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Selandian (Upper Paleocene) benthic foraminiferal assemblages and their stratigraphic ranges in the northeastern part of Turkey

Year 2008, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 147 - 158, 01.04.2008



  • Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., and Flynn, J.J., 1985. Jurassic to Paleogene part 2, Paleogene geochronology and chro- nostratigraphy. In: The Chronology of the Geological Record. N. J. Snelling (ed.): Memorial Geology Society Lon- don, 10, 141-186.
  • Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher, C.C., and Aurby, M.P., 1995. A revised Cenozoic geochronology and choronostratigra- phy. In: Geochronology, time scale and global correlations: an united temporal framework for an historical geology, W.A. Berggren, D.V. Kent, M.P. Aubry, and J. Herdenbol (eds.), Schweizeri- sche Mineralogische und Petrogra- phische Mitteilungen, Special Publica- tion, 54, 129-212.
  • Geologic Time Scale, 1999. Compilers, Palm- er, A.R. and Geıssman, Journal of the Geological Society of America. Product code CTS004.
  • İnan, N., 1993. Kronostratigrafik bir seviye: İlerdiyen (Ilerdian : A Chronostratigrafıc Level). Proccedings of the A.Suat Erk Geology Symposium, Ankara, pp. 75- 81 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., 1996. The geographic extension and stratigraphic distribution of Laffitteina species in Turkey. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 39 (1), 41-51 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, S. and İnan, N. , 1987. Tecer Kireçtaşı For- masyonunun stratigrafik tanımlaması (Stratigraphic definition of Tecer Lime- stone Formation). Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Cumhuriyet Üniversity, Serie A- Earthsciences. 4 (1), 13-22 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., and İnan, S. , 2002. Tecer formasyo- nunun (Sivas) Doğu Pontidlerle ilişkisi (Relationship of Tecer Formation (Sivas) with Eastern Pontides). 55 th Geologi- cal Congress of Turkey, Abstracts, pp. 120-121 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., İnan, S., and Kurt, I., 1999. Doğu Pon- tidlerde uyumlu bentik K/T geçişi: Tonya formasyonunun (GB Trabzon) Şahinkaya üyesi, (Şahinkaya member of the Tonya formation (SW Trabzon). Conformable Benthic K/T Transition in Eastern Pon- tides) : Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 42 (2), 63-67 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N, Taslı, K., and İnan, S., 2005. Laffittei- na from the Maastrichtian- Paleocene shallow marine carbonate successions of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): biozonation and microfacies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25 (2), 367-378.
  • Jenkins, D. G., and Luterbacher, H., 1992. Pa- leogene stages and their boundaries (Introductory remarks). Neues Jahres- buch Geologische Palaontologische Abhandlungen, 186, 1-5.
  • Ketin, İ. , 1966. Tectonic units of Anatolia. Bul- letin of the General Directorate of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 66, 23-34 ( in Turkish).
  • Meriç, E., and İnan, N., 1998. Sirelina orduensis (Foraminifer) a new genus and species from the Maastrichtian of north-east Anatolia (Gölköy-Ordu): Micropaleon- tology, 44(2), 195-200.
  • Odin, G. S., and Luterbacher, H., 1992. The age of the Paleogene stage boundaries. Neues Jahresbuch Geologische Pala- ontologische Abhandlungen, Stuttgart, 186, 21-48.
  • Özgen-Erdem, N., İnan, N., Akyazı, M., and Tunoğlu, C., 2005. Benthonic forami- niferal assemblages and microfacies analysis of Paleocene-Eocene carbon- ate rocks in the Kastamonu region, Northern Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25, 403-417.
  • Perch-Nielsen, K., and Hansen, J. M., 1981. Se- landian. Bulletin d’Information des Géo- logues du Bassin de Paris, 2, 219-230.
  • Robinson, A.G., Banks, C. J., Rutherford, M. M., and Hırst, J.P.P., 1995. Stratigraphic and structural development of the East- ern Pontides. Journal of the Geological Society, 152, 861-872.
  • Rosenkrantz, A., 1924. De Kobenhavnske gron- sandslag og deres placering dem Dan- ske lagraekke (med et skema over der danske Paleocaen). Dansk Geologisk Forening-Geological Society of Den- mark, 6, 23-39.
  • Serra-Kiel, J., Martin-Martin, M., El Mamoune, B., Martin-Algarra, A., Martin- Perez, J. A., Tosquella, J., Ferrandez-Canadel, C., and Serrano, Y. F., 1998a. Bioestrati- grafia y litoestratigrafia del Paleogeno del area de Sierra Espuna (Cordillera Betica Oriental, SE de Espana). Acta Geologica Hispanica, 31 (1996), 1-3, 161-189.
  • Sera-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A. K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R, Pignatti, J., Samso, J.M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambareau,Y., Tosquella, J., and Za- krevskaya, E., 1998b. Larger foraminif- eral biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Pa- leocene and Eocene. Societe Géologie France, 169 (2), 281-299.
  • Sirel, E., 1998. Foraminiferal description and biostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Lower Eocene shallow-water limestones and discussion on the Cretaceous-Ter- tiary boundary in Turkey. General Di- rectorate of the Mineral Research and Exploratıion. Monography Series No.2 117, pl. 67 (in Turkish).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1987. Tectonics of the Tethys- icles : Orogenic Collage development in a Collisional Setting. Annual Review Earth Planet Science, 15, 213- 244.
  • Tüysüz, O. , 1993. A geo-traverse from the Black Sea to the Central Anatolia: Tec- tonic evolution of Northern Neo Te- thys. Journal of the Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, 5 (1), 1-33 (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, Y., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Genç, S.C., and Şengör, A.M.C., 1997. Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides In: Regional and petroleum geology of the Black Sea and surrounding region. A.G. Robinson (ed.), Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 68, 183-226.
Year 2008, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 147 - 158, 01.04.2008



  • Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., and Flynn, J.J., 1985. Jurassic to Paleogene part 2, Paleogene geochronology and chro- nostratigraphy. In: The Chronology of the Geological Record. N. J. Snelling (ed.): Memorial Geology Society Lon- don, 10, 141-186.
  • Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher, C.C., and Aurby, M.P., 1995. A revised Cenozoic geochronology and choronostratigra- phy. In: Geochronology, time scale and global correlations: an united temporal framework for an historical geology, W.A. Berggren, D.V. Kent, M.P. Aubry, and J. Herdenbol (eds.), Schweizeri- sche Mineralogische und Petrogra- phische Mitteilungen, Special Publica- tion, 54, 129-212.
  • Geologic Time Scale, 1999. Compilers, Palm- er, A.R. and Geıssman, Journal of the Geological Society of America. Product code CTS004.
  • İnan, N., 1993. Kronostratigrafik bir seviye: İlerdiyen (Ilerdian : A Chronostratigrafıc Level). Proccedings of the A.Suat Erk Geology Symposium, Ankara, pp. 75- 81 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., 1996. The geographic extension and stratigraphic distribution of Laffitteina species in Turkey. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 39 (1), 41-51 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, S. and İnan, N. , 1987. Tecer Kireçtaşı For- masyonunun stratigrafik tanımlaması (Stratigraphic definition of Tecer Lime- stone Formation). Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Cumhuriyet Üniversity, Serie A- Earthsciences. 4 (1), 13-22 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., and İnan, S. , 2002. Tecer formasyo- nunun (Sivas) Doğu Pontidlerle ilişkisi (Relationship of Tecer Formation (Sivas) with Eastern Pontides). 55 th Geologi- cal Congress of Turkey, Abstracts, pp. 120-121 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., İnan, S., and Kurt, I., 1999. Doğu Pon- tidlerde uyumlu bentik K/T geçişi: Tonya formasyonunun (GB Trabzon) Şahinkaya üyesi, (Şahinkaya member of the Tonya formation (SW Trabzon). Conformable Benthic K/T Transition in Eastern Pon- tides) : Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 42 (2), 63-67 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N, Taslı, K., and İnan, S., 2005. Laffittei- na from the Maastrichtian- Paleocene shallow marine carbonate successions of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): biozonation and microfacies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25 (2), 367-378.
  • Jenkins, D. G., and Luterbacher, H., 1992. Pa- leogene stages and their boundaries (Introductory remarks). Neues Jahres- buch Geologische Palaontologische Abhandlungen, 186, 1-5.
  • Ketin, İ. , 1966. Tectonic units of Anatolia. Bul- letin of the General Directorate of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 66, 23-34 ( in Turkish).
  • Meriç, E., and İnan, N., 1998. Sirelina orduensis (Foraminifer) a new genus and species from the Maastrichtian of north-east Anatolia (Gölköy-Ordu): Micropaleon- tology, 44(2), 195-200.
  • Odin, G. S., and Luterbacher, H., 1992. The age of the Paleogene stage boundaries. Neues Jahresbuch Geologische Pala- ontologische Abhandlungen, Stuttgart, 186, 21-48.
  • Özgen-Erdem, N., İnan, N., Akyazı, M., and Tunoğlu, C., 2005. Benthonic forami- niferal assemblages and microfacies analysis of Paleocene-Eocene carbon- ate rocks in the Kastamonu region, Northern Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25, 403-417.
  • Perch-Nielsen, K., and Hansen, J. M., 1981. Se- landian. Bulletin d’Information des Géo- logues du Bassin de Paris, 2, 219-230.
  • Robinson, A.G., Banks, C. J., Rutherford, M. M., and Hırst, J.P.P., 1995. Stratigraphic and structural development of the East- ern Pontides. Journal of the Geological Society, 152, 861-872.
  • Rosenkrantz, A., 1924. De Kobenhavnske gron- sandslag og deres placering dem Dan- ske lagraekke (med et skema over der danske Paleocaen). Dansk Geologisk Forening-Geological Society of Den- mark, 6, 23-39.
  • Serra-Kiel, J., Martin-Martin, M., El Mamoune, B., Martin-Algarra, A., Martin- Perez, J. A., Tosquella, J., Ferrandez-Canadel, C., and Serrano, Y. F., 1998a. Bioestrati- grafia y litoestratigrafia del Paleogeno del area de Sierra Espuna (Cordillera Betica Oriental, SE de Espana). Acta Geologica Hispanica, 31 (1996), 1-3, 161-189.
  • Sera-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A. K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R, Pignatti, J., Samso, J.M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambareau,Y., Tosquella, J., and Za- krevskaya, E., 1998b. Larger foraminif- eral biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Pa- leocene and Eocene. Societe Géologie France, 169 (2), 281-299.
  • Sirel, E., 1998. Foraminiferal description and biostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Lower Eocene shallow-water limestones and discussion on the Cretaceous-Ter- tiary boundary in Turkey. General Di- rectorate of the Mineral Research and Exploratıion. Monography Series No.2 117, pl. 67 (in Turkish).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1987. Tectonics of the Tethys- icles : Orogenic Collage development in a Collisional Setting. Annual Review Earth Planet Science, 15, 213- 244.
  • Tüysüz, O. , 1993. A geo-traverse from the Black Sea to the Central Anatolia: Tec- tonic evolution of Northern Neo Te- thys. Journal of the Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, 5 (1), 1-33 (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, Y., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Genç, S.C., and Şengör, A.M.C., 1997. Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides In: Regional and petroleum geology of the Black Sea and surrounding region. A.G. Robinson (ed.), Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 68, 183-226.

