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Distributed Switching Resistivity Imaging System

Year 2012, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2012



  • Abdelhadi, A., 2007. Identically programmed intelligent electrodes for use in geoe- lectrical surveys. United States Patent, US7158048-B2.
  • ABEM Instrument AB, 2007. Instruction Manu- al. ABEM Printed Matter, No 93109, pp. 135.
  • Aydar, E., Gourgaud, A., Deniel, C., Lyberis, N. and Gündoğdu, M.N., 1995. Le volca- nisme Quaternaire d’Anatole centrale (Turquie): association de magmatismes calco-alcalin en domaine de conver- gence, Can. J. Earth Sci. 32, 1058-1069.
  • Barde-Cabusson, S., Finizola, A., Revil, A. et al., 2009. New geological insights and structural control on fluid circulation in La Fossa cone (Vulcano, Aeolian Is- lands, Italy). Journal of volcanology and Geothermal Research, 185(3), 231-245.
  • Barker, R., 1981. The offset system of electrical resistivity sounding and its use with a multicore cable. Geophysical Prospec- ting, 29(1), 128-143.
  • Barker, R., 1992. A simple algorithm for electri- cal imaging of the subsurface, First Bre- ak, 10(2), 53-62.
  • Binley, A., Pinheiro, P. and Dickin, F., 1996. Fi- nite Element based Three-Dimensional Forward and Inverse Solvers for Elect- rical Impedance Tomography, In: Proc. Colloquium on Advances in Electrical
  • Tomography, Computing and Control
  • Division, IEE, Digest No. 96(143), p6/1
  • /3, Manchester, UK.
  • Carpenter, E.W., 1955. Some notes concerning the Wenner configuration. Geophys. Prospect., 3(4), 388-402.
  • Carpenter, P.J., Kaufmann, R.S. and Price, B.,
  • Use of resistivity soundings to
  • determine landfill structure. Ground Water, 28, 569-575.
  • Christensen, N.B., Sİrensen, K.I., 1998. Sur- face and borehole electric and electromagnetic methods for hydroge- ological investigations. European Jour- nal of Engineering and Environmental Geophysics, 3(1), 75-90.
  • Dahlin, T., 1989. The Development of a Cable System for Vertical Electrical Sounding and a Comparison of the Schlumberger and Offset Wenner Methods, Lic. The- sis LUTVDG / (TVTG-1005) / 1-77(1989), Lund University, 77p.
  • Dahlin, T., 1993. On the Automation of 2D Re- sistivity Surveying for Engineering and Environmental Applications, PhD The- sis, ISRN LUTVDG / TVDG--1007--SE, ISBN 91-628-1032-4, Lund University, 187p.
  • Dahlin, T., 1996. 2D resistivity surveying for en- vironmental and engineering applicati- ons. First Break, 14, 275-283.
  • Dahlin, T., Bjelm, L. and Svensson, C., 1999. Use of electrical imaging in site investi- gations for a railway tunnel through the Hallandsas Horst, Sweden. Quarterly
  • Journal of Engineering Geology and
  • Hydrogeology, 32, 163-172.
  • Dahlin, T., 2001. The development of DC resis- tivity imaging techniques. Computers and Geosciences, 27, 1019-1029.
  • De Franco, R., Biella, G., Tosi, L., Teatini, P., Lo- zej, A., Chiozzotto, B., Giada, M., Riz- zetto, F., Claude, C., Mayer, A., Bassan, V., Gasparetto-Stori, G., 2009. Moni- toring the saltwater intrusion by time lapse electrical resistivity tomography:
  • The Chioggia test site (Venice Lagoon,
  • Italy). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 69, 117-130.
  • Drahor, M.G., 2006. Integrated geophysical stu- dies in the upper part of Sardis archae- ological site, Turkey. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 59(3), 205-223.
  • Drahor, M.G., Berge, M.A. ve Kurtulmuş, T.Ö., 2006. Dolgu alanlarda özdirenç ters- çözüm modellemesi ve eski bir atık dolgu alanına uygulanması. Yerbilimleri, 27(3), 195-209.
