Research Article
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The Geological Strength Index Chart Assesment For Rock Mass Permeability

Year 2017, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 295 - 309, 03.12.2017


Determination of permeability of rock masses without testing is very chalenging due to the presence of complex discontinuity
patterns in rock masses. Many empirical approaches were proposed in the literature for estimation of rock mass properties.
However, approaches based on rock mass classification systems in determination of rock mass permeability in the literature are
rarely encountered. Considering this lack in the literature, in this study, the use of the Geological Strength Index (GSI) chart which
is one of the input parameters of the Hoek-Brown empirical failure criterion has been assessed for rock mass permeability. In this
study, 365 lugeon test results were used. These data were obtained from various dam sites and a coal mine in Turkey. Firstly,
lugeon test results were plotted on the quantitative GSI chart by considering the Surface Condition Rating (SCR) and Structure
Rating (SR). Then, different permeability regions on the GSI chart were defined for the rock mass permeability. In this study, the
data were obtained from granite, diorite, volcanic breccia, andesite and agglomerate type of rock masses. The proposed rock
mass permeability (RMP)- Geologic Strength Index (GSI) chart needs development with other study supports. Morever, RMPGSI
chart should not be used for rock types having a soluble character such as limestone and gypsum since they may include
karstic zones.


  • Adıguzel, M., 2002. Çoruh-Barhal Çayı Havzası Altıparmak Baraj ve HES Projesi Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Barton, N., 2002. Some new Q-value correlations to asist in rock masses for the design of tunnel design. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences., 39,185-216.
  • Bayram, A.T., 1989. Yukarı Çoruh Havzası,Laleli Baraj Yeri Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1979. The geomechanics classification in rock engineering applications. ISRM Proc. 4th International Congress of Rock Mechanics, Montreux. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2,41-48.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989. Engineering rock mass classification. New York: Wiley, 215 pp.
  • Cevik, A., Sezer, E.A., Cabalar, A.F., Gokceoglu, C., 2011. Modelling of the uniaxial compressive strength of some clay-bearing rocks using Neural Network. Applied Soft Computing, 11(2), 2586-2593.
  • Darcy, H., 1856. Les Fontaines Publiques de la Ville de Dijon. Dalmont, Paris. Deere, D.U., 1964. Technical description of rock cores for engineering purposes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,1,17-22.
  • Gokceoglu, C., Sonmez, H., Kayabasi, A., 2003. Predicting deformation moduli of rock masses. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 40 (5), 701-710.
  • Gokceoglu, C., Zorlu, K., Ceryan, S., Nefeslioglu, H.A., 2009. A comparative study on indirect determination of degree of weathering of granites from some physical and strength parameters by two soft computing techniques. Materials Characterization, 60, 1317- 1327.
  • Gürocak, Z., Alemdağ, S., 2012. Assesment of permeability and injection depth at the Atasu Dam site (Turkey) based on experimental and numerical analyses. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 71:221- 229.
  • Hoek, E., Bray, JW., 1981. Rock Slope Engineering, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 3rd edition. Stephen Austin and Sons, London. Hoek, E., Kaiser, P.K., 1995. Bawden WF. Support of under-ground excavations in hard rock. pp.215. Rotterdam, Balkema. Hoek, E., Brown, E.T., 1997 Practical estimates or rock mass strength. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 34(8), 1165-86.
  • Hoek, E., Marinos, P., 2000. Predicting Tunnel Squezzing. Tunnels and Tunneling International, Part 1(a)- November Issue: 45-51, Part 2(b)- December, 34-36.
  • Hoek, E., Marinos, P., Benissi, M., 1998. Applicability of the Geological Strength Index (GSI) classification for very weak and sheared rock masses. The case of the Athen Schist Formation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 57(2),151-160.
  • Hoek, E., Wood, D., Shah, S.A., 1992. Modified HoekBrown criterion for jointed rock masses. Proc. Rock Characterization, Symp. International Society of Rock Mechanic Eurock (Edited by Hudson JA.), 209-214.London, British Geotechnical Society.
