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Afyon Volkanik Kayaçlarının (Batı Anadolu, Türkiye) Mineralojik-Petrografik Özellikleri ve P-T Hesaplamaları

Year 2015, Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 137 - 162, 11.01.2016


Bu çalışmada Afyon ili güneyi ile Şuhut bölgesinin kuzeyi arasında bulunan volkaniklerin, mineralojik-petrografik
özellikleri belirlenmiş ve mineral kimyası analizlerinden elde edilen veriler ile termobarometre hesaplamaları yapılmıştır.
Çalışma alanında dom, lav domları ile blok ve kül akışları şeklinde görülen trakitik kayaçlarda gerçekleştirilen
optik incelemeler sonucunda iki farklı mineralojik bileşim belirlenmiştir. Yüksek K2O, K2O/Na2O oranı ve Mg#
değerlerine sahip olan kayaçlar ultrapotasik grup (UPG) olarak adlandırılmış ve ilgili grafiklere yerleştirildiğinde bu
gruba ait örneklerin lamproyit tipi kayaç özelliği taşıdığı saptanmıştır. UPG kayaçlarının mineralojik bileşimi amfibol
+ flogopit + klinopiroksen + olivin + sanidin ve oksit mineraller olarak belirlenirken, diğer Afyon volkanik kayaçlarının
mineralojik bileşimi plajiyoklaz + biyotit + amfibol + klinopiroksen ± ortopiroksen ± sanidin ve oksit minerallerden
oluşmaktadır. Örneklerin çoğunluğunda hipokristalin porfirik doku gözlenirken, UPG örneklerinde holokristalin porfirik
doku gözlenmektedir. Örnekler ana element kimyasal verilerine göre ortaç, karakterde (%52< SiO2< %63),
trakit ve trakiandezit olup, tamamı alkali karakterdedir. Mikroprop analizlerinin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda, plajiyoklaz
minerallerinin labrador-oligoklaz (An3-63), amfibol minerallerinin çermakit, rihterit ve magnezyumlu-hornblend
(Mg#54-81), klinopiroksen minerallerinin diyopsit, ojit (Wo43-47) ve ortopiroksenlerin hipersten (En40-70) kompozisyonunda
olduğu belirlenmiştir. Optik mikroskop incelemelerinde sünger dokulu plajiyoklaz mineralleri gözlemlenmiş
ve mikroprop, SEM (taramalı elektron mikroskobu) ve EDS (enerji dağılım spektrometresi) analizleri ile plajiyoklaz
minerallerinin bazılarında ters zonlanma saptanmıştır. Bu veriler, Afyon volkanik kayaçlarının magma karışım sürecinden etkilenmiş olabileceğini işaret etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, klinopiroksen-eriyik ikilisinin dengede olduğu
koşullar dikkate alınarak yapılan termobarometre hesaplamaları sonucunda, bu minerallerin oluşum sıcaklıklarının
en düşük 1087 °C (AD5) ve en yüksek 1141 °C (AD3) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Basınç değerleri 5 ve 10 kbar aralığında
değişirken, bu basınç değerleri kullanılarak elde edilen mineral kristallenme derinliklerinin ise, 18 km (AD5)-28 km
(AD1) arasında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Klinopiroksen minerallerinin kristallenme derinliğinin farklı olması, bu minerallerin
farklı derinliklerde oluşan farklı magma odalarında kristallenmiş olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.


  • Akal, C. 2003. Mineralogy and geochemistry of melilite leucites, Balıkçıhisar, Afyon;
  • Turkey. Turkish Journal of Erath Scien- ce, 12, 215-239.
  • Akal, C. 2008. K-richterite-olivine-phlogopite- diopside-sanidine lamproites from the Afyon volcanic province, Turkey. Geo- logical Magazine, 145, 570-585.
  • Akal, C., Helvacı, C., Prelevic, D., ve Van den Bogaard, P. 2013. High-K volcanism in the Afyon region, western Turkey: from Si-oversaturated to Si-undersaturated volcanism. International Journal Scien- ce, 102, 435-453.