  • Drahor, M.G.; Berge, M.A.; Kurtulmuş, T.O., Hartmann, M. and Speidel, M.A., 2008. Magnetic and Electrical Resistivity To- mography Investigations in a Roman Legionary Camp Site (Legio IV Scythi- ca) in Zeugma, Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. Archaeological Prospection, 15(3), 159-186.
  • Ekingen, A., 1982. Nevşehir kalderasında jeofi- zik prospeksiyon sonuçları. Türk. Jeol. Kurul. Bildiri Özet Kitabı, pp. 82.
  • Finizola, A., Aubert, M., Revil, A., Schuetze, C. and Sortino, F., 2009. Importance of structural history in the summit area of Stromboli during the 2002-2003 erupti- ve crisis inferred from temperature, soil CO2, self-potential, and electrical resis- tivity tomography. Journal of volcano- logy and Geothermal Research, 183(3- 4), 213-227.
  • Froger, J.-L., Lénat, J.-F., Chorowicz, J., Le Pennec, J.-L, Bourdier, J.-L., Köse, O.,
  • Zimitoglu, O., Gündogdu, N.M. and
  • Gourgaud, A., 1998. Hidden calderas
  • evidenced by multisource geophysical
  • data; example of Cappadocian Calde
  • ras, Central Anatolia, Journal of Vol
  • canology and Geothermal Research, 85(1-4), 99-128.
  • Günther, T., 2005. Inversion Methods and Re- solution Analysis for the 2D/3D Re- construction of Resistivity Structures from DC Measurements. PhD Thesis, University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg (Germany), pp. 160 (yayımlan- mamış).
  • Griffiths, D.H., Barker, R.D., 1993. Two- dimensional resistivity imaging and mo- delling in areas of complex geology. Jo- urnal of Applied Geophysics, 29, 211- 226.
  • Griffiths, D.H. and Barker, R.D., 1994. Electrical imaging in Archaeology. Journal of Arc- haeological Science, 21(2), 153-158.
  • Le Pennec, J.-L., Bourdier, J.-L., Froger, J.-L.,
  • Temel, A., Camus, G. and Gourgaud,
  • A., 1994. Neogene ignimbrites of the
  • Nevsehir plateau (Central Turkey): stra
  • tigraphy, distribution and source cons
  • traints. Journal of Volcanology and Ge
  • othermal Research, 63(1-2), 59-87.
  • Le Pennec, J.-L., Temel, A., Froger, J.-L., Sen, S., Gourgaud, A. and Bourdier, J.-L., 2005. Stratigraphy and age of the Cap- padocia ignimbrites, Turkey: reconci- ling field constraints with paleontologic, radiochronologic, geochemical and pa- leomagnetic data. Journal of Volcano- logy and Geothermal Research, 141(1- 2), 45-64.
  • Loke, M.H., 2001. Rapid 2D resistivity and IP inversion using the least-squares met- hod. Res2Dinv User Manual. Geotomo software, pp. 49.
  • Loke, M.H., Acworth, I. and Dahlin, T., 2003. A comparison of smooth and blocky in- version methods in 2D electrical ima- ging surveys. Exploration Geophysics, 34, 182-187.
  • Meju, M.A. and Montague, M., 1995. Basis for a flexible low-cost automated resistivity data acquisition and analysis system. Computers and Geosciences, 21(8), 993-999.
  • Mouralis, D., Pastre, J.-F., Kuzucuoglu, C., Tür- kecan, A., Atici, Y., Slimak, L., Guillou, H. and Kunesch, S., 2002. Les comp- lexes volcaniques Rhyolithiques qua- ternaires d’Anatolie centrale (Göllü Dag et Acigöl, Turquie) : Genèse, instabilité, contraintes environnementales. Qua- ternaire, 13(3-4), 219-228.
  • Noel, M. and Xu, B.W., 1991. Archaeological investigation by electrical-resistivity tomography - A preliminary study. Ge- ophysical Journal International, 107(1), 95-102.
