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Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 152 - 155, 01.06.2001


Transmissible Venereal Tümör TVT dişi köpeklerde genellikle dış genital organları etkileyen, doğal olarak meydana gelen, çiftleşme ile bulaşan bir tümördür. TVT daha çok genç, başıboş gezen ve seksüel olarak aktif köpeklerde görülür. Bu raporda, köpeklerde TVT’nin etiyolojisi, patolojisi, klinik bulguları, tanısı ve sağaltımı derlendi


  • Rogeıs KS: Transmissible Veneıeal Tumor, Small Animal 19(9): 1036-1042, (1997).
  • Wıthrow SJ, Sıısaneck SJ: Tıımors of the canine female repıoductive track “DA Morrow (Ed): Current Theraphy in Theriogenology’' 521-527, W.B.Saıınders Company, Philadelphia, (1986).
  • Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Canine and Feliııe Endocrinology and Reproduction 475-477, W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia. (1987).
  • Alaçam E: Karnivorlarda Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları “H.Y.İmren (Ed): Kedi ve Köpek Hastalıkları”, 437-512, Medisan Yayın serisi No.32, Birinci Baskı, Ankara, (1998).
  • Batamuzzı EK, Kassuku AA, Agger JF: Risk factoıs associated with canine transmissible venereal tumour in Tanzania. Prev Vet Med 13(1):13-17, (1992).
  • Amber El, Isıtor GN, Adeyanju JB: Viral like-particles associated with natuıally occuring transmissible venereal tumor in two dogs. Preliminary report46: 2613-2615, (1985).
  • Batanuızı EK. Bıttegeko SBP: Anal ve perianal transmissible venerel tumour in a bitch. Vet Rec 129: 556, (1991).
  • Perez J, Bautısta MJ, Carrasco L, Gomez-Vıllaman Dos JC, Mozos E: Primary extragenital occurrence of transmissible venereal tumors: three case reports. Can Prac 19(1): 7-10, (1994).
  • Gınel PJ, Molleda JM, Novales M, Martın E, Mazgarıto JM, Lopez R: Primary transmissible venereal tumour in the nasal cavity of a dog. Vet Rec 136(9): 222-223, (1995).
  • Kroger D, Grey RM, Boyd JW: An usual presentation of canine transmissible venereal tumor. Canine Practice 16(6): 17- 21,(1991).
  • Kırchhof N, Nohr B: Rückenmarksmetastase eines transmissiblen venerischen tumors beim hund. Kleintier praxis 39(11): 797- 798,(1994) .
  • Miller WW, Albert RA, Boosınger TR: Ocular metastasis of a transmissible venereal tumour. Can Prac 15(3): 19-21, (1990) .
  • Mısırlıoğlu D, Ünal EF, Nak D, Nak Y, Özmen Ö: Doğum kliniğinde sık rastlanan tümör olguları I.Genital kanal tümörleri. U Ü Vet Fak Deıg 13(1-2-3): 49-56, (1994) .
  • Fujınaga T, Yamashıta M ,Yoshıdo MC, Mızuno S, Okamoto Y, Tajıma M, Otomo K: Cromosome analysis of canine transmissible sarcoma cells. J Vet Med A 36(7): 481-489, (1989).
  • Yang TJ, Palker TJ, Hardıng MW: Tumor size, leukocyte adherence inhibition and serum levels of tumor antigen in dogs with the canine transmissible venereal sarcoma. Cancer Immunology and Immunotheraphy 33(4): 255-262, (1991).
  • Mızuno S, Fujınaga T, Haglo M: Role of lymphocytes in spontaneous regression of experimentally transplanted canine transmissible venereal sarcoma. J Vet Med Sci 56(1): 15-20, (1994).
  • Mızuno S, Fujınaga T, Tajıma M, Otomo K, Koike T: Role of lymphocytes in dogs experimentally re-challenged with canine transmissible sarcoma. Japanese J Vet Sci 5(1): 86-95, (1989).
