Elektrik ve elektromanyetik yöntemler kıyı bölgelerinde olası tuzlu su girişiminin haritalanmasında oldukça yararlı yöntemlerdir.
Olası tuzlu su girişiminin; çevreye, yol güzergâhlarına, yeraltı sularına ve tarımsal toprak üzerine birçok olumsuz etkiye neden
olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Doğu Karadeniz bölgesinde yer alan Trabzon ilinde seçilen bir kıyı şeridinde deniz suyu
girişiminin olup olmadığının belirlenmesi için bir dizi Jeofiziksel araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca çalışma alanına yakın olan
bir viyadüğün beton ayaklarına deniz suyunun etkisinin olup olmadığı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, çalışmada frekans
ortamı elektromanyetik yöntem olan Slingram yöntemi ve elektrik özdirenç tomografi (ERT) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda,
11 profil de Slingram yöntemi ile 8 profilde de ERT yöntemi kullanılarak veriler toplanmıştır. Slingram yöntemi ile 1 boyutlu olarak
toplanan veriler birleştirilerek 2 boyutlu görünür iletkenlik haritaları oluşturulmuş, ERT verilerinin 2 boyutlu ters çözümünden de
yeraltının özdirenç dağılımı elde edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, hem çalışma alanının önemli bir kısmında hem de çalışma alanına yakın
olan viyadüğün beton ayaklarında yaklaşık 15 m derinliklere kadar tuzlu su girişiminin etkisinin olmadığı tespit edilmiştir
Ardali, A., Gurer, A., and Tezkan, B., 2015. Geoelectrical and geoelectromagnetic imaging in Durusu Basin, Istanbul. 8th Congress of the
Balkan Geophysical Society, Chania, Greece.
Ardali, A., Gurer, A. and Tezkan, B. 2016. Geoelectrical mapping of seawater intrusion in Durusu basin, Istanbul. 22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Near Surface Geoscience, Barcelona, Spain
Baykan, İ., 2011. Trabzon ili kırmızı killerinin jeoteknik özelliklerinin araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
Chachadi, A.G., and Ferreira, J.P.L., 2005. Assessing aquifer vulnerability to sea-water intrusion using GALDIT method: Part 2- GALDIT indicators description. The 4th Inter-Celtic Colloquium on Hydrology and Management of Water resources, Portugal.
Chitea, F., Georgescu, P., and Ioane, D., 2015. Geophysical detection of marine intrusions in Black Sea. 6th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society - Budapest, Hungary.
Elmas, A., 2017. Gravite ve Elektrik Yöntemlerle Jeotermal Yapı Araştırması. International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), May 18-21, Kuşadası, Aydın. Proceeding Book, 700-703.
Geonics, 2009. EM34-3 & 34-3XL Operating Instructions (For model with two digital meters).
Güven, İ.H., 1993. Doğu Pontidlerin Jeolojisi ve 1/250.000 ölçekli kompilasyonu. MTA Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye.
Hayles, J., 2004. EM-31 &EM-34 Surveys near Spring Hill. Report. Hayles Geoscience Surveys Ltd.Practical Applications in Archeology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 89, 35–47.
Selepeng, A.T., 2016. Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Loop-Loop Electromagnetic Data at Low Induction Numbers, Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University, Japan, PhD Thesis.
Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P., and Sheriff, R.E., 1990. Applied Geophysics, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Tsikudo, B.K., 2009. Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater in the Gushiegu-Karaga and Zabzugu-Tatale Districts of the Northern
Region of Ghana Using the Electromagnetic Method. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, MSc Thesis.
Yogeshwar, P., Tezkan, B., Israil, M., and Candansa yar M.E., 2012. Groundwater contamination in the Roorkee area, India: 2D joint inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data. Journal of Applied Geoph Pysics 76, 127–135.
Himi, M., Stitou, J., Rivero, L., Salhi, A., Tapias, J.C.,and Casas, A., 2010. Geophysical surveys for delineating salt water intrusion and fresh water resources in the Oued Laou coastal aquifer. Near Surface - 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Abstracts volume, Switzerland.