  • Olayinka, A.I. and Yaramanci, U., 2000. Use of block inversion in the 2-D interpretation of apparent resistivity data and its com- parison with smooth inversion. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 45, 63-81.
  • Overmeeren, R.A., van Ritsema, I.L., 1988. Continuous vertical electrical sounding. First Break, 6(10), 313-324.
  • Parasins, D.S., 1962. Principles of Applied Ge- ophysics, 176 pp., London: Methuen.
  • Parasins, D.S., 1965. Theory and practice of electric potential and resistivity prospecting using linear current elect- rodes. Geoexploration, vol. 3(1), 3-69.
  • Pellerin, L., 2002. Applications of electrical and electromagnetic methods for environ- mental and geotechnical investigations. Surveys in Geophysics, 23(2-3), 101- 132.
  • Schlumberger, C., 1920. Etude sur la Prospecti- on Electrique du Sous-sol, Gaultier-Vil- lars et Cie., Paris, 94pp.
  • Slater, L., Binley, A., Versteeg, R., Cassiani, G., Birken, R. and Sandberg, S., 2002. A 3D ERT study of solute transport in a large experimental tank. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 49(4), 211-229.
  • Soupios, P.M., Georgakopoulos, P., Papado- poulos, N., Saltas, V., Andreadakis, A., Vallianatos, F., Sarris, A. and Makris, J.P., 2007. Use of engineering geoph- ysics to investigate a site for a building foundation. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 4(1), 94-103.
  • Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E., 1990. Applied Geophysics, 2nd Ed. cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Temel, A., Gündoğdu, M.N., Gourgaud, A. and Le Pennec, J.-L., 1998. Ignimbrites of Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey): petrology and geochemistry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 85(1-4), 447-471.
  • Ulusoy, İ., Labazuy, P., Aydar, E., Atak, O., Yü- rür, T., Artuner, H. and Dahlin, T., 2009. Multisource geophysical investigation of the Acıgöl caldera structure (central
  • Turkey): preliminary results. EGU2009, Vienna, Austria.
  • Wenner, F,. 1912. The four-terminal conductor and the Thomson bridge, U.S. Bureau of Standards Bulletin, 8, 559-610.
  • Yaramanci, U., 2000. Geoelectric exploration and monitoring in rock salt for the sa- fety assessment of underground waste disposal sites. Journal of Applied Ge- ophysics, 44, 181-196.
Year 2012, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2012



  • Abdelhadi, A., 2007. Identically programmed intelligent electrodes for use in geoe- lectrical surveys. United States Patent, US7158048-B2.
  • ABEM Instrument AB, 2007. Instruction Manu- al. ABEM Printed Matter, No 93109, pp. 135.
  • Aydar, E., Gourgaud, A., Deniel, C., Lyberis, N. and Gündoğdu, M.N., 1995. Le volca- nisme Quaternaire d’Anatole centrale (Turquie): association de magmatismes calco-alcalin en domaine de conver- gence, Can. J. Earth Sci. 32, 1058-1069.
  • Barde-Cabusson, S., Finizola, A., Revil, A. et al., 2009. New geological insights and structural control on fluid circulation in La Fossa cone (Vulcano, Aeolian Is- lands, Italy). Journal of volcanology and Geothermal Research, 185(3), 231-245.
  • Barker, R., 1981. The offset system of electrical resistivity sounding and its use with a multicore cable. Geophysical Prospec- ting, 29(1), 128-143.
  • Barker, R., 1992. A simple algorithm for electri- cal imaging of the subsurface, First Bre- ak, 10(2), 53-62.
  • Binley, A., Pinheiro, P. and Dickin, F., 1996. Fi- nite Element based Three-Dimensional Forward and Inverse Solvers for Elect- rical Impedance Tomography, In: Proc. Colloquium on Advances in Electrical
  • Tomography, Computing and Control
  • Division, IEE, Digest No. 96(143), p6/1
  • /3, Manchester, UK.
  • Carpenter, E.W., 1955. Some notes concerning the Wenner configuration. Geophys. Prospect., 3(4), 388-402.
