Evaluation of hybrid learning model in an EFL context in higher education: A sample from Türkiye
Year 2024,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 65 - 78, 30.12.2024
Orhan Yiğitoğlu
Begüm Ceylan
Bülent Alcı
The hybrid learning model, which is a learning model that combines different educational environments simultaneously, is applied widely in many countries including Türkiye in the post-COVID era. This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of the hybrid learning model used in the EFL context in higher education in terms of the students’ scores gathered from the scales and the instructors’ perspectives explored through interviews. The study group consisted of 120 students who studied in the English preparatory program at a private university in the 2021-2022 academic year and 11 instructors who taught at the same program. The study was conducted with the convergent parallel mixed design that allows collecting both qualitative and quantitative data (Sardana, Shekoohi, Cornett & Kaye, 2023). The Effectiveness of Blended Learning Environments Scale developed by Cabı and Gülbahar (2013) was used to gather quantitative data from the students while semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain the qualitative data from the instructors. The findings showed that both parties were positive towards the model despite some points to be considered for a more effective program.
Ethical Statement
There are no ethical issues with the publication of this manuscript
Supporting Institution
The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.
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