  • Jones DE, Joshua JO: Repıoductive clinical problems in the dog. 30-31 ,Second edition, Wright, London, (1988).
  • Wellman ML: The cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia, Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice 20(4): 919- 938 , (1990).
  • Batamuzı EK, Kessy BM: Role of exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis of canine transmissible venereal tumour. J Small Anim Prac 34(8): 399-401(1993).
  • Sandusky GE, Carlton WW, Wıghtman KA: Diagnostic immunohistochemistry of canine round celi tumors. Vet Path 24: 495-499,(1987).
  • Daleck CLM, Daleck CR, Pınheıro LEL, Bechara GH, Ferreıra HI: A study of different diagnostic methods for transmissible venereal tumour in dogs. Ars Vet 32(2): 187-194, (1987) .
  • Idowu AL : A retıospective evaluation of four surgical methods of treating canine transmissible venereal tumour. J Small Anim Prac 25: 193-198,(1984) .
  • Dass LL, Sahay PN: Surgical reatment of canine transmissible venereal tumour- a retrospective study. Indian Vet J 66(3): 255- 258,(1989).
  • Rao TM, Kumar VG, Raghavender KBP, Joshı MR, Rao RLN: Cryosurgical treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumours,. J Vet Anim Sci 24 (2): 149-152,(1993).
  • Dınesh NM, Ranganath BN, Jayadevappa SM, Srınıvas C L: Effect of vincristine sulphate on canine transmissible venereal tumours- hameatological and biochemical studies. Indian Vet J 70: 741-744, (1993).
  • Zezza-neto L, Palegato-Ep-dos S, Peres JA: Treatment of the sticker tumour (transmissible venereal tumour) with oncovin (vincristine sulfate). UNIMAR-Ciencias 2: 9-12,(1994).
  • Morales C, Popdettı M, Roman T: Treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumour using vincristine sulfate.Report of 16 cases. Ciencias Veterinarias Heredia 12(2-3): 27-33, (1990).
  • Daleck CLM, Daleck CR, Ferreıra HI, Santana AE: New studies on the treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumour (T.V.T.). Ars Vet 3(2): 203-209 (1987).
  • Camacho AA, Laus JL: Study on the effıciency of vincristine in the treatment of dogs infected with transmissible venereal tumour Ars Vet 3(1): 37-42, (1987) .
  • Amber El, Henderson RA, Adeyanju JB, Gyang EO: Single drug chemotherapy of canine transmissible venereal tumour with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate or vincristine. J Vet Int Med 4(3); 144-147, (1990) .
  • Utpal-das Das-A.K, Debkumar Das, Das BB: Clinical report on the effıcacy of chemotherapy in canine transmissible venereal sarcoma. Indian Vet J 68(3): 249-252, (1991).
  • Sıngh J, Rana JS, Sood JS, Pangavvkar GR, Gupta PP: Clinico- pathological studies on the effect of different anti neoplastic chemotherapy regimes on transmissible venereal tumours in dogs. Vet Res Com. 20( 1): 71 -81, (1996).
  • Bhat MN, Ahmed SI: Therapeutic effects of clofıbrate in canines affected with transmissible venereal tumours. Mysore J of A gri Sci 23(1): 75-77, (1989).
  • Panchbaı VS, Karpe AG, Kulkarnı GB, Kulkarnı PE: Use of autogenous vaccine transmissible venereal tumour. Indian Vet J 67(10): 983-984,(1990).