  • Carpenter, P.J., Kaufmann, R.S. and Price, B.,
  • Use of resistivity soundings to
  • determine landfill structure. Ground Water, 28, 569-575.
  • Christensen, N.B., Sİrensen, K.I., 1998. Sur- face and borehole electric and electromagnetic methods for hydroge- ological investigations. European Jour- nal of Engineering and Environmental Geophysics, 3(1), 75-90.
  • Dahlin, T., 1989. The Development of a Cable System for Vertical Electrical Sounding and a Comparison of the Schlumberger and Offset Wenner Methods, Lic. The- sis LUTVDG / (TVTG-1005) / 1-77(1989), Lund University, 77p.
  • Dahlin, T., 1993. On the Automation of 2D Re- sistivity Surveying for Engineering and Environmental Applications, PhD The- sis, ISRN LUTVDG / TVDG--1007--SE, ISBN 91-628-1032-4, Lund University, 187p.
  • Dahlin, T., 1996. 2D resistivity surveying for en- vironmental and engineering applicati- ons. First Break, 14, 275-283.
  • Dahlin, T., Bjelm, L. and Svensson, C., 1999. Use of electrical imaging in site investi- gations for a railway tunnel through the Hallandsas Horst, Sweden. Quarterly
  • Journal of Engineering Geology and
  • Hydrogeology, 32, 163-172.
  • Dahlin, T., 2001. The development of DC resis- tivity imaging techniques. Computers and Geosciences, 27, 1019-1029.
  • De Franco, R., Biella, G., Tosi, L., Teatini, P., Lo- zej, A., Chiozzotto, B., Giada, M., Riz- zetto, F., Claude, C., Mayer, A., Bassan, V., Gasparetto-Stori, G., 2009. Moni- toring the saltwater intrusion by time lapse electrical resistivity tomography:
  • The Chioggia test site (Venice Lagoon,
  • Italy). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 69, 117-130.
  • Drahor, M.G., 2006. Integrated geophysical stu- dies in the upper part of Sardis archae- ological site, Turkey. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 59(3), 205-223.
  • Drahor, M.G., Berge, M.A. ve Kurtulmuş, T.Ö., 2006. Dolgu alanlarda özdirenç ters- çözüm modellemesi ve eski bir atık dolgu alanına uygulanması. Yerbilimleri, 27(3), 195-209.
  • Drahor, M.G.; Berge, M.A.; Kurtulmuş, T.O., Hartmann, M. and Speidel, M.A., 2008. Magnetic and Electrical Resistivity To- mography Investigations in a Roman Legionary Camp Site (Legio IV Scythi- ca) in Zeugma, Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. Archaeological Prospection, 15(3), 159-186.
  • Ekingen, A., 1982. Nevşehir kalderasında jeofi- zik prospeksiyon sonuçları. Türk. Jeol. Kurul. Bildiri Özet Kitabı, pp. 82.
  • Finizola, A., Aubert, M., Revil, A., Schuetze, C. and Sortino, F., 2009. Importance of structural history in the summit area of Stromboli during the 2002-2003 erupti- ve crisis inferred from temperature, soil CO2, self-potential, and electrical resis- tivity tomography. Journal of volcano- logy and Geothermal Research, 183(3- 4), 213-227.
  • Froger, J.-L., Lénat, J.-F., Chorowicz, J., Le Pennec, J.-L, Bourdier, J.-L., Köse, O.,
  • Zimitoglu, O., Gündogdu, N.M. and
  • Gourgaud, A., 1998. Hidden calderas
  • evidenced by multisource geophysical
  • data; example of Cappadocian Calde
  • ras, Central Anatolia, Journal of Vol
  • canology and Geothermal Research, 85(1-4), 99-128.
  • Günther, T., 2005. Inversion Methods and Re- solution Analysis for the 2D/3D Re- construction of Resistivity Structures from DC Measurements. PhD Thesis, University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg (Germany), pp. 160 (yayımlan- mamış).