  • Aydar, E., Bayhan, H., ve Gourgaud, A. 2003.
  • The lamprophyres of Afyon stratovol
  • cano, western Anatolia, Turkey: desc
  • ription and genesis. Comptes Rendus
  • Geoscience, 335, 279-288.
  • Besang, C., Eckhart, F.J., Harre, W., Kreuzer, H., ve Muller, P. 1977. Radiometriche Al- tersbestimmungen an neogenen Erup- tigesteinen der Türkei. Geologisches Jahrbuch, 25, 3-36.
  • Best, M.G., 1982. Igneous and Metamorphic Pet- rology, Freeman, Appendix E, 616-619.
  • Biryol,C.B., Beck, S.L., Zandt, G., ve Özacar, A.A. 2011. Segmented African lithosp- here beneath the Anatolian region in- ferred from teleseismic P-wave tomog- raphy. Geophysical Journal Internatio- nal, 184, 1037-1057.
  • Çemen, I., Catlos, E.J., Göğüş, O., ve Özerdem, C. 2006. Post-collisional extensional tectonics and exhumation of the Men- deres Massif in the Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey. In: Dilek, Y (ed) Postcollisional tectonics and mag- matism in the Eastern Mediteranean Region: GSA’s Special Publication, 409, 353-379.
  • Çoban, H. 2007. Basalt magma genesis and fractionation in collision and extensi- on-related provinces: A comparasion between eastern, central and western Anatolia. Earth-Science Reviews, 80, 3-4, 219-238.
  • Çoban, H., ve Flower, M.F.J. 2007. Late Plio- cene lamproites from Bucak, Isparta (southwestern Turkey): Implications for mantle “ wedge” evolution during Afri- ca-Anatolian plate convergence. Jour- nal of Asian Earth Sciences, 29, 1, 160- 176.
  • Faccenna, C., Piromallo, C., Crespo-Blanc, A.,
  • Jolivet, L., ve Rossetti, F. 2004. Lateral
  • slab deformation and the origin of the
  • western Mediterranean arcs. Tectonics, 23, TC1012.
  • Foley, S.F., Venturelli, G., Green, D.H. ve Tos- cani, L. 1987. The ultrapotassic rocks: characteristics, classification and cont- raints for petrogenetic models. Earth Science Reviews, 24, 81-134.
  • Glondy, J., ve Hetzel, R. 2007. Precise U-Pb ages of syn-extensional Miocene int- rusions in the central Menderes Massif, western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 144, 235-246.
  • Işık, V., Tekeli, O., ve Seyitoğlu, G. 2004. The
  • Ar/39Ar age of extensional ductile
  • deformation and granitoid intrusion in
  • the northern Menderes core complex:
  • implications for the initiation of exsional tectonics in western Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 23, 555-566.
  • Kibici, Y., Dinç, D., ve Uçar, A. 2012. Afyonkara- hisar yöresi volkanik kayaçlarının mine- ralojik ve petrografik özellikleri. Dumlu- pınar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitü- sü Dergisi, 29, 53-70.
  • Leake, B.E., Woolley, A.R., Arps, C.E.S., Birch, W.D., Gibert,M.C., Grice, J.D., Hawthorne, F.C., Kato, A., Kisch, H.J.,Krivovichev, V.G., Linthout, K., La- ird, J., Mandarino, J.,Maresch, W.V., Nickel, E.H., Rock, N.M.S., Schumac- her, J.C., Stephenson, N.C.N., Whit- taker, E.J.W. ve Youzhi, G. 1997. No- menclature of amphiboles: report of the Subcommitteeon Amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mi- neral Names. Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 295-321.
  • Le Bas, M.J., Le Maitre, R.W., Streckeisen, A. ve Zanettin, B. 1986. A Chemical Clas- sification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali – Silica Diagram. Jour- nal of Petrology, 27, 745-750.
  • Masotta, M., Mollo, S., Freda, C., Gaeta, ve Mo- ore, G. 2013. Clinopyroxene-liquid ther- mometers and barometers specific to alkaline differentiated magmas. Cont- ributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166, 1545-1561.
