A Seismic Moment Tensor Catalogue Comprising Years 2007 and 2008 for M ≥ 4.0 Earthquakes in Turkey
Year 2012,
Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2012
Tuğbay Kılıç
Murat Utkucu
- Ambraseys, N., 2009. Earthquakes in the Medi- terranean and Middle East: a multidis- ciplinary study of seismicity up to 1900. Cambridge University Press. 947pp. ISBN 978-0-521-87292-8.
- Arrowsmith, R., McNally, K. and Davis, J., 1997. Potential for earthquake rupture and M
- earthquakes along the Parkfield, Cho
- lame and Carrizo segments of the San
- Andreas Fault. Seismological Research
- Letters, 68, 902-916.
- Barka, A. and Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988. Strike- slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on earthquake activity. Tecto- nics, 7, 663-684.
- Bohnhoff, M., Grosser, H. and Dresen, G., 2006. Strain partitioning and stress rotation at the North Anatolian fault zone from af- tershock focal mechanisms of the 1999 Izmit Mw=7.4 earthquake. Geophysical
- Journal International, 166, 373–385. doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03027.x.
- Bouchon, M., 1981. A simple method to calcu- late Green’s functions in elastic layered media. Bulletin of Seismological Soci- ety of America, 71, 959–971.
- D’Agostino, N., Avallone, A., Cheloni, D., D’Anastasio, E., Mantenuto S. and Selvaggi, G., 2008. Active tectonics of the Adriatic region from GPS and earthquake slip vectors. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B12413, doi:10.1029/2008JB005860.
- Dewey, J.F., Hempton, M.R., Kidd, W.S.F., Şa- roğlu, F. and Şengör, A.M.C., 1986. Shortening of continental lithosphere: the neotectonics of Eastern Anatolia-a young collision. In Collision Tecto- nics, eds. Coward MP and Ries AC, Geological Society Special Publication, 19, 3-36.
- Dhont, D. and Chorowicz, J., 2006. Review of the neotectonics of the Eastern Tur- kish–Armenian Plateau by geomorp- hic analysis of digital elevation model imagery. International Journal of Earth Science (Geol Rundsch), 95, 34–49. doi:10.1007/s00531-005-0020-3.
- Emre, Ö., Duman, T.Y., Özalp, S. ve Elmacı, H., 2011. 23 Ekim 2011 Van depremi saha gözlemleri ve kaynak faya ilişkin ön de- ğerlendirmeler. MTA Jeoloji Etütler Dai- resi, Ankara, 22 sf.
- Endelger, T., 1993. Stress regime in the lit- hosphere. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, ISBN 0-691- 08555-2, 457 pp.
- Ekström, G., Dziewonski, A.M., Maternovska- ya, N.N. and Nettles, M., 2003. Global seismicity of 2001: Sentroid-moment- tensor solutions for 961 earthquakes. Physics of Earth Planetary Interrior, 136, 165-185.
- Ekström, G., Dziewonski, A.M., Maternovska- ya, N.N. and Nettles, M., 2005. Global seismicity of 2002: Sentroid-moment- tensor solutions for 1034 earthquakes. Physics of Earth Planetary Interrior, 148, 303–326.
- Gephart, J.W., 1985. Principal stress directions and the ambiguity in fault plane identifi- cation from focal mechanisms. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 75, 621–625.
- Gephart, J.W., 1990. FMSI: a Fortran program for inverting fault/slickenside and eart- hquake focal mechanism data to obtain the regional stress tensor. Computatio- nal Geoscience 16, 953–989.
- Gök, E. and Polat, O., 2012. An assessment of the seismicity of the Bursa region from a temporary seismic network. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169(4), 659-675, DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0347-6.
- Grad, M. and Tiira, T., 2012. Moho depth of the European Plate from teleseismic rece- iver functions. Journal of Seismology,
- (2), 95-105, DOI 10.1007/s10950- 011-9251-x.
- Haris, RA and Arrowsmith, JA 2004. Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2004 Park- field Earthquake and the Parkfield Eart- hquake Prediction Experiment, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, No. 4B, pp. S1–S10, Septem- ber 2006, doi: 10.1785/0120050831.
- Herrin, E., 1968. Seismological tables for P-phases. Bulletin of Seismological So- ciety of America, 60, 461-489.