Transmissible venereal tumor in bitch

Year 2001, Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2, 152 - 155, 01.06.2001


Transmissible Venereal Tumor TVT is a naturally occuring, coitally transmitted neoplasm of the dog that usually affects the external genitalia of bitches. TVT is seen most often in young, ıoaming, sexually active dogs. In this report, etiology, pathology, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of TVT in bitches were revievved


  • Rogeıs KS: Transmissible Veneıeal Tumor, Small Animal 19(9): 1036-1042, (1997).
  • Wıthrow SJ, Sıısaneck SJ: Tıımors of the canine female repıoductive track “DA Morrow (Ed): Current Theraphy in Theriogenology’' 521-527, W.B.Saıınders Company, Philadelphia, (1986).
  • Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Canine and Feliııe Endocrinology and Reproduction 475-477, W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia. (1987).
  • Alaçam E: Karnivorlarda Üreme Süreci ve Sorunları “H.Y.İmren (Ed): Kedi ve Köpek Hastalıkları”, 437-512, Medisan Yayın serisi No.32, Birinci Baskı, Ankara, (1998).
  • Batamuzzı EK, Kassuku AA, Agger JF: Risk factoıs associated with canine transmissible venereal tumour in Tanzania. Prev Vet Med 13(1):13-17, (1992).
  • Amber El, Isıtor GN, Adeyanju JB: Viral like-particles associated with natuıally occuring transmissible venereal tumor in two dogs. Preliminary report46: 2613-2615, (1985).
  • Batanuızı EK. Bıttegeko SBP: Anal ve perianal transmissible venerel tumour in a bitch. Vet Rec 129: 556, (1991).
  • Perez J, Bautısta MJ, Carrasco L, Gomez-Vıllaman Dos JC, Mozos E: Primary extragenital occurrence of transmissible venereal tumors: three case reports. Can Prac 19(1): 7-10, (1994).
  • Gınel PJ, Molleda JM, Novales M, Martın E, Mazgarıto JM, Lopez R: Primary transmissible venereal tumour in the nasal cavity of a dog. Vet Rec 136(9): 222-223, (1995).
  • Kroger D, Grey RM, Boyd JW: An usual presentation of canine transmissible venereal tumor. Canine Practice 16(6): 17- 21,(1991).
  • Kırchhof N, Nohr B: Rückenmarksmetastase eines transmissiblen venerischen tumors beim hund. Kleintier praxis 39(11): 797- 798,(1994) .
  • Miller WW, Albert RA, Boosınger TR: Ocular metastasis of a transmissible venereal tumour. Can Prac 15(3): 19-21, (1990) .
  • Mısırlıoğlu D, Ünal EF, Nak D, Nak Y, Özmen Ö: Doğum kliniğinde sık rastlanan tümör olguları I.Genital kanal tümörleri. U Ü Vet Fak Deıg 13(1-2-3): 49-56, (1994) .
  • Fujınaga T, Yamashıta M ,Yoshıdo MC, Mızuno S, Okamoto Y, Tajıma M, Otomo K: Cromosome analysis of canine transmissible sarcoma cells. J Vet Med A 36(7): 481-489, (1989).
  • Yang TJ, Palker TJ, Hardıng MW: Tumor size, leukocyte adherence inhibition and serum levels of tumor antigen in dogs with the canine transmissible venereal sarcoma. Cancer Immunology and Immunotheraphy 33(4): 255-262, (1991).
  • Mızuno S, Fujınaga T, Haglo M: Role of lymphocytes in spontaneous regression of experimentally transplanted canine transmissible venereal sarcoma. J Vet Med Sci 56(1): 15-20, (1994).
  • Mızuno S, Fujınaga T, Tajıma M, Otomo K, Koike T: Role of lymphocytes in dogs experimentally re-challenged with canine transmissible sarcoma. Japanese J Vet Sci 5(1): 86-95, (1989).
  • Jones DE, Joshua JO: Repıoductive clinical problems in the dog. 30-31 ,Second edition, Wright, London, (1988).
  • Wellman ML: The cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia, Veterinary Clinics of North America, Small Animal Practice 20(4): 919- 938 , (1990).
  • Batamuzı EK, Kessy BM: Role of exfoliative cytology in the diagnosis of canine transmissible venereal tumour. J Small Anim Prac 34(8): 399-401(1993).