  • Miyashiro, A. 1978. Nature of alkalic rock series, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petro- logy, 66, 91- 104.
  • Morimoto, N. 1989. Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 143-156.
  • Nimis, P. 1995. A clinopyroxene geobarometer for basaltic systems based on crystals- structure modeling. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 121, 115- 125.
  • Nimis, P., ve Ulmer, P.1998. Clinopyroxene ge- obarometry of magmatic rocks, Part 1: an expanded structural geobarometer for anhydrous and hydrous basic and ultrabasic systems. Contributions to Mi- neralogy and Petrology, 133, 122-135.
  • Nimis, P., ve Taylor, W.R. 2000. Single clinopy- roxene thermobarometry for garnet peridotites, Part 1: Calibration and tes- ting of a Cr-İn cpx barometer and an enstatite-in-cpx thermometer, Contri- butions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 139, 541-554.
  • Prelevic, D., Akal, C., Foley, S.F., Romer, R.L., Stracke, A., ve Van Den Bogaard, P. 2012. Ultrapotassic mafic rocks as ge- ochemical proxies for postcollisional mantle dynamics of lithosphere: the case of SW Anatolia-Turkey. Journal of Petrology, 53, 1019-1055.
  • Prelevic, D., Akal, C., Romer, R.L., Mertz-Kraus, R., ve Helvacı, C. 2015. Magmatic Res- ponse to Slab Tearing: Constraints from the Afyon Alkaline Volcanic Complex, Western Turkey. Journal of Petrology, 1-36.
  • Putirka, K., Johnson, M., Kinzler, R., ve Walker, D. 1996. Thermobarometry of mafic ig- neous rocks based on clinopyroxene-li- quid equilibria, 0-30 kbar, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 123, 92- 108.
  • Putirka, K., Mikaelian, H., Ryerson, F., ve Shaw, H. 2003. New clinopyroxene-liquid thermometers for mafic, evolved, and volatile-bearing lava compositions, with applications to lavas from Tibet and the Snake River Plain, Idaho, American Mi- neralogist, 88, 1542-1554.
  • Putirka, K. 2008. Thermometers and Barome- ters for Volcanic Systems, Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes, Re- views in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, (eds: Putirka, K., Tepley, F.), Mineralo- gical Society of America, 69, 61-120.
  • Rimmelé, G., Oberhansli, R., Goffé, B., Jolivet, L., Candan, O., ve Çetinkaplan, M. 2003. First evidence of high- pressure meta- morphism in the ‘ Cover Series’ of the southern Menderes Massif. Tectonic and metamorphic implications for the evoluti- on of SW Turkey. Lithos, 71, 19-46.
  • Ring, U., ve Collins, A.S. 2005. U-Pb SIMS da- ting of synkinematic granites: timing of core-complex formation in the northern Anatolide belt of western Turkey. Jour- nal of the Geological Society, London, 162, 289-298.
  • Savaşçın, M.Y., ve Güleç, N. 1990. Relationship between magmatic and tectonic activi- ties in W. Turkey. IESCA Proceedings II, 300-331.
  • Seyitoğlu, G., ve Scott, B.C. 1996. The cause of N-S extensional tectonics in western
  • Turkey: tectonic escape vs back-arc
  • spreading vs orogenic collapse. Jour
  • nal of Geodynamics, 22, 145-153.
  • Sparkman, W., ve Wortel, M.J.R. 1988. The Hel- lenic subduction zone: a tomographic image and its geodynamic implications. Geophys Res Lett, 15, 60-63.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Satır, M., ve Akkök, R. 1984.
  • Timing of tectonics events in the Men
  • deres Massif, western Turkey: implica
  • tions for tectonic evolution and eviden
  • ce for Pan-African basement in Turkey.
  • Tectonics, 3, 693-707.
