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Van Kedilerinde Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyolojik Olarak Belirlenmesi Üzerine Çalışmalar

Year 1999, Volume: 5 Issue: 1-2, 46 - 58, 13.06.1999


Bıı çalışmada, Van Kedilerinde ekstremite büyüme plaklarının kapanma sürelerinin radyolojik olarak belirlenmesi planlandı. Bu amaçla, 0-24 ayyaşları arasında 69 adedi erkek, 81 adedi dişi olmak üzere toplam 150 adet Van Kedisinin periyodik olarak röntgen filmleri alındı. Radyografilerin değerlendirilmesi sonııcıı; ortalama değerler olarak; humerusun proksimal epifizinin 13 ay, distal epifizinin 6.5 ay; ulnanın proksimal epifizinin 11.5 ay, distal epifizinin 10.5 ay; radiusun proksimal epifizinin 7.5 ay, distal epifizinin 12 ay; femurun proksimal epifizinin 10 ay, distal epifizinin 8.5 ay; tibianın proksimal epifizinin 9.8 ay, distal epifizinin 9 ay; fibulanın proksimal epifizinin 10 ay, distal epifizinin ise 8.5 ayda kapandığı belirlendi. Mevcut literatür bilgilerle kıyaslandığında femur ve tibianın distal epifiz plaklarının daha erken kapandığı gözlendi. Epifiz plaklarının kapanma süreleri üzerine cinsiyetin etkisi olmadığı keza, her iki bacakta da plakların aynı sürede kapandığı gözlendi. Sonuç olarak; bu çalışmada elde edilen verilerin, Van Kedilerinin gerek gelişme standardının izlenmesinde, gerekse epifiz plaklarının erken veya geç kapanmasına ilişkin şekillenen ortopedik kusurların giderilmesinde, klinik açıdan karşılaşılan güçlüklerin önlenmesinde ve ileri aşamalarda yapılacak benzeri çalışmalarda yararlı olacağı kanısına varılmıştır