- Jime´nez-Munt, I., Sabadini, R., Gardi, A., and Bianco, G., 2006. Active defor- mation in the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Anatolia inferred from numerical modeling and geodetic and seismological data. Journal of Ge- ophysical Research, 108(B1), 2006, doi:10.1029/2001JB001544, 2003.
- Jost M.L. and Hermann, R.B., 1989. A student’s guide to and review of moment tensors. Seismological Research Letters, 60(2), 37-57.
- Kalafat, D., Kekovalı, K., Güneş, Y., Yılmazer, M., Kara, M., Deniz, P. and Berberoğlu, M., 2009. Türkiye ve çevresi faylanma-kay- nak parametreleri (MT) kataloğu (1938- 2008). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Ens- titüsü, Ocak 2009, İstanbul.
- Kaymakçı, N., İnceöz, M. and Ertepınar, P., 2006. 3D-architecture and Neogene evolution of the Malatya Basin: Inferences for the kinematics of the Malatya and Ovacık Fault Zones. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 15, 123-154.
- Kılıç, T., 2009. Sismik moment tensör analizi ile 2007-2008 yıllarındaki M≥4.0 Türkiye depremlerinin kaynak parametrelerinin bulunması Yüksek Lisans tezi . Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sa- karya (yayımlanmamış), 66 sf.
- Kikuchi, M. and Kanamori, H., 1991. Inversion of complex body waves-III. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 81, 2335-2350.
- Koçyiğit, A., Yılmaz, A., Adamia, S. and Kulosh- vili, S., 2001. Neotectonics of East Ana- tolia plateau (Turkey) and lesser Cau- casus: implication for transition from thrusting to strike-slip faulting. Geodi- namica Acta 14:177-195.
- McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gürkan, O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K., Nadariya, M., Ouzouni, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tea- leb, A., Toksöz, M.N. and Veis, G., 2000. GPS constraints on plate kinematics and dynamics in the Eastern Mediterra- nean and Caucasus. Journal of Geoph- ysical Research, 105:5695-5719.
- Menke, W., 1989. Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory. International Geophysical Series, 45, Academic Press, San Diego (ISBN-0-12-490921-3).
- Nakano, M., Yamashina, T., Kumagai, H., Inoue, H. and Sunarjo, 2010. Sentroid moment tensor catalogue for Indonesia. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 183, 456–467.
- Nalbant, S.S., Hubert, A. and King, G.C.P., 1998. Stress coupling between earthquakes in northwest Turkey and north Aegean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(10), 24469-24486.
- Nur, A. and Cline, E.H., 2000. Poseidon’s Hor- ses: Plate tectonics and earthquake storms in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science, 27, 43–63.
- Oppenheimer, D.H., Bakun, W.H. and Lindh, A.G., 1990. Slip partitioning of the Ca- leveras Fault, California, and prospects for future earthquakes. Journal of Ge- ophysical Research, 95, 8483-8498.
- Örgülü, G., 2011. Seismicity and source parame- ters for small-scale earthquakes along the splays of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Marmara Sea. Geophysical Journal International, 184, 385–404, doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04844.x
- Pınar, A., Honkura, Y., Kuge, K., Matsushima, M., Sezgin, N., Yılmazer, M. and Öğütçü, Z., 2007. Source mechanism of the 2000 November 15 Lake Van earthquake (Mw = 5.6) in eastern Turkey and its seismo- tectonic implications. Geophysical Jo- urnal International, 170(2):749-763, doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03445.x
- Pınar, A., Kuge, K. and Honkura, Y., 2003. Mo- ment inversion of recent small to mode- rate sized earthquakes: implications for seismic hazard and active tectonics be- neath the Sea of Marmara. Geophysical Journal International, 153, 133-145.
- Roeloffs, E., and J. Langbein 1994. The earthqu- ake prediction experiment at Parkfield, California, Rev. Geophys. 32, 315–336.
- Pondrelli, S., Morelli, A., Ekström, G., Mazzaa, S., Boschi, E. and Dziewonski, A.M., 2002. European–Mediterranean regi- onal Sentroid-moment tensors: 1997– 2000. Physics of the Earth and Plane- tary Interiors, 130, 71–101.
- Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., Morelli, A., Ekström, G. and Boschi, E., 2007. European–Me- diterranean Regional Sentroid Moment
- Tensor catalog: solutions for years 2003
- and 2004. Physics of the Earth and Pla
- netary Interiors, 164 (1–2), 90–112.
