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Etik Tüketicinin Kozmetik Ürünü Satın Alma Kararı: PROMETHEE Tekniği İle Bir Uygulama

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 233 - 259, 31.12.2017


Küresel piyasada ürün alternatiflerinin artması tüketicinin bu alternatiflerden birini seçmesi karmaşık ve zor bir hal almıştır. Bu süreçte bilinçlenen tüketici, satın alma kararında daha seçici davranmaya başlamıştır. Öncelikle kullanımı sırasında ve sonrasında kendi sağlığına zarar verecek ürünlerden kaçınan tüketiciler, daha sonra üretimi sırasında çevreye ve diğer canlıların sağlığına zarar veren ürünleri tercih etmemeye başlamıştır. Ekolojik dengeyi bozan, hayvanlara zarar veren, üretimde çalışan işçilerin haklarını hiçe sayan, insan sağlığına zararlı içerik barındıran ürünlerin kullanmayı reddeden sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile hareket eden tüketiciler literatürde etik tüketici olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada etik tüketimin boyutları ortaya çıkarılmış, etik tüketiciyi ele alan çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri’nden biri olan PROMETHEE Tekniği ile kozmetik sektörünün önde gelen kozmetik markalarının cilt bakım ürünleri, etik tüketicinin önem verdiği kriterler esas alınarak sıralanmıştır.


  • Bezençon, V., ve Bilili, S. (2010). Ethical products and consumer involvement: what's new? European Journal of Marketing, 1305-1321.
  • Brans, J., ve Vincke, P. (1985). A Preference Ranking Organization Method: The PROMETHEE Method for MCDM. Management Science, 164-189.
  • Brans, J., Vincke, P., ve Mareschal, B. (1986). How To Select And How To Rank Projects: The PROMETHEE Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 228-238.
  • Bray, J., Johns, N., ve Kilburn, D. (2011). An Exploratory Study into the Factors Impeding Ethical Consumption. Journal of Business Ethics, 597-608.
  • Brunk, K. H., ve Blümelhuber, C. (2011). One strike and you're out: Qualitative insights into the formation of consumers' ethical company or brand perceptions. Journal of Business Research, 134-141.
  • Carrigan, M., Szmigin, I., ve Wright, J. (2004). Shopping for a better world? An interpretive study of the potential for ethical consumption within the older market. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 401-417.
  • Carrington, M. J., Neville , B., ve Canniford, R. (2015). Unmanageable multiplicity: consumer transformation towards moral self coherence. European Journal of Marketing, 13001325.
  • Carter, R. E. (2009). Will consumers pay a premium for ethical information? Social Responsibility Journal, 464-477.
  • Chan, T.-Y., ve Wong, C. (2012). The consumption side of sustainable fashion supply chain: Understanding fashion consumer eco-fashion consumption decision. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 193-215.
  • Dursun, İ., ve Gündüz, S. (2016). Türkiye'de Sorumlu Tüketim Davranışı Üzerine Araştırmalar: Ulusal Makaleler ve Lisansüstü Tezler Üzerine Bir Derleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1365-1391.
  • Goworek, H., Fisher, T., Cooper, T., Woodward, S., ve Hiller, A. (2012). The sustainable clothing market: an evaluation of potential strategies for UK retailers. International Journal of Retail ve Distribution Management, 935-955.
