Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 302 - 313, 30.11.2024
Dilara Keklik
Evşen Nazik
Ulaş Özdemir
Amaç: Kültürel yeterlilik, çok kültürlü toplumlarda etkili ve güvenli sağlık hizmeti verebilmek için sağlık çalışanlarının sahip olması gereken bir beceridir. Çocuk hasta popülasyonu kültürel çeşitlilik farklılıkları açısından özel bir bakıma ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Pediatri ünitelerinde görev yapan sağlık çalışanlarının kültürlerarası yeterliliğinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı.
Gereç ve yöntem: Pediatri ünitelerinde çalışan hemşire ve doktorların (n=157) kültürler arası yeterliliğini Sağlık Çalışanlarının Kültürlerarası Yeterliliği (SÇKY) ölçeği dikkate alınarak belirleyen kesitsel tanımlayıcı bir çalışma.
Bulgular: SÇKY toplam puanının alt boyutlarda iyi ve güvenli olarak 85,38±10,46 olduğu belirlendi. Katılımcıların medeni durumu, mesleki yaşamlarındaki toplam çalışma yılı, birimlerindeki toplam çalışma yılı, hasta bakımında öğrenme kültürünün önemine ilişkin görüşleri ve SÇKY ölçeği toplam puanları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur.
Sonuçlar: Sağlık hizmetlerinde kültürlerarası yetkinliğin vurgulanması etkili bir bakım sunar.
Etik Beyan
Araştırma yapılmadan önce Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Etik Kurulu'ndan (sayı/tarih: 101/3 Temmuz 2020) etik kurul izni ve çalışmanın yapılacağı kurum izinleri alınmıştır. Katılımcılar bilgilendirilmiş onay verdi ve onaylar kişi toplantısında sözlü olarak verildi. Tüm katılımcılara çalışma izinlerinin alındığı, isimlerinin gizli tutulacağı, anonimliğe dikkat edileceği ve verilerin yalnızca bilimsel amaçlarla kullanılacağı bilgisi verildi.
Bu çalışmaya katılmayı cömertçe kabul eden tüm sağlık profesyonellerine teşekkür ederiz.
- Daniel L. Murman. The impact of age on cognition. Semin Hear. 2015;36(3):111-121.
Bayık Temel A., ed., Intercultural Nursing. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi: İstanbul; 2012.
- Alizadeh S, Chavan M. Cultural competence dimensions and outcomes: a systematic review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2016; 24(6), e117–e130
- Derrington SF, Paquette E, Johnson KA. Cross-cultural Interactions and Shared Decision-making. Pediatrics, 2018, 142(3), e20180516J, 2018; 187–192. Doi:
- Korbin JE. Culture and child maltreatment: cultural competence and beyond. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2002; 26: 637– 644.
- Er M. Child, illness, parents and siblings. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi. 2006; 49: 155-168.
- Tagliareni ME.. Quoted in J. Sapers, Shaping the future of nursing. TC Today. 2008; 33 (1): 13–17.
- Dreachslin JL, Gilbert MJ, Malone B. Diversity and cultural competence in health care: A systems approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2013.
- Kersey-Matusiak G. Delivering culturally competent nursing care. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2013.
- Black J, Purnell L. Cultural competence for the physical therapy profession. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2003; 16(1), 3–10.
- Baldwin D. Community-based experiences and cultural competence. Journal of Nursing Education. 1999;38, 195–196.
- Campinha-Bacote J. The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: a model of care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2002; 13, 181–184.
- Harris MS, Purnell K, Fletcher A, Lindgren K. Moving toward cultural competency: Dream work online summer program. Journal of Cultural Diversity. 2013; 20(3): 134–138.
- Smith SA. Nurse competence: a concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 2012; 23(3): 172–182.
- Sungur G. ed. Intercultural Nursing. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi: İstanbul; 2012
- Özyazıcıoğlu N, Öncel S. ed., Intercultural Nursing. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi: İstanbul; 2012.