  • Şengör, A.M.C. 1985. Strike-slip faulting and re- lated basin formation in zones of tecto- nic escape: Turkey as a case study. In: Biddle KT, Christie-Blick N(eds). Strike- slip deformation, and formation, and sedimantation. SEPM Special Publica- tion, 37, 227-264.
  • Van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakçı, N., Spark- man, W., Torsvik, ve T.H.2010. Recon- ciling the geological history of western
  • Turkey with plate circuits and mantle
  • tomography. Earth Planet Science Let- ters, 297, 674-686.
  • Westeway, R. 2006. Cenozoic cooling histories in the Mebnderes Massif, western Tur- key, may be caused by erosion and flat subduction, not low-angle normal faul- ting. Tectonophysics, 412, 1-25.
  • Wortel, M.J.R., ve Sparkman, W. 2000. Subduc- tion and slab detachment in the Medi- terranean-Carpathian region. Science, 290, 1920-1917.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Genç, C., Gurer, F., Bozcu, M., Ylmaz, K., Karacık, Z., Altunkaynak, S., ve Elmas, A. 2000. When did the wes- tern Anatolian grabens begin to deve- lop? In: Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J. A. and Piper, J. D.A. (eds). Tectonics and
  • Magmatism in Turkey and the Surroun
  • ding Area. Geological Society, London,
  • Special Publications, 173, 353-384.
Year 2015, Volume: 36 Issue: 3, 137 - 162, 11.01.2016



  • Akal, C. 2003. Mineralogy and geochemistry of melilite leucites, Balıkçıhisar, Afyon;
  • Turkey. Turkish Journal of Erath Scien- ce, 12, 215-239.
  • Akal, C. 2008. K-richterite-olivine-phlogopite- diopside-sanidine lamproites from the Afyon volcanic province, Turkey. Geo- logical Magazine, 145, 570-585.
  • Akal, C., Helvacı, C., Prelevic, D., ve Van den Bogaard, P. 2013. High-K volcanism in the Afyon region, western Turkey: from Si-oversaturated to Si-undersaturated volcanism. International Journal Scien- ce, 102, 435-453.
  • Aydar, E., Bayhan, H., ve Gourgaud, A. 2003.
  • The lamprophyres of Afyon stratovol
  • cano, western Anatolia, Turkey: desc
  • ription and genesis. Comptes Rendus
  • Geoscience, 335, 279-288.
  • Besang, C., Eckhart, F.J., Harre, W., Kreuzer, H., ve Muller, P. 1977. Radiometriche Al- tersbestimmungen an neogenen Erup- tigesteinen der Türkei. Geologisches Jahrbuch, 25, 3-36.
  • Best, M.G., 1982. Igneous and Metamorphic Pet- rology, Freeman, Appendix E, 616-619.
  • Biryol,C.B., Beck, S.L., Zandt, G., ve Özacar, A.A. 2011. Segmented African lithosp- here beneath the Anatolian region in- ferred from teleseismic P-wave tomog- raphy. Geophysical Journal Internatio- nal, 184, 1037-1057.
  • Çemen, I., Catlos, E.J., Göğüş, O., ve Özerdem, C. 2006. Post-collisional extensional tectonics and exhumation of the Men- deres Massif in the Western Anatolia Extended Terrane, Turkey. In: Dilek, Y (ed) Postcollisional tectonics and mag- matism in the Eastern Mediteranean Region: GSA’s Special Publication, 409, 353-379.
  • Çoban, H. 2007. Basalt magma genesis and fractionation in collision and extensi- on-related provinces: A comparasion between eastern, central and western Anatolia. Earth-Science Reviews, 80, 3-4, 219-238.
  • Çoban, H., ve Flower, M.F.J. 2007. Late Plio- cene lamproites from Bucak, Isparta (southwestern Turkey): Implications for mantle “ wedge” evolution during Afri- ca-Anatolian plate convergence. Jour- nal of Asian Earth Sciences, 29, 1, 160- 176.
  • Faccenna, C., Piromallo, C., Crespo-Blanc, A.,
  • Jolivet, L., ve Rossetti, F. 2004. Lateral
  • slab deformation and the origin of the
  • western Mediterranean arcs. Tectonics, 23, TC1012.
