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Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 81 - 86, 01.06.2001


Bu çalışmada, barsak cerrahisinde fibrin yapıştırıcı kullanımının iyileşme süreci ve olası postoperatif komplikasyonları önlemede etkinliği araştırıldı. Bu amaçla; 12 adet köpekte enterotomi yapılarak, operasyon yaraları 8 köpekte deneme grubu tek kat schmieden dikişine ilave olarak 0.5 mL fibrin yapıştırıcı Tisseel Kit IQ PCR , 4 köpekte kontrol grubu de rutin lumenli organ dikişleri ile kapatıldı. Çalışma süresince genel ve lokal enfeksiyon bulguları gözlenmedi. Postoperatif 10. ve 20. günlerde deneme grubundan 4'er, kontrol grubundan 2’şer köpekte laparatomi yapılarak karın boşluğu incelendi, histopatolojik kontroller için doku örnekleri alındı. Postoperatif 10. günde kontrol grubunda daha fazla olmak üzere her iki grupta da yangısal reaksiyon ve periferal yapışma, 20. günde ise kontrol grubunda yangısal dokunun normale dönmesine rağmen barsakta daralma ve periferal yapışma; deneme grubunda daralma olmaksızın, yapışma gözlenmeyen düzgün bir iyileşme saptandı. Histopatolojik kontrollerde 10. günde fibrin uygulanan grupta yangısal reaksiyonun hemen hemen ortadan kalktığı gözlenirken; 20. günde normal mukoza iyileşmesi saptandı. Çalışma sonunda; lumenli organlarda tek kat dikişe ilave olarak fibrin yapıştırıcı uygulamanın lumen daralması, intraabdominal sızıntı önlemesi ve zaman kazanımı açısından pratik bir öneme sahip olduğu kanısına varıldı


  • Oka H, Haırison RC, Buıhenne HJ: Effect of biologic glue on the leakage ıate of expeıimental ıectal anastomosis. Am J Suıg 143: 561-564, (1982).
  • Gıegor JR, Reinbach DH, Dahili S W, Dyer PJ: Effect of fibrin sealant on perianastomotic tumor growth in an experimental model of colorectal cancer surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 36: 834- 839,(1993).
  • Sheppaıd B, Virgilio C, Bleixeis M, Milliken J, Robertson J: Inhibition of intraabdominal adhesions: fibrin glue in a long term model. Am Surg 59: 786-790, (1993).
  • Byrne D, Hardy J, Wood R, Mc Intosh R, Hapvvood D, Cuschieri A: Adverse influence of fibrin sealant on the healing of highrisk sutured colonic anastomoses. Coll Surg 37: 394-398, (1992).
  • Houston KA and Ratstein OD: Fibrin sealant in highrisk colonic anastomoses. Arch. Surg. 123: 230-234, (1988).
  • Scheele J, Herzog J, Muhe E: Fibrin glue protection of digestive anastomoses. Zentrabl. Chir. 103: 1325-1336 (1978).
  • Orlando M, Cheridrasekhar A, Bundz S, Burt T, Moorman D, Timberlake A: The effect of peritoneal contamination on wound strength of small bowel and colonic anastomoses. Am Surg 65: 673-675,(1999).
  • Bakır B, Alkan İ, Dilek FH, Sağlam K: İnce barsak anastomozlarında serosubmukozal sutur tekniğinin yeri. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg5: 135-141,(1994).
  • Yavru N, Erer H, Elma E, Avki S: Köpeklerin ince barsaklarında enterotomi operasyonlarında tek ve çift kat dikiş uygulamaları sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması üzerine deneysel çalışma. III. Ulusal Vet. Cerrahi Kongresi, İstanbul, Tebliğler Kitapçığı. 96-104, (1992).
  • Van der Ham A, Kort WJ, Weijma M, Van der Ingh M, Jeckel J: Effect of fibrin sealant on the healing colonic anastomosis in the rat. Br J Surg 98: 49-53, (1991).
  • Karahasanoğlu T, Alçiçek S, Altunkaya E, Şahinler I, Göksel S, Şirin F, Özbal A: Effect of fibrin glue on irradiated colonic anastomosis. Dis Colon Rectum 40: 1240-1244, (1997).
  • Van der Ham A, Kort WJ, Weijma M, Van der Ingh M, Jeckel J: Effect of fibrin sealant on the integrity of colonic anastomosis in rats with fecal peıitonitis. Eur J Surg 159: 425-432, (1993).
  • Lindenberg S, Steentoft P, Sorensen S, Olesen H: Study on prevention of intra abdominal adhesion formation by fibrin sealant. Açta Chir Scant 151: 525-527, (1985).
  • West J, Chovvdhuıy S, Savvhney A, Pathak C, Dumm, R, Hubbel J: Efficiency of adhesion bariers: resorbable hidrogel, oxydised regenerated cellulose and hyaluranic acit. J Repr Med 41: 149- 153,(1996).
  • Elfeldt R, Levze D, Thicde A, Seifeıt J: Experimental animal studies of the stability of colon anastomoses after supplementary fibrin glue sealing. Z Exp Chir Tıansplant. 23: 47-50,(1990).
  • Charlote K, Ryan MD, Harry C, Sox MD: Evaluation of a CMC sponge for prevention of postoperative adhesions . Am J Surg 169: 154-160, (1995).
  • Padigas K and Tulandi T: Effects of ringeıs lactate, interceed and goıetex surgical membrane on post surgical adhesion formation. Fertil Steril 57: 199-201, (1992).
  • Virgilio C, Dubrow T, Sheppaıd B, Mc Donald W, Nelson R, Lesavay M, Robertson C: Fibrin glue inhibits intraabdominal adhesion formation. Arch Surg 125: 1378-1382, (1990).
  • Arnold P, Green C, Foreman P, Rodeheaver G: Evaluation of resorbable bariers for preventing surgical adhesions. Fertil Steril 73: 157-161,(2000).
  • Elkins T, Link F, Ahokas R, Abdella T, Hamsey C, Malinak RL: Adhesion preventing by solution of Na-CMC in rat II. Fertil Steril 41: 929-932, (1984).
  • Urman B, Gomel V, Jetha N: Effect of hyaluronic acit on postoperative peritoneal adhesion formation in the rat model. Fertil Steril 56: 563-567, (1991).
  • Eckeısley JRT, Dudley HAF: Wound and Wound Healing Br Medical Bulletin 44(2): 423-436, (1988).
  • Hammar H: Wound Healing. International Journal of Dermatology 332(1): 6-10, (1993). 24. Clarck RA: Cutaneos Tissue Considerations. J Am Acad Dermatology 13(5): 899-908, (1985). Repair:Basic Biologic
  • Spotnitz WD, Falstrom KJ, Rodeheaver GT: The role of sutures and fibrin sealant in wound healing. Surgical Clinics of North America 77(8): 651-667, (1997).