- Pondrelli, S., Salimbenia, S., Morellia, A., Eks- tröm, G., Postpischla, L., Vannuccia, G. and Boschi, E., 2011. European–Medi- terranean Regional Sentroid Moment
- Tensor catalog: Solutions for 2005–
- Physics of the Earth and Plane
- tary Interiors 185 (2011) 74–81.
- Reilinger, R. and McClusky, S., 2011. Nubia– Arabia–Eurasia plate motions and the Dynamics of Mediterranean and Midd- le East tectonics. Geophysical Jour- nal International, 186, 971–979. doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05133.x
- Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Law- rence, S., Ergintav, S., Çakmak, R., Özener, H., Kadirov, F., Guliev, I., Ste- panyan, R., Nadariya, M., Hahubia, G., Mahmoud, S., Sakr, K., ArRajehi, A., Paradissis, D., Al-Aydrus, A., Prilepin, M., Guseva, T., Evren, E., Dmitrotsa, A., Filikov, S.V., Gomez, F., Al-Ghazzi, R. and Karam, G., 2006. GPS cons- traints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B05411, doi:10.1029/2005JB004051.
- Sandvol, E., Türkelli, N. and Barazangi, M., 2003. The Eastern Turkey Seismic Ex- periment: The study of a young con- tinent-continent collision: An examp- le from eastern Turkey. Geophysi- cal Research Letters, 30(24), 8038, doi:10.1029/2003GL018912,2003.
- Sokos, E. and Zahradnik, J. 2006. A Matlab GUI for use with ISOLA Fortran codes (User’s Guide), Ver. 2.5. June 2006, 34 pp.
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Türkiye'deki M ≥ 4.0 Depremler İçin 2007 ve 2008 Yıllarını Kapsayan Sismik Moment Tensör Katalogu
Year 2012,
Volume: 33 Issue: 3, 141 - 168, 01.04.2012
Tuğbay Kılıç
Murat Utkucu
Bu çalışmada 2007 ve 2008 yıllarında Türkiye’de meydana gelmiş büyüklüğü M≥4.0 olan 100 depremin kaynak parametreleri, sismik moment tensör dalga şekli ters çözüm yöntemiyle yakın-alan ve bölgesel dalga şekilleri kullanılarak bulunmuştur. Çalışılan depremlerin kaynak parametreleri, bu depremlerin oluştukları bölgelerdeki hakim tektonik rejime uyum göstermekte ve bulunan sentroid derinlikleri Türkiye’de batıdan doğuya kabuksal kalınlaşmayı desteklemektedir. Çalışmanın, Türkiye için bir sismik moment tensör katalogu oluşturulmasında ve gelecekteki sismotektonik çalışmalar için yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir
- Ambraseys, N., 2009. Earthquakes in the Medi- terranean and Middle East: a multidis- ciplinary study of seismicity up to 1900. Cambridge University Press. 947pp. ISBN 978-0-521-87292-8.
- Arrowsmith, R., McNally, K. and Davis, J., 1997. Potential for earthquake rupture and M
- earthquakes along the Parkfield, Cho
- lame and Carrizo segments of the San
- Andreas Fault. Seismological Research
- Letters, 68, 902-916.
- Barka, A. and Kadinsky-Cade, K., 1988. Strike- slip fault geometry in Turkey and its influence on earthquake activity. Tecto- nics, 7, 663-684.
- Bohnhoff, M., Grosser, H. and Dresen, G., 2006. Strain partitioning and stress rotation at the North Anatolian fault zone from af- tershock focal mechanisms of the 1999 Izmit Mw=7.4 earthquake. Geophysical
- Journal International, 166, 373–385. doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03027.x.
- Bouchon, M., 1981. A simple method to calcu- late Green’s functions in elastic layered media. Bulletin of Seismological Soci- ety of America, 71, 959–971.
- D’Agostino, N., Avallone, A., Cheloni, D., D’Anastasio, E., Mantenuto S. and Selvaggi, G., 2008. Active tectonics of the Adriatic region from GPS and earthquake slip vectors. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B12413, doi:10.1029/2008JB005860.
- Dewey, J.F., Hempton, M.R., Kidd, W.S.F., Şa- roğlu, F. and Şengör, A.M.C., 1986. Shortening of continental lithosphere: the neotectonics of Eastern Anatolia-a young collision. In Collision Tecto- nics, eds. Coward MP and Ries AC, Geological Society Special Publication, 19, 3-36.
