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Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması

Year 1997, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 31 - 38, 15.06.1997


Bu çalışmada, Morkaraman ırkı35 adet gebe, 15 adet kısır koyun iki grup hallnde kullanıldı. Bu koyunlarda döl verimi ve gebeliğin devamlılığını sağlayan FSH, östradiol-17 /3 E2 ve progesteron Pf hormonlarının, gebelik süresince, RIA yöntemiyle ile kan serumu seviyelerine bakıldı. FSH hormon miktarı gebe koyunlarda koç katımı zamanında 1064 ±10 mlU/ml, 43.günde 1041 ± 6 mlU/ml, 86.günde 1013 ± 8 mlU/ml, 129.günde 1025 ± 16 mlU/ml doğum sonrasında 1001 ± 6 mlU/ml, kısır koyunlarda sırasıyla 1008 ± 12 mlU/ml, 986 ± 10 mlU/ml, 1007 ± 6 mlU/ml, 1005 ± 10 mlU/ml, 1010 ±8 mlU/ml olarak belirlendi. Östradiol-17 3 E2 kısır koyunlarda koç katımı zamanında 28.25 +4.7 pg/ml, 43. günde 29.0 ±3.5 pg/ml, 86. günde 22.1 ±2.8 pg/ml, 129. günde 30.0+2.0pg/ml, doğum sonrasında 27.0+3.1 pg/ml; gebe koyunlarda sırasıyla 49.66 ±8.3 pg/ml, 31.11 ±1.3pg/ml, 44.6 ±3.3pg/ml, 82.0 ±8.0pg/ml, 29.0 ±2.9pg/ml olarak ölçüldü. Progesteron Pf gebe koyunlarda koç katım zamanında 1.95 ±0.01 ng/ml, 43.günde 3.90 ±2.1 ng/ml, 86. günde 5.36 ± 2.8 ng/ml, 129. günde 7.18 ±6.4 ng/ml, doğum sonrasında 0.15 ± 0.01 ng/ml; kısır koyunlarda sırasıyla 0.42 ±0.02 ng/ml, 0.39 ± 0.02 ng/ml, 0.40 ± 0.01 ng/ml, 0.38 ± 0.01 ng/ml, 0.38 ± 0.01 ng/ml olarak saptandı. Serum FSH değerleri gruplar arasında sırasıyla l. ve 2. kan ahmlan zamanında, gebe olan grubun kendi içerisinde ise l. ve 2. ile 3. ve 5. kan alım zamanlarındaki değerler arasındaki fark istatistiki açıdan anlamlı bulundu P


  • 1. Akçapınar H.: Koyun Yetiştiriciliği, 1. Baskı, Yayın No:8, Medisan Ankara (1994).
  • 2. Kılıçoğlu Ç. ve Alaçam E.: Veteriner Doğum Bilgisi ve Üreme Organlarının Hastalıkları, 1. Baskı, Yayın No: 403, A.Ü.Basımevi Ankara (1985).
  • 3. Kazama, N., and Longcope, C.: Metabolism of Estrone and Estradiol -17 £ in Sheep. Endocrinol., 91:1450-1454 (1972).
  • 4. Yu., H.K., Cabalum, I.A., Jansen, A.M., Buster, J.E. and Nathanıelsz.: Andrestenedione, Testosterone and Estradiol Concentration in Fetal and Matemal Plasma in Late Pregnancy in the Sheep. Endocrinology., 113, 2216- 2220 (1983).
  • 5. Ersoy, E., Bayşu, N.: Biyokimya, 1. Baskı, Yayın No: 408, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara (1986).
  • 6. Henderson, K.M Prisk, M.D., Nudson, N., Ball, K., McNatty, K.P., Lun, S., Heath, D., Kieboom, L.E. and McDiarmid, J., , Use of Bovine Follicular Fluid to Increase Ovulation Rate or Ovulation in Sheep., 76, 623-635 (1968).