  • Hill, J., ve Lee, H.-H. (2012). Young Generation Y consumers’ perceptions of sustainability in the apparel industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 477-491.
  • Hiller, A. J. (2010). Challenges in Researching Consumer Ethics: A Methodological Experiment. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 236-252.
  • Irving, S., Harrison, R., ve Rayner, M. (2012). Ethical Consumerism - Democracy through the Wallet. Journal Of Research For Consumers, 1-20.
  • Iwanow, H., McEachern, M., ve Jeffrey, A. (2005). The influence of ethical trading policies on consumer apparel purchase decisions: A focus on The Gap Inc. International Journal of Retail ve Distribution Management, 371-387.
  • Jegethesan, K., Sneddon, J. N., ve Soutar, G. (2012). Young Australian consumers’ preferences for fashion apparel attributes. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 275289.
  • Joergens, C. (2006). Ethical Fashion: Myth or Future Trend? Journal of Fashion Marketing ve Marketing, 360-371.
  • Khan, Z. R., Rodrigues, G., ve Balasubramanian, S. (2017). Ethical Consumerism and Apparel Industry-Towards a New Factor Model. World Journal of Social Sciences, 89-104.
  • Lee, K. (2008). Opportunities for green marketing: young consumers . Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 573-586.
  • Mai, L.-W. (2014). Consumers' willingness to pay for ethical attributes. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 706-721.
  • Marques, F., Mendonça, P., ve Jabbour, C. (2010). Social dimension of sustainability in retail: case studies of small and medium Brazilian supermarkets. Social Responsibility Journal, 237-251.
  • Mont, O., ve Plepys, A. (2008). Sustainable Consumption Progress: Should We Be Proud Or Alarmed? Journal Of Cleaner Production, 531-537.
  • Niinimäki, K. (2010). Eco-Clothing, Consumer Identity and Ideology. Sustainable Development, 150-162.
  • Schröder, M. J., ve McEachern, M. G. (2005). Fast foods and ethical consumer value: a focus on McDonald's and KFC. British Food Journal, 212-224.
  • Shaw, D., Hogg, G., Wilson, E., Shiu, E., ve Hassan, L. (2006). Fashion victim: The impact of fair trade concerns on clothing choice? Journal of Strategic Marketing, 427-440.
  • Shaw, D., Newholm, T., ve Dickinson, R. (2006). Consumption as voting: an exploration of consumer empowerment. European Journal of Marketing, 1049-1067.
  • Shen, B., Wang, Y., Lo, C., ve Shum, M. (2012). The İmpact Of Ethical Fashion On Consumer Purchase Behavior. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 234-245.
  • Strong, C. (1996). Features Contributing to the Growth of Ethical Consumersim- A Preliminary Investigation. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 5-13.
  • Sudbury-Riley, L., ve Kohlbacher, F. (2016). Ethically minded consumer behavior: Scale review, development, and validation. Journal of Business Research, 2697-2710.
  • Tencati, A., Russo, A., ve Quaglia, V. (2010). Sustainability along the global supply chain: the case of Vietnam. Social Responsibility Journal, 91-107.
  • Uusitalo, O., ve Oksanen, R. (2004). Ethical consumerism: a view from Finland. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 214-221.
  • (2017, Ağustos 3).
  • Retrieved from
  • (2017, Ağustos 3). cruelty-free-companies. Retrieved from TurkeyPETA: TurkeyPETA.pdf

