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Source Location and Depth Estimation Using Normalized Full Gradient of Magnetic Anomalies

Year 2012, Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2012



  • Aydın, A., 1997. Evaluation of Gravity Data in
  • Terms of Hydrocarbon by Normalized
  • Full Gradient, Variation and Statistic
  • Methods, Model Studies and Applica
  • tion in Hasankale-HorasanBasin (Erzu
  • rum). Ph.D. Thesis, Karadeniz Techni
  • cal Univ., Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Institute, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Aydın, A., 2007. Interpretation of gravity ano- malies with the normalized full gradient (NFG) method and an example. Pure and Applied Geophysics 164, 2329- 2344.
  • AtchutaRao, D., Ram Babu H.V. and Sanker Narayan P.V., 1981.Interpretation of magnetic anomalies due to dikes: the complexgradient method. Geophysics 46, 1572–1578.
  • Berezkin, W.M., 1967. Application of the full vertical gravity gradient to determinati- on to sources causing gravity anomali- es.Expl.Geopys., 18, 69-76 (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, W.M., 1973. Application of gravity exploration to reconnaissance of oil and gas reservoir.Nedra Publishing Ho- use (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M., 1988. Method of the total gradi- ent in geophysical prospecting. Nedra, Moscow (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M. and Buketov A.P. 1965. App- lication of the Harmonical Analysis for the Interpretation of Gravity Data.App- lied Geophys.46, 161-166 (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M. and Skotarenko S.S. 1983. App- lication for Research Anticline and Non anticline Oil-gas Structures Using the Gravity Prospecting. Neftegeofizica,
  • 39 (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M., Filatov, V.G. and Bulychev, E.V.,
  • Methodology of the aeromagne
  • tic data interpretation with the aim of di
  • rect detection of oil and gas deposits (in
  • Russian). Geofizika 5, 38-43.
  • Blakely, R.J., 1995.Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Bracewell, R., 1984. The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.
  • Ciancara, B. and Marcak, H., 1979. Geophysi- cal anomaly interpretation of potential fields by means of singular points met- hod and filtering. Geophysical Prospec- ting 27, 251-260.
  • Clarke, G.K.C., 1969. Optimum second- derivative and downward continuation filters. Geophysics 34, 424-437.
  • Cooper, G.R.J., 2004. The stable downward continuation of potential data. Explora- tion Geophysics 35, 260-265.
  • Debeglia, N. and Corpel, J., 1997. Automatic 3-D interpretation of potential field data using analytic signal derivatives: Ge- ophysics 62, 87-96.
  • Dondurur, D., 2005. Depth Estimates for Sling- ram Electromagnetic Anomalies from Dipping Sheet-like Bodies by the Nor- malized Full Gradient Method. Pure appl. geophys. 162, 2179-2195.
  • Elysseieva, I.S., 1982. Methodical Recommen- dations for the Study of Density Inho- mogenities of Cross Sections Based on Gravimetrical Research Data. Institute for Oil and Gas Exploration, VNII Geo- fizica, Moscow (in Russian).
  • Elysseieva, I.S. and Cvetkova, N.P., 1989. First experience of the application of cosine expansion within the interpretation of anomalous curves, deformed by strong trend effect. Exploration Geophysics
  • , 124-132 (in Russian).
  • Elysseieva, I.S., 1995. Methodical recommen- dations for the interpretation of gra- vity and magnetic data by means of the quasi-singular points method. Institute for oil and gas exploration, Moscow (in Russian).
  • Elysseieva, I.S., 2003. Choice of initial parame- ters of interpreted potential functions. Principle of focussing. International ge- ophysical conference & exhibition. Ge- ophysics of the XXI century–The leap into the future” EAGE, 1-4 September 2003, PS9, Expanded Abstract.
  • Fedi, M. and Florio, G., 2002. A stable down- ward continuation by using the ISVD method. Geophysical Journal Internati- onal 151, 146-156.
  • Filon, L. N. G., 1928. On a quadrature formu- la for trigonometric integrals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 49, 38–47.
  • Fuller, B.D., 1967. Two-dimensional frequency analysis and design of grid operators. Mining Geophysics 2, 658-708.
