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Geochemistry and the Origin of Manganese Mineralizations in Derbent (Yozgat) Region

Year 2011, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2011



  • Akçay, A.E., Dönmez, M., Kara H., Yergök, A.F. ve Esentürk K., 2007. 1/100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji Harita- ları Serisi, Yozgat-İ33 Paftası. MTA, An- kara, 80, 1-16
  • Akçe, M.A. ve Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 2005. Yozgat Ba- toliti kuzey bölümündeki lökogranitlerin petrolojisi. TJK Bül. 48/2, 1-20
  • Birgili, s. Yoldaş, R. ve Unalan, G., 1975. Çankırı-Çorum Havzası’nın jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları: MTA Ankara, rapor no: 5621,78
  • Bonatti, E., Kraemer, T., ve Bydell, H., 1972. Classification and genesis of submari- ne iron-manganese deposits. ln Horn, D., ed., Ferromanganese deposits on the ocean flor. Washington, D.C., Natl. Sci. Found., 149-166
  • Bonatti, E., 1975. Metallogenesis at oceanic spreading centers. Annual Review of Earth Planetary and Science Letters 3, 401—433
  • Bonnot-Courtois, C. 1981. Distribution des terres rares dans les dépots hydrot- hermaux de la zone Famous et des Galapagos-comparison avec les sediments metalliferes. Marine Geology 39, 1-14
  • Choi, J.H. ve Hariya, Y., 1992. Geochemistry and Depositional Environment of Mn Oxide deposits in the Tokoro Belt. Nort- heastern Hokkaido, Japan: Economic Geology, 87, 1265-1274
  • Crerar, D.A., Namson, J., Chyi, M.S., Williams, L. ve Feigenson, MD., 1982. Manganife- rous cherts of the Fransiscan assemb- lage: l. General geology, ancient and modern analogues, and implications for hydrothermal convection at oceanic spreading centers. Economic Geology,
  • Cronan, D.S., Glasby, G.P., Moorby, S.A., Thomson, J., Knedler, K.E. ve McDo- ugall, J.C., 1982. A submarine hydrot- hermal manganese deposit from the South-west Pacific Island Arc. Nature 298, 456—458
  • Dalkılıç, H., Dönmez, M. ve Akçay, A. E., 2008. 1/100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Tür- kiye Jeoloji Haritaları Serisi, Yozgat-İ35 Pattası, MTA, Ankara, No:82
  • Delian F., 1994. Geological and Geochemical Research of the Manganese ore Bed (in Chinese). M 1. Beijing: Weather Pub- lishing Pres.
  • Dubinin A.V. ve Volkov l l. 1986. Rare earth ele- ments in metalliferous sediments of the East, Pacific Rise J. Geokhimija, 5, 645- 655.
  • Elderfield, H., Hawkesworth, C.J., Greaves, M.J. ve Calvert, S.E., 1981. Rare earth ele- ment geochemistry of oceanic ferro- manganese nodules and associated sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochi- mica Acta, 45, 513—528.
  • Ehrlich, H. L., 1968. Bacteriology of mangane- se nodules. ll. Manganese oxidation by cell-free extract from a namanese no- dule bacterium. Applied Microbiology, 16, 197-202
  • Evensen, M.N., Hamilton, P. ve O’Nions, R.K., 1978. Rare-earth abundances in chond- ritic meteorites. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 42, 1199
  • Fernandez, A. ve Moro, M.C., 1998. Origin and depositional environment of Ordovician stratiform iron mineralization from Za- mora (NW Iberian Peninsula). Minerali- um Deposita. 33, 606-619
  • Fitzgerald, C.E. ve Gillis, K.M., 2006. Hydrot- hermal manganese oxide deposits from Baby Bare seamount in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology. 225, 145—156
  • Ghaderi, M., Palin, M., Sylvester, P. ve Camp- bell, |., 2006. Composition and sour- ce of hydrothermal fluids in gold depo- sits of the Kalgoorlie-Norseman region of Western Australia inferred from rare earth element systematics in scheeli- te. Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Can- berra, ACT 0200, Australia.
  • Gültekin, A. H., 1998. Geochemistry and origin of the Oligocene Binkılıç manganese deposit, Thrace basin, Turkey. Tr. J. of Earth Sciences, 11.
  • Hein, J.R., Schulz, M.S. ve Kang, J.-K., 1990. Insular and submarine ferromanganese mineralization of the Tonga—Lau region. Marine Mining, 9, 305—354.
