Research Article
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Dorcatherium Minus (Tragulidae-Artiodactyla-Mammalia) From the Nagri Type Area of the Nagri Formation, Middle Siwaliks, Northern Pakistan: New Collection

Year 2011, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 141 - 168, 01.02.2011


New tragulid material from the outcrops nearby Nagri type locality, Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan, is described and discussed. The late Miocene deposits of the Nagri type area yielded fossil remains of Dorcatherium minus, associated with D. majus, Dorcabune nagrii, Brachypotherium, Hipparion, Listriodon, bovids and giraffids. The collected material includes upper and lower dentition, and ascribed to the Siwalik tragulid species D. minus. The recovered material greatly improves the sample size of the species D. minus, known from the Siwaliks. Information from D. minus is consistent with previous interpretations, that the Nagri deposits were formed under swampy and littoral palaeoenvironmental conditions.


  • Agnarsson, I., and Maycollado, L. J., 2008. The phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla: The im- portance of dense taxon sampling, missing data, and the remarkable pro- mise of cytochrome b to provide reliab- le species level phylogenies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 48, 964- 985.
  • Akhtar, M., 1992. Taxonomy and Distribution of the Siwalik Bovids. PhD Thesis, Univer- sity of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Arambourg, C., and Piveteau, J., 1929. Aram- bourg, C., Piveteau, J., 1929. Les Vertébrés du Pontien de Salonique. An- nales de Paléontologie, 18, 59–138.
  • Arambourg, C., 1933. Mammifères miocènes du
  • Tarkana (Afrique Orientale). Annales de
  • Paléontologie, Paris, 22, 121-148.
  • Barry, J. C., Morgan, M. E., Flynn, L. J., Pilbe- am, D., Behrensmeyer, A. K., Mahmo- od, S. R., Khan, I. A., Badgley, C., Hicks,
  • J., and Kelley, J., 2002. Faunal and en
  • vironmental change in the late Miocene
  • Siwaliks of northern Pakistan. Paleobi
  • ology, 28 (2), 1-71.
  • Bibi, F., 2007. Origin, paleoecology and paleo- biogeography of early Bovini. Palaeo- geography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo- ecology, 248(1-2), 60-72.
  • Colbert, 1935. Siwalik mammals in the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History. Tran- sactions of American Philosophical So- ciety, New Series, 26, 1-401.
  • Dennell, R., Coard, R., and Turner, A. 2006. The biostratigraphy and magnetic polarity zonation of the Pabbi Hills, northern Pa- kistan: An Upper Siwalik (Pinjor Stage) Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene flu- vial sequence. Palaeogeography, Pa- laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 234, 168-185.
  • Dubost, G., 1965. Quelques traits remarquab- les du comportement de Hyemoschus aquaticus. Biologia Gabonica, 1, 282- 287.
  • Eronen, J. T., and Rössner, G. E., 2007. Wet- land paradise lost: Miocene community dynamics in large herbivorous mam- mals from the German Molasse Basin. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9, 471- 494.
  • Farooq, U., 2006. Studies of evolutionary trends in dentition of the Siwalik tragulids. PhD
  • Thesis, University of the Punjab, Pakis- tan.
  • Farooq, U., Khan, M. A., Akhtar, M., Khan, A. M., and Ali, Z., 2007a. Dorcatherium minus from the Siwaliks, Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 17 (3-4), 86-89.
  • Farooq, U., Akbar Khan, M., Akhtar, M., and Khan, A. M., 2007b. Dorcatherium ma- jus, a study of upper dentition from the Lower and Middle Siwaliks of Pakistan. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(9), 1299- 1303.
  • Farooq, U., Akbar Khan, M., Akhtar, M., and Khan, A. M., 2008. Lower Dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mam- malia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32, 91-98.
  • Gentry, A. W., and Hooker, J. J., 1988. The phylogeny of Artiodactyla. In: The Phylogeny and Classification of the
  • Tetrapods. Vol. 2: Mammals, (ed. M. J.
  • Benton), Systematics Association Spe
  • cial Volume No. 35B Clarendon, Oxford, pp. 235-272.
  • Gentry, A. W., 1994. The Miocene differentiation of Old World Pecora (Mammalia). Histo- rical Biology, 7: 115-158.
  • Gentry, A. W., 2005. Ruminants of Rudabanya. Palaeontographica Italica, 90, 283-302.
  • Groves, P., and Meijaard, E., 2005. Interspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian chev- rotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplementary, 12, 413-421.
  • Grubb, P., 1993. Order Artiodactyla. In: C. M. Wemmer (ed.), Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (2nd ed.), pp. 377–414.
  • Hamilton, W. R., 1973. The lower Miocene ru- minants of Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) London. Geology, 21 (3), 75-150.
  • Hassanin, A., and Douzery, E. J. P., 2003. Mole- cular and morphological phylogenies of Ruminantia and the alternative position of the Moschidae. Systematic Biology, 52, 206–228.