  • Griffiths, D.H., Barker, R.D., 1993. Two- dimensional resistivity imaging and mo- delling in areas of complex geology. Jo- urnal of Applied Geophysics, 29, 211- 226.
  • Griffiths, D.H. and Barker, R.D., 1994. Electrical imaging in Archaeology. Journal of Arc- haeological Science, 21(2), 153-158.
  • Le Pennec, J.-L., Bourdier, J.-L., Froger, J.-L.,
  • Temel, A., Camus, G. and Gourgaud,
  • A., 1994. Neogene ignimbrites of the
  • Nevsehir plateau (Central Turkey): stra
  • tigraphy, distribution and source cons
  • traints. Journal of Volcanology and Ge
  • othermal Research, 63(1-2), 59-87.
  • Le Pennec, J.-L., Temel, A., Froger, J.-L., Sen, S., Gourgaud, A. and Bourdier, J.-L., 2005. Stratigraphy and age of the Cap- padocia ignimbrites, Turkey: reconci- ling field constraints with paleontologic, radiochronologic, geochemical and pa- leomagnetic data. Journal of Volcano- logy and Geothermal Research, 141(1- 2), 45-64.
  • Loke, M.H., 2001. Rapid 2D resistivity and IP inversion using the least-squares met- hod. Res2Dinv User Manual. Geotomo software, pp. 49.
  • Loke, M.H., Acworth, I. and Dahlin, T., 2003. A comparison of smooth and blocky in- version methods in 2D electrical ima- ging surveys. Exploration Geophysics, 34, 182-187.
  • Meju, M.A. and Montague, M., 1995. Basis for a flexible low-cost automated resistivity data acquisition and analysis system. Computers and Geosciences, 21(8), 993-999.
  • Mouralis, D., Pastre, J.-F., Kuzucuoglu, C., Tür- kecan, A., Atici, Y., Slimak, L., Guillou, H. and Kunesch, S., 2002. Les comp- lexes volcaniques Rhyolithiques qua- ternaires d’Anatolie centrale (Göllü Dag et Acigöl, Turquie) : Genèse, instabilité, contraintes environnementales. Qua- ternaire, 13(3-4), 219-228.
  • Noel, M. and Xu, B.W., 1991. Archaeological investigation by electrical-resistivity tomography - A preliminary study. Ge- ophysical Journal International, 107(1), 95-102.
  • Olayinka, A.I. and Yaramanci, U., 2000. Use of block inversion in the 2-D interpretation of apparent resistivity data and its com- parison with smooth inversion. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 45, 63-81.
  • Overmeeren, R.A., van Ritsema, I.L., 1988. Continuous vertical electrical sounding. First Break, 6(10), 313-324.
  • Parasins, D.S., 1962. Principles of Applied Ge- ophysics, 176 pp., London: Methuen.
  • Parasins, D.S., 1965. Theory and practice of electric potential and resistivity prospecting using linear current elect- rodes. Geoexploration, vol. 3(1), 3-69.
  • Pellerin, L., 2002. Applications of electrical and electromagnetic methods for environ- mental and geotechnical investigations. Surveys in Geophysics, 23(2-3), 101- 132.
  • Schlumberger, C., 1920. Etude sur la Prospecti- on Electrique du Sous-sol, Gaultier-Vil- lars et Cie., Paris, 94pp.
  • Slater, L., Binley, A., Versteeg, R., Cassiani, G., Birken, R. and Sandberg, S., 2002. A 3D ERT study of solute transport in a large experimental tank. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 49(4), 211-229.
  • Soupios, P.M., Georgakopoulos, P., Papado- poulos, N., Saltas, V., Andreadakis, A., Vallianatos, F., Sarris, A. and Makris, J.P., 2007. Use of engineering geoph- ysics to investigate a site for a building foundation. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 4(1), 94-103.
  • Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P. and Sheriff, R.E., 1990. Applied Geophysics, 2nd Ed. cambridge University Press, UK.
  • Temel, A., Gündoğdu, M.N., Gourgaud, A. and Le Pennec, J.-L., 1998. Ignimbrites of Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey): petrology and geochemistry. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 85(1-4), 447-471.