  • Hein, J.R., Marjorie, S.S. ve Gein, L.M., 1992. Central Pasific cobalt rich ferromanga- nese crusts. Historical perspective and regional variability. Keating, BH., and Balton, B.R., (eds) Geology and offsho- re mineral resources of the central Pa- sific basin, circum Pasific council for energy and mineral resources. v. 14, Earth science series, New York Sprin- gerVerlag.
  • Hein, J.R., Yeh, H.-W., Gunn, S.H., Gibbs, A.E. ve Wang, C.-H., 1994. Composition and origin of hydrothermal ironstones from central Pacific seamounts. Geoc- him. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 179—189.
  • Hein, J.R., Kochinsky, A., Halbach, P., Manheim, F.T., Bau, M., Kang, J.-K., Lubick, N., 1997. Iron and manganese oxide mine- ralization in the Pacific. In: Nicholson, K., Hein, J.H., Buhn, B., Dasgupta, S. (Eds.), Manganese Mineralization: Ge- ochemistry and Mineralogy of Terrestri- al and Marine Deposits, Geological So- ciety. Lond. Spec. Publ., 119, 123—138.
  • Ingram, B.L., Hein, J.H. ve Farmer, G.L., 1990. Age determinations and growth rates of Pacific ferromanganese deposits using strontium isotopes. Geochim. Cosmoc- him. Acta 54, 1709— 1721.
  • Jiang, S.Y., Palmer, M.R. ve Yeats, C.J., 2002. Chemical and boron isotopic compo- sitions of tourmaline from the Archean Big Bell and Mount Gibson gold depo- sits, Murchison Province, Yilgarn Cra- ton, Western Australia. Chemical Geo- logy, 188, 229— 247.
  • Jiancheng, X., Xiaoyong, Y. ve Jianguo, D., 2006. Geochemical Characteristics of Sedi- mentary Manganese Deposit of Guichi. Anhui Province, China. Journal of Hare Earths, 24, 374—380.
  • Kadıoğlu, Y., Dilek, Y. ve Foland, K.A., 2006. Slab break-off and syncollisional origin of the Late Cretaceous magmatism in the Central Anatolian crystalline comp- lex, Turkey. Geological Society of Ame- rica, Special Paper 409, 381 -415
  • Kara, H., ve Dönmez, M., 1990. 1/100 000 öl- çekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeolo- ji Haritaları Serisi, Kırşehir G-17 paftası, MTA, Ankara, No: 34
  • Karakuş, A., Yavuz, B., ve Koç, Ş., 2010. Minera- logy and Major Trace Element Geoche- mistry of the Haymana Manganese Mi- neralizations, Ankara, Turkey. Geoche- mistry International. 48/10, 1014—1027
  • Krauskopf, K.B., 1979. Introduction to Geoche- mistry (2nd ed.) McGraw - Hill Comp.
  • Kuhn, T., Bau, M., Blum, N. ve Halbach, P., 1998. Origin of negative Ce anomalies in mixed hydrothermal—hydrogenetic Fe—Mn crusts from the Central Indian Ridge. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 163, 207— 220.
  • Manheim, F.T. ve Lane-Bostwick, CM, 1988. Cobalt in ferromanganese crusts as a monitor of hydrothermal discharge on the Pacific seafloor. Nature 335, 59— 62.
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  • Monnin, C., Wheat, C.G., Dupre, B., Elderfield, H. ve Mottl, M.J., 2001. Barium geoc- hemistry in sediment pore waters and formation waters of the oceanic crust on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (ODP Leg 168). Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 2, 1-19.