  • Heissig, K., 1972. Palaontolgische and geolo- gische Untersuchungen im Tertiär vom Pakistan, 5. Rhinocerotidae (Mamm.) aus den unteren und mittleren Siwalik- Schichten. der Wissenschaften Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Ab- handlungen, Neue Folge, 152, 1-112.
  • Janis, C. M., 1984. Tragulids as living fossils. In: N. Eldredge and S.M. Stanley (eds.), Li- ving Fossils. Casebooks in Earth Scien- ces, NewYork, pp. 87–94.
  • Kaup, J. J., and Scholl, J. B., 1834. Verzeichniss der Gypsabgüsse von den ausgezeich- netsten urweltlichen Thierresten des Grossherzoglichen Museum zu Darm- stadt, 6–28.
  • Kay, R. N. B., 1987. The comparative anatomy and physiology of digestion in tragulids and cervids, and its relation to food in- take. In: C. M. Wemmer (ed.), Biology and Management of the Cervidae, Re- search Symposia of the National Zoolo- gical Park, pp. 214–222.
  • Köhler, M., 1993. Skeleton and habitat of recent and fossil ruminants. Münchner geo- wissenschaftliche Abh. (A), 25, 1–88.
  • Lydekker, R., 1876. Molar teeth and other rema- ins of Mammalia from the India Territori- es. Palaeontologia Indica, 10 (2), 19-87.
  • Made van der, J., and Hussain, S. T., 1989.
  • “Microstonyx” major (Suidae, Artiodact
  • yla) from the Type Area of the Nagri For
  • mation, Siwalik Group, Pakistan. Estu
  • dios Geologica, 45, 409-416.
  • Marcot, J. D., 2007. Molecular phylogeny of ter- restrial artiodactyls. Conflicts and reso- lution. In: D. R. Prothero and S. E. Foss (eds.), the Evolution of Artiodactyls. The
  • Johns Hopkins University Press, Balti- more, pp. 4-18.
  • Meijaard, E., and Groves, C. P., 2004. A taxono- mic revision of the Tragulus mouse deer (Artiodactyla). Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 140, 63-102.
  • Metais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger J. J., and Ducrocq, S., 2001. New remains of pri- mitive ruminants from Thailand: eviden- ce of the early evolution of the Rumi- nantia in Asia. Zoologica Scripta, 30, 231-248.
  • Nanda, A. C., 2002. Upper Siwalik mammalian fa- unas of India and associated events. Jo- urnal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21, 47-58.
  • Nowak, R. M., 1999. Walker’s Mammals of the World (6th ed.), Volumes I and II, pp. 1-1629.
  • Pickford, M., Senut, B., Mourer- Chauviré, C., 2004. Early Pliocene Tragulidae and pe- afowls in the Rift Valley, Kenya: Eviden- ce for rainforest in East Africa. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 3, 179-189.
  • Pickford, M., 1988. Revision of the Miocene Su- idae of the Indian Subcontinent. Münc- hner Geowissenschaften Abh., 12, 1-91.
  • Pilgrim, G. E., 1937. Siwalik antelopes and oxen in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, 72, 729-874.
  • Pilgrim, G. E., 1939. The fossil Bovidae of India. Palaeontolgia Indica, New Series, 26 (1), 1-356.
  • Prasad, K. N., 1968. The vertebrate fauna from the Siwalik beds of Haritayangar, Hi- machal Pradesh, India. Palaeontologia Indica, New Series, 39: 1-55.
  • Rössner, G. E., 2007. Family Tragulidae. In: D. R. Prothero and S. E. Foss (eds.), the Evo- lution of Artiodactyls. The Johns Hop- kins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 213–220.
  • Rössner, G. E., 2010. Systematics and pa- laeoecology of Ruminantia (Artio- dactyla, Mammalia) from the Mioce- ne of Sandelzhausen (southern Ger- many, Northern Alpine Foreland Ba- sin). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 84, 123-162.
  • Sahni, A., Tiwari, B. N., and Kumar, K., 1980. An Additional Lower Siwalik Vertebrate Fauna from the Kalagarh Area, District Pauri Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Procee- dings Indian Geological Congress, Po- ona, 3, 81-90.
  • Solounias, N., 1999. The Paleoecology of the Pikermian Biome and the savanna myth. In: Agustí, J., et al. (Eds.), Homi- noid evolution and climatic change in Europe I: the evolution of Neogene ter- restrial ecosystems in Europe. Camb- ridge University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 436–453.
  • Thomas, H., 1977. Un nouveau Bovidé dans les couches à Hominoidea du Nagri (Siwa- liks moyens), Plateau du Potwar, Pa- kistan: Elachistoceras khauristanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, XIX(2), 375-383.
  • Thomas, H., 1984. Les bovidés anté-hipparions des Siwaliks inférieurs (Plateau du Pot- war), Pakistan. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, Paris, 145, 1-68.
  • Vislobokova, I. A., 2001. Evolution and Classi- fication of Tragulina (Ruminantia, Ar- tiodactyla). Paleontological Journal, Supplementary, 35 (2): 69–145.
  • Whitworth, T., 1958. Miocene ruminants of East Africa. Fossil Mammals of Africa. Bul- letin British Museum of Natural History, 15, 1-50.
  • West, R. M., 1980. A minute new species of Dor- catherium (Tragulidae, Mammalia) from the Chinji Formation near Daud Khel, Mianwail disctrict, Pakistan. Contribu- tions in Biology and Geology, 33: 1–6.