  • 7. Shelton, M.: Influence of Various Exteroceptive Factors on Initiation of Eostrus and Ovulation. International Goat and Sheep. 1 (2): 156- 162(1980).
  • 8. Tamanini, C., Cheisa, F., Prandi, A. and Galeati, G.: Estrone and Estrone Conjugate Plasma Levels Throughout Pregnancy in the Goat: Their Determination as a Pregnancy Diagnosis test. Animal Reproduction Science, 11,35-42 (1986).
  • 9. Ben Durant, R.H.: Pregnancy Diagnosis in Sheep and Goats; Fielt Tests With on Ultrasound unit. Callfomian Veterinarian, 1: 26-28 (1980). 10. Benjaminsen, E., and Korlberg, K.: Pregnancy Diagnosis in Goats by Means of an Ultrasonic Device. The Brit. Vet. Jour, 92(9): 501- 503 (1980).
  • 11. Jain, C.G., Arora, R.C. and Pandey, R.S.: Milk Progesterone Vontend and Pregnancy Diagnosis in Goat s .Vet. Med., 27; 103-108.
  • 12. Montigny, G., Millerioux, P. and Jeangujat, N., (1982), Milk Fat Progesterone Concentration in Goats and Early Pregnancy Diagnosis. Thriegenelogy., 17: 423-431(1980).
  • 13. Shemesh, M., Ayalon, N. and Lovi, S.: A new Approach to the use of Progesteron, levels for Pregnancy Determination. The British Veterinary Journal. 139, 41-48 (1983).
  • 14. Alaçam, E., Dinç, D.A., Güler, M., Eröz, S., Sezer, A.N.: Anöstrus Döneminde Progesteron, PMSG ve GnRH ile Senkronize Edilen Koyunlarda RIA Yöntemi ile Erken Gebelik Tanısı Üzerinde Çalışma. S.Ü. Vet.Fak.Derg., 4: 91-98 (1988).
  • 15. Thorbum, G.D., Booset, J.M. and Smith, I.D.: Progesterone Concentration in the Peripheral Plasma of Sheep During the Oestrus Cycle. J. Endocrinol. 45; 459-469 (1969).
  • 16. Özsar, S., Ankara Keçilerinde Erken Gebelik Tayini ve Fertilite Konrolünde Radioimmunoassay ile Progesteron Düzeylerinin Sap-tanması: RIA Tekniğinin Keçi Serumu için Geçerliliğinin Kontrolü (Doktora tezi). H.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst., Ankara (1983).
  • 17. Sulu, N., Özsar, S., Güven, B. ve Bağcı, C., , Sakız Koyunlarında Progesteron ve Östron Sülfat Düzeyleri, TÜBİTAK. VHAG-708 nolu proje, Ankara (1991).
  • 18. Korg, H., Claus, R., Hoffinan, B., Schallenberger, E. and Schams, S.D.: Present Status and Future Possibilities of RIA in Animal Production. IAEA Symposium on “Nuclear-techniques in Animal Production and Health” Vienna (1976).
  • 19. Pont, T.B.: The use of RIA and Related Procedures in Improve Reproduction of Domestic Animals. 4th Research Coordinated Meeting on “The use of RIA and Related Procedures to Improve Reproduction Performance of Domestic Animals” 5-9 July, Ithace (1980).
  • 20. Kakusya, G.R.: Reproductive Hormone Pattems in Female Goat. Dissertation Abstracts International. 8, 3564 (1980).
  • 21. Anonim: Progesteron RIA kit. Catalog number TKPG - 2, Diagnostic Products Corporation (DPC) 5700 West 9 th. Street, Los Angles.
  • 22. Clarce, I.J. and Cummins, I.T.: Increased GnRH Pulse Frequency Associated with Estrogen-Induced LH Surges in Ovariectomiced Ewes. Endocrinology 116, 2376-2386 (1985).
