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P- ve S- Alıcı Fonksiyonları Analizi ve Birleşik Ters Çözümü: Erzurum civarındaki Litosferik Yapı

Year 2023, Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 64 - 85, 28.03.2023


Alıcı fonksiyonu tekniği kabuk ve üst mantodaki tabaka kalınlıklarının varsayımı ve süreksizlikleri belirlemek için Jeofizikçiler tarafından sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bir alıcı fonksiyonu P’den S’ye ya da S’den P’ye dönüşen fazları gösteren bir zaman serisidir. Bu çalışmada, zaman ortamı dekonvolüsyonu, derinlik ve yavaşlık yığma, ve birleşik ters çözüm algoritması uygulanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, Erzurum civarında bulunan SENK ve ECAT geniş bantlı deprem istasyonlarının telesismik kayıtları seçilmiştir. Alıcı fonksiyonları yığma işlemine tabii tutulduktan sonra, istasyon altındaki litosferik yapı için P- ve S-dalgası hız modelleri ve Vp/Vs oranları hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçların, çalışma bölgesinde önceden yapılmış alıcı fonksiyonu sonuçları ile genellikle tutarlı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Alkan, H., Çınar, H., Oreshin, S., 2020. Lake Van (Southeastern Turkey) Experiment: Receiver Function Analyses of Lithospheric Structure from Teleseismic Observations. Pure Appl. Geophys., 177, 3891-3909.
  • Ammon, C.J., Randall, G.E., Zandt, G., 1990. On the nonuniqueness of receiver functions inversions. J. Geophys. Res., 95, 15303-15318.
  • Angus, D., Wilson, D., Sandvol, E., Ni, J.F., 2006. Lithospheric structure of the Arabian and Eurasian collision zone in eastern Turkey from S-wave receiver functions. Geophysical Journal International, 166, 1335-1346.
  • Bayrak, E., Ozer, C., Perk, S., 2020. Stress Tensor and Coulomb Analysis for Erzurum and Its Surroundings. Turk. J. Earthq. Res., 2(1), 101-114.
  • Berkhout, A.J., 1977. Least square inverse filtering and wavelet deconvolution. Geophysics, 42, 1369-1383.
  • Christensen, I., Mooney, W.D., 1995. Seismic velocity structure and composition of the continental crust: a global view. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 9671-9788.
  • Emre, O., Duman, T.Y., Ozalp, S., Saroglu, F., Olgun, S., Elmaci, H., Can, T., 2018. Active fault database of Turkey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16, 3229-3275.
  • Erduran, M., Oreshin, S., Vinnik, L., Çakır, Ö., Makayeva, L., 2022. Mantle lithosphere, asthenosphere and transition zone beneath Eastern Anatolia. J. Seismol., 26, 265-281.
  • Farra, V., Vinnik, L., 2000. Upper mantle stratification by P and S receiver functions. Geophys. J. Int., 141, 699-712.
  • Gök, R., Mellors, R.J., Sandvol, E., Pasyanos, M., Hauk, T., Takedatsu, R., Yetirmishli, G., Teoman, U., Turkelli, N., Godoladze, T., Javakishvirli, Z., 2011. Lithospheric velocity structure of the Anatolian plateau-Caucasus-Caspian region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B05303.
  • Haskell, N.A., 1962. Crustal reflection of plane P and SV waves. J. Geophys. Res., 67, 4751-4767.
  • Helffrich, G., Wookey, J., Bastow, I., 2013. The Seismic Analysis Code, A Primer and User’s Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Kennett, B.L.N., Engdahl, E.R., 1991. Travel times for global earthquake location and phase identification. Geophys. J. Int., 105, 429-465.
  • Kind, R., Vinnik, L.P., 1988. The upper-mantle discontinuities underneath the GRF array from P-to-S converted phases. J. Geophys., 62, 138-147.
  • Kind, R., Eken, T., Tilmann, F., Sodoudi, F., Taymaz, T., Bulut, F., Yuab, X., Can, B., Schneider, F., 2015. Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Turkey and surroundings from S-receiver functions. Solid Earth, 6, 971-984. Langston, C.A., 1979. Structure under Mount Rainier, Washington, inferred from teleseismic body waves. J. Geophs. Res., 84, 4749-4762.
  • Ligorria, J.P., Ammon, C.J., 1999. Iterative deconvolution and receiver function estimation. Bullet. Seismol. Soc. Am., 89:5, 1395-1400.
