Writing Rules

1) The Journal of Yeditepe University Faculty of Law (YUHFD) is a peer-reviewed journal published online in electronic format, issued twice a year in January and June.

2) The articles that are published in the journal are legal articles, legislation chronicles, case notes, and translations. Translations are also subject to referee evaluation. The Articles are written in Turkish and in other European languages are welcome.

3) Articles that will be sent to the editor should not be published elsewhere, nor be submitted to other journals simultaneously.

4) Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word (either with .doc or .docx file extensions) documents (Microsoft Office 1998 or higher versions). Articles should be written according to the following style guidelines:
Paper size: A4
Top: 2.5 cm; Bottom: 2.5 cm; Left: 2 cm; Right: 2 cm
Text body: Times New Roman, 12 points, at 1.5 line spacing, justified
Footnotes: Times New Roman, 10 points, at 1 line spacing, justified

5) Softcopy of the article either on a CD or as an attached Microsoft Word Document via e-mail should be submitted to the editor (yuhfd@yeditepe.edu.tr). There is no need to submit any hardcopy of the article.

6) The name(s), formal position(s), institutional affiliation(s), orcid id(s) and contact details (especially e-mail(s)) of the author(s) must be clearly included with the submission to the editor.

7) Each submission should contain a Turkish (only for Turkish authors) and an English Title, as well as a structured Abstract in Turkish (only for Turkish authors) and English.

8) All articles should be accompanied by a sufficient number of keywords in Turkish (only for Turkish authors) and English that reflect the content of the article.

9) All references cited in the text should be numbered in the order of mention in the text and should be given in abbreviated form in footnotes. They should be listed in full form at the end of the article in an alphabetically arranged bibliography as well.

10) All submissions are regarded as ready to publish and already proofread by the author himself or herself.

11) The authors of the texts submitted for publication in the journal are deemed to have consented to the publication of their work electronically.

12) In the first review by the Editorial Board, the manuscripts, which are clearly determined not to comply with the publication and submission requirements, are sent to the author to make the necessary corrections before being sent to the referee. Manuscripts that do not meet the scientific criteria are returned to the author without being sent to the referee by the Editorial Board. The manuscripts found suitable by the Editorial Board are submitted for review by two referees. According to the report from the referees, it is decided to publish, correct or refuse the manuscript. The contributor(s) is immediately informed of the situation. The Editorial Board can send completed or revised text to the referee again. In the event that one reviewer issues a rejection, the opinion of a third reviewer shall be sought.

13) All articles submitted are subject to a double blind peer review. The identity of the author(s) and reviewer(s) will not be revealed to the other party.

14) All reviewers’ evaluation reports will be kept for at least five years after publication and copies of these reports will be sent to the ULAKBIM (Turkish Academic Network and Information Center) Law Database Committee whenever required.

15) Each published issue of the Journal will be uploaded as a PDF file to the Online Journal Watch System of ULAKBIM (ODIS) and Faculty of Law website.

16) The final submission deadline for the January issue of our journal is November 1, and the final submission deadline for the June issue is April 1. The articles that reach after these dates will be evaluated for the next issue.

Last Update Time: 12/11/24, 8:57:11 AM