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Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi

Year 1997, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 26 - 30, 15.06.1997


Bu çalışmada Ankara piyasasında tüketime sunulan vakumla paketlenmiş salam ve sosislerin mikrobiyolojik kallteleri incelendi. Üç ayrı firmaya ait toplam 20'şer adet vakumla paketlenmiş salam ve sosis numunesi aerob genel canlı, enterobakteriler, koliform bakteriler, mikrokok ve stafilokoklar, koagulaz-pozitif stafilokoklar, laktobasiller, enterokoklar, sülfit indirgeyen clostridia'lar, maya ve küfler yönünden incelendi. Anallz edilen tüm örneklerde aerob genel canlı sayısının ICÜ-lO^/g arasında değiştiği, Laktobasillerin ICÜ-lO^/g arasında değişen sayılarla dominant florayı oluşturdukları saptanmıştır. Numunelerin hiçbirinde Enterobacteriaceae, Koliform grubu bakteri, Koagulaz-pozitif stafilokoklar ve Sülfit indirgeyen clostridia'lar bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak, numunelerin tümü hijyen indikatörü mikroorganizmalar ve patojen bakteriler yönünden Gıda Tüzüğü ve Standartlarına uygun bulunmuşlardır


  • 1- Blickstad E, Molin G: The microbial of smoked pork loin and frankfurter sausage stored in different gas atmosferes at 4®C, J. Appl. Bact. 54, 45-56,(1983)
  • 2- Grau FH:The spoilage of meat and meat products, Fd. Technol. Australla.30, 385-388, (1980)
  • 3- Newton KC, Harrison JCL, Smith KH: The effect of storage in various gaseous atmospheres on the microflora of lamb chops held at - 1°C, J.Appl. Bact. 43, 53-59, (1977)
  • 4- Leistner LH, Hechelmann H, Bem Z: Microbiologische Routineuntersuchungen von Fleischerzeugnissen im Herstellerbetrieb, Fleischvvirtsch., 58(8), 1279-1283, (1978)
  • 5- Neumary L: Bedeutung der Keimzahl, Fleischerei. 32(3), 156- 159,(1981)
  • 6- Gilka J, Ingr-I, Palasek J: Beurteilung des Frischegrades von zu Halbfertigerzeugnissen bestimmtem Feisch., Fleischvvirtsch, 60(1), 18- 122,(1980).
  • 7- Leistner L: Haltbarkeit von Brühwurst, Fleischvvirtsch, 56(4), 471-474, (1976).
  • 8- Mossel DAA: Die mikrobiellen Assoziationen in Lebensmitteln tierischen Ursprungs, Arch. Lebensmittelhyg,30, 82-85, (1980).
  • 9- Oblinger JL, Kennedy JR: Microbiological evaluation of selected delicatessen meat from retail supermarkets, J. Food Protect. 43(7), 530- 533,(1980).
  • 10- Schwarz A: Haltbarkeitsfristen von vorvepackten Wurstwaren, Fleischvvirtsch. 56(4), 497-502, (1976).
  • 11- Wirth F: Fleischerzeugnisse in SB-Folien-Packungen, Fleischvvirtsch 61(5), 690-696, (1981).
  • 12- Heiss R: Zur Problematik der Datumskennzeichnung von Lebensmittel, Emâhrungs-Umschau, 27(2), 212-215, (1980).
  • 13- Reuter G, Tandler K: Einfluss von verbundfolien auf die Farbstabilitat von vakuum-verpacktem Fleischvvaren-Aufschnitt, Fleischvvirtsch 44 (12), 1239-1242, (1964).
  • 14- Alm F, Erichsen J, Molin N: The effect of vacuum packaging on some sliced processed meat products as Judget by organoleptic and bacteriologic analysis, Food Technol. 15, 199-203, (1961).
  • 15- Reuter G: Untersuchungen zur Mikroflora von vorperpackten, aufgeschnittenen Brüh-und Kochvvürsten, .Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 21, 257-264, (1970).