  • Morais, I., 2012. Structure of the Crust and Mantle Beneath Iberia and Western Mediterranean from P and S Receiver Functions and SKS Waveforms. PhD Thesis, Lizbon University, 311.
  • Mosegaard, K., Vestergaard, P.D., 1991. A simulated annealing approach to seismic model optimization with sparse prior information. Geophys. Prospect., 39, 599-611.
  • Mosegaard, K., Tarantola, A., 1995. Monte Carlo sampling of solutions to inverse problems. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 431-447.
  • Ogden, C.S., Bastow, I.D., 2022. The crustal structure of the Anatolian Plate from receiver functions and implications for the uplift of the central and eastern Anatolian plateaus. Geophys. J. Int., 229, 1041-1062.
  • Oreshin, S.I., Vinnik, L.P., Kiselev, S.G., Rai, S.S., Prakasam, K.S., Treussov, A.V., 2011. Deep seismic structure of the Indian shield, western Himalaya, Ladakh and Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 415-429.
  • Owens, T., Zandt, G., Taylor, S.R., 1984. Seismic evidence for an ancient rift beneath the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee: A detailed analysis of broadband teleseismic P waveforms. J. Geophys. Res., 89, 7783-7795.
  • Özacar, A.A., Zandt, G., Gilbert, H., Beck, S.L., 2010. Seismic images of crustal variations beneath the East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) from teleseismic receiver functions. Geology Society London Special Publications, 340, 485-496.
  • Özer, Ç., Özturk, S., Pamuk, E., 2021. Tectonic and structural characteristics of Erzurum and its surroundings (Eastern Turkey): a detailed comparison between different geophysical parameters. Turkish J. Earth Sci., 30: doi:10.3906/yer-2106-18.
  • Öztürk, S., 2018. Earthquake hazard potential in the Eastern Anatolian region of Turkey: seismotectonic b and Dc-values and precursory quiescence Z-value. Front. Earth Sci., 12(1), 215-236.
  • Phinney, R.A., 1964. Structure of the Earth’s crust from spectral behaviour of long period body waves. J. Geophys. Res., 69, 2997-3107.
  • Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Cakmak, R., 2006. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. J. Geophys. Res., 111, B05411 .
  • Silveira, G., Vinnik, L., Stutzmann, E., Kiselev, S., Farra, V., Morais, I., 2010. Stratification of the Earth beneath the Azores 1 from P and S receiver functions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 229, 91-103.
  • Stammler, K., 1992. Seismic Handler-Programmable multichannel data Handler for interactive and automatic processing of seismological analyses. Computers and Geosciences, 19, 2,135-140.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Ozeren, S., Genc, T., Zor E., 2003. East Anatolian high plateau as a mantle-supported, north-south shortened domal structure. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(4), 8045.
  • Tezel, T., Shibutani, T., Kaypak, B., 2013. Crustal thickness of Turkey determined by receiver function. J. Asian Earth Sci., 75, 36-45.
  • Vanacore, E.A., Taymaz, T., Saygın, E., 2013. Moho structure of the Anatolian Plate from receiver function analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 193, 329-337.
  • Vinnik, L.P., 1977. Detection of waves converted from P to SV in the mantle. Phys, Earth Planet. Inter., 583, 15, 3945.
  • Vinnik, L., Farra, V., 2007. Low S velocity atop the 410-km discontinuity and mantle plumes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 262, 398-412.
  • Vinnik, L., 2010. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2167-19.
  • Vinnik, L., Ren, Y., Stutzmann, E., Farra, V., Kiselev, S., 2010. Observations of S410p and S350p phases at seismograph stations in California. J. Geophys. Res., 115.
  • Wessel, P., Luis, J., Uieda, L., Scharroo, R., Wobbe, F., Smith, W.H.F., Tian, D., 2019. The Generic Mapping Tools Version 6. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20.
  • Zor, E., Sandvol, E., Gurbuz, C., Turkelli, N., Seber, D., Barazangi, M., 2003. The crustal structure of the East Anatolian plateau (Turkey) from receiver functions. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(24), 8044.