  • Sağlam M, Aştı RN, Özer A (1997): Genel Histoloji Genişletilmiş 5. Baskı Yorum Matbaacılık Sanayii. Ankara.
  • Ciarelli MJ (1994): Characterizatıon of Growth Plate Cartilage Compressive Properties. Thesis (Ph.D.) The University of Michigan.
  • Kemick MLS (1987): The Role of Exogenous Regulatory Factors in the Growth and Development of Epiphyseal Growth Plate Chondrocytes Cultured in Serum-Free Media. Thesis (Ph.D) University öf South Carolina.
  • Ali MA, Saleh AS (1993): Radiographic Determination of the Ossifıcation Centers Appearance and its Closure in Long Bones of Rabbits. Assiut Vet Med J Vol 29. No 58, July.
  • Smith RN, Allcock J (1960): Epiphyseal Fusion in the Greyhound. Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Bristol.Veterinary Record. Vol 72. No. 5.
  • Langenskiöld A, Heike LHVA, Nevalainen T (1989):Regeneration of the Growth Plate. Açta Anatomica; 134:113-123.
  • Chapman WL (1965): Appearance of Ossifıcation Centers and Epiphyseal Closures as Determined by Radiographic Techniques. JAVMA Vol 147, No. 2. July 15.
  • Fretz PB,Cymbaluk NF, Pharr JV (1983):Quantitative Analysis of Long-Bone Growth in the Horse. American Journal Veterinary Research, Vol. 45, No 8.
  • Asimus E, Gauzy JS, Mathon D (1995): Growth of the Radius in Sheep. An Experimental Model for Monitoring Activity of the Growth Plates. Revue Med Vet, 146, 10,681-688.
  • Panchamukhi BG, Desai MC, Patel KB (1990): Anatomical Epiphyseal Closure Times in Pelvic Limb of Buffalo. Gujarat Agricultural University, Sardar Krushinagar. Gujarat.
  • Panchamukhi BG, Patel KB, Desai MC (1992):Anatomical Epiphyseal Closure Times in Thoracic Limb of Buffalo. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 62 (4): 324-327 April.
  • Anteplioğlu H (1984): Safkan Arap Taylarının Ön Bacak Kemiklerinde Epifızlerin Kaynaşma Zamanı Üzerinde İncelemeler. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 31 (1): 31-40, Ankara.
  • Anteplioğlu H (1984): Safkan Arap Taylarının Arka Bacak Kemiklerinde Epifızlerin Kaynaşma Zamanı Üzerinde İncelemeler. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 31 β): 594-603 Ankara.
  • Breur GJ,VanEnkevort BA (1991): Linear Relationship Between the Volüme of Hipertrophic Chondrocytes and the Rate of Longitudinal Bone Growth in Growth Plates. Department of Comparativa Biosciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison , Wisconsin.
  • Kaya T, Adapınar B, Özkan R (1997): Temel Radyoloji Tekniği. Motif Matbaası. Bursa.
  • Brown K, Marie P, Lyszakowski T (1983): Epiphyseal Growth After Free Fibular Transfer with and without Microvascular Anastomosis. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol. 65-B, No. 4, August.
  • Candaş A, Sağlam M (1990): İki Köpekte Dirsek Ekleml Lüksasyonunun İki Ayrı Operatif Yöntemle Sağaltımı. 2. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Tebliğler. Alata Mersin.
  • Arthur C, Guyton MD (1986): Textbook of Medical Physiology 7. Edition Merck Yayıncılık - Saunders.
  • Osterman K (1994): Healing of Large Surgical Defects of the Epiphyseal Plate. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Number 300, pp 264-268.
  • Whittick WG (1990): Canine Orthopedics. 585-617. Second Edition. Lea Febiger Philadelphia. London.
  • Owens JM, Biery DN (1982): Radiographic Interpıetation for the Small Animal Clinician. Ralston Purina Company: Saint Louis, Missouri.
  • Aslanbey D (1990): Veteriner Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji. Maya Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd Şti Ankara.
  • Colin B, Carrig BV (1983): Growth Abnormalities of the Canine Radius and Ulna. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. Vol 13, No.l,February.
  • Braden TD (1986): Histophysology of the Growth Plate and Growth Plate Injurıes. Bones and Joints. 1029-1033.
  • Yücel R, Bakır B, Belge A (1990): Bir Köpekte Antebrachium'un Distal'inde Rastlanan Aşırı Anguler Deformite'nin Düzeltme Osteotomie'si İle Sağaltımı. 2. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Tebliğler. Alata Mersin.
  • Bojrab MJ, Crane S W, Amoczky SP (1983): Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery. Lea Febiger, Philadelphia. USA
  • Brinker WO, Piermattei DL, Flo GL (1991): Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Treatment. W.B. Saunders Company: West Washington Square. Philadelphia.
  • Nettelblad H, Mark A, Randolph BS (1986): Heterotopic Microvasculer Growth Plate Transplantation of the Proksimal Fibula: An Experimental Canine Model. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 814-820. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine.
  • Robert WH, Pho AM, Levack FRCS (1986): Pıeliminary Observations on Epiphyseal Growth Rate in Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia After Free Vascularized Fibular Graft. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Resarch. May , 206, 104-108.
  • Takato T, Harii K, Komuro Y (1993): Experimental Study on Growth of Epiphyseal Plate: Free Graft in Rabbits. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 46, 416-420.
  • Alberty A, Peltonen J, Ritsila V (1993): Effects of Distraction and Compression Proliferation of Growth Plate Chondrocytes. Açta. Orthop. Scand. 64 (4): 449-455.
  • Nap RC, Hazevvinkel HAW (1992): Growth and Skeletal Development in the Dog in Relation to Nutrition. Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  • Michael G, Conzemius M, Gail K (1994): Analysis of Physeal Growth in Dogs, Using Biplanar Radiograpy. Am J Vet Res, Vol. 55, No. 1, January.
  • Fagin DB, Aronson E, Gutzmer MA (1992): Closure of the îliac Crest Ossifıcation Çenter in Dogs: 750 Cases (1980-1987). JAVMA Vol. 200, No 11, June.
  • Oberbauer AM (1985): Growth of Metacarpal Bones m Sheep: Plate Closure and Regulating Factors From Bırth to Maturity. Thesis (PhD). The Faculty of the Graduate School of Comell University.