- Dhont, D. and Chorowicz, J., 2006. Review of the neotectonics of the Eastern Tur- kish–Armenian Plateau by geomorp- hic analysis of digital elevation model imagery. International Journal of Earth Science (Geol Rundsch), 95, 34–49. doi:10.1007/s00531-005-0020-3.
- Emre, Ö., Duman, T.Y., Özalp, S. ve Elmacı, H., 2011. 23 Ekim 2011 Van depremi saha gözlemleri ve kaynak faya ilişkin ön de- ğerlendirmeler. MTA Jeoloji Etütler Dai- resi, Ankara, 22 sf.
- Endelger, T., 1993. Stress regime in the lit- hosphere. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, ISBN 0-691- 08555-2, 457 pp.
- Ekström, G., Dziewonski, A.M., Maternovska- ya, N.N. and Nettles, M., 2003. Global seismicity of 2001: Sentroid-moment- tensor solutions for 961 earthquakes. Physics of Earth Planetary Interrior, 136, 165-185.
- Ekström, G., Dziewonski, A.M., Maternovska- ya, N.N. and Nettles, M., 2005. Global seismicity of 2002: Sentroid-moment- tensor solutions for 1034 earthquakes. Physics of Earth Planetary Interrior, 148, 303–326.
- Gephart, J.W., 1985. Principal stress directions and the ambiguity in fault plane identifi- cation from focal mechanisms. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 75, 621–625.
- Gephart, J.W., 1990. FMSI: a Fortran program for inverting fault/slickenside and eart- hquake focal mechanism data to obtain the regional stress tensor. Computatio- nal Geoscience 16, 953–989.
- Gök, E. and Polat, O., 2012. An assessment of the seismicity of the Bursa region from a temporary seismic network. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 169(4), 659-675, DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0347-6.
- Grad, M. and Tiira, T., 2012. Moho depth of the European Plate from teleseismic rece- iver functions. Journal of Seismology,
- (2), 95-105, DOI 10.1007/s10950- 011-9251-x.
- Haris, RA and Arrowsmith, JA 2004. Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2004 Park- field Earthquake and the Parkfield Eart- hquake Prediction Experiment, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, No. 4B, pp. S1–S10, Septem- ber 2006, doi: 10.1785/0120050831.
- Herrin, E., 1968. Seismological tables for P-phases. Bulletin of Seismological So- ciety of America, 60, 461-489.
- Jime´nez-Munt, I., Sabadini, R., Gardi, A., and Bianco, G., 2006. Active defor- mation in the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Anatolia inferred from numerical modeling and geodetic and seismological data. Journal of Ge- ophysical Research, 108(B1), 2006, doi:10.1029/2001JB001544, 2003.
- Jost M.L. and Hermann, R.B., 1989. A student’s guide to and review of moment tensors. Seismological Research Letters, 60(2), 37-57.
- Kalafat, D., Kekovalı, K., Güneş, Y., Yılmazer, M., Kara, M., Deniz, P. and Berberoğlu, M., 2009. Türkiye ve çevresi faylanma-kay- nak parametreleri (MT) kataloğu (1938- 2008). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Araştırma Ens- titüsü, Ocak 2009, İstanbul.
- Kaymakçı, N., İnceöz, M. and Ertepınar, P., 2006. 3D-architecture and Neogene evolution of the Malatya Basin: Inferences for the kinematics of the Malatya and Ovacık Fault Zones. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 15, 123-154.
- Kılıç, T., 2009. Sismik moment tensör analizi ile 2007-2008 yıllarındaki M≥4.0 Türkiye depremlerinin kaynak parametrelerinin bulunması Yüksek Lisans tezi . Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sa- karya (yayımlanmamış), 66 sf.
- Kikuchi, M. and Kanamori, H., 1991. Inversion of complex body waves-III. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 81, 2335-2350.
- Koçyiğit, A., Yılmaz, A., Adamia, S. and Kulosh- vili, S., 2001. Neotectonics of East Ana- tolia plateau (Turkey) and lesser Cau- casus: implication for transition from thrusting to strike-slip faulting. Geodi- namica Acta 14:177-195.
- McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gürkan, O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K., Nadariya, M., Ouzouni, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tea- leb, A., Toksöz, M.N. and Veis, G., 2000. GPS constraints on plate kinematics and dynamics in the Eastern Mediterra- nean and Caucasus. Journal of Geoph- ysical Research, 105:5695-5719.
- Menke, W., 1989. Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory. International Geophysical Series, 45, Academic Press, San Diego (ISBN-0-12-490921-3).
- Nakano, M., Yamashina, T., Kumagai, H., Inoue, H. and Sunarjo, 2010. Sentroid moment tensor catalogue for Indonesia. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 183, 456–467.
- Nalbant, S.S., Hubert, A. and King, G.C.P., 1998. Stress coupling between earthquakes in northwest Turkey and north Aegean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(10), 24469-24486.
- Nur, A. and Cline, E.H., 2000. Poseidon’s Hor- ses: Plate tectonics and earthquake storms in the Late Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Archaeological Science, 27, 43–63.
- Oppenheimer, D.H., Bakun, W.H. and Lindh, A.G., 1990. Slip partitioning of the Ca- leveras Fault, California, and prospects for future earthquakes. Journal of Ge- ophysical Research, 95, 8483-8498.
- Örgülü, G., 2011. Seismicity and source parame- ters for small-scale earthquakes along the splays of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in the Marmara Sea. Geophysical Journal International, 184, 385–404, doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04844.x
- Pınar, A., Honkura, Y., Kuge, K., Matsushima, M., Sezgin, N., Yılmazer, M. and Öğütçü, Z., 2007. Source mechanism of the 2000 November 15 Lake Van earthquake (Mw = 5.6) in eastern Turkey and its seismo- tectonic implications. Geophysical Jo- urnal International, 170(2):749-763, doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03445.x
- Pınar, A., Kuge, K. and Honkura, Y., 2003. Mo- ment inversion of recent small to mode- rate sized earthquakes: implications for seismic hazard and active tectonics be- neath the Sea of Marmara. Geophysical Journal International, 153, 133-145.
- Roeloffs, E., and J. Langbein 1994. The earthqu- ake prediction experiment at Parkfield, California, Rev. Geophys. 32, 315–336.
- Pondrelli, S., Morelli, A., Ekström, G., Mazzaa, S., Boschi, E. and Dziewonski, A.M., 2002. European–Mediterranean regi- onal Sentroid-moment tensors: 1997– 2000. Physics of the Earth and Plane- tary Interiors, 130, 71–101.
- Pondrelli, S., Salimbeni, S., Morelli, A., Ekström, G. and Boschi, E., 2007. European–Me- diterranean Regional Sentroid Moment
- Tensor catalog: solutions for years 2003
- and 2004. Physics of the Earth and Pla
- netary Interiors, 164 (1–2), 90–112.
- Pondrelli, S., Salimbenia, S., Morellia, A., Eks- tröm, G., Postpischla, L., Vannuccia, G. and Boschi, E., 2011. European–Medi- terranean Regional Sentroid Moment
- Tensor catalog: Solutions for 2005–
- Physics of the Earth and Plane
- tary Interiors 185 (2011) 74–81.
- Reilinger, R. and McClusky, S., 2011. Nubia– Arabia–Eurasia plate motions and the Dynamics of Mediterranean and Midd- le East tectonics. Geophysical Jour- nal International, 186, 971–979. doi:
- 1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05133.x
- Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Law- rence, S., Ergintav, S., Çakmak, R., Özener, H., Kadirov, F., Guliev, I., Ste- panyan, R., Nadariya, M., Hahubia, G., Mahmoud, S., Sakr, K., ArRajehi, A., Paradissis, D., Al-Aydrus, A., Prilepin, M., Guseva, T., Evren, E., Dmitrotsa, A., Filikov, S.V., Gomez, F., Al-Ghazzi, R. and Karam, G., 2006. GPS cons- traints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B05411, doi:10.1029/2005JB004051.
- Sandvol, E., Türkelli, N. and Barazangi, M., 2003. The Eastern Turkey Seismic Ex- periment: The study of a young con- tinent-continent collision: An examp- le from eastern Turkey. Geophysi- cal Research Letters, 30(24), 8038, doi:10.1029/2003GL018912,2003.
- Sokos, E. and Zahradnik, J. 2006. A Matlab GUI for use with ISOLA Fortran codes (User’s Guide), Ver. 2.5. June 2006, 34 pp.
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