- Chen J, Wang Y. Cultural competence experiences which Chinese nurses have in Finland. Degree Programme in Nursing Bachelor’s Thesis. 2015, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
- UNICEF., 1989. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Turkish Statistical Institute., 2020, Statistics related to children, Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Interior-Provincial Immigration Administration. 2021. Residence Permits, Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Wang Y, Dongxia Xiaob L, Yan P, Wang Y, Yasheng A. Nursing students' cultural competence in caring for older people in a multicultural and developing region. Nurse Education Today.2018; 70: 47-53.
- Shepherd SM, Willis-Esqueda C, Newton D. et al. The challenge of cultural competence in the workplace: perspectives of healthcare providers. BMC Health Services Research. 2019; 19: 135.
- Kaihlanen AM, Hietapakka L, Heponiemi T. Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC Nursing. 2019; 18: 38.
- Pettersson S, Holstein J, Jirwe M, Jaarsma T, Klompstra L. Cultural competence in healthcare professionals, specialised in diabetes, working in primary healthcare-A descriptive study. Health and Social Care Community 2021;00:1-10.
- Berlin A, Johansson SE, Törnkvist L. Working conditions and cultural competence when interacting with children and parents of foreign origin – Primary Child Health Nurses’ opinions. Scand J Caring Sci. 2006; 20:160–168.
- Berlin A, Nilsson G, Törnkvist L. Cultural competence among Swedish child health nursesafter specific training: A randomized trial. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010; 12: 381–391.
- Bernhard G, Knibbe RA, von Wolff A, Dingoyan D, Schulz H, Mösko M. Development and psychometric evaluation of an ınstrument to assess cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals (CCCHp). pLoS One. 2015;10(12):e0144049.
- Çınar F, Şengül H, Bulut A. The validity and reliability study of Turkish form of the cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals. Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci. 2020; 5(3), 561-570.
- Sharifi N, Adib-Hajbaghery M, Najafi M. Cultural competence in nursing: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2019; 99: 103386.
- Campinha-Bacote J. The process of culturalcompetence in the delivery of healthcare services. Transcultural C.A.R.E Associates. 2013. Retrieved from
- UNHCR, 2021. UNHCR Turkey: Provincial Breakdown Syrian Refugees in Turkey - August 2021. Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- The World Bank. 2021. 10 Years On, Turkey Continues Its Support for an Ever-Growing Number of Syrian Refugees. Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Temel AB. Transcultural Nursing Education. Journal of Nursology 2008; 11(2): 92- 101.
- Tanrıverdi G, Karabuğa HY, Gürsoy MY, Erdem Ö, Gülyenli N. Comparison of Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness of Two Groups of Nurses Who Care Different Profiles Patients. Journal of Public Health Nursing. 2019; 1(2): 26-37.
- Kıvrak G, Oruçoğlu H, Köse S. The relation of intercultural competence of pediatric nurses caring for patients from different cultures and their caregiver attitudes. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Health. 2023; 3(2): 89-97.
- Yılmaz M, Kuğuoğlu S. The cultural competence levels of nurses working in children's clinics: a case of the state hospital. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences. 2023;7(3): 205-213.
- Temel Eğinli A. The importance of cultural difference education in acquiring intercultural competence. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Öneri Dergisi. 2011; 9 (35): 215-227.
- Deardoff DK. Idenfication and assesment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internalization. Journal of Studies in International Education. 2006; 10(3): 241-266.
-çuk AK, Yanikkerem E. Nursing students' perspectives and care giving experiences with refugees: A qualitative analysis. Nurse education today. 2022; 109:105240.
- Antón-Solanas I, Tambo-Lizalde E, Hamam-Alcober N, Vanceulebroeck V, Dehaes S, Kalkan I, et al. Nursing students’ experience of learning cultural competence. PLoS One. 2021; 16(12): e0259802.