Türkiye'nin kuzeydoğu kesiminde Selandiyen (Üst Paleosen) bentik foraminifer toplulukları ve stratigrafik dağılımları

Year 2008, Volume: 29 Issue: 3, 147 - 158, 01.04.2008


Bu çalışmada,Türkiye’nin kuzeydoğu kesimindeki bazı sığ denizel karbonat istiflerinde Selandiyen’in bentik foraminifer toplulukları tesbit edilmiştir. Bu topluluklardan, Laffitteina erki (Sirel), Kathina selveri Smout, Rotalia trochidiformis (Lamarck) ve Cuvillierina sireli İnan’ın ilk bulunuşları Selandiyen’in alt sınırını belirler ve bunlar Tanesiyen’de de mevcutturlar. Kayseriella decastroi Sirel, Ankaraella trochoidea Sirel ve Thalmannita sp.’nin, Türkiye’nin kuzeydoğu kesimindeki yerel stratigrafik dağılımları ise, sadece Selandiyen’le sınırlıdır


  • Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., and Flynn, J.J., 1985. Jurassic to Paleogene part 2, Paleogene geochronology and chro- nostratigraphy. In: The Chronology of the Geological Record. N. J. Snelling (ed.): Memorial Geology Society Lon- don, 10, 141-186.
  • Berggren, W.A., Kent, D.V., Swisher, C.C., and Aurby, M.P., 1995. A revised Cenozoic geochronology and choronostratigra- phy. In: Geochronology, time scale and global correlations: an united temporal framework for an historical geology, W.A. Berggren, D.V. Kent, M.P. Aubry, and J. Herdenbol (eds.), Schweizeri- sche Mineralogische und Petrogra- phische Mitteilungen, Special Publica- tion, 54, 129-212.
  • Geologic Time Scale, 1999. Compilers, Palm- er, A.R. and Geıssman, Journal of the Geological Society of America. Product code CTS004.
  • İnan, N., 1993. Kronostratigrafik bir seviye: İlerdiyen (Ilerdian : A Chronostratigrafıc Level). Proccedings of the A.Suat Erk Geology Symposium, Ankara, pp. 75- 81 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., 1996. The geographic extension and stratigraphic distribution of Laffitteina species in Turkey. Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 39 (1), 41-51 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, S. and İnan, N. , 1987. Tecer Kireçtaşı For- masyonunun stratigrafik tanımlaması (Stratigraphic definition of Tecer Lime- stone Formation). Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Cumhuriyet Üniversity, Serie A- Earthsciences. 4 (1), 13-22 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., and İnan, S. , 2002. Tecer formasyo- nunun (Sivas) Doğu Pontidlerle ilişkisi (Relationship of Tecer Formation (Sivas) with Eastern Pontides). 55 th Geologi- cal Congress of Turkey, Abstracts, pp. 120-121 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N., İnan, S., and Kurt, I., 1999. Doğu Pon- tidlerde uyumlu bentik K/T geçişi: Tonya formasyonunun (GB Trabzon) Şahinkaya üyesi, (Şahinkaya member of the Tonya formation (SW Trabzon). Conformable Benthic K/T Transition in Eastern Pon- tides) : Geological Bulletin of Turkey, 42 (2), 63-67 (in Turkish).
  • İnan, N, Taslı, K., and İnan, S., 2005. Laffittei- na from the Maastrichtian- Paleocene shallow marine carbonate successions of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): biozonation and microfacies. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25 (2), 367-378.
  • Jenkins, D. G., and Luterbacher, H., 1992. Pa- leogene stages and their boundaries (Introductory remarks). Neues Jahres- buch Geologische Palaontologische Abhandlungen, 186, 1-5.