  • Hoek, E., 1995. Strength of rock and rock masses, International Society of Rock Mechanics News Journal, 2 (2), 4-16.
  • Huitt, J.L., 1956. Fluid flow in simulated fracture. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, 1956; 2,: 259-64.
  • ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics).,1981. In: Brown ET, editor. International Society of Rock Mechanic suggested method: rock characterization, testing and monitoring. London: Pergamon Press.
  • Kayabaşı, A., 2009. Investigation of Slope Instabilities at Çan (Çanakkale) Lignite Open Pit and Recommendations For Remedial Measures. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, (in Turkish).
  • Kayabasi, A., Gokceoglu, C., Ercanoglu, M., 2003. Estimating the deformation modulus of Rock masses: a comparative study. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 40(1), .55-63.
  • Kayabaşı, A., Yesioğlu-Gultekin, N., Gokceoglu, C., 2015. Use of non linear prediction tools to asses rock mass permeability using various discontinuity parameters. Engineering Geology 185:1-9.
  • Lee, H.C., Farmer, W.L.,1990. A simple method of estimating rock mass porosity and permeability. International Journal of Mining and Geological Engineering. 8:57-65.
  • Louis, C., 1969. A study of groundwater flow in jointed rock and its influence on the stability of rock masses. Doctorate thesis, University of Karlsruhe.
  • Lugeon, M., 1933. Barrage et Géologie, Dunod, Paris. Maini, Y.N., 1971. In- situ parameters in jointed rocktheir measurement and interpretation. Ph. D. Thesis, University of London (Imperial College).
  • Marinos, P., Hoek, E., 2000. GSI: A geological friendly tool for rock mass strength estimation, Proc. GeoEng2000 Conference, Melbourne. 1422-1442.
  • Engineering (GeoEng 2000), Technomic Publishing Co. Inc Melbourne, Australia, 1422-40.
  • Marinos, P., Hoek, E., 2001. Estimating the geotechnical properties of heterogeneous rock masses such as flysch. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment., 60, 85-92.
  • Oguz, A., 1989. Yukarı Çoruh Havzası, İspir Barajı ve HES Projesi Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Okten, T.T., 1989. Yukarı Çoruh Havzası, Arkun Barajı ve HES Projesi Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Sadeghiyeh, SM., Hashemi, M., Ajalloeian, R., 2013. Comparison of Permeability and Groutability of Ostur Dam Site Rock Mass for Grout Curtain Design. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 46:341.
  • Palmstrom, A., 1974. Characterization of jointing density and the quality of rock masses (in Norwegian). Internal report, A.B. Berdal, Norway, 26 p. Serafim, J.L., 1968. Influence of Intertidal Water on Rock Masses. In Rock Mechanics in Engineering Practice. (Edited by Stagg. K.G, and Zienkiewiez, O.C.) London:Wiley, 55-97.
  • Sharp, J.C., 1970. Fluid flow through fissured media. Ph. D. Thesis, University of London (Imperial College). Snow, D.T.,1968. Rock fracture spacings, openings and porosities, Journal Soil Mechanic Foundation Division Procurement. ASCE, 94,73- 91.
  • Sonmez, H., Ulusay, R., 1999. Modifications to the geological strength index (GSI) and their applicability to stability of slopes. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36 (6), 743-760.
  • Sonmez, H., Ulusay, R., 2002. A discussion on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion and suggested modifications to the criterion verified by slope stability case studies. Yerbilimleri, 26, 77-99 (in English)
  • Sonmez, H., Gokceoglu, C., Kayabasi, A., Nefeslioglu, H.A., 2006. Estimation of rock modulus: for intact rocks with an artificial neural network and for rock masses with a new empirical equation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,43(2), 224-235.
  • Terzaghi, K., Peck, R., 1967. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. John Wiley and Sons Inc.,New York, 729p.