- Abrishami D. The need for cultural competency in health care. Radiologic Technology. 2018; 89(5): 441-448.
- Çukurova University. 2019. Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Programme (online), Available from: (Accessed 1 August 2021).
- Mersin University. 2021. İçel School of Health, (online), Available
from: (Accessed 1 August 2021).
- Tek S, Karataş H, Erdemir F, Öztürk C. Challenges experienced of nurses caring for Syrian refugee children. Cyprus J Med Sci. 2021; 6(1): 74-79.
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 302 - 313, 30.11.2024
Dilara Keklik
Evşen Nazik
Ulaş Özdemir
Background/aim: Cultural competence is a skill that health professionals must possess in order to provide effective and safe health care in multicultural societies. Children patient population needs a special care in terms of differences in cultural diversity. It was aimed to determine the cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals working in pediatric units.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study determining the cross-cultural competence of nurses and doctors (n=157) working in pediatric units considering Cross-Cultural Competence of Healthcare Professionals (CCCHP) scale.
Results: Total mean score of CCCHP is found to be 85.38±10.46 as good and confident in the subdimensions. A statistically significant difference was found between participants' marital status, total working years in their professional life, total working years in their unit, their views on the importance of learning cultures in patient care and the total mean score of the CCCHP scale.
Conclusions: Highlighting cross-cultural competence within health care offers an effective care.
- Daniel L. Murman. The impact of age on cognition. Semin Hear. 2015;36(3):111-121.
Bayık Temel A., ed., Intercultural Nursing. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi: İstanbul; 2012.
- Alizadeh S, Chavan M. Cultural competence dimensions and outcomes: a systematic review of the literature. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2016; 24(6), e117–e130
- Derrington SF, Paquette E, Johnson KA. Cross-cultural Interactions and Shared Decision-making. Pediatrics, 2018, 142(3), e20180516J, 2018; 187–192. Doi:
- Korbin JE. Culture and child maltreatment: cultural competence and beyond. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2002; 26: 637– 644.
- Er M. Child, illness, parents and siblings. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi. 2006; 49: 155-168.
- Tagliareni ME.. Quoted in J. Sapers, Shaping the future of nursing. TC Today. 2008; 33 (1): 13–17.
- Dreachslin JL, Gilbert MJ, Malone B. Diversity and cultural competence in health care: A systems approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass; 2013.
- Kersey-Matusiak G. Delivering culturally competent nursing care. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2013.
- Black J, Purnell L. Cultural competence for the physical therapy profession. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2003; 16(1), 3–10.
- Baldwin D. Community-based experiences and cultural competence. Journal of Nursing Education. 1999;38, 195–196.
- Campinha-Bacote J. The process of cultural competence in the delivery of healthcare services: a model of care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2002; 13, 181–184.
- Harris MS, Purnell K, Fletcher A, Lindgren K. Moving toward cultural competency: Dream work online summer program. Journal of Cultural Diversity. 2013; 20(3): 134–138.
- Smith SA. Nurse competence: a concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 2012; 23(3): 172–182.
- Sungur G. ed. Intercultural Nursing. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi: İstanbul; 2012
- Özyazıcıoğlu N, Öncel S. ed., Intercultural Nursing. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevi: İstanbul; 2012.
- Chen J, Wang Y. Cultural competence experiences which Chinese nurses have in Finland. Degree Programme in Nursing Bachelor’s Thesis. 2015, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
- UNICEF., 1989. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Turkish Statistical Institute., 2020, Statistics related to children, Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Turkish Republic Ministry of Interior-Provincial Immigration Administration. 2021. Residence Permits, Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Wang Y, Dongxia Xiaob L, Yan P, Wang Y, Yasheng A. Nursing students' cultural competence in caring for older people in a multicultural and developing region. Nurse Education Today.2018; 70: 47-53.
- Shepherd SM, Willis-Esqueda C, Newton D. et al. The challenge of cultural competence in the workplace: perspectives of healthcare providers. BMC Health Services Research. 2019; 19: 135.