The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats

Year 1999, Volume: 5 Issue: 1-2, 46 - 58, 13.06.1999


İn this study, it was planned to determine the epiphyseal closure times of extremities bones of Van Cats by radiological examination. For this purpose, the radiographies whiclı belong to a total of 150 Van Cats 69 ofthem male and 81 ofthemfemale and between 0-24 months aged, were evaluated. According to the results of radiological evaluation, it was determined that the closure times for proximal epiphysis of humerus was 13 months, distal epiphysis was 6.5 months; for proximal epiphysis of ulna was 11.5 months, distal epiphysis was 10.5 months; for proximal epiphysis of radius was 7.5 months, distal epiphysis was 12 months; for proximal epiphysis of femur was 10 months, distal epiphysis was 8.5 months; for proximal epiphysis oftibia was 9.8 months, distal epiphysis was 9 months; for proximal epiphysis offîbula was 10 months, distal epiphysis was 8.5 months. As compared with present literatüre data, it was found out that the distal epiphyseal plate offemur and tibia were closed within a shorter time. There was no observation with the effect of the sex on the closure times of epiphyseal plates, at the same time the closure times of epiphyseal plates were similar in both extremities. As a result, it was concluded that the findings obtained in this study will be useful in future studies, especially in both folloyving development of Van Cats and treating orthopaedic problems of epiphyseal plate, in order to prevent clinical diffıculties with related to epiphyseal plates.


  • Sağlam M, Aştı RN, Özer A (1997): Genel Histoloji Genişletilmiş 5. Baskı Yorum Matbaacılık Sanayii. Ankara.
  • Ciarelli MJ (1994): Characterizatıon of Growth Plate Cartilage Compressive Properties. Thesis (Ph.D.) The University of Michigan.
  • Kemick MLS (1987): The Role of Exogenous Regulatory Factors in the Growth and Development of Epiphyseal Growth Plate Chondrocytes Cultured in Serum-Free Media. Thesis (Ph.D) University öf South Carolina.
  • Ali MA, Saleh AS (1993): Radiographic Determination of the Ossifıcation Centers Appearance and its Closure in Long Bones of Rabbits. Assiut Vet Med J Vol 29. No 58, July.
  • Smith RN, Allcock J (1960): Epiphyseal Fusion in the Greyhound. Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Bristol.Veterinary Record. Vol 72. No. 5.
  • Langenskiöld A, Heike LHVA, Nevalainen T (1989):Regeneration of the Growth Plate. Açta Anatomica; 134:113-123.
  • Chapman WL (1965): Appearance of Ossifıcation Centers and Epiphyseal Closures as Determined by Radiographic Techniques. JAVMA Vol 147, No. 2. July 15.
  • Fretz PB,Cymbaluk NF, Pharr JV (1983):Quantitative Analysis of Long-Bone Growth in the Horse. American Journal Veterinary Research, Vol. 45, No 8.
  • Asimus E, Gauzy JS, Mathon D (1995): Growth of the Radius in Sheep. An Experimental Model for Monitoring Activity of the Growth Plates. Revue Med Vet, 146, 10,681-688.
  • Panchamukhi BG, Desai MC, Patel KB (1990): Anatomical Epiphyseal Closure Times in Pelvic Limb of Buffalo. Gujarat Agricultural University, Sardar Krushinagar. Gujarat.
  • Panchamukhi BG, Patel KB, Desai MC (1992):Anatomical Epiphyseal Closure Times in Thoracic Limb of Buffalo. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 62 (4): 324-327 April.
  • Anteplioğlu H (1984): Safkan Arap Taylarının Ön Bacak Kemiklerinde Epifızlerin Kaynaşma Zamanı Üzerinde İncelemeler. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 31 (1): 31-40, Ankara.
  • Anteplioğlu H (1984): Safkan Arap Taylarının Arka Bacak Kemiklerinde Epifızlerin Kaynaşma Zamanı Üzerinde İncelemeler. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 31 β): 594-603 Ankara.
  • Breur GJ,VanEnkevort BA (1991): Linear Relationship Between the Volüme of Hipertrophic Chondrocytes and the Rate of Longitudinal Bone Growth in Growth Plates. Department of Comparativa Biosciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison , Wisconsin.
  • Kaya T, Adapınar B, Özkan R (1997): Temel Radyoloji Tekniği. Motif Matbaası. Bursa.
  • Brown K, Marie P, Lyszakowski T (1983): Epiphyseal Growth After Free Fibular Transfer with and without Microvascular Anastomosis. British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery. Vol. 65-B, No. 4, August.
  • Candaş A, Sağlam M (1990): İki Köpekte Dirsek Ekleml Lüksasyonunun İki Ayrı Operatif Yöntemle Sağaltımı. 2. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Tebliğler. Alata Mersin.
