward mo- delling using the finite-difference and finite- element methods. Software User Manual of Res2dmod.
  • Loke, M. H., Acworth, I., and Dahlin, T., 2003. A com- parison of smooth and blocky inversion methods in 2-D electrical imaging surveys. Exploration Geophysics, 34, 182-187.
  • Meju, M. A., 2000. Geoelectrical investigation of old/ abandoned, covered landfill sites in urban areas: model development with a genetic diagnosis approach. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44,115-150.
  • Ogilvy, R., Meldrum, P., Chambers, J., and Williams, G., 2002. The use of 3D electrical resistiv- ity tomography to characterise waste and leachate distribution within a closed land- fill, Thriplow, UK. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 7, 11–18.
  • Peters, L., Daniels, J. J., and Young, J. D., 1994. Ground-penetrating radar as a subsurface environmental sensing tool. In: Proceed- ings The Institute of Electrical and Electro- nics Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) 82, pp. 1802- 1822.
  • Splajt, T., Ferrier, G., and Frostick, L. E., 2003. Appli- cation of ground penetrating radar in map- ping and monitoring landfill sites. Environ- mental Geology, 44, 963-967.
  • Ünver, H., 1997. DEÜ Kaynaklar Kampüsü su etüdü raporu (yayımlanmamış).
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mahmut G. Drahor This is me

Meriç A. Berge This is me

T. Özgür Kurtulmuş This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2006
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 27 Issue: 3


EndNote Drahor MG, Berge MA, Kurtulmuş TÖ (April 1, 2006) Dolgu alanlarda özdirenç ters-çözüm modellemesi ve eski bir atık dolgu alanına uygulanması. Yerbilimleri 27 3 195–209.