  • 23. Yuthasastrakosol, P., Palmer, W.M. and Hovvland, B.E.: Luteinizing hormone, Oestrogen and Progesterone Levels in Peripheral serum of an Oestrous and Cyclic Ewes as Determined by Radioimmunoassay. J. Reprod. Fert, 43, 57-65 (1975).
  • 24. Fylling, P.: The effect of Pregnancy, Ovariectomy and Parturition on Plasma Progesterone Level in Sheep. Açta Endocrinologica, 65, 273-283(1970).
  • 25. Tamanini, C., Crovvder, M.E. and Nett, T.M.: Effects of Oestradiol and Progesterone on Pulsatile Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone in Ovariectomized Ewes. Açta Endocrinologica 111; 172-178 (1986).
  • 26. Murray, R.K; Moyes, A.P., Granner, D.K; Rodwell, V.W, , Harper’m Biyokimyası, 22 Baskı, Barış Kitabevi, İstanbul (1993).
  • 27. Kicklighter, E.J., Norman, R.J: The Gonads, Clinical Chemistry. Ed. Kaplan, L. A, Pesce, A.J., Second edition, 650-662. The C.V. Mosby Company. Toronto(1989).
  • 28. Edgy, R.G., (1983), The Use of Prostaglandin Analogue Cloprostenol and the Milk Progesterone Test to Control Breeding Policy in one Dairy Hard. The British Veterinary Journal, 139 (2): 104-108.
  • 29. Tsang, C.P. and Plackett, A.J., Metebolism of Estrone Sulfate in the Pregnant sheep. Animal Research. 11 (6): 429-434.
  • 30. Linzell, J.L. and Heap, R.B.: A Comparison of Progesterone Metabolism in the Pregnant Sheep ant Goat; Sources of Production and an Estimation of Uptake by Some Target Organs. J. Endocr., 41, 433-438 (1968).
  • 31. Laing, J.A., , Progesterone Assey of Milk and the Control of Infertility. The British Veterinary Journal. 132: 534-537 (1976).
  • 32. Findlay, J.K. and Seamark, R.F.: The Biosynthesis of Oestrogens in the Ovine Foteoplacental Unit. J. Reprod and Fertility, 24, 141- 142(1971).
  • 33. Tsang, C.P.: Changes in Plasma Levels of Estrone sulfate and Estrone in the Pregnant Ewe Around Parturition. Anim. Res.Inst. 23(6), 855-868 (1974).
  • 34. Ganong, W.F.: Review of Medical Physiology. Appleton and Lang, San Francisco ( 1989 ).
  • 35. Bedford, C.A., Challis, J.R. and Harrison, F.A.: The Role of Oestrogens and Progesterone in the onset of Parturition in Various Species. J. Reprod. Fert, Suppl. 16:1-23 (1972).
  • 36. Renfree, M., Wallace, G.I. and Young, I.R., , Effects of Progesterone, Oestradiol 17 £ and Androstenedione on Follicular Grovvth After Removal of the Corpus Luteum During Lactational and Seasonal Quiescence Grovvth After Removal of the Corpus Luteum During Lactational and Seasonal Quienscence in the Tamar vvallaby.J. Endocr., 92, 397-403 (1982).
  • 37. Quirke, J.F., Honrahan, J.P. and Gasling, J.P.: Plasma Progesteron Levels Throughout the Oestrus Cycle and Release of LH at Oestrus in Sheep With Different Ovulation Rates. J. Repord. Fert. 55: 37- 44(1979).
  • 38. Hare, L. and Bryant, M.J.: Characteristics of Oestrus Cycles and Plasma Progesterone Profıles of Young Female Sheep During Their First Breeding Season. Anim. Prod., 35: 1-7 (1982).