Nagri Formasyonu Tip Lokalitesinden (Orta Siwalik, Kuzey Pakistan) Dorcatherium Minus (Tragulidae-Artiodactyla-Mammalia): Yeni Kolleksiyon

Year 2011, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 141 - 168, 01.02.2011


Nagri formasyonu tip lokalitesindeki yüzleklerde (Jhelum, Punjab, Pakistan) saptanan yeni tragulid bulguları tanımlanmış ve tartışılmıştır. Nagri tip lokasyonunun geç Miyosen çökellerinde Dorcatherium minus fosil kalıntıları D.majus, Dorcabune nagrii, Brachypotherium, Hipparion, Listriodon, bovid ve zürafa kalıntıları ile birlikte bulunmuştur. Üst ve alt dişlenmelerden oluşan bulgular Sivalik tragulid’e ait D.minus türüne işaret etmektedir. Keşfedilen kalıntılar Siwaliksteki bilinen D.minus örneklerinin zenginleşmesini sağlamıştır. D. minus bulgularından elde edilen bilgiler önceki yorumlarla uyumlu olup Nagri çökelleri bataklık ve litoral ortam koşullarında oluşmuştur


  • Agnarsson, I., and Maycollado, L. J., 2008. The phylogeny of Cetartiodactyla: The im- portance of dense taxon sampling, missing data, and the remarkable pro- mise of cytochrome b to provide reliab- le species level phylogenies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 48, 964- 985.
  • Akhtar, M., 1992. Taxonomy and Distribution of the Siwalik Bovids. PhD Thesis, Univer- sity of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Arambourg, C., and Piveteau, J., 1929. Aram- bourg, C., Piveteau, J., 1929. Les Vertébrés du Pontien de Salonique. An- nales de Paléontologie, 18, 59–138.
  • Arambourg, C., 1933. Mammifères miocènes du
  • Tarkana (Afrique Orientale). Annales de
  • Paléontologie, Paris, 22, 121-148.
  • Barry, J. C., Morgan, M. E., Flynn, L. J., Pilbe- am, D., Behrensmeyer, A. K., Mahmo- od, S. R., Khan, I. A., Badgley, C., Hicks,
  • J., and Kelley, J., 2002. Faunal and en
  • vironmental change in the late Miocene
  • Siwaliks of northern Pakistan. Paleobi
  • ology, 28 (2), 1-71.
  • Bibi, F., 2007. Origin, paleoecology and paleo- biogeography of early Bovini. Palaeo- geography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo- ecology, 248(1-2), 60-72.
  • Colbert, 1935. Siwalik mammals in the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History. Tran- sactions of American Philosophical So- ciety, New Series, 26, 1-401.
  • Dennell, R., Coard, R., and Turner, A. 2006. The biostratigraphy and magnetic polarity zonation of the Pabbi Hills, northern Pa- kistan: An Upper Siwalik (Pinjor Stage) Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene flu- vial sequence. Palaeogeography, Pa- laeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 234, 168-185.
  • Dubost, G., 1965. Quelques traits remarquab- les du comportement de Hyemoschus aquaticus. Biologia Gabonica, 1, 282- 287.
  • Eronen, J. T., and Rössner, G. E., 2007. Wet- land paradise lost: Miocene community dynamics in large herbivorous mam- mals from the German Molasse Basin. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9, 471- 494.
  • Farooq, U., 2006. Studies of evolutionary trends in dentition of the Siwalik tragulids. PhD
  • Thesis, University of the Punjab, Pakis- tan.
  • Farooq, U., Khan, M. A., Akhtar, M., Khan, A. M., and Ali, Z., 2007a. Dorcatherium minus from the Siwaliks, Pakistan. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 17 (3-4), 86-89.
  • Farooq, U., Akbar Khan, M., Akhtar, M., and Khan, A. M., 2007b. Dorcatherium ma- jus, a study of upper dentition from the Lower and Middle Siwaliks of Pakistan. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(9), 1299- 1303.