Buying Decision of Ethical Consumer’s: Application with PROMETHEE Method

Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 233 - 259, 31.12.2017


As a result of the increase of product alternatives in the global market, it has become complicated and difficult for the consumer to choose one of these alternatives. In this process, the conscious consumer has begun to be more selective in the purchase decision. First, consumers who avoid products that damage their health during and after use; then they began not to favor products that harm the environment and the health of other living beings during production. Consumers who act with social responsibility consciousness that refuse to use products that harm human health and harmful to ecological balance, harm animals, refuse the rights of workers working in production, are defined as ethical consumers in the literature. In this study, the dimensions of ethical consumption are revealed, and ethical consumers are studied. It is aimed to help ethical consumer, leading cosmetics brands are ranked on the basis of the criteria that are important for the ethical consumer of skin care products with PROMETHEE Technique, one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods 


  • Bezençon, V., ve Bilili, S. (2010). Ethical products and consumer involvement: what's new? European Journal of Marketing, 1305-1321.
  • Brans, J., ve Vincke, P. (1985). A Preference Ranking Organization Method: The PROMETHEE Method for MCDM. Management Science, 164-189.
  • Brans, J., Vincke, P., ve Mareschal, B. (1986). How To Select And How To Rank Projects: The PROMETHEE Method. European Journal of Operational Research, 228-238.
  • Bray, J., Johns, N., ve Kilburn, D. (2011). An Exploratory Study into the Factors Impeding Ethical Consumption. Journal of Business Ethics, 597-608.
  • Brunk, K. H., ve Blümelhuber, C. (2011). One strike and you're out: Qualitative insights into the formation of consumers' ethical company or brand perceptions. Journal of Business Research, 134-141.
  • Carrigan, M., Szmigin, I., ve Wright, J. (2004). Shopping for a better world? An interpretive study of the potential for ethical consumption within the older market. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 401-417.
  • Carrington, M. J., Neville , B., ve Canniford, R. (2015). Unmanageable multiplicity: consumer transformation towards moral self coherence. European Journal of Marketing, 13001325.
  • Carter, R. E. (2009). Will consumers pay a premium for ethical information? Social Responsibility Journal, 464-477.
  • Chan, T.-Y., ve Wong, C. (2012). The consumption side of sustainable fashion supply chain: Understanding fashion consumer eco-fashion consumption decision. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 193-215.
  • Dursun, İ., ve Gündüz, S. (2016). Türkiye'de Sorumlu Tüketim Davranışı Üzerine Araştırmalar: Ulusal Makaleler ve Lisansüstü Tezler Üzerine Bir Derleme. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1365-1391.
  • Goworek, H., Fisher, T., Cooper, T., Woodward, S., ve Hiller, A. (2012). The sustainable clothing market: an evaluation of potential strategies for UK retailers. International Journal of Retail ve Distribution Management, 935-955.
  • Hill, J., ve Lee, H.-H. (2012). Young Generation Y consumers’ perceptions of sustainability in the apparel industry. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 477-491.
  • Hiller, A. J. (2010). Challenges in Researching Consumer Ethics: A Methodological Experiment. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 236-252.
  • Irving, S., Harrison, R., ve Rayner, M. (2012). Ethical Consumerism - Democracy through the Wallet. Journal Of Research For Consumers, 1-20.
  • Iwanow, H., McEachern, M., ve Jeffrey, A. (2005). The influence of ethical trading policies on consumer apparel purchase decisions: A focus on The Gap Inc. International Journal of Retail ve Distribution Management, 371-387.
  • Jegethesan, K., Sneddon, J. N., ve Soutar, G. (2012). Young Australian consumers’ preferences for fashion apparel attributes. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 275289.
  • Joergens, C. (2006). Ethical Fashion: Myth or Future Trend? Journal of Fashion Marketing ve Marketing, 360-371.
  • Khan, Z. R., Rodrigues, G., ve Balasubramanian, S. (2017). Ethical Consumerism and Apparel Industry-Towards a New Factor Model. World Journal of Social Sciences, 89-104.
  • Lee, K. (2008). Opportunities for green marketing: young consumers . Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 573-586.
  • Mai, L.-W. (2014). Consumers' willingness to pay for ethical attributes. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 706-721.
  • Marques, F., Mendonça, P., ve Jabbour, C. (2010). Social dimension of sustainability in retail: case studies of small and medium Brazilian supermarkets. Social Responsibility Journal, 237-251.
  • Mont, O., ve Plepys, A. (2008). Sustainable Consumption Progress: Should We Be Proud Or Alarmed? Journal Of Cleaner Production, 531-537.
  • Niinimäki, K. (2010). Eco-Clothing, Consumer Identity and Ideology. Sustainable Development, 150-162.
  • Schröder, M. J., ve McEachern, M. G. (2005). Fast foods and ethical consumer value: a focus on McDonald's and KFC. British Food Journal, 212-224.
  • Shaw, D., Hogg, G., Wilson, E., Shiu, E., ve Hassan, L. (2006). Fashion victim: The impact of fair trade concerns on clothing choice? Journal of Strategic Marketing, 427-440.
  • Shaw, D., Newholm, T., ve Dickinson, R. (2006). Consumption as voting: an exploration of consumer empowerment. European Journal of Marketing, 1049-1067.
  • Shen, B., Wang, Y., Lo, C., ve Shum, M. (2012). The İmpact Of Ethical Fashion On Consumer Purchase Behavior. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 234-245.
  • Strong, C. (1996). Features Contributing to the Growth of Ethical Consumersim- A Preliminary Investigation. Marketing Intelligence ve Planning, 5-13.
  • Sudbury-Riley, L., ve Kohlbacher, F. (2016). Ethically minded consumer behavior: Scale review, development, and validation. Journal of Business Research, 2697-2710.
  • Tencati, A., Russo, A., ve Quaglia, V. (2010). Sustainability along the global supply chain: the case of Vietnam. Social Responsibility Journal, 91-107.
  • Uusitalo, O., ve Oksanen, R. (2004). Ethical consumerism: a view from Finland. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 214-221.
  • (2017, Ağustos 3).
  • Retrieved from
  • (2017, Ağustos 3). cruelty-free-companies. Retrieved from TurkeyPETA: TurkeyPETA.pdf
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Bilge Meydan This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Acceptance Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 3 Issue: 4


APA Meydan, B. (2017). Etik Tüketicinin Kozmetik Ürünü Satın Alma Kararı: PROMETHEE Tekniği İle Bir Uygulama. Uluslararası Akademik Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(4), 233-259.
Uluslararası Akademik Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi
ISSN: 2149-1984