Kaya, M.A., Özürlan, G. and Şengül, E., 2007. Delineation of soil and groundwater contamination using geophysical methods at a waste disposal site in Çanakkale, Turkey, Environ Monit Assess, 135:441–446.
Kaya, M. A., Özürlan, G. and Balkaya, Ç., 2015. Geoelectrical investigation of seawater intrusion in the coastal urban area of Çanakkale, NW Turkey, Environ Earth Sci, 73:1151–1160.
Karlık, G., and Kaya, M.A., 2000. Investigation of groundwater contamination using electric and electromagnetic methods at an open waste-disposal site: a case study from Isparta, Turkey, Environmental Geology 40 (6)
Khalil, M.A., Abbas, A.M., Santos, F.M., Masoud, U., and Salah, H., 2012. Application of VES and TDEM techniques to investigate sea water intrusion in Sidi Abdel Rahman area, northwestern coast of Egypt. Arab J Geosci, DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0564-z.
Loke, M.H., 2010. RES2DINV software. Geoelectrical Imaging 2D and 3D. Instruction Manual. Geotomo Software, http://www.geotomosoft. com
McNeill, J. P., 1980. Electromagnetic terrain conductivity measurements at low induction numbers: Geonics Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada, Technical Note, p. 1-15.
Nenna, V., Herckenrath, D., Knight, R., Odlum, N., and McPhee, D., 2013. Application and evaluation of electromagnetic methods for
imaging saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers: Seaside Groundwater Basin, California. Geophysics, 78, B77–B88.
Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Antonsson, A., Engesgaard,P., Kuras, O., Ogilvy, R., Gisbert, J., Jorreto, S., and Pulido-Bosch, A., 2009. Characterization of seawater intrusion using 2D electrical imag
Orlando, L., 2013. GPR to Constrain ERT Data Inversion in Cavity Searching: Theoretical and 152 Babacan / Yerbilimleri, 2018, 39 (2), 141-154 Practical Applications in Archeology. Jour nal of Applied Geophysics, 89, 35–47.
Selepeng, A.T., 2016. Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Loop-Loop Electromagnetic Data at Low Induction Numbers, Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Sci ence, Akita University, Japan, PhD Thesis.
Tsikudo, B.K., 2009. Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater in the Gushiegu-Karaga and Zabzugu-Tatale Districts of the Northern
Region of Ghana Using the Electromagnetic Method. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, MSc Thesis.
Yogeshwar, P., Tezkan, B., Israil, M., and Candansayar M.E., 2012. Groundwater contamination in the Roorkee area, India: 2D joint inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data. Journal of Applied Geoph Pysics 76, 127–135.
Year 2018,
Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 141 - 154, 01.09.2018
Ardali, A., Gurer, A., and Tezkan, B., 2015. Geoelectrical and geoelectromagnetic imaging in Durusu Basin, Istanbul. 8th Congress of the
Balkan Geophysical Society, Chania, Greece.
Ardali, A., Gurer, A. and Tezkan, B. 2016. Geoelectrical mapping of seawater intrusion in Durusu basin, Istanbul. 22nd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Near Surface Geoscience, Barcelona, Spain
Baykan, İ., 2011. Trabzon ili kırmızı killerinin jeoteknik özelliklerinin araştırılması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
Chachadi, A.G., and Ferreira, J.P.L., 2005. Assessing aquifer vulnerability to sea-water intrusion using GALDIT method: Part 2- GALDIT indicators description. The 4th Inter-Celtic Colloquium on Hydrology and Management of Water resources, Portugal.
Chitea, F., Georgescu, P., and Ioane, D., 2015. Geophysical detection of marine intrusions in Black Sea. 6th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society - Budapest, Hungary.
Elmas, A., 2017. Gravite ve Elektrik Yöntemlerle Jeotermal Yapı Araştırması. International Conference on Research in Education and Science (ICRES), May 18-21, Kuşadası, Aydın. Proceeding Book, 700-703.
Geonics, 2009. EM34-3 & 34-3XL Operating Instructions (For model with two digital meters).
Güven, İ.H., 1993. Doğu Pontidlerin Jeolojisi ve 1/250.000 ölçekli kompilasyonu. MTA Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye.