  • Kirkham, K., 2001. Investigations of a high- resolution aeromagnetic survey over the southeastern portion of the Illino- is Basin. M.Sc. thesis, Southern Illino- is University of Carbondale.
  • Lindner, H. and Scheibe, R., 1977. Interpretati- onstechnik für gravimetrische und mag- netische Felder. Freiberger Forschung- shefte, DV für Grundstoffindustrie, Le- ipzig.
  • Mesko, A. 1984. Digital filtering application in geophysical exploration for oil. Akade- miai Kiado, Pitman Publishing Ltd., and Halstedpress.
  • Mudretsova, E.A., Varlamov, A.S., Filatov, V.G. and Komarova, G.M., 1979. The interp- retation of Detailed Gravity Data Over the Nonstructural Oil and Gas Reservo- irs (Nedra, Moscow).
  • Nabighian, M.N., 1972. The analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross-section: its properties and use for automated anomaly interp- retation. Geophysics 37, 507-517.
  • Nabighian, M.N., 1974. Additional comments on the analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross- section. Geophysics 39, 85-92.
  • Nabighian, M.N., 1984. Toward a three- dimensional automatic interpretation of potential field data via generalized Hil- bert transforms: fundamental relations. Geophysics 49, 957-966.
  • Pašteka, R., 1996. Properties of the total nor- malised gradient of potential function for the determination of source distri- butions. Proceedings of the 7. Interna- tional Meeting on Alpine Gravimetry, Vi- enna, 187-207.
  • Pašteka, R., 2000. 2D semi-automated interpre- tation methods in gravimetry and mag- netometry. Acta Geologica Universitatis Comenianae, Nr. 55, 5-55.
  • Pawlowski, R.S., 1995. Preferential continuati- on for potential-field anomaly enhance- ment. Geophysics 60, 390-398.
  • Pedersen, L. B., and Bastani, M., 1997. Dip ang- le processing of magnetic anomalies: An analytical signal technique: EAGE 59th Conf. and Tech. Exhib., Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Extended Abstracts, F-34.
  • Rikitake, T., Sato, R. and Hagiwara, Y.,1976. Applied Mathematics for Earth Scien- tists. Terra Scientific Publishing Co., Tokyo.
  • Salem, A., 2005. Interpretation of magnetic data using analytic signal derivatives. Ge- ophysical Prospecting 53, 75-82.
  • Salem, A. and Ravat D. 2003. A combined analy- tic signal and Euler method AN-EUL for automatic interpretation of magnetic data. Geophysics 68, 1952-1961.
  • Salem, A., and R. S. Smith, 2005, Depth and structural index from the normalized lo- cal wavenumber of 2D magnetic ano- malies: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, 83–89.
  • Strakhov, V.N., Grigoryeva, O.M. and Lapina, M.I., 1977. The Determination of the Singular Points of 2-D Potential Fields. PrikladnayaGeofizika 85, 96-113 (in Russian).
  • Thompson, D. T., 1982. EULDPH, A new tech- nique for making computer-assisted depth estimates from magnetic data. Geophysics,47, 31–37.
  • Thurston, J. B., and R. S. Smith, 1997. Auto- matic conversion of magnetic data to depth, dip, and susceptibility contrast using the SPI method. Geophysics, 62, 807–813.
  • Tikhonov, A. N., Glasko, V. B., Litvinenko, O. K. and Melichov, V. P., 1968. Continuati- on of a potential in the direction of dis- turbing bodies by using a regularizati- on method. Izvestiya, Earth Physics 12, 30-48 (in Russian)
  • Trompat, H., Boschetti, F. and Hornby P., 2003. Improved downward continuation of potential field data. Exploration Geoph- ysics 34, 249-256.
  • Thurston J.B. and Smith R.S., 1997. Automatic conversion of magnetic data to depth, dip, susceptibility contrast using the SPITM method. Geophysics 62, 807- 813.
  • Xiao, Y., 1981. Normalized full gradient met- hod of gravity anomalies. Oil Geophys. Prosp.16, 3, 47–57 (in Chinese).