  • 39. Van De Wiel, D.F.M., Viascher, AH. and Dekker, T.P.: Use of a Radioimmunoassay of Plasma Progesterone for Predicting Litter Size and Subsequent Adaptation of Fecoling Level in Sheep. Nuclear Techniques in Animal Production and Health. I.A.A. Vienna, p, 547-553 (1976).
  • 40. Campbell, B.K., Mann, G.E., McNeilly, AS. and Baird, D.T.: The Pattem of Ovarian Inhibin, Estradiol and Androstenedione Secretion During the Estrous Cycle ofthe Ewe. Endocrinology, 127, 227- 233 (1990).
  • 41. Walton, J.S., McNeilly, Judither, McNeilly, AS. and Cunningham, F.J.: Changes in Concentrations of Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Luteinizing hormone, Prolactin and Progesterone in the Plasma of Ewes During the Transition From Anoestrus to Breeding Activity. J.Endocr. 75, 127-136 (1977).
  • 42. Smealton, T.C. and Robertson, H.A:. Studies on the Growth and Atresia of Graafıan follicles in the Ovary of the Sheep. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. 25, 243-252 (1971).
  • 43. L.Hermite, M., Nisvvender, G.D., Reichert, L., Midgley, AR.: Serum follicle- Stimulating Hormone in Sheep as Measured by Radioimmunoassay. Biology of Reproduction, 6, 325-332 (1972).
  • 44. Pant, H.C., Hopkinson, C.R.N. and Fitzpatrick, R.J.: Concentration of Oestradiol, Progesterone, Luteinizing Hormone and FolliculeStimulating Hormone in the Jugular venous Plasma of Ewes During the Oestrus Cycle. J. Endocr., 73, 247-255 (1977).
  • 45. Cox, R.I., Mattner, P.E. and Thorbum, G.D.: Changes in Ovarian Secretion of Oestradiol -17 p Around Oestrus in the Sheep. J. Endocr., 49, 345-346(1971).
  • 46. Brovvn, J.B. and Smyth, B.J.: Oestrone Sulphate-Major Circulating Oestrogen in The Normal Menstural Cycle. J.Repord. Fert., 24:142(1971).
  • 47. Mc Natty, K.P., Revfeivv, J.A and Young, A: Peripheral Plasma Progesterone Concentrations in Sheep During the Oestrus Cycle. J. Endocr., 58, 219-225 (1973).
  • 48. Pant, H.C., Hopkinson, C. and Fitspatrick, R.J.: Plasma Oestradiol, Progesterone and Luteinizing Hormone Concentrations During the Ovine Oestrus Cycle. J. Repord. Fert 31, 501-502 (1972).
  • 49. Alexander, G. and Williams, D.: Progesterone and Placental Development in Sheep J.Endocrin 34: 241-245 (1966).
  • 50. Aysan, İ.: Evcil Hayvanların Karşılaştırmalı Üreme Fizyolojileri, Sevinç Matbaası, Ankara (1974).
  • 51. Robertson, H.A and Rakha, AM.: The sequence, Time, and Duration, of the Release of Follicule-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone in Relation to Oestrus and to Ovarian in the Sheep. J. Of Endocrin, 35, 177-184 (1966).
  • 52. Thorbum, G.D., Basett, J.M. and Smith, I.D.: Progesterone Concentration in the Peripheral Plasma of Sheep During the Estrous Cycle, J. Of Endocrin., 45, 459-469 (1969).
  • 53. Novoa, C.B.: Interrelationships Betvveen Source and Level of Progesterone and Number of Fetuses at Different Stages During Pregnancy in Sheep. Dissertation Abstracts International, B (Sciences and Enginerry), 46 (8): 2548-2560 (1986).
  • 54. Hamon, M.H. and Heap, R.B.: Progesterone and Oestrogen Concentrations in Plasma of Barbary Sheep Compared With Those of Domestic Sheep and Goats During Pregnancy. J.Reprod. Fert., 90, 207- 211(1990).