  • Foley, S.F., Venturelli, G., Green, D.H. ve Tos- cani, L. 1987. The ultrapotassic rocks: characteristics, classification and cont- raints for petrogenetic models. Earth Science Reviews, 24, 81-134.
  • Glondy, J., ve Hetzel, R. 2007. Precise U-Pb ages of syn-extensional Miocene int- rusions in the central Menderes Massif, western Turkey. Geological Magazine, 144, 235-246.
  • Işık, V., Tekeli, O., ve Seyitoğlu, G. 2004. The
  • Ar/39Ar age of extensional ductile
  • deformation and granitoid intrusion in
  • the northern Menderes core complex:
  • implications for the initiation of exsional tectonics in western Turkey. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 23, 555-566.
  • Kibici, Y., Dinç, D., ve Uçar, A. 2012. Afyonkara- hisar yöresi volkanik kayaçlarının mine- ralojik ve petrografik özellikleri. Dumlu- pınar Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitü- sü Dergisi, 29, 53-70.
  • Leake, B.E., Woolley, A.R., Arps, C.E.S., Birch, W.D., Gibert,M.C., Grice, J.D., Hawthorne, F.C., Kato, A., Kisch, H.J.,Krivovichev, V.G., Linthout, K., La- ird, J., Mandarino, J.,Maresch, W.V., Nickel, E.H., Rock, N.M.S., Schumac- her, J.C., Stephenson, N.C.N., Whit- taker, E.J.W. ve Youzhi, G. 1997. No- menclature of amphiboles: report of the Subcommitteeon Amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mi- neral Names. Mineralogical Magazine, 61, 295-321.
  • Le Bas, M.J., Le Maitre, R.W., Streckeisen, A. ve Zanettin, B. 1986. A Chemical Clas- sification of Volcanic Rocks Based on the Total Alkali – Silica Diagram. Jour- nal of Petrology, 27, 745-750.
  • Masotta, M., Mollo, S., Freda, C., Gaeta, ve Mo- ore, G. 2013. Clinopyroxene-liquid ther- mometers and barometers specific to alkaline differentiated magmas. Cont- ributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166, 1545-1561.
  • Miyashiro, A. 1978. Nature of alkalic rock series, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petro- logy, 66, 91- 104.
  • Morimoto, N. 1989. Nomenclature of pyroxenes. Canadian Mineralogist, 27, 143-156.
  • Nimis, P. 1995. A clinopyroxene geobarometer for basaltic systems based on crystals- structure modeling. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 121, 115- 125.
  • Nimis, P., ve Ulmer, P.1998. Clinopyroxene ge- obarometry of magmatic rocks, Part 1: an expanded structural geobarometer for anhydrous and hydrous basic and ultrabasic systems. Contributions to Mi- neralogy and Petrology, 133, 122-135.
  • Nimis, P., ve Taylor, W.R. 2000. Single clinopy- roxene thermobarometry for garnet peridotites, Part 1: Calibration and tes- ting of a Cr-İn cpx barometer and an enstatite-in-cpx thermometer, Contri- butions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 139, 541-554.
  • Prelevic, D., Akal, C., Foley, S.F., Romer, R.L., Stracke, A., ve Van Den Bogaard, P. 2012. Ultrapotassic mafic rocks as ge- ochemical proxies for postcollisional mantle dynamics of lithosphere: the case of SW Anatolia-Turkey. Journal of Petrology, 53, 1019-1055.
  • Prelevic, D., Akal, C., Romer, R.L., Mertz-Kraus, R., ve Helvacı, C. 2015. Magmatic Res- ponse to Slab Tearing: Constraints from the Afyon Alkaline Volcanic Complex, Western Turkey. Journal of Petrology, 1-36.
  • Putirka, K., Johnson, M., Kinzler, R., ve Walker, D. 1996. Thermobarometry of mafic ig- neous rocks based on clinopyroxene-li- quid equilibria, 0-30 kbar, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 123, 92- 108.