  • Farooq, U., Akbar Khan, M., Akhtar, M., and Khan, A. M., 2008. Lower Dentition of Dorcatherium majus (Tragulidae, Mam- malia) in the Lower and Middle Siwaliks (Miocene) of Pakistan. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 32, 91-98.
  • Gentry, A. W., and Hooker, J. J., 1988. The phylogeny of Artiodactyla. In: The Phylogeny and Classification of the
  • Tetrapods. Vol. 2: Mammals, (ed. M. J.
  • Benton), Systematics Association Spe
  • cial Volume No. 35B Clarendon, Oxford, pp. 235-272.
  • Gentry, A. W., 1994. The Miocene differentiation of Old World Pecora (Mammalia). Histo- rical Biology, 7: 115-158.
  • Gentry, A. W., 2005. Ruminants of Rudabanya. Palaeontographica Italica, 90, 283-302.
  • Groves, P., and Meijaard, E., 2005. Interspecific variation in Moschiola, the Indian chev- rotain. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplementary, 12, 413-421.
  • Grubb, P., 1993. Order Artiodactyla. In: C. M. Wemmer (ed.), Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (2nd ed.), pp. 377–414.
  • Hamilton, W. R., 1973. The lower Miocene ru- minants of Gebel Zelten, Libya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) London. Geology, 21 (3), 75-150.
  • Hassanin, A., and Douzery, E. J. P., 2003. Mole- cular and morphological phylogenies of Ruminantia and the alternative position of the Moschidae. Systematic Biology, 52, 206–228.
  • Heissig, K., 1972. Palaontolgische and geolo- gische Untersuchungen im Tertiär vom Pakistan, 5. Rhinocerotidae (Mamm.) aus den unteren und mittleren Siwalik- Schichten. der Wissenschaften Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Ab- handlungen, Neue Folge, 152, 1-112.
  • Janis, C. M., 1984. Tragulids as living fossils. In: N. Eldredge and S.M. Stanley (eds.), Li- ving Fossils. Casebooks in Earth Scien- ces, NewYork, pp. 87–94.
  • Kaup, J. J., and Scholl, J. B., 1834. Verzeichniss der Gypsabgüsse von den ausgezeich- netsten urweltlichen Thierresten des Grossherzoglichen Museum zu Darm- stadt, 6–28.
  • Kay, R. N. B., 1987. The comparative anatomy and physiology of digestion in tragulids and cervids, and its relation to food in- take. In: C. M. Wemmer (ed.), Biology and Management of the Cervidae, Re- search Symposia of the National Zoolo- gical Park, pp. 214–222.
  • Köhler, M., 1993. Skeleton and habitat of recent and fossil ruminants. Münchner geo- wissenschaftliche Abh. (A), 25, 1–88.
  • Lydekker, R., 1876. Molar teeth and other rema- ins of Mammalia from the India Territori- es. Palaeontologia Indica, 10 (2), 19-87.
  • Made van der, J., and Hussain, S. T., 1989.
  • “Microstonyx” major (Suidae, Artiodact
  • yla) from the Type Area of the Nagri For
  • mation, Siwalik Group, Pakistan. Estu
  • dios Geologica, 45, 409-416.
  • Marcot, J. D., 2007. Molecular phylogeny of ter- restrial artiodactyls. Conflicts and reso- lution. In: D. R. Prothero and S. E. Foss (eds.), the Evolution of Artiodactyls. The
  • Johns Hopkins University Press, Balti- more, pp. 4-18.
  • Meijaard, E., and Groves, C. P., 2004. A taxono- mic revision of the Tragulus mouse deer (Artiodactyla). Zoological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 140, 63-102.
  • Metais, G., Chaimanee, Y., Jaeger J. J., and Ducrocq, S., 2001. New remains of pri- mitive ruminants from Thailand: eviden- ce of the early evolution of the Rumi- nantia in Asia. Zoologica Scripta, 30, 231-248.