  • 55. Tsang, C.P.: Plasma Levels of Estrone sulfate Free Estrogens, Estrone and, Progesterone in The Pregnant Ewe Throught Gestation Animal.Res., 10:97-110 (1978).
  • 56. Bassett, J.M., Oxborrow Tana J. and Smith, I.D., Thorbum, G.D.: The Concentration of Progesterone in the Peripheral Plasma of the Pregnant Ewe.J. Of Endocr. 45, 449-457(1969).
  • 57. Mattner, P.E. and Thorbum, G.D.: Progesterone in Uteroovarian venous Plasma During Pregnancy in. J. Rep. and Fert., 24, 140- 141(1971).
  • 58. Taylor MJ Webb, R., Mitchell, M.D. and Robinsons, J.S.,, Effect of Progesterone Withdrawal in Sheep During Late Pregnancy. J. Of Endocr., 92, 85-93,(1982).
  • 59. Robertson HA and Sarda IR.: A very Early Pregnancy Test for Mammals : Its Application to the Cow, Ewe and Sow. J. Of Endocr., 49, 407- 419(1971).
  • 60. Anonim: FSH IRMA kit, Catalog number IKFS -1, Diagnostic Products Corporation (DPC) 5700 West 9 th. Street, Los Angles
  • 61. Anonim: Estradiol Estradiol-17 P RIAkit. Catalog number TKE -22 Diagnostic Products Corpora
  • 62. tion (DPC) 5700 West 9 th. Street, Los Angles.
  • 63. Yaşar H.: Tıp’ta İstatistik Yöntem ve Uygulamaları, A Ü. TıpFak.Yay., Ankara (1981)

Determination of Sexual Hormones FSH, Oestradiol-17 /3, Progesterone by RIA in the Plasma of Healthy and Sterile Morkaraman Sheep in andAround Van and Their Relationship with Sterility.

Year 1997, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 31 - 38, 15.06.1997


Determination of Sexual Hormones FSH, Oestradiol-17 /3, Progesterone by RIA in the Plasma of Healthy and Sterile Morkaraman Sheep in andAround Van and Their Relationship with Sterility. In this study, thirty-five pregnant and fıfteen sterile Morkaraman ewes vvere used as two groups . Blood serum of FSH, oestrogen and progesterone hormones required for the continuation of pregnancy and fertility were detected during the pregnancy of the evves by RIA. FSH hormone levels of pregnant ewes vvere detected as 1064 ±10 mlU/ml on the mating season, 1041 ±6 mlU/ml, on the 43th day 1013 ±8 mlU/ml, on the 86 th day 1025 ±16 mlU/ml, on the 129th day, 1001 ±6 mlU/ml on the after birth; FSH levels of sterile ewes yvere as follovvs 1008 ±12 mlU/mL, 986 ± 10 mlU/ml, 1007 ± 6 mlü/ml, 1005 ±10 mlU/ml, and 1010 ± 8 mlU/ml consequently. Oestradiol-17 3 E2 levels of sterile evves yvere detected as 28.25 ±4.7 pg/ml on the mating season, 29.0 ±3.5 pg/ml on the 43th day, 22.1 ±2.8 pg/ml on the 86 th day, 30.0 ±2.0 pg/ml on the 129 th day, 27.0 ±3.1 pg/ml on the after birth; Oestradiol 17 /3 E^ levels of pregnant eyves yvere detected as folloyvs 49.66 i 8.3 pg/ml, 31.11 i 1.3pg/ml, 44.6 i 3.3 pg/ml, 82.0 i 8.0 pg/ml and 29.0 + 2.9 pg/ml consequently. Progesterone Pf levels of pregnant eyves yvere found as 1.95 ± 0.01 ng/ml, 3.90 d: 2.1 ng/ml, 5.36 d: 2.8 ng/ml, 7.18 d: 6.4 ng/ml, 0.15 d: 0.01 ng/ml, progesterone levels of sterile eyves yvere detected as 0.42 d: 0.02 ng/ml, 0.39 d: 0.02 ng/ml, 0.40 i 0.01 ng/ml, 0.38 d: 0.01 ng/ml and 0.38 d: 0.01 ng/ml consequently. Serum FSH levels betyveen tyvo groups yvere signifıcant during the first and second blood taken times consequently; hoyvever, serum FSH levels yvithin the group of pregnant eyves betyveen first and second, and third andfifth blood taken times yvere found statistically significant P


  • 1. Akçapınar H.: Koyun Yetiştiriciliği, 1. Baskı, Yayın No:8, Medisan Ankara (1994).