  • 16- Daelman W, Van Hoof, J: Einfluss des pH-vvertes, vervvendung von polyphosphat und der Lagerung auf die bakteriologische Beschaffenheit von Brûhvvurst und Brühvvurst auf schnitt, Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 26 (6), 213-217, (1975).
  • 17- Paradis DC, Stiles ME: A study of microbial quallty of vacuum packed sliced bologna. J.Food Protect. 41(10), 811-815, (1978).
  • 18- Baumgart J, Schmiedel M, Reinke Th: Mikrobielle Stoffvvechselproducte als İndikator der Haltbarkeit von Feinkosterzeugnissen. Allmenta, Sonderansgabe, 51-55, (1977).
  • 19- Kempton AG,Bobier, SR:Bacterial grovvth in refrigerated vacuum-packed luncheon meats. Canad. J,Microbiol. 16(5), 287-297, (1970).
  • 20- Reuter G:Laktobazillen und eng venvandte Mikroorganismen in Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnissen, Fleischvvirtsch. 50(7), 951-954,(1970).
  • 21- Surkievvicz BF, Harris ME, Carolessa JM: Bacteriological survey and refrigerated storage, test of vacuum-packed sliced imported canned ham, J. Food Protect. 40(2), 109-114, (1977).
  • 22- Flemming R, Stojanoviç V: Untersuchungen an vorverpacktem Brühvvurstaufschnitt aus dem Handel, Fleischvvirtsch. 66, 994-998, (1986).
  • 23- Schilinger U, Lücke FK: Milchsâurebakterien Flora auf vakuumverpacktem Fleisch und ihr Einfluss auf die Haltbarkeit, Fleischvvirtsch, 66, 1515-1520,(1986).
  • 24- Shay BJ, Grau F H, Ford AL, Egan AF, Ratcliff D: Microbiological quallty and storage life of sliced vacuum-packed smallgoods, Food Technol, Australla, 30(2), 48-51, (1978).
  • 25- Egan AF, Ford AL, Shay BJ: A Comparasion of Microbacterium thermosphactum and Lactobacilli as spoilage organisms of vacuum-packaged sliced luncheon meats, J. Food Sci. 45(6), 1745-1748, (1980).
  • 26- Steele JE, Stiles ME:Food poisoning potential of artificially contaminated vacuum-packaged sliced ham in sandvviches, J. Food Protect. 44 (6), 430-433,(1981).
  • 27- Stiles ME, NG LK: Fate of enteropathogens inoculated on to chopped ham, J. Food Protect. 42(8), 624-626, (1979).
  • 28- Reuter G: Untersuchungen zur antagonistischen vvirkung der Milchsâurebakterien auf andere Keimgruppen der Lebensmittelflora, Zbl. Vet. Med. 19, 320-325, (1973).
  • 29- Franksen H, Hadlok R, Bartels H: Beitrag zur Frage der Aufstellung von Normkeimzahlen fîir Brühvvürste, Fleischvvirtsch, 49, 1339- 1342,(1969).
  • 30- Carl KE: Oregon's experience vvith microbiological standards for meat, J. Milk Food Technol. 38, 483-487, (1975).
  • 31- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü:Salam Standardı, TS. 979, TSE, Ankara, (1972).
  • 32- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü:Sosis Standardı, TS, 980, TSE, Ankara, (1984).
  • 33-International Commission on Microbiological Spesifications for Foods: Microorganism in Foods ICMSF,University of Toronto Press, Toronto, (1982).
  • 34- Reuter G: Mikrobiologische Analyse von Lebensmitteln mit selektiven Medien, Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 21, 30-35, (1970).
  • 35- Koneman EW, Ailen SD, Dovvell VR, Simmer HM: Diagnostic Microbiology, J.B. Lippaincott Company, Philadelphia, Toronto, (1979).