P- and S- Receiver Functions Analysis and Joint Inversion: Lithospheric Structure below Erzurum Vicinity

Year 2023, Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 64 - 85, 28.03.2023


The receiver function technique is frequently used by geophysicists to determine discontinuities and to suppose the layer thicknesses in the crust and upper mantle. A receiver function is a time series in which phases are converted from P to S or S to P. In this study, the time-domain deconvolution method, depth and slowness stack, and the joint inversion algorithm are performed. In the aim of the study, teleseismic data is selected for the recorded at SENK and ECAT stations located in Erzurum city. P- and S-wave velocities, and Vp/Vs ratios are calculated for the lithospheric structure beneath these stations. The results of this study are generally consistent with previous receiver function findings applied in the study region.


  • Alkan, H., Çınar, H., Oreshin, S., 2020. Lake Van (Southeastern Turkey) Experiment: Receiver Function Analyses of Lithospheric Structure from Teleseismic Observations. Pure Appl. Geophys., 177, 3891-3909.
  • Ammon, C.J., Randall, G.E., Zandt, G., 1990. On the nonuniqueness of receiver functions inversions. J. Geophys. Res., 95, 15303-15318.
  • Angus, D., Wilson, D., Sandvol, E., Ni, J.F., 2006. Lithospheric structure of the Arabian and Eurasian collision zone in eastern Turkey from S-wave receiver functions. Geophysical Journal International, 166, 1335-1346.
  • Bayrak, E., Ozer, C., Perk, S., 2020. Stress Tensor and Coulomb Analysis for Erzurum and Its Surroundings. Turk. J. Earthq. Res., 2(1), 101-114.
  • Berkhout, A.J., 1977. Least square inverse filtering and wavelet deconvolution. Geophysics, 42, 1369-1383.
  • Christensen, I., Mooney, W.D., 1995. Seismic velocity structure and composition of the continental crust: a global view. J. Geophys. Res., 100, 9671-9788.
  • Emre, O., Duman, T.Y., Ozalp, S., Saroglu, F., Olgun, S., Elmaci, H., Can, T., 2018. Active fault database of Turkey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16, 3229-3275.
  • Erduran, M., Oreshin, S., Vinnik, L., Çakır, Ö., Makayeva, L., 2022. Mantle lithosphere, asthenosphere and transition zone beneath Eastern Anatolia. J. Seismol., 26, 265-281.
  • Farra, V., Vinnik, L., 2000. Upper mantle stratification by P and S receiver functions. Geophys. J. Int., 141, 699-712.
  • Gök, R., Mellors, R.J., Sandvol, E., Pasyanos, M., Hauk, T., Takedatsu, R., Yetirmishli, G., Teoman, U., Turkelli, N., Godoladze, T., Javakishvirli, Z., 2011. Lithospheric velocity structure of the Anatolian plateau-Caucasus-Caspian region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B05303.
  • Haskell, N.A., 1962. Crustal reflection of plane P and SV waves. J. Geophys. Res., 67, 4751-4767.
  • Helffrich, G., Wookey, J., Bastow, I., 2013. The Seismic Analysis Code, A Primer and User’s Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom.
  • Kennett, B.L.N., Engdahl, E.R., 1991. Travel times for global earthquake location and phase identification. Geophys. J. Int., 105, 429-465.
  • Kind, R., Vinnik, L.P., 1988. The upper-mantle discontinuities underneath the GRF array from P-to-S converted phases. J. Geophys., 62, 138-147.
  • Kind, R., Eken, T., Tilmann, F., Sodoudi, F., Taymaz, T., Bulut, F., Yuab, X., Can, B., Schneider, F., 2015. Thickness of the lithosphere beneath Turkey and surroundings from S-receiver functions. Solid Earth, 6, 971-984. Langston, C.A., 1979. Structure under Mount Rainier, Washington, inferred from teleseismic body waves. J. Geophs. Res., 84, 4749-4762.
  • Ligorria, J.P., Ammon, C.J., 1999. Iterative deconvolution and receiver function estimation. Bullet. Seismol. Soc. Am., 89:5, 1395-1400.
  • Morais, I., 2012. Structure of the Crust and Mantle Beneath Iberia and Western Mediterranean from P and S Receiver Functions and SKS Waveforms. PhD Thesis, Lizbon University, 311.
  • Mosegaard, K., Vestergaard, P.D., 1991. A simulated annealing approach to seismic model optimization with sparse prior information. Geophys. Prospect., 39, 599-611.