  • Xiao, Y. and Zhang L., 1984.Application of nor- malized full gradient method of gra- vity anomalies to oil and gas explora- tion. Oil Geophy.Prosp.19, 3, 247-254 (in Chinese).
  • Xu S., Yang C., Dai S. and Zhang D., 2003. A New Method for Continuation of 3D Po- tential Fields to a Horizontal Plane, Ge- ophysics 68, 1917-1921.
  • Vallee, M. A., P. Keating, R. S. Smith, and C. St.-Hilaire, 2004. Estimating depth and model type using the continuous wave- let transform of magnetic data: Geoph- ysics, 69, 191–199.
  • Zeng H., Meng X., Yao CH., Li X., Lou H., Gu- ang Z. and Li Z., 2002. Detection of re- servoirs from normalized full gradient of gravity anomalies and its application to Shengli oil field east China. Geophysics 67, 4, 1138-1147.

Manyetik Anomalilerin Normalize Tam Gradyenti İle Kaynak Lokasyon Ve Derinlik Kestirimi

Year 2012, Volume: 33 Issue: 2, 141 - 168, 01.03.2012


Normalize tam gradient (NTG) yöntemi potansiyel alanların tekil noktalarının belirlenmesi için uygulanan yöntemlerden biridir. NTG yöntemi, ölçüm seviyesinin altındaki aşağı uzanım seviyelerinde veri süzgeçlemesi ve dönüşümüne dayalı bir yöntemdir. Yöntem manyetik anomali kaynaklarının yatay lokasyon ve derinliğinin belirlenmesinde kullanılmıştır. Yöntemin uygulanabilirliği, yatay silindir ve düşey dayk gibi iki boyutlu teorik modeller üzerinde test edilmiştir. NTG alanının maksimumları kaynak kütlelerin yatay lokasyonlarını ve derinliklerini vermektedir. NTG yöntemi manyetik arama yöntemi için önemli bir problem olan derinlik kestiriminde iyi sonuçlar sunmaktadır.NTG yöntemi manyetik anomalilerin dönüşümünde ve süzgeçlenmesinde, esas olarak Fourier serilerinin katsayılarının hesaplanmasına dayanır. Katsayıların üst harmonik sınırı, Fourier kosinüs katsayılarının logaritmik spektrumunun zarfı üzerindeki kırılma noktasından belirlenebilir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, aşağı uzanım işlemi sırasında ortaya çıkan yüksek frekanslı gürültüyü yok etmek için kullanılan yuvarlatma faktörünün belirlenmesinde basit bir işlem de sunulmaktadır. NTG yöntemi Güney İllinois’deki (ABD) manyetik veriye uygulanmıştır. NTG yöntemiyle elde edilen sonuçlar, diğer yöntemlerle bulunan sonuçlarla uyumludur


  • Aydın, A., 1997. Evaluation of Gravity Data in
  • Terms of Hydrocarbon by Normalized
  • Full Gradient, Variation and Statistic
  • Methods, Model Studies and Applica
  • tion in Hasankale-HorasanBasin (Erzu
  • rum). Ph.D. Thesis, Karadeniz Techni
  • cal Univ., Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Institute, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Aydın, A., 2007. Interpretation of gravity ano- malies with the normalized full gradient (NFG) method and an example. Pure and Applied Geophysics 164, 2329- 2344.
  • AtchutaRao, D., Ram Babu H.V. and Sanker Narayan P.V., 1981.Interpretation of magnetic anomalies due to dikes: the complexgradient method. Geophysics 46, 1572–1578.
  • Berezkin, W.M., 1967. Application of the full vertical gravity gradient to determinati- on to sources causing gravity anomali- es.Expl.Geopys., 18, 69-76 (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, W.M., 1973. Application of gravity exploration to reconnaissance of oil and gas reservoir.Nedra Publishing Ho- use (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M., 1988. Method of the total gradi- ent in geophysical prospecting. Nedra, Moscow (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M. and Buketov A.P. 1965. App- lication of the Harmonical Analysis for the Interpretation of Gravity Data.App- lied Geophys.46, 161-166 (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M. and Skotarenko S.S. 1983. App- lication for Research Anticline and Non anticline Oil-gas Structures Using the Gravity Prospecting. Neftegeofizica,
  • 39 (in Russian).