Investigation of Microbiological Quallties of Vacuum-packed in Salami and Sausages

Year 1997, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 26 - 30, 15.06.1997


In this study, microbiological quallties of vacuum-packed salami and sausages consumed in Ankara markets were investigated. Totally twenty vacuum-packed salami and sausage samples belonging to three dijferent fırms vere examined in terms of aerob organisms, Enterobacteriaceae, Coagulase-positive Staphylococci, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Sulphit reduced Clostridia, Molds and Yeasts. In all samples, it was determined that aerob organisms varying betvveen 10$ and lO^/g, and Lactobacillus betyveen 10$lO^/g had made up the dominant flora. None of the samples contained Enterobacteriaceus, Coliform bacteries, Coagulase-positive Staphylococci and Sulphit reduced Clostridia. As a result, the samples were found suitable yvith regard to hygen indicator microorganisms and pathogens bacteria according to Turkish Food Regulation and Standards


  • 1- Blickstad E, Molin G: The microbial of smoked pork loin and frankfurter sausage stored in different gas atmosferes at 4®C, J. Appl. Bact. 54, 45-56,(1983)
  • 2- Grau FH:The spoilage of meat and meat products, Fd. Technol. Australla.30, 385-388, (1980)
  • 3- Newton KC, Harrison JCL, Smith KH: The effect of storage in various gaseous atmospheres on the microflora of lamb chops held at - 1°C, J.Appl. Bact. 43, 53-59, (1977)
  • 4- Leistner LH, Hechelmann H, Bem Z: Microbiologische Routineuntersuchungen von Fleischerzeugnissen im Herstellerbetrieb, Fleischvvirtsch., 58(8), 1279-1283, (1978)
  • 5- Neumary L: Bedeutung der Keimzahl, Fleischerei. 32(3), 156- 159,(1981)
  • 6- Gilka J, Ingr-I, Palasek J: Beurteilung des Frischegrades von zu Halbfertigerzeugnissen bestimmtem Feisch., Fleischvvirtsch, 60(1), 18- 122,(1980).
  • 7- Leistner L: Haltbarkeit von Brühwurst, Fleischvvirtsch, 56(4), 471-474, (1976).
  • 8- Mossel DAA: Die mikrobiellen Assoziationen in Lebensmitteln tierischen Ursprungs, Arch. Lebensmittelhyg,30, 82-85, (1980).
  • 9- Oblinger JL, Kennedy JR: Microbiological evaluation of selected delicatessen meat from retail supermarkets, J. Food Protect. 43(7), 530- 533,(1980).
  • 10- Schwarz A: Haltbarkeitsfristen von vorvepackten Wurstwaren, Fleischvvirtsch. 56(4), 497-502, (1976).
  • 11- Wirth F: Fleischerzeugnisse in SB-Folien-Packungen, Fleischvvirtsch 61(5), 690-696, (1981).
  • 12- Heiss R: Zur Problematik der Datumskennzeichnung von Lebensmittel, Emâhrungs-Umschau, 27(2), 212-215, (1980).
  • 13- Reuter G, Tandler K: Einfluss von verbundfolien auf die Farbstabilitat von vakuum-verpacktem Fleischvvaren-Aufschnitt, Fleischvvirtsch 44 (12), 1239-1242, (1964).
  • 14- Alm F, Erichsen J, Molin N: The effect of vacuum packaging on some sliced processed meat products as Judget by organoleptic and bacteriologic analysis, Food Technol. 15, 199-203, (1961).
  • 15- Reuter G: Untersuchungen zur Mikroflora von vorperpackten, aufgeschnittenen Brüh-und Kochvvürsten, .Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 21, 257-264, (1970).
  • 16- Daelman W, Van Hoof, J: Einfluss des pH-vvertes, vervvendung von polyphosphat und der Lagerung auf die bakteriologische Beschaffenheit von Brûhvvurst und Brühvvurst auf schnitt, Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 26 (6), 213-217, (1975).
  • 17- Paradis DC, Stiles ME: A study of microbial quallty of vacuum packed sliced bologna. J.Food Protect. 41(10), 811-815, (1978).
  • 18- Baumgart J, Schmiedel M, Reinke Th: Mikrobielle Stoffvvechselproducte als İndikator der Haltbarkeit von Feinkosterzeugnissen. Allmenta, Sonderansgabe, 51-55, (1977).