The usage tissue sealant fibrin glue in enterotomy

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 81 - 86, 01.06.2001


İn this study; the effıciacy on wound healing and preventive effects on postoperative complications of the usage of fibrin sealant in intestine surgery were investigated. For this purpose enterotomy operation was performed in twelve dogs. Operation wounds were closed with single üne schmieden suture and its on amount of 0.5 mL fibrin sealant Tisseel Kit IQ PCR was applied on suture line in eight dogs trial group ; and were closed to routin double layers sutures in four dogs control group . No local and general infection fındings were obtained during experiment in both groups. On postoperative days 10. and 20., the abdominal cavities of four dogs in trial group and two dogs in control group by laparotomy were obtained and tissue samples were collected for histopathological examinations. On postoperative day 10., inflammatory reaction and peripheral adhesion were determined, as being more in control group, in both group. On postoperative day 20., although inflammatory tissues became normal, shrinking and peripheral adhesions in intestine were determined in control group. On the other hand, smooth recovery was seen without shrinking and adhesion in trial group. In histopathological examinations, as almost removed inflammatory reaction obtained on postoperative day 10., normal mucosa healing was determined, on postoperative day 20th, in trial group. In conclusion, it was decided that the usage of fibrin sealant applied on single layer suture had a practical important for preventive of shrinking of lumen, preventive of intraabdominal leakage and gain time