Hayles, J., 2004. EM-31 &EM-34 Surveys near Spring Hill. Report. Hayles Geoscience Surveys Ltd.Practical Applications in Archeology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 89, 35–47.
Selepeng, A.T., 2016. Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Loop-Loop Electromagnetic Data at Low Induction Numbers, Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University, Japan, PhD Thesis.
Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P., and Sheriff, R.E., 1990. Applied Geophysics, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press.
Tsikudo, B.K., 2009. Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater in the Gushiegu-Karaga and Zabzugu-Tatale Districts of the Northern
Region of Ghana Using the Electromagnetic Method. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, MSc Thesis.
Yogeshwar, P., Tezkan, B., Israil, M., and Candansa yar M.E., 2012. Groundwater contamination in the Roorkee area, India: 2D joint inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data. Journal of Applied Geoph Pysics 76, 127–135.
Himi, M., Stitou, J., Rivero, L., Salhi, A., Tapias, J.C.,and Casas, A., 2010. Geophysical surveys for delineating salt water intrusion and fresh water resources in the Oued Laou coastal aquifer. Near Surface - 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Abstracts volume, Switzerland.
Kaya, M.A., Özürlan, G. and Şengül, E., 2007. Delineation of soil and groundwater contamination using geophysical methods at a waste disposal site in Çanakkale, Turkey, Environ Monit Assess, 135:441–446.
Kaya, M. A., Özürlan, G. and Balkaya, Ç., 2015. Geoelectrical investigation of seawater intrusion in the coastal urban area of Çanakkale, NW Turkey, Environ Earth Sci, 73:1151–1160.
Karlık, G., and Kaya, M.A., 2000. Investigation of groundwater contamination using electric and electromagnetic methods at an open waste-disposal site: a case study from Isparta, Turkey, Environmental Geology 40 (6)
Khalil, M.A., Abbas, A.M., Santos, F.M., Masoud, U., and Salah, H., 2012. Application of VES and TDEM techniques to investigate sea water intrusion in Sidi Abdel Rahman area, northwestern coast of Egypt. Arab J Geosci, DOI 10.1007/s12517-012-0564-z.
Loke, M.H., 2010. RES2DINV software. Geoelectrical Imaging 2D and 3D. Instruction Manual. Geotomo Software, http://www.geotomosoft. com
McNeill, J. P., 1980. Electromagnetic terrain conductivity measurements at low induction numbers: Geonics Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada, Technical Note, p. 1-15.
Nenna, V., Herckenrath, D., Knight, R., Odlum, N., and McPhee, D., 2013. Application and evaluation of electromagnetic methods for
imaging saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers: Seaside Groundwater Basin, California. Geophysics, 78, B77–B88.
Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Antonsson, A., Engesgaard,P., Kuras, O., Ogilvy, R., Gisbert, J., Jorreto, S., and Pulido-Bosch, A., 2009. Characterization of seawater intrusion using 2D electrical imag
Orlando, L., 2013. GPR to Constrain ERT Data Inversion in Cavity Searching: Theoretical and 152 Babacan / Yerbilimleri, 2018, 39 (2), 141-154 Practical Applications in Archeology. Jour nal of Applied Geophysics, 89, 35–47.
Selepeng, A.T., 2016. Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Loop-Loop Electromagnetic Data at Low Induction Numbers, Graduate School of Engineering and Resource Sci ence, Akita University, Japan, PhD Thesis.
Tsikudo, B.K., 2009. Geophysical Investigation for Groundwater in the Gushiegu-Karaga and Zabzugu-Tatale Districts of the Northern
Region of Ghana Using the Electromagnetic Method. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, MSc Thesis.
Yogeshwar, P., Tezkan, B., Israil, M., and Candansayar M.E., 2012. Groundwater contamination in the Roorkee area, India: 2D joint inversion of radiomagnetotelluric and direct current resistivity data. Journal of Applied Geoph Pysics 76, 127–135.
Babacan AE (September 1, 2018) Elektrik ve Elektromanyetik Yöntemler ile Doğu Karadeniz (Trabzon, Türkiye) Kıyı Şeridinde Deniz Suyu Girişiminin Çevreye Olan Etkisinin Araştırılması. Yerbilimleri 39 2 141–154.