  • Ulusoy, İ., Labazuy, P., Aydar, E., Atak, O., Yü- rür, T., Artuner, H. and Dahlin, T., 2009. Multisource geophysical investigation of the Acıgöl caldera structure (central
  • Turkey): preliminary results. EGU2009, Vienna, Austria.
  • Wenner, F,. 1912. The four-terminal conductor and the Thomson bridge, U.S. Bureau of Standards Bulletin, 8, 559-610.
  • Yaramanci, U., 2000. Geoelectric exploration and monitoring in rock salt for the sa- fety assessment of underground waste disposal sites. Journal of Applied Ge- ophysics, 44, 181-196.

Dağıtılmış Anahtarlamalı Özdirenç Görüntüleme Sistemi

Year 2012, Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2012


Doğru akım özdirenç görüntüleme tekniği son otuz yıl içinde hem mekanik anlamda hem de edinilen bilgilerin işlenmesi anlamında oldukça gelişmiş ve gelişmeye devam etmektedir. Gelişme, daha çok elektrot ile mekanik yerdeğiştirmenin azaltılması ve buna bağlı olarak sayıca daha çok örnek alabilme yöntemlerinin iyileştirilmesi biçiminde olmaktadır. Görüntüleme tekniği, ya klasik anlamda merkezi bir anahtarlama sistemi ile yıldız bağlantı biçiminde ya da anahtarlamanın elektrotlar üzerine yapılmasına olanak sağlayacak dağılmış-akıllı elektrot olarak adlandırılan anahtarlama sistemleri ile yapılmaktadır. Arazi uygulamaları açısından her iki sistemin de bazı getirileri ve götürüleri vardır. Ancak kullanıcılar açısından arazi şartlarındaki en büyük etken sistemin toplam ağırlığı olmaktadır. Akıllı elektrot sistemleri kablo ağırlığını azalttığı için uzun hatlı ölçümlerde avantaj sağlayabilir. Hacettepe Üniversitesinde geliştirilen akıllı elektrot sistemi, benzeri olan merkezi anahtarlama sistemlerine göre yaklaşık %75 daha hafiftir. Sistem temelde küçük bir merkezi kontrol ünitesi, elektrotlar üzerine monte edilen akıllı elektrot üniteleri ve ana kablodan oluşmaktadır. Ana kablo içinden, ikisi girişim etkisine karşı yalıtımlı olan 6 adet kablo geçmektedir. Sistem, denetim ünitesine seri bağlanan bir dizüstü bilgisayar aracılığıyla denetlenmektedir. Sistemin kısa ve uzun profillerde denemeleri yapılmış, sorunsuz çalıştığı gözlenmiştir. Sistem, hafifliği nedeniyle özellikle uzun hatlı ölçümlerde büyük kolaylık sağlamaktadır, ayrıca bilgi giriş/çıkış ve tetikleme kapasitesine sahip her tür özdirenç aletine adapte edilebilir özelliktedir. Düşük sayıda kablodan oluşması nedeniyle çok kanallı ölçüm yapabilen bir sistem haline de dönüştürülmesi çalışmaları da yapılmaktadır


  • Abdelhadi, A., 2007. Identically programmed intelligent electrodes for use in geoe- lectrical surveys. United States Patent, US7158048-B2.
  • ABEM Instrument AB, 2007. Instruction Manu- al. ABEM Printed Matter, No 93109, pp. 135.
  • Aydar, E., Gourgaud, A., Deniel, C., Lyberis, N. and Gündoğdu, M.N., 1995. Le volca- nisme Quaternaire d’Anatole centrale (Turquie): association de magmatismes calco-alcalin en domaine de conver- gence, Can. J. Earth Sci. 32, 1058-1069.
  • Barde-Cabusson, S., Finizola, A., Revil, A. et al., 2009. New geological insights and structural control on fluid circulation in La Fossa cone (Vulcano, Aeolian Is- lands, Italy). Journal of volcanology and Geothermal Research, 185(3), 231-245.