- Kaihlanen AM, Hietapakka L, Heponiemi T. Increasing cultural awareness: qualitative study of nurses’ perceptions about cultural competence training. BMC Nursing. 2019; 18: 38.
- Pettersson S, Holstein J, Jirwe M, Jaarsma T, Klompstra L. Cultural competence in healthcare professionals, specialised in diabetes, working in primary healthcare-A descriptive study. Health and Social Care Community 2021;00:1-10.
- Berlin A, Johansson SE, Törnkvist L. Working conditions and cultural competence when interacting with children and parents of foreign origin – Primary Child Health Nurses’ opinions. Scand J Caring Sci. 2006; 20:160–168.
- Berlin A, Nilsson G, Törnkvist L. Cultural competence among Swedish child health nursesafter specific training: A randomized trial. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010; 12: 381–391.
- Bernhard G, Knibbe RA, von Wolff A, Dingoyan D, Schulz H, Mösko M. Development and psychometric evaluation of an ınstrument to assess cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals (CCCHp). pLoS One. 2015;10(12):e0144049.
- Çınar F, Şengül H, Bulut A. The validity and reliability study of Turkish form of the cross-cultural competence of healthcare professionals. Turkiye Klinikleri J Health Sci. 2020; 5(3), 561-570.
- Sharifi N, Adib-Hajbaghery M, Najafi M. Cultural competence in nursing: A concept analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2019; 99: 103386.
- Campinha-Bacote J. The process of culturalcompetence in the delivery of healthcare services. Transcultural C.A.R.E Associates. 2013. Retrieved from
- UNHCR, 2021. UNHCR Turkey: Provincial Breakdown Syrian Refugees in Turkey - August 2021. Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- The World Bank. 2021. 10 Years On, Turkey Continues Its Support for an Ever-Growing Number of Syrian Refugees. Available from: (Accessed 29 July 2021).
- Temel AB. Transcultural Nursing Education. Journal of Nursology 2008; 11(2): 92- 101.
- Tanrıverdi G, Karabuğa HY, Gürsoy MY, Erdem Ö, Gülyenli N. Comparison of Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness of Two Groups of Nurses Who Care Different Profiles Patients. Journal of Public Health Nursing. 2019; 1(2): 26-37.
- Kıvrak G, Oruçoğlu H, Köse S. The relation of intercultural competence of pediatric nurses caring for patients from different cultures and their caregiver attitudes. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Health. 2023; 3(2): 89-97.
- Yılmaz M, Kuğuoğlu S. The cultural competence levels of nurses working in children's clinics: a case of the state hospital. Kırşehir Ahi Evran University Journal of Health Sciences. 2023;7(3): 205-213.
- Temel Eğinli A. The importance of cultural difference education in acquiring intercultural competence. Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Öneri Dergisi. 2011; 9 (35): 215-227.
- Deardoff DK. Idenfication and assesment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internalization. Journal of Studies in International Education. 2006; 10(3): 241-266.
-çuk AK, Yanikkerem E. Nursing students' perspectives and care giving experiences with refugees: A qualitative analysis. Nurse education today. 2022; 109:105240.
- Antón-Solanas I, Tambo-Lizalde E, Hamam-Alcober N, Vanceulebroeck V, Dehaes S, Kalkan I, et al. Nursing students’ experience of learning cultural competence. PLoS One. 2021; 16(12): e0259802.
- Abrishami D. The need for cultural competency in health care. Radiologic Technology. 2018; 89(5): 441-448.
- Çukurova University. 2019. Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Programme (online), Available from: (Accessed 1 August 2021).
- Mersin University. 2021. İçel School of Health, (online), Available
from: (Accessed 1 August 2021).
- Tek S, Karataş H, Erdemir F, Öztürk C. Challenges experienced of nurses caring for Syrian refugee children. Cyprus J Med Sci. 2021; 6(1): 74-79.