  • Nanda, A. C., 2002. Upper Siwalik mammalian fa- unas of India and associated events. Jo- urnal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21, 47-58.
  • Nowak, R. M., 1999. Walker’s Mammals of the World (6th ed.), Volumes I and II, pp. 1-1629.
  • Pickford, M., Senut, B., Mourer- Chauviré, C., 2004. Early Pliocene Tragulidae and pe- afowls in the Rift Valley, Kenya: Eviden- ce for rainforest in East Africa. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 3, 179-189.
  • Pickford, M., 1988. Revision of the Miocene Su- idae of the Indian Subcontinent. Münc- hner Geowissenschaften Abh., 12, 1-91.
  • Pilgrim, G. E., 1937. Siwalik antelopes and oxen in the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, 72, 729-874.
  • Pilgrim, G. E., 1939. The fossil Bovidae of India. Palaeontolgia Indica, New Series, 26 (1), 1-356.
  • Prasad, K. N., 1968. The vertebrate fauna from the Siwalik beds of Haritayangar, Hi- machal Pradesh, India. Palaeontologia Indica, New Series, 39: 1-55.
  • Rössner, G. E., 2007. Family Tragulidae. In: D. R. Prothero and S. E. Foss (eds.), the Evo- lution of Artiodactyls. The Johns Hop- kins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 213–220.
  • Rössner, G. E., 2010. Systematics and pa- laeoecology of Ruminantia (Artio- dactyla, Mammalia) from the Mioce- ne of Sandelzhausen (southern Ger- many, Northern Alpine Foreland Ba- sin). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 84, 123-162.
  • Sahni, A., Tiwari, B. N., and Kumar, K., 1980. An Additional Lower Siwalik Vertebrate Fauna from the Kalagarh Area, District Pauri Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, Procee- dings Indian Geological Congress, Po- ona, 3, 81-90.
  • Solounias, N., 1999. The Paleoecology of the Pikermian Biome and the savanna myth. In: Agustí, J., et al. (Eds.), Homi- noid evolution and climatic change in Europe I: the evolution of Neogene ter- restrial ecosystems in Europe. Camb- ridge University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 436–453.
  • Thomas, H., 1977. Un nouveau Bovidé dans les couches à Hominoidea du Nagri (Siwa- liks moyens), Plateau du Potwar, Pa- kistan: Elachistoceras khauristanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Bovidae, Artiodactyla, Mammalia). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, XIX(2), 375-383.
  • Thomas, H., 1984. Les bovidés anté-hipparions des Siwaliks inférieurs (Plateau du Pot- war), Pakistan. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, Paris, 145, 1-68.
  • Vislobokova, I. A., 2001. Evolution and Classi- fication of Tragulina (Ruminantia, Ar- tiodactyla). Paleontological Journal, Supplementary, 35 (2): 69–145.
  • Whitworth, T., 1958. Miocene ruminants of East Africa. Fossil Mammals of Africa. Bul- letin British Museum of Natural History, 15, 1-50.
  • West, R. M., 1980. A minute new species of Dor- catherium (Tragulidae, Mammalia) from the Chinji Formation near Daud Khel, Mianwail disctrict, Pakistan. Contribu- tions in Biology and Geology, 33: 1–6.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehboob Iqbal This is me

Muhammad Akbar Khan This is me

Muhammad Atıq This is me

Tasneem Ikram This is me

Muhammad Akhtar This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2011
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


EndNote Iqbal M, Khan MA, Atıq M, Ikram T, Akhtar M (February 1, 2011) Dorcatherium Minus (Tragulidae-Artiodactyla-Mammalia) From the Nagri Type Area of the Nagri Formation, Middle Siwaliks, Northern Pakistan: New Collection. Yerbilimleri 32 1 141–168.