  • Uromeihy, A., Farrokhi, R., 2012. Evaluation groutability at Kamal-Saleh dam based on Lugeon test results. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 71:215-219.
  • Yagiz, S., Gokceoglu, C., Sezer, E., Iplikci, S., 2009. Application of two non-linear prediction tools to the estimation of tunnel boring machine performance. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22, 818-824.
Year 2017, Volume: 38 Issue: 3, 295 - 309, 03.12.2017



  • Adıguzel, M., 2002. Çoruh-Barhal Çayı Havzası Altıparmak Baraj ve HES Projesi Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Barton, N., 2002. Some new Q-value correlations to asist in rock masses for the design of tunnel design. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences., 39,185-216.
  • Bayram, A.T., 1989. Yukarı Çoruh Havzası,Laleli Baraj Yeri Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1979. The geomechanics classification in rock engineering applications. ISRM Proc. 4th International Congress of Rock Mechanics, Montreux. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2,41-48.
  • Bieniawski, Z.T., 1989. Engineering rock mass classification. New York: Wiley, 215 pp.
  • Cevik, A., Sezer, E.A., Cabalar, A.F., Gokceoglu, C., 2011. Modelling of the uniaxial compressive strength of some clay-bearing rocks using Neural Network. Applied Soft Computing, 11(2), 2586-2593.
  • Darcy, H., 1856. Les Fontaines Publiques de la Ville de Dijon. Dalmont, Paris. Deere, D.U., 1964. Technical description of rock cores for engineering purposes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,1,17-22.
  • Gokceoglu, C., Sonmez, H., Kayabasi, A., 2003. Predicting deformation moduli of rock masses. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 40 (5), 701-710.
  • Gokceoglu, C., Zorlu, K., Ceryan, S., Nefeslioglu, H.A., 2009. A comparative study on indirect determination of degree of weathering of granites from some physical and strength parameters by two soft computing techniques. Materials Characterization, 60, 1317- 1327.
  • Gürocak, Z., Alemdağ, S., 2012. Assesment of permeability and injection depth at the Atasu Dam site (Turkey) based on experimental and numerical analyses. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 71:221- 229.
  • Hoek, E., Bray, JW., 1981. Rock Slope Engineering, Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 3rd edition. Stephen Austin and Sons, London. Hoek, E., Kaiser, P.K., 1995. Bawden WF. Support of under-ground excavations in hard rock. pp.215. Rotterdam, Balkema. Hoek, E., Brown, E.T., 1997 Practical estimates or rock mass strength. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 34(8), 1165-86.
  • Hoek, E., Marinos, P., 2000. Predicting Tunnel Squezzing. Tunnels and Tunneling International, Part 1(a)- November Issue: 45-51, Part 2(b)- December, 34-36.
  • Hoek, E., Marinos, P., Benissi, M., 1998. Applicability of the Geological Strength Index (GSI) classification for very weak and sheared rock masses. The case of the Athen Schist Formation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 57(2),151-160.
  • Hoek, E., Wood, D., Shah, S.A., 1992. Modified HoekBrown criterion for jointed rock masses. Proc. Rock Characterization, Symp. International Society of Rock Mechanic Eurock (Edited by Hudson JA.), 209-214.London, British Geotechnical Society.
  • Hoek, E., 1995. Strength of rock and rock masses, International Society of Rock Mechanics News Journal, 2 (2), 4-16.
  • Huitt, J.L., 1956. Fluid flow in simulated fracture. American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, 1956; 2,: 259-64.
  • ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics).,1981. In: Brown ET, editor. International Society of Rock Mechanic suggested method: rock characterization, testing and monitoring. London: Pergamon Press.
  • Kayabaşı, A., 2009. Investigation of Slope Instabilities at Çan (Çanakkale) Lignite Open Pit and Recommendations For Remedial Measures. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, (in Turkish).
  • Kayabasi, A., Gokceoglu, C., Ercanoglu, M., 2003. Estimating the deformation modulus of Rock masses: a comparative study. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 40(1), .55-63.