  • Barker, R., 1981. The offset system of electrical resistivity sounding and its use with a multicore cable. Geophysical Prospec- ting, 29(1), 128-143.
  • Barker, R., 1992. A simple algorithm for electri- cal imaging of the subsurface, First Bre- ak, 10(2), 53-62.
  • Binley, A., Pinheiro, P. and Dickin, F., 1996. Fi- nite Element based Three-Dimensional Forward and Inverse Solvers for Elect- rical Impedance Tomography, In: Proc. Colloquium on Advances in Electrical
  • Tomography, Computing and Control
  • Division, IEE, Digest No. 96(143), p6/1
  • /3, Manchester, UK.
  • Carpenter, E.W., 1955. Some notes concerning the Wenner configuration. Geophys. Prospect., 3(4), 388-402.
  • Carpenter, P.J., Kaufmann, R.S. and Price, B.,
  • Use of resistivity soundings to
  • determine landfill structure. Ground Water, 28, 569-575.
  • Christensen, N.B., Sİrensen, K.I., 1998. Sur- face and borehole electric and electromagnetic methods for hydroge- ological investigations. European Jour- nal of Engineering and Environmental Geophysics, 3(1), 75-90.
  • Dahlin, T., 1989. The Development of a Cable System for Vertical Electrical Sounding and a Comparison of the Schlumberger and Offset Wenner Methods, Lic. The- sis LUTVDG / (TVTG-1005) / 1-77(1989), Lund University, 77p.
  • Dahlin, T., 1993. On the Automation of 2D Re- sistivity Surveying for Engineering and Environmental Applications, PhD The- sis, ISRN LUTVDG / TVDG--1007--SE, ISBN 91-628-1032-4, Lund University, 187p.
  • Dahlin, T., 1996. 2D resistivity surveying for en- vironmental and engineering applicati- ons. First Break, 14, 275-283.
  • Dahlin, T., Bjelm, L. and Svensson, C., 1999. Use of electrical imaging in site investi- gations for a railway tunnel through the Hallandsas Horst, Sweden. Quarterly
  • Journal of Engineering Geology and
  • Hydrogeology, 32, 163-172.
  • Dahlin, T., 2001. The development of DC resis- tivity imaging techniques. Computers and Geosciences, 27, 1019-1029.
  • De Franco, R., Biella, G., Tosi, L., Teatini, P., Lo- zej, A., Chiozzotto, B., Giada, M., Riz- zetto, F., Claude, C., Mayer, A., Bassan, V., Gasparetto-Stori, G., 2009. Moni- toring the saltwater intrusion by time lapse electrical resistivity tomography:
  • The Chioggia test site (Venice Lagoon,
  • Italy). Journal of Applied Geophysics, 69, 117-130.
  • Drahor, M.G., 2006. Integrated geophysical stu- dies in the upper part of Sardis archae- ological site, Turkey. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 59(3), 205-223.
  • Drahor, M.G., Berge, M.A. ve Kurtulmuş, T.Ö., 2006. Dolgu alanlarda özdirenç ters- çözüm modellemesi ve eski bir atık dolgu alanına uygulanması. Yerbilimleri, 27(3), 195-209.
  • Drahor, M.G.; Berge, M.A.; Kurtulmuş, T.O., Hartmann, M. and Speidel, M.A., 2008. Magnetic and Electrical Resistivity To- mography Investigations in a Roman Legionary Camp Site (Legio IV Scythi- ca) in Zeugma, Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. Archaeological Prospection, 15(3), 159-186.
  • Ekingen, A., 1982. Nevşehir kalderasında jeofi- zik prospeksiyon sonuçları. Türk. Jeol. Kurul. Bildiri Özet Kitabı, pp. 82.
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There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İnan Ulusoy This is me

Harun Artuner This is me

Erkan Aydar This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Submission Date March 24, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 33 Issue: 3


EndNote Ulusoy İ, Artuner H, Aydar E (April 1, 2012) Dağıtılmış Anahtarlamalı Özdirenç Görüntüleme Sistemi. Yerbilimleri 33 3 141–168.