  • 19- Kempton AG,Bobier, SR:Bacterial grovvth in refrigerated vacuum-packed luncheon meats. Canad. J,Microbiol. 16(5), 287-297, (1970).
  • 20- Reuter G:Laktobazillen und eng venvandte Mikroorganismen in Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnissen, Fleischvvirtsch. 50(7), 951-954,(1970).
  • 21- Surkievvicz BF, Harris ME, Carolessa JM: Bacteriological survey and refrigerated storage, test of vacuum-packed sliced imported canned ham, J. Food Protect. 40(2), 109-114, (1977).
  • 22- Flemming R, Stojanoviç V: Untersuchungen an vorverpacktem Brühvvurstaufschnitt aus dem Handel, Fleischvvirtsch. 66, 994-998, (1986).
  • 23- Schilinger U, Lücke FK: Milchsâurebakterien Flora auf vakuumverpacktem Fleisch und ihr Einfluss auf die Haltbarkeit, Fleischvvirtsch, 66, 1515-1520,(1986).
  • 24- Shay BJ, Grau F H, Ford AL, Egan AF, Ratcliff D: Microbiological quallty and storage life of sliced vacuum-packed smallgoods, Food Technol, Australla, 30(2), 48-51, (1978).
  • 25- Egan AF, Ford AL, Shay BJ: A Comparasion of Microbacterium thermosphactum and Lactobacilli as spoilage organisms of vacuum-packaged sliced luncheon meats, J. Food Sci. 45(6), 1745-1748, (1980).
  • 26- Steele JE, Stiles ME:Food poisoning potential of artificially contaminated vacuum-packaged sliced ham in sandvviches, J. Food Protect. 44 (6), 430-433,(1981).
  • 27- Stiles ME, NG LK: Fate of enteropathogens inoculated on to chopped ham, J. Food Protect. 42(8), 624-626, (1979).
  • 28- Reuter G: Untersuchungen zur antagonistischen vvirkung der Milchsâurebakterien auf andere Keimgruppen der Lebensmittelflora, Zbl. Vet. Med. 19, 320-325, (1973).
  • 29- Franksen H, Hadlok R, Bartels H: Beitrag zur Frage der Aufstellung von Normkeimzahlen fîir Brühvvürste, Fleischvvirtsch, 49, 1339- 1342,(1969).
  • 30- Carl KE: Oregon's experience vvith microbiological standards for meat, J. Milk Food Technol. 38, 483-487, (1975).
  • 31- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü:Salam Standardı, TS. 979, TSE, Ankara, (1972).
  • 32- Türk Standartlan Enstitüsü:Sosis Standardı, TS, 980, TSE, Ankara, (1984).
  • 33-International Commission on Microbiological Spesifications for Foods: Microorganism in Foods ICMSF,University of Toronto Press, Toronto, (1982).
  • 34- Reuter G: Mikrobiologische Analyse von Lebensmitteln mit selektiven Medien, Arch. Lebensmittelhyg. 21, 30-35, (1970).
  • 35- Koneman EW, Ailen SD, Dovvell VR, Simmer HM: Diagnostic Microbiology, J.B. Lippaincott Company, Philadelphia, Toronto, (1979).
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sema Ağaoğlu This is me

Publication Date June 15, 1997
Published in Issue Year 1997 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Ağaoğlu, S. (1997). Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 26-30.
AMA Ağaoğlu S. Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 1997;3(1):26-30.
Chicago Ağaoğlu, Sema. “Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis Ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3, no. 1 (June 1997): 26-30.
EndNote Ağaoğlu S (June 1, 1997) Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3 1 26–30.
IEEE S. Ağaoğlu, “Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 26–30, 1997.
ISNAD Ağaoğlu, Sema. “Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis Ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3/1 (June 1997), 26-30.
JAMA Ağaoğlu S. Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1997;3:26–30.
MLA Ağaoğlu, Sema. “Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis Ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 1997, pp. 26-30.
Vancouver Ağaoğlu S. Vakumla Paketlenmiş Sosis ve Salamların Mikrobiyolojik Kalltelerinin İncelenmesi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1997;3(1):26-30.