  • 2. Kılıçoğlu Ç. ve Alaçam E.: Veteriner Doğum Bilgisi ve Üreme Organlarının Hastalıkları, 1. Baskı, Yayın No: 403, A.Ü.Basımevi Ankara (1985).
  • 3. Kazama, N., and Longcope, C.: Metabolism of Estrone and Estradiol -17 £ in Sheep. Endocrinol., 91:1450-1454 (1972).
  • 4. Yu., H.K., Cabalum, I.A., Jansen, A.M., Buster, J.E. and Nathanıelsz.: Andrestenedione, Testosterone and Estradiol Concentration in Fetal and Matemal Plasma in Late Pregnancy in the Sheep. Endocrinology., 113, 2216- 2220 (1983).
  • 5. Ersoy, E., Bayşu, N.: Biyokimya, 1. Baskı, Yayın No: 408, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara (1986).
  • 6. Henderson, K.M Prisk, M.D., Nudson, N., Ball, K., McNatty, K.P., Lun, S., Heath, D., Kieboom, L.E. and McDiarmid, J., , Use of Bovine Follicular Fluid to Increase Ovulation Rate or Ovulation in Sheep., 76, 623-635 (1968).
  • 7. Shelton, M.: Influence of Various Exteroceptive Factors on Initiation of Eostrus and Ovulation. International Goat and Sheep. 1 (2): 156- 162(1980).
  • 8. Tamanini, C., Cheisa, F., Prandi, A. and Galeati, G.: Estrone and Estrone Conjugate Plasma Levels Throughout Pregnancy in the Goat: Their Determination as a Pregnancy Diagnosis test. Animal Reproduction Science, 11,35-42 (1986).
  • 9. Ben Durant, R.H.: Pregnancy Diagnosis in Sheep and Goats; Fielt Tests With on Ultrasound unit. Callfomian Veterinarian, 1: 26-28 (1980). 10. Benjaminsen, E., and Korlberg, K.: Pregnancy Diagnosis in Goats by Means of an Ultrasonic Device. The Brit. Vet. Jour, 92(9): 501- 503 (1980).
  • 11. Jain, C.G., Arora, R.C. and Pandey, R.S.: Milk Progesterone Vontend and Pregnancy Diagnosis in Goat s .Vet. Med., 27; 103-108.
  • 12. Montigny, G., Millerioux, P. and Jeangujat, N., (1982), Milk Fat Progesterone Concentration in Goats and Early Pregnancy Diagnosis. Thriegenelogy., 17: 423-431(1980).
  • 13. Shemesh, M., Ayalon, N. and Lovi, S.: A new Approach to the use of Progesteron, levels for Pregnancy Determination. The British Veterinary Journal. 139, 41-48 (1983).
  • 14. Alaçam, E., Dinç, D.A., Güler, M., Eröz, S., Sezer, A.N.: Anöstrus Döneminde Progesteron, PMSG ve GnRH ile Senkronize Edilen Koyunlarda RIA Yöntemi ile Erken Gebelik Tanısı Üzerinde Çalışma. S.Ü. Vet.Fak.Derg., 4: 91-98 (1988).