  • Mosegaard, K., Tarantola, A., 1995. Monte Carlo sampling of solutions to inverse problems. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 431-447.
  • Ogden, C.S., Bastow, I.D., 2022. The crustal structure of the Anatolian Plate from receiver functions and implications for the uplift of the central and eastern Anatolian plateaus. Geophys. J. Int., 229, 1041-1062.
  • Oreshin, S.I., Vinnik, L.P., Kiselev, S.G., Rai, S.S., Prakasam, K.S., Treussov, A.V., 2011. Deep seismic structure of the Indian shield, western Himalaya, Ladakh and Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 415-429.
  • Owens, T., Zandt, G., Taylor, S.R., 1984. Seismic evidence for an ancient rift beneath the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee: A detailed analysis of broadband teleseismic P waveforms. J. Geophys. Res., 89, 7783-7795.
  • Özacar, A.A., Zandt, G., Gilbert, H., Beck, S.L., 2010. Seismic images of crustal variations beneath the East Anatolian Plateau (Turkey) from teleseismic receiver functions. Geology Society London Special Publications, 340, 485-496.
  • Özer, Ç., Özturk, S., Pamuk, E., 2021. Tectonic and structural characteristics of Erzurum and its surroundings (Eastern Turkey): a detailed comparison between different geophysical parameters. Turkish J. Earth Sci., 30: doi:10.3906/yer-2106-18.
  • Öztürk, S., 2018. Earthquake hazard potential in the Eastern Anatolian region of Turkey: seismotectonic b and Dc-values and precursory quiescence Z-value. Front. Earth Sci., 12(1), 215-236.
  • Phinney, R.A., 1964. Structure of the Earth’s crust from spectral behaviour of long period body waves. J. Geophys. Res., 69, 2997-3107.
  • Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Cakmak, R., 2006. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. J. Geophys. Res., 111, B05411 .
  • Silveira, G., Vinnik, L., Stutzmann, E., Kiselev, S., Farra, V., Morais, I., 2010. Stratification of the Earth beneath the Azores 1 from P and S receiver functions. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 229, 91-103.
  • Stammler, K., 1992. Seismic Handler-Programmable multichannel data Handler for interactive and automatic processing of seismological analyses. Computers and Geosciences, 19, 2,135-140.
  • Şengör, A.M.C., Ozeren, S., Genc, T., Zor E., 2003. East Anatolian high plateau as a mantle-supported, north-south shortened domal structure. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(4), 8045.
  • Tezel, T., Shibutani, T., Kaypak, B., 2013. Crustal thickness of Turkey determined by receiver function. J. Asian Earth Sci., 75, 36-45.
  • Vanacore, E.A., Taymaz, T., Saygın, E., 2013. Moho structure of the Anatolian Plate from receiver function analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 193, 329-337.
  • Vinnik, L.P., 1977. Detection of waves converted from P to SV in the mantle. Phys, Earth Planet. Inter., 583, 15, 3945.
  • Vinnik, L., Farra, V., 2007. Low S velocity atop the 410-km discontinuity and mantle plumes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 262, 398-412.
  • Vinnik, L., 2010. Advanced School on Direct and Inverse Problems of Seismology. The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 2167-19.
  • Vinnik, L., Ren, Y., Stutzmann, E., Farra, V., Kiselev, S., 2010. Observations of S410p and S350p phases at seismograph stations in California. J. Geophys. Res., 115.
  • Wessel, P., Luis, J., Uieda, L., Scharroo, R., Wobbe, F., Smith, W.H.F., Tian, D., 2019. The Generic Mapping Tools Version 6. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20.
  • Zor, E., Sandvol, E., Gurbuz, C., Turkelli, N., Seber, D., Barazangi, M., 2003. The crustal structure of the East Anatolian plateau (Turkey) from receiver functions. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(24), 8044.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hamdi Alkan 0000-0003-3912-7503

Publication Date March 28, 2023
Submission Date June 15, 2022
Acceptance Date October 18, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 44 Issue: 1


EndNote Alkan H (March 1, 2023) P- ve S- Alıcı Fonksiyonları Analizi ve Birleşik Ters Çözümü: Erzurum civarındaki Litosferik Yapı. Yerbilimleri 44 1 64–85.