  • Berezkin, V.M., Filatov, V.G. and Bulychev, E.V.,
  • Methodology of the aeromagne
  • tic data interpretation with the aim of di
  • rect detection of oil and gas deposits (in
  • Russian). Geofizika 5, 38-43.
  • Blakely, R.J., 1995.Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Bracewell, R., 1984. The Fourier Transform and Its Applications. McGraw-Hill Book Co. New York.
  • Ciancara, B. and Marcak, H., 1979. Geophysi- cal anomaly interpretation of potential fields by means of singular points met- hod and filtering. Geophysical Prospec- ting 27, 251-260.
  • Clarke, G.K.C., 1969. Optimum second- derivative and downward continuation filters. Geophysics 34, 424-437.
  • Cooper, G.R.J., 2004. The stable downward continuation of potential data. Explora- tion Geophysics 35, 260-265.
  • Debeglia, N. and Corpel, J., 1997. Automatic 3-D interpretation of potential field data using analytic signal derivatives: Ge- ophysics 62, 87-96.
  • Dondurur, D., 2005. Depth Estimates for Sling- ram Electromagnetic Anomalies from Dipping Sheet-like Bodies by the Nor- malized Full Gradient Method. Pure appl. geophys. 162, 2179-2195.
  • Elysseieva, I.S., 1982. Methodical Recommen- dations for the Study of Density Inho- mogenities of Cross Sections Based on Gravimetrical Research Data. Institute for Oil and Gas Exploration, VNII Geo- fizica, Moscow (in Russian).
  • Elysseieva, I.S. and Cvetkova, N.P., 1989. First experience of the application of cosine expansion within the interpretation of anomalous curves, deformed by strong trend effect. Exploration Geophysics
  • , 124-132 (in Russian).
  • Elysseieva, I.S., 1995. Methodical recommen- dations for the interpretation of gra- vity and magnetic data by means of the quasi-singular points method. Institute for oil and gas exploration, Moscow (in Russian).
  • Elysseieva, I.S., 2003. Choice of initial parame- ters of interpreted potential functions. Principle of focussing. International ge- ophysical conference & exhibition. Ge- ophysics of the XXI century–The leap into the future” EAGE, 1-4 September 2003, PS9, Expanded Abstract.
  • Fedi, M. and Florio, G., 2002. A stable down- ward continuation by using the ISVD method. Geophysical Journal Internati- onal 151, 146-156.
  • Filon, L. N. G., 1928. On a quadrature formu- la for trigonometric integrals. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 49, 38–47.
  • Fuller, B.D., 1967. Two-dimensional frequency analysis and design of grid operators. Mining Geophysics 2, 658-708.
  • Kirkham, K., 2001. Investigations of a high- resolution aeromagnetic survey over the southeastern portion of the Illino- is Basin. M.Sc. thesis, Southern Illino- is University of Carbondale.
  • Lindner, H. and Scheibe, R., 1977. Interpretati- onstechnik für gravimetrische und mag- netische Felder. Freiberger Forschung- shefte, DV für Grundstoffindustrie, Le- ipzig.
  • Mesko, A. 1984. Digital filtering application in geophysical exploration for oil. Akade- miai Kiado, Pitman Publishing Ltd., and Halstedpress.
  • Mudretsova, E.A., Varlamov, A.S., Filatov, V.G. and Komarova, G.M., 1979. The interp- retation of Detailed Gravity Data Over the Nonstructural Oil and Gas Reservo- irs (Nedra, Moscow).
  • Nabighian, M.N., 1972. The analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross-section: its properties and use for automated anomaly interp- retation. Geophysics 37, 507-517.
  • Nabighian, M.N., 1974. Additional comments on the analytic signal of two-dimensional magnetic bodies with polygonal cross- section. Geophysics 39, 85-92.
  • Nabighian, M.N., 1984. Toward a three- dimensional automatic interpretation of potential field data via generalized Hil- bert transforms: fundamental relations. Geophysics 49, 957-966.