  • 15. Thorbum, G.D., Booset, J.M. and Smith, I.D.: Progesterone Concentration in the Peripheral Plasma of Sheep During the Oestrus Cycle. J. Endocrinol. 45; 459-469 (1969).
  • 16. Özsar, S., Ankara Keçilerinde Erken Gebelik Tayini ve Fertilite Konrolünde Radioimmunoassay ile Progesteron Düzeylerinin Sap-tanması: RIA Tekniğinin Keçi Serumu için Geçerliliğinin Kontrolü (Doktora tezi). H.Ü. Fen Bil. Enst., Ankara (1983).
  • 17. Sulu, N., Özsar, S., Güven, B. ve Bağcı, C., , Sakız Koyunlarında Progesteron ve Östron Sülfat Düzeyleri, TÜBİTAK. VHAG-708 nolu proje, Ankara (1991).
  • 18. Korg, H., Claus, R., Hoffinan, B., Schallenberger, E. and Schams, S.D.: Present Status and Future Possibilities of RIA in Animal Production. IAEA Symposium on “Nuclear-techniques in Animal Production and Health” Vienna (1976).
  • 19. Pont, T.B.: The use of RIA and Related Procedures in Improve Reproduction of Domestic Animals. 4th Research Coordinated Meeting on “The use of RIA and Related Procedures to Improve Reproduction Performance of Domestic Animals” 5-9 July, Ithace (1980).
  • 20. Kakusya, G.R.: Reproductive Hormone Pattems in Female Goat. Dissertation Abstracts International. 8, 3564 (1980).
  • 21. Anonim: Progesteron RIA kit. Catalog number TKPG - 2, Diagnostic Products Corporation (DPC) 5700 West 9 th. Street, Los Angles.
  • 22. Clarce, I.J. and Cummins, I.T.: Increased GnRH Pulse Frequency Associated with Estrogen-Induced LH Surges in Ovariectomiced Ewes. Endocrinology 116, 2376-2386 (1985).
  • 23. Yuthasastrakosol, P., Palmer, W.M. and Hovvland, B.E.: Luteinizing hormone, Oestrogen and Progesterone Levels in Peripheral serum of an Oestrous and Cyclic Ewes as Determined by Radioimmunoassay. J. Reprod. Fert, 43, 57-65 (1975).
  • 24. Fylling, P.: The effect of Pregnancy, Ovariectomy and Parturition on Plasma Progesterone Level in Sheep. Açta Endocrinologica, 65, 273-283(1970).
  • 25. Tamanini, C., Crovvder, M.E. and Nett, T.M.: Effects of Oestradiol and Progesterone on Pulsatile Secretion of Luteinizing Hormone in Ovariectomized Ewes. Açta Endocrinologica 111; 172-178 (1986).
  • 26. Murray, R.K; Moyes, A.P., Granner, D.K; Rodwell, V.W, , Harper’m Biyokimyası, 22 Baskı, Barış Kitabevi, İstanbul (1993).
  • 27. Kicklighter, E.J., Norman, R.J: The Gonads, Clinical Chemistry. Ed. Kaplan, L. A, Pesce, A.J., Second edition, 650-662. The C.V. Mosby Company. Toronto(1989).
  • 28. Edgy, R.G., (1983), The Use of Prostaglandin Analogue Cloprostenol and the Milk Progesterone Test to Control Breeding Policy in one Dairy Hard. The British Veterinary Journal, 139 (2): 104-108.
  • 29. Tsang, C.P. and Plackett, A.J., Metebolism of Estrone Sulfate in the Pregnant sheep. Animal Research. 11 (6): 429-434.
  • 30. Linzell, J.L. and Heap, R.B.: A Comparison of Progesterone Metabolism in the Pregnant Sheep ant Goat; Sources of Production and an Estimation of Uptake by Some Target Organs. J. Endocr., 41, 433-438 (1968).