  • Putirka, K., Mikaelian, H., Ryerson, F., ve Shaw, H. 2003. New clinopyroxene-liquid thermometers for mafic, evolved, and volatile-bearing lava compositions, with applications to lavas from Tibet and the Snake River Plain, Idaho, American Mi- neralogist, 88, 1542-1554.
  • Putirka, K. 2008. Thermometers and Barome- ters for Volcanic Systems, Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes, Re- views in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, (eds: Putirka, K., Tepley, F.), Mineralo- gical Society of America, 69, 61-120.
  • Rimmelé, G., Oberhansli, R., Goffé, B., Jolivet, L., Candan, O., ve Çetinkaplan, M. 2003. First evidence of high- pressure meta- morphism in the ‘ Cover Series’ of the southern Menderes Massif. Tectonic and metamorphic implications for the evoluti- on of SW Turkey. Lithos, 71, 19-46.
  • Ring, U., ve Collins, A.S. 2005. U-Pb SIMS da- ting of synkinematic granites: timing of core-complex formation in the northern Anatolide belt of western Turkey. Jour- nal of the Geological Society, London, 162, 289-298.
  • Savaşçın, M.Y., ve Güleç, N. 1990. Relationship between magmatic and tectonic activi- ties in W. Turkey. IESCA Proceedings II, 300-331.
  • Seyitoğlu, G., ve Scott, B.C. 1996. The cause of N-S extensional tectonics in western
  • Turkey: tectonic escape vs back-arc
  • spreading vs orogenic collapse. Jour
  • nal of Geodynamics, 22, 145-153.
  • Sparkman, W., ve Wortel, M.J.R. 1988. The Hel- lenic subduction zone: a tomographic image and its geodynamic implications. Geophys Res Lett, 15, 60-63.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Satır, M., ve Akkök, R. 1984.
  • Timing of tectonics events in the Men
  • deres Massif, western Turkey: implica
  • tions for tectonic evolution and eviden
  • ce for Pan-African basement in Turkey.
  • Tectonics, 3, 693-707.
  • Şengör, A.M.C. 1985. Strike-slip faulting and re- lated basin formation in zones of tecto- nic escape: Turkey as a case study. In: Biddle KT, Christie-Blick N(eds). Strike- slip deformation, and formation, and sedimantation. SEPM Special Publica- tion, 37, 227-264.
  • Van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakçı, N., Spark- man, W., Torsvik, ve T.H.2010. Recon- ciling the geological history of western
  • Turkey with plate circuits and mantle
  • tomography. Earth Planet Science Let- ters, 297, 674-686.
  • Westeway, R. 2006. Cenozoic cooling histories in the Mebnderes Massif, western Tur- key, may be caused by erosion and flat subduction, not low-angle normal faul- ting. Tectonophysics, 412, 1-25.
  • Wortel, M.J.R., ve Sparkman, W. 2000. Subduc- tion and slab detachment in the Medi- terranean-Carpathian region. Science, 290, 1920-1917.
  • Yılmaz, Y., Genç, C., Gurer, F., Bozcu, M., Ylmaz, K., Karacık, Z., Altunkaynak, S., ve Elmas, A. 2000. When did the wes- tern Anatolian grabens begin to deve- lop? In: Bozkurt, E., Winchester, J. A. and Piper, J. D.A. (eds). Tectonics and
  • Magmatism in Turkey and the Surroun
  • ding Area. Geological Society, London,
  • Special Publications, 173, 353-384.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

G. Deniz Doğan Külahcı This is me

Abidin Temel This is me

Alain Gourgaud This is me

Hünkar Demirbağ This is me

Publication Date January 11, 2016
Submission Date January 11, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 36 Issue: 3


EndNote Doğan Külahcı GD, Temel A, Gourgaud A, Demirbağ H (March 1, 2016) Afyon Volkanik Kayaçlarının (Batı Anadolu, Türkiye) Mineralojik-Petrografik Özellikleri ve P-T Hesaplamaları. Yerbilimleri 36 3 137–162.