  • Pašteka, R., 1996. Properties of the total nor- malised gradient of potential function for the determination of source distri- butions. Proceedings of the 7. Interna- tional Meeting on Alpine Gravimetry, Vi- enna, 187-207.
  • Pašteka, R., 2000. 2D semi-automated interpre- tation methods in gravimetry and mag- netometry. Acta Geologica Universitatis Comenianae, Nr. 55, 5-55.
  • Pawlowski, R.S., 1995. Preferential continuati- on for potential-field anomaly enhance- ment. Geophysics 60, 390-398.
  • Pedersen, L. B., and Bastani, M., 1997. Dip ang- le processing of magnetic anomalies: An analytical signal technique: EAGE 59th Conf. and Tech. Exhib., Eur. Assn. Geosci. Eng., Extended Abstracts, F-34.
  • Rikitake, T., Sato, R. and Hagiwara, Y.,1976. Applied Mathematics for Earth Scien- tists. Terra Scientific Publishing Co., Tokyo.
  • Salem, A., 2005. Interpretation of magnetic data using analytic signal derivatives. Ge- ophysical Prospecting 53, 75-82.
  • Salem, A. and Ravat D. 2003. A combined analy- tic signal and Euler method AN-EUL for automatic interpretation of magnetic data. Geophysics 68, 1952-1961.
  • Salem, A., and R. S. Smith, 2005, Depth and structural index from the normalized lo- cal wavenumber of 2D magnetic ano- malies: Geophysical Prospecting, 51, 83–89.
  • Strakhov, V.N., Grigoryeva, O.M. and Lapina, M.I., 1977. The Determination of the Singular Points of 2-D Potential Fields. PrikladnayaGeofizika 85, 96-113 (in Russian).
  • Thompson, D. T., 1982. EULDPH, A new tech- nique for making computer-assisted depth estimates from magnetic data. Geophysics,47, 31–37.
  • Thurston, J. B., and R. S. Smith, 1997. Auto- matic conversion of magnetic data to depth, dip, and susceptibility contrast using the SPI method. Geophysics, 62, 807–813.
  • Tikhonov, A. N., Glasko, V. B., Litvinenko, O. K. and Melichov, V. P., 1968. Continuati- on of a potential in the direction of dis- turbing bodies by using a regularizati- on method. Izvestiya, Earth Physics 12, 30-48 (in Russian)
  • Trompat, H., Boschetti, F. and Hornby P., 2003. Improved downward continuation of potential field data. Exploration Geoph- ysics 34, 249-256.
  • Thurston J.B. and Smith R.S., 1997. Automatic conversion of magnetic data to depth, dip, susceptibility contrast using the SPITM method. Geophysics 62, 807- 813.
  • Xiao, Y., 1981. Normalized full gradient met- hod of gravity anomalies. Oil Geophys. Prosp.16, 3, 47–57 (in Chinese).
  • Xiao, Y. and Zhang L., 1984.Application of nor- malized full gradient method of gra- vity anomalies to oil and gas explora- tion. Oil Geophy.Prosp.19, 3, 247-254 (in Chinese).
  • Xu S., Yang C., Dai S. and Zhang D., 2003. A New Method for Continuation of 3D Po- tential Fields to a Horizontal Plane, Ge- ophysics 68, 1917-1921.
  • Vallee, M. A., P. Keating, R. S. Smith, and C. St.-Hilaire, 2004. Estimating depth and model type using the continuous wave- let transform of magnetic data: Geoph- ysics, 69, 191–199.
  • Zeng H., Meng X., Yao CH., Li X., Lou H., Gu- ang Z. and Li Z., 2002. Detection of re- servoirs from normalized full gradient of gravity anomalies and its application to Shengli oil field east China. Geophysics 67, 4, 1138-1147.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Bülent Oruç This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 33 Issue: 2


EndNote Oruç B (March 1, 2012) Manyetik Anomalilerin Normalize Tam Gradyenti İle Kaynak Lokasyon Ve Derinlik Kestirimi. Yerbilimleri 33 2 141–168.