  • Kayabaşı, A., Yesioğlu-Gultekin, N., Gokceoglu, C., 2015. Use of non linear prediction tools to asses rock mass permeability using various discontinuity parameters. Engineering Geology 185:1-9.
  • Lee, H.C., Farmer, W.L.,1990. A simple method of estimating rock mass porosity and permeability. International Journal of Mining and Geological Engineering. 8:57-65.
  • Louis, C., 1969. A study of groundwater flow in jointed rock and its influence on the stability of rock masses. Doctorate thesis, University of Karlsruhe.
  • Lugeon, M., 1933. Barrage et Géologie, Dunod, Paris. Maini, Y.N., 1971. In- situ parameters in jointed rocktheir measurement and interpretation. Ph. D. Thesis, University of London (Imperial College).
  • Marinos, P., Hoek, E., 2000. GSI: A geological friendly tool for rock mass strength estimation, Proc. GeoEng2000 Conference, Melbourne. 1422-1442.
  • Engineering (GeoEng 2000), Technomic Publishing Co. Inc Melbourne, Australia, 1422-40.
  • Marinos, P., Hoek, E., 2001. Estimating the geotechnical properties of heterogeneous rock masses such as flysch. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment., 60, 85-92.
  • Oguz, A., 1989. Yukarı Çoruh Havzası, İspir Barajı ve HES Projesi Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Okten, T.T., 1989. Yukarı Çoruh Havzası, Arkun Barajı ve HES Projesi Mühendislik Jeolojisi Raporu. General Directorate of Electrical Power Researchers Survey and Development Administration Report (in Turkish, unpublished).
  • Sadeghiyeh, SM., Hashemi, M., Ajalloeian, R., 2013. Comparison of Permeability and Groutability of Ostur Dam Site Rock Mass for Grout Curtain Design. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 46:341.
  • Palmstrom, A., 1974. Characterization of jointing density and the quality of rock masses (in Norwegian). Internal report, A.B. Berdal, Norway, 26 p. Serafim, J.L., 1968. Influence of Intertidal Water on Rock Masses. In Rock Mechanics in Engineering Practice. (Edited by Stagg. K.G, and Zienkiewiez, O.C.) London:Wiley, 55-97.
  • Sharp, J.C., 1970. Fluid flow through fissured media. Ph. D. Thesis, University of London (Imperial College). Snow, D.T.,1968. Rock fracture spacings, openings and porosities, Journal Soil Mechanic Foundation Division Procurement. ASCE, 94,73- 91.
  • Sonmez, H., Ulusay, R., 1999. Modifications to the geological strength index (GSI) and their applicability to stability of slopes. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 36 (6), 743-760.
  • Sonmez, H., Ulusay, R., 2002. A discussion on the Hoek-Brown failure criterion and suggested modifications to the criterion verified by slope stability case studies. Yerbilimleri, 26, 77-99 (in English)
  • Sonmez, H., Gokceoglu, C., Kayabasi, A., Nefeslioglu, H.A., 2006. Estimation of rock modulus: for intact rocks with an artificial neural network and for rock masses with a new empirical equation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,43(2), 224-235.
  • Terzaghi, K., Peck, R., 1967. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. John Wiley and Sons Inc.,New York, 729p.
  • Uromeihy, A., Farrokhi, R., 2012. Evaluation groutability at Kamal-Saleh dam based on Lugeon test results. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 71:215-219.
  • Yagiz, S., Gokceoglu, C., Sezer, E., Iplikci, S., 2009. Application of two non-linear prediction tools to the estimation of tunnel boring machine performance. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22, 818-824.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ali Kayabaşı This is me

Publication Date December 3, 2017
Submission Date June 26, 2017
Acceptance Date November 22, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 38 Issue: 3


EndNote Kayabaşı A (December 1, 2017) The Geological Strength Index Chart Assesment For Rock Mass Permeability. Yerbilimleri 38 3 295–309.