  • Oka H, Haırison RC, Buıhenne HJ: Effect of biologic glue on the leakage ıate of expeıimental ıectal anastomosis. Am J Suıg 143: 561-564, (1982).
  • Gıegor JR, Reinbach DH, Dahili S W, Dyer PJ: Effect of fibrin sealant on perianastomotic tumor growth in an experimental model of colorectal cancer surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 36: 834- 839,(1993).
  • Sheppaıd B, Virgilio C, Bleixeis M, Milliken J, Robertson J: Inhibition of intraabdominal adhesions: fibrin glue in a long term model. Am Surg 59: 786-790, (1993).
  • Byrne D, Hardy J, Wood R, Mc Intosh R, Hapvvood D, Cuschieri A: Adverse influence of fibrin sealant on the healing of highrisk sutured colonic anastomoses. Coll Surg 37: 394-398, (1992).
  • Houston KA and Ratstein OD: Fibrin sealant in highrisk colonic anastomoses. Arch. Surg. 123: 230-234, (1988).
  • Scheele J, Herzog J, Muhe E: Fibrin glue protection of digestive anastomoses. Zentrabl. Chir. 103: 1325-1336 (1978).
  • Orlando M, Cheridrasekhar A, Bundz S, Burt T, Moorman D, Timberlake A: The effect of peritoneal contamination on wound strength of small bowel and colonic anastomoses. Am Surg 65: 673-675,(1999).
  • Bakır B, Alkan İ, Dilek FH, Sağlam K: İnce barsak anastomozlarında serosubmukozal sutur tekniğinin yeri. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg5: 135-141,(1994).
  • Yavru N, Erer H, Elma E, Avki S: Köpeklerin ince barsaklarında enterotomi operasyonlarında tek ve çift kat dikiş uygulamaları sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması üzerine deneysel çalışma. III. Ulusal Vet. Cerrahi Kongresi, İstanbul, Tebliğler Kitapçığı. 96-104, (1992).
  • Van der Ham A, Kort WJ, Weijma M, Van der Ingh M, Jeckel J: Effect of fibrin sealant on the healing colonic anastomosis in the rat. Br J Surg 98: 49-53, (1991).
  • Karahasanoğlu T, Alçiçek S, Altunkaya E, Şahinler I, Göksel S, Şirin F, Özbal A: Effect of fibrin glue on irradiated colonic anastomosis. Dis Colon Rectum 40: 1240-1244, (1997).
  • Van der Ham A, Kort WJ, Weijma M, Van der Ingh M, Jeckel J: Effect of fibrin sealant on the integrity of colonic anastomosis in rats with fecal peıitonitis. Eur J Surg 159: 425-432, (1993).
  • Lindenberg S, Steentoft P, Sorensen S, Olesen H: Study on prevention of intra abdominal adhesion formation by fibrin sealant. Açta Chir Scant 151: 525-527, (1985).
  • West J, Chovvdhuıy S, Savvhney A, Pathak C, Dumm, R, Hubbel J: Efficiency of adhesion bariers: resorbable hidrogel, oxydised regenerated cellulose and hyaluranic acit. J Repr Med 41: 149- 153,(1996).
  • Elfeldt R, Levze D, Thicde A, Seifeıt J: Experimental animal studies of the stability of colon anastomoses after supplementary fibrin glue sealing. Z Exp Chir Tıansplant. 23: 47-50,(1990).
  • Charlote K, Ryan MD, Harry C, Sox MD: Evaluation of a CMC sponge for prevention of postoperative adhesions . Am J Surg 169: 154-160, (1995).
  • Padigas K and Tulandi T: Effects of ringeıs lactate, interceed and goıetex surgical membrane on post surgical adhesion formation. Fertil Steril 57: 199-201, (1992).
  • Virgilio C, Dubrow T, Sheppaıd B, Mc Donald W, Nelson R, Lesavay M, Robertson C: Fibrin glue inhibits intraabdominal adhesion formation. Arch Surg 125: 1378-1382, (1990).
  • Arnold P, Green C, Foreman P, Rodeheaver G: Evaluation of resorbable bariers for preventing surgical adhesions. Fertil Steril 73: 157-161,(2000).
  • Elkins T, Link F, Ahokas R, Abdella T, Hamsey C, Malinak RL: Adhesion preventing by solution of Na-CMC in rat II. Fertil Steril 41: 929-932, (1984).
  • Urman B, Gomel V, Jetha N: Effect of hyaluronic acit on postoperative peritoneal adhesion formation in the rat model. Fertil Steril 56: 563-567, (1991).
  • Eckeısley JRT, Dudley HAF: Wound and Wound Healing Br Medical Bulletin 44(2): 423-436, (1988).
  • Hammar H: Wound Healing. International Journal of Dermatology 332(1): 6-10, (1993). 24. Clarck RA: Cutaneos Tissue Considerations. J Am Acad Dermatology 13(5): 899-908, (1985). Repair:Basic Biologic
  • Spotnitz WD, Falstrom KJ, Rodeheaver GT: The role of sutures and fibrin sealant in wound healing. Surgical Clinics of North America 77(8): 651-667, (1997).
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Belge This is me

Nazmi Atasoy This is me

Bahtiyar Bakır This is me

Musa Gençcelep This is me

Yavuz Gülbahar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2


APA Belge, A., Atasoy, N., Bakır, B., Gençcelep, M., et al. (2001). Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1-2), 81-86.
AMA Belge A, Atasoy N, Bakır B, Gençcelep M, Gülbahar Y. Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 2001;7(1-2):81-86.
Chicago Belge, Ali, Nazmi Atasoy, Bahtiyar Bakır, Musa Gençcelep, and Yavuz Gülbahar. “Enterotomilerde Doku yapıştırıcı Fibrin Glue kullanımı”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7, no. 1-2 (June 2001): 81-86.
EndNote Belge A, Atasoy N, Bakır B, Gençcelep M, Gülbahar Y (June 1, 2001) Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 1-2 81–86.
IEEE A. Belge, N. Atasoy, B. Bakır, M. Gençcelep, and Y. Gülbahar, “Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, pp. 81–86, 2001.
ISNAD Belge, Ali et al. “Enterotomilerde Doku yapıştırıcı Fibrin Glue kullanımı”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/1-2 (June 2001), 81-86.
JAMA Belge A, Atasoy N, Bakır B, Gençcelep M, Gülbahar Y. Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7:81–86.
MLA Belge, Ali et al. “Enterotomilerde Doku yapıştırıcı Fibrin Glue kullanımı”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2001, pp. 81-86.
Vancouver Belge A, Atasoy N, Bakır B, Gençcelep M, Gülbahar Y. Enterotomilerde doku yapıştırıcı fibrin glue kullanımı. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7(1-2):81-6.