  • Arthur C, Guyton MD (1986): Textbook of Medical Physiology 7. Edition Merck Yayıncılık - Saunders.
  • Osterman K (1994): Healing of Large Surgical Defects of the Epiphyseal Plate. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. Number 300, pp 264-268.
  • Whittick WG (1990): Canine Orthopedics. 585-617. Second Edition. Lea Febiger Philadelphia. London.
  • Owens JM, Biery DN (1982): Radiographic Interpıetation for the Small Animal Clinician. Ralston Purina Company: Saint Louis, Missouri.
  • Aslanbey D (1990): Veteriner Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji. Maya Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd Şti Ankara.
  • Colin B, Carrig BV (1983): Growth Abnormalities of the Canine Radius and Ulna. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice. Vol 13, No.l,February.
  • Braden TD (1986): Histophysology of the Growth Plate and Growth Plate Injurıes. Bones and Joints. 1029-1033.
  • Yücel R, Bakır B, Belge A (1990): Bir Köpekte Antebrachium'un Distal'inde Rastlanan Aşırı Anguler Deformite'nin Düzeltme Osteotomie'si İle Sağaltımı. 2. Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Tebliğler. Alata Mersin.
  • Bojrab MJ, Crane S W, Amoczky SP (1983): Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery. Lea Febiger, Philadelphia. USA
  • Brinker WO, Piermattei DL, Flo GL (1991): Handbook of Small Animal Orthopedics and Fracture Treatment. W.B. Saunders Company: West Washington Square. Philadelphia.
  • Nettelblad H, Mark A, Randolph BS (1986): Heterotopic Microvasculer Growth Plate Transplantation of the Proksimal Fibula: An Experimental Canine Model. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 814-820. The John Hopkins University School of Medicine.
  • Robert WH, Pho AM, Levack FRCS (1986): Pıeliminary Observations on Epiphyseal Growth Rate in Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of Tibia After Free Vascularized Fibular Graft. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Resarch. May , 206, 104-108.
  • Takato T, Harii K, Komuro Y (1993): Experimental Study on Growth of Epiphyseal Plate: Free Graft in Rabbits. British Journal of Plastic Surgery 46, 416-420.
  • Alberty A, Peltonen J, Ritsila V (1993): Effects of Distraction and Compression Proliferation of Growth Plate Chondrocytes. Açta. Orthop. Scand. 64 (4): 449-455.
  • Nap RC, Hazevvinkel HAW (1992): Growth and Skeletal Development in the Dog in Relation to Nutrition. Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals. Utrecht University, Netherlands.
  • Michael G, Conzemius M, Gail K (1994): Analysis of Physeal Growth in Dogs, Using Biplanar Radiograpy. Am J Vet Res, Vol. 55, No. 1, January.
  • Fagin DB, Aronson E, Gutzmer MA (1992): Closure of the îliac Crest Ossifıcation Çenter in Dogs: 750 Cases (1980-1987). JAVMA Vol. 200, No 11, June.
  • Oberbauer AM (1985): Growth of Metacarpal Bones m Sheep: Plate Closure and Regulating Factors From Bırth to Maturity. Thesis (PhD). The Faculty of the Graduate School of Comell University.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Muhammet Furkan Yiğit This is me

Ali Belge This is me

Publication Date June 13, 1999
Published in Issue Year 1999 Volume: 5 Issue: 1-2


APA Yiğit, M. F., & Belge, A. (1999). The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(1-2), 46-58.
AMA Yiğit MF, Belge A. The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 1999;5(1-2):46-58.
Chicago Yiğit, Muhammet Furkan, and Ali Belge. “The Radiological Studies on deternıination oftlıe Closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, no. 1-2 (June 1999): 46-58.
EndNote Yiğit MF, Belge A (June 1, 1999) The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 1-2 46–58.
IEEE M. F. Yiğit and A. Belge, “The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1-2, pp. 46–58, 1999.
ISNAD Yiğit, Muhammet Furkan - Belge, Ali. “The Radiological Studies on deternıination oftlıe Closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/1-2 (June 1999), 46-58.
JAMA Yiğit MF, Belge A. The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1999;5:46–58.
MLA Yiğit, Muhammet Furkan and Ali Belge. “The Radiological Studies on deternıination oftlıe Closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1-2, 1999, pp. 46-58.
Vancouver Yiğit MF, Belge A. The radiological studies on deternıination oftlıe closure tinıes of epiplıysealplate in Van Cats. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1999;5(1-2):46-58.