  • 31. Laing, J.A., , Progesterone Assey of Milk and the Control of Infertility. The British Veterinary Journal. 132: 534-537 (1976).
  • 32. Findlay, J.K. and Seamark, R.F.: The Biosynthesis of Oestrogens in the Ovine Foteoplacental Unit. J. Reprod and Fertility, 24, 141- 142(1971).
  • 33. Tsang, C.P.: Changes in Plasma Levels of Estrone sulfate and Estrone in the Pregnant Ewe Around Parturition. Anim. Res.Inst. 23(6), 855-868 (1974).
  • 34. Ganong, W.F.: Review of Medical Physiology. Appleton and Lang, San Francisco ( 1989 ).
  • 35. Bedford, C.A., Challis, J.R. and Harrison, F.A.: The Role of Oestrogens and Progesterone in the onset of Parturition in Various Species. J. Reprod. Fert, Suppl. 16:1-23 (1972).
  • 36. Renfree, M., Wallace, G.I. and Young, I.R., , Effects of Progesterone, Oestradiol 17 £ and Androstenedione on Follicular Grovvth After Removal of the Corpus Luteum During Lactational and Seasonal Quiescence Grovvth After Removal of the Corpus Luteum During Lactational and Seasonal Quienscence in the Tamar vvallaby.J. Endocr., 92, 397-403 (1982).
  • 37. Quirke, J.F., Honrahan, J.P. and Gasling, J.P.: Plasma Progesteron Levels Throughout the Oestrus Cycle and Release of LH at Oestrus in Sheep With Different Ovulation Rates. J. Repord. Fert. 55: 37- 44(1979).
  • 38. Hare, L. and Bryant, M.J.: Characteristics of Oestrus Cycles and Plasma Progesterone Profıles of Young Female Sheep During Their First Breeding Season. Anim. Prod., 35: 1-7 (1982).
  • 39. Van De Wiel, D.F.M., Viascher, AH. and Dekker, T.P.: Use of a Radioimmunoassay of Plasma Progesterone for Predicting Litter Size and Subsequent Adaptation of Fecoling Level in Sheep. Nuclear Techniques in Animal Production and Health. I.A.A. Vienna, p, 547-553 (1976).
  • 40. Campbell, B.K., Mann, G.E., McNeilly, AS. and Baird, D.T.: The Pattem of Ovarian Inhibin, Estradiol and Androstenedione Secretion During the Estrous Cycle ofthe Ewe. Endocrinology, 127, 227- 233 (1990).
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There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hayati Çamaş This is me

Nurhayat Atasoy This is me

Publication Date June 15, 1997
Published in Issue Year 1997 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Çamaş, H., & Atasoy, N. (1997). Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 31-38.
AMA Çamaş H, Atasoy N. Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 1997;3(1):31-38.
Chicago Çamaş, Hayati, and Nurhayat Atasoy. “Van Ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı Ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA Ile Tesbiti Ve Kısırlık Ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3, no. 1 (June 1997): 31-38.
EndNote Çamaş H, Atasoy N (June 1, 1997) Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3 1 31–38.
IEEE H. Çamaş and N. Atasoy, “Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 31–38, 1997.
ISNAD Çamaş, Hayati - Atasoy, Nurhayat. “Van Ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı Ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA Ile Tesbiti Ve Kısırlık Ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3/1 (June 1997), 31-38.
JAMA Çamaş H, Atasoy N. Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1997;3:31–38.
MLA Çamaş, Hayati and Nurhayat Atasoy. “Van Ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı Ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA Ile Tesbiti Ve Kısırlık Ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 1997, pp. 31-38.
Vancouver Çamaş H, Atasoy N. Van ve Yöresinde Sağlıklı ve Kısır Morkaraman Irkı Koyunlarda Kan Serumunda Cinsiyet Hormonlarının FSH, Östradiol-17 B, Progesteron RİA ile Tesbiti ve Kısırlık ile İlişkilerinin Araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 1997;3(1):31-8.