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Derbent (Yozgat) Bölgesindeki Manganez Cevherleşmelerinin Jeokimyası ve Kökeni

Year 2011, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2011


Yozgat ilinde yaygın olarak gözlenen manganez cevherleşmeleri (Derbent, Cihanpaşa, Baltasarılar, Büyük Mahal, Eymir ve Kadışehri Tarhana köyü) Artova ofiyolitik birimler içerisinde gözlenir. Bu çalışmada, Derbent (Yozgat) ilçe— si sınırları içerisinde belirlenen iki farklı yerdeki manganez cevherleşmesinin oluşumu karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu cevher— Ieşmeler, Derbent ilçesinin yaklaşık 5 km doğusunda bulunan Mahkeme tepesindeki oluşum (MT) ile Derbent gö— letinin kuzeyinde ve güneyinde gözlenen (DG) oluşumdur. Cevherleşmeler, Iaminalı ve bantlı şekilde gözlenmekte olup tamamı Yozgat ilinin Kuzey Batı’sında bulunan Geç Kretase yerleşimli ofiyolit birimi içerisindeki radyolaritli çörtler ile ilişkilidir. Oldukça kıvrımlı ve kırıklı olan radyolarit birimi ile birlikte gözlenen manganez cevherleri de kırıklı, çatlaklı ve düzensiz bir yapı göstermektedir. Cevher mi— neral parajenezi Mahkeme tepesinde manganit, manyetit ve piroluzit iken gang mineralleri kalsit ve kuvarstır. Der— bent göletinin güney ve kuzeyindeki cevherleşme (DG) ise piroluzit ve götitten oluşmaktadır. Gang minerali ise yal— nızca kuvarstır. Derbent ilçesi MT ve DG bölgelerinde gözlenen manganez cevherleşmelerine ait jeolojik, mineralojik ve jeokimya— sal (ana oksit, eser ve NTE) veriler her iki cevherleşmede de hem hidrotermal hem de hidrojenetik—diyajenetik iş— lemlerin birlikte etken olduğuna işaret etmektedir


  • Akçay, A.E., Dönmez, M., Kara H., Yergök, A.F. ve Esentürk K., 2007. 1/100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeoloji Harita- ları Serisi, Yozgat-İ33 Paftası. MTA, An- kara, 80, 1-16
  • Akçe, M.A. ve Kadıoğlu, Y.K., 2005. Yozgat Ba- toliti kuzey bölümündeki lökogranitlerin petrolojisi. TJK Bül. 48/2, 1-20
  • Birgili, s. Yoldaş, R. ve Unalan, G., 1975. Çankırı-Çorum Havzası’nın jeolojisi ve petrol olanakları: MTA Ankara, rapor no: 5621,78
  • Bonatti, E., Kraemer, T., ve Bydell, H., 1972. Classification and genesis of submari- ne iron-manganese deposits. ln Horn, D., ed., Ferromanganese deposits on the ocean flor. Washington, D.C., Natl. Sci. Found., 149-166
  • Bonatti, E., 1975. Metallogenesis at oceanic spreading centers. Annual Review of Earth Planetary and Science Letters 3, 401—433
  • Bonnot-Courtois, C. 1981. Distribution des terres rares dans les dépots hydrot- hermaux de la zone Famous et des Galapagos-comparison avec les sediments metalliferes. Marine Geology 39, 1-14
  • Choi, J.H. ve Hariya, Y., 1992. Geochemistry and Depositional Environment of Mn Oxide deposits in the Tokoro Belt. Nort- heastern Hokkaido, Japan: Economic Geology, 87, 1265-1274
  • Crerar, D.A., Namson, J., Chyi, M.S., Williams, L. ve Feigenson, MD., 1982. Manganife- rous cherts of the Fransiscan assemb- lage: l. General geology, ancient and modern analogues, and implications for hydrothermal convection at oceanic spreading centers. Economic Geology,
  • Cronan, D.S., Glasby, G.P., Moorby, S.A., Thomson, J., Knedler, K.E. ve McDo- ugall, J.C., 1982. A submarine hydrot- hermal manganese deposit from the South-west Pacific Island Arc. Nature 298, 456—458
  • Dalkılıç, H., Dönmez, M. ve Akçay, A. E., 2008. 1/100 000 ölçekli açınsama nitelikli Tür- kiye Jeoloji Haritaları Serisi, Yozgat-İ35 Pattası, MTA, Ankara, No:82
  • Delian F., 1994. Geological and Geochemical Research of the Manganese ore Bed (in Chinese). M 1. Beijing: Weather Pub- lishing Pres.
  • Dubinin A.V. ve Volkov l l. 1986. Rare earth ele- ments in metalliferous sediments of the East, Pacific Rise J. Geokhimija, 5, 645- 655.
  • Elderfield, H., Hawkesworth, C.J., Greaves, M.J. ve Calvert, S.E., 1981. Rare earth ele- ment geochemistry of oceanic ferro- manganese nodules and associated sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochi- mica Acta, 45, 513—528.