  • Ketin, İ. , 1966. Tectonic units of Anatolia. Bul- letin of the General Directorate of the Mineral Research and Exploration, 66, 23-34 ( in Turkish).
  • Meriç, E., and İnan, N., 1998. Sirelina orduensis (Foraminifer) a new genus and species from the Maastrichtian of north-east Anatolia (Gölköy-Ordu): Micropaleon- tology, 44(2), 195-200.
  • Odin, G. S., and Luterbacher, H., 1992. The age of the Paleogene stage boundaries. Neues Jahresbuch Geologische Pala- ontologische Abhandlungen, Stuttgart, 186, 21-48.
  • Özgen-Erdem, N., İnan, N., Akyazı, M., and Tunoğlu, C., 2005. Benthonic forami- niferal assemblages and microfacies analysis of Paleocene-Eocene carbon- ate rocks in the Kastamonu region, Northern Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 25, 403-417.
  • Perch-Nielsen, K., and Hansen, J. M., 1981. Se- landian. Bulletin d’Information des Géo- logues du Bassin de Paris, 2, 219-230.
  • Robinson, A.G., Banks, C. J., Rutherford, M. M., and Hırst, J.P.P., 1995. Stratigraphic and structural development of the East- ern Pontides. Journal of the Geological Society, 152, 861-872.
  • Rosenkrantz, A., 1924. De Kobenhavnske gron- sandslag og deres placering dem Dan- ske lagraekke (med et skema over der danske Paleocaen). Dansk Geologisk Forening-Geological Society of Den- mark, 6, 23-39.
  • Serra-Kiel, J., Martin-Martin, M., El Mamoune, B., Martin-Algarra, A., Martin- Perez, J. A., Tosquella, J., Ferrandez-Canadel, C., and Serrano, Y. F., 1998a. Bioestrati- grafia y litoestratigrafia del Paleogeno del area de Sierra Espuna (Cordillera Betica Oriental, SE de Espana). Acta Geologica Hispanica, 31 (1996), 1-3, 161-189.
  • Sera-Kiel, J., Hottinger, L., Caus, E., Drobne, K., Ferrandez, C., Jauhri, A. K., Less, G., Pavlovec, R, Pignatti, J., Samso, J.M., Schaub, H., Sirel, E., Strougo, A., Tambareau,Y., Tosquella, J., and Za- krevskaya, E., 1998b. Larger foraminif- eral biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Pa- leocene and Eocene. Societe Géologie France, 169 (2), 281-299.
  • Sirel, E., 1998. Foraminiferal description and biostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Lower Eocene shallow-water limestones and discussion on the Cretaceous-Ter- tiary boundary in Turkey. General Di- rectorate of the Mineral Research and Exploratıion. Monography Series No.2 117, pl. 67 (in Turkish).
  • Şengör, A.M.C., 1987. Tectonics of the Tethys- icles : Orogenic Collage development in a Collisional Setting. Annual Review Earth Planet Science, 15, 213- 244.
  • Tüysüz, O. , 1993. A geo-traverse from the Black Sea to the Central Anatolia: Tec- tonic evolution of Northern Neo Te- thys. Journal of the Turkish Association of Petroleum Geologists, 5 (1), 1-33 (in Turkish).
  • Yılmaz, Y., Tüysüz, O., Yiğitbaş, E., Genç, S.C., and Şengör, A.M.C., 1997. Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides In: Regional and petroleum geology of the Black Sea and surrounding region. A.G. Robinson (ed.), Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 68, 183-226.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nurdan İnan This is me

Selim İnan This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2008
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 29 Issue: 3


EndNote İnan N, İnan S (April 1, 2008) Türkiye’nin kuzeydoğu kesiminde Selandiyen (Üst Paleosen) bentik foraminifer toplulukları ve stratigrafik dağılımları. Yerbilimleri 29 3 147–158.