  • Ehrlich, H. L., 1968. Bacteriology of mangane- se nodules. ll. Manganese oxidation by cell-free extract from a namanese no- dule bacterium. Applied Microbiology, 16, 197-202
  • Evensen, M.N., Hamilton, P. ve O’Nions, R.K., 1978. Rare-earth abundances in chond- ritic meteorites. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, 42, 1199
  • Fernandez, A. ve Moro, M.C., 1998. Origin and depositional environment of Ordovician stratiform iron mineralization from Za- mora (NW Iberian Peninsula). Minerali- um Deposita. 33, 606-619
  • Fitzgerald, C.E. ve Gillis, K.M., 2006. Hydrot- hermal manganese oxide deposits from Baby Bare seamount in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Marine Geology. 225, 145—156
  • Ghaderi, M., Palin, M., Sylvester, P. ve Camp- bell, |., 2006. Composition and sour- ce of hydrothermal fluids in gold depo- sits of the Kalgoorlie-Norseman region of Western Australia inferred from rare earth element systematics in scheeli- te. Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Can- berra, ACT 0200, Australia.
  • Gültekin, A. H., 1998. Geochemistry and origin of the Oligocene Binkılıç manganese deposit, Thrace basin, Turkey. Tr. J. of Earth Sciences, 11.
  • Hein, J.R., Schulz, M.S. ve Kang, J.-K., 1990. Insular and submarine ferromanganese mineralization of the Tonga—Lau region. Marine Mining, 9, 305—354.
  • Hein, J.R., Marjorie, S.S. ve Gein, L.M., 1992. Central Pasific cobalt rich ferromanga- nese crusts. Historical perspective and regional variability. Keating, BH., and Balton, B.R., (eds) Geology and offsho- re mineral resources of the central Pa- sific basin, circum Pasific council for energy and mineral resources. v. 14, Earth science series, New York Sprin- gerVerlag.
  • Hein, J.R., Yeh, H.-W., Gunn, S.H., Gibbs, A.E. ve Wang, C.-H., 1994. Composition and origin of hydrothermal ironstones from central Pacific seamounts. Geoc- him. Cosmochim. Acta 58, 179—189.
  • Hein, J.R., Kochinsky, A., Halbach, P., Manheim, F.T., Bau, M., Kang, J.-K., Lubick, N., 1997. Iron and manganese oxide mine- ralization in the Pacific. In: Nicholson, K., Hein, J.H., Buhn, B., Dasgupta, S. (Eds.), Manganese Mineralization: Ge- ochemistry and Mineralogy of Terrestri- al and Marine Deposits, Geological So- ciety. Lond. Spec. Publ., 119, 123—138.
  • Ingram, B.L., Hein, J.H. ve Farmer, G.L., 1990. Age determinations and growth rates of Pacific ferromanganese deposits using strontium isotopes. Geochim. Cosmoc- him. Acta 54, 1709— 1721.
  • Jiang, S.Y., Palmer, M.R. ve Yeats, C.J., 2002. Chemical and boron isotopic compo- sitions of tourmaline from the Archean Big Bell and Mount Gibson gold depo- sits, Murchison Province, Yilgarn Cra- ton, Western Australia. Chemical Geo- logy, 188, 229— 247.
  • Jiancheng, X., Xiaoyong, Y. ve Jianguo, D., 2006. Geochemical Characteristics of Sedi- mentary Manganese Deposit of Guichi. Anhui Province, China. Journal of Hare Earths, 24, 374—380.
  • Kadıoğlu, Y., Dilek, Y. ve Foland, K.A., 2006. Slab break-off and syncollisional origin of the Late Cretaceous magmatism in the Central Anatolian crystalline comp- lex, Turkey. Geological Society of Ame- rica, Special Paper 409, 381 -415
  • Kara, H., ve Dönmez, M., 1990. 1/100 000 öl- çekli açınsama nitelikli Türkiye Jeolo- ji Haritaları Serisi, Kırşehir G-17 paftası, MTA, Ankara, No: 34
  • Karakuş, A., Yavuz, B., ve Koç, Ş., 2010. Minera- logy and Major Trace Element Geoche- mistry of the Haymana Manganese Mi- neralizations, Ankara, Turkey. Geoche- mistry International. 48/10, 1014—1027
  • Krauskopf, K.B., 1979. Introduction to Geoche- mistry (2nd ed.) McGraw - Hill Comp.
  • Kuhn, T., Bau, M., Blum, N. ve Halbach, P., 1998. Origin of negative Ce anomalies in mixed hydrothermal—hydrogenetic Fe—Mn crusts from the Central Indian Ridge. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 163, 207— 220.
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There are 74 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nursel Öksüz This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 32 Issue: 3


EndNote Öksüz N (April 1, 2011) Derbent (Yozgat) Bölgesindeki Manganez Cevherleşmelerinin Jeokimyası ve Kökeni. Yerbilimleri 32 3 141–168.