  • Sandusky GE, Carlton WW, Wıghtman KA: Diagnostic immunohistochemistry of canine round celi tumors. Vet Path 24: 495-499,(1987).
  • Daleck CLM, Daleck CR, Pınheıro LEL, Bechara GH, Ferreıra HI: A study of different diagnostic methods for transmissible venereal tumour in dogs. Ars Vet 32(2): 187-194, (1987) .
  • Idowu AL : A retıospective evaluation of four surgical methods of treating canine transmissible venereal tumour. J Small Anim Prac 25: 193-198,(1984) .
  • Dass LL, Sahay PN: Surgical reatment of canine transmissible venereal tumour- a retrospective study. Indian Vet J 66(3): 255- 258,(1989).
  • Rao TM, Kumar VG, Raghavender KBP, Joshı MR, Rao RLN: Cryosurgical treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumours,. J Vet Anim Sci 24 (2): 149-152,(1993).
  • Dınesh NM, Ranganath BN, Jayadevappa SM, Srınıvas C L: Effect of vincristine sulphate on canine transmissible venereal tumours- hameatological and biochemical studies. Indian Vet J 70: 741-744, (1993).
  • Zezza-neto L, Palegato-Ep-dos S, Peres JA: Treatment of the sticker tumour (transmissible venereal tumour) with oncovin (vincristine sulfate). UNIMAR-Ciencias 2: 9-12,(1994).
  • Morales C, Popdettı M, Roman T: Treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumour using vincristine sulfate.Report of 16 cases. Ciencias Veterinarias Heredia 12(2-3): 27-33, (1990).
  • Daleck CLM, Daleck CR, Ferreıra HI, Santana AE: New studies on the treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumour (T.V.T.). Ars Vet 3(2): 203-209 (1987).
  • Camacho AA, Laus JL: Study on the effıciency of vincristine in the treatment of dogs infected with transmissible venereal tumour Ars Vet 3(1): 37-42, (1987) .
  • Amber El, Henderson RA, Adeyanju JB, Gyang EO: Single drug chemotherapy of canine transmissible venereal tumour with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate or vincristine. J Vet Int Med 4(3); 144-147, (1990) .
  • Utpal-das Das-A.K, Debkumar Das, Das BB: Clinical report on the effıcacy of chemotherapy in canine transmissible venereal sarcoma. Indian Vet J 68(3): 249-252, (1991).
  • Sıngh J, Rana JS, Sood JS, Pangavvkar GR, Gupta PP: Clinico- pathological studies on the effect of different anti neoplastic chemotherapy regimes on transmissible venereal tumours in dogs. Vet Res Com. 20( 1): 71 -81, (1996).
  • Bhat MN, Ahmed SI: Therapeutic effects of clofıbrate in canines affected with transmissible venereal tumours. Mysore J of A gri Sci 23(1): 75-77, (1989).
  • Panchbaı VS, Karpe AG, Kulkarnı GB, Kulkarnı PE: Use of autogenous vaccine transmissible venereal tumour. Indian Vet J 67(10): 983-984,(1990).
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Deniz Nak This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001 Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2


APA Nak, D. (2001). Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1-2), 152-155.
AMA Nak D. Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 2001;7(1-2):152-155.
Chicago Nak, Deniz. “Dişi köpeklerde Transmissible Venereal tümör”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7, no. 1-2 (June 2001): 152-55.
EndNote Nak D (June 1, 2001) Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 1-2 152–155.
IEEE D. Nak, “Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, pp. 152–155, 2001.
ISNAD Nak, Deniz. “Dişi köpeklerde Transmissible Venereal tümör”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/1-2 (June 2001), 152-155.
JAMA Nak D. Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7:152–155.
MLA Nak, Deniz. “Dişi köpeklerde Transmissible Venereal tümör”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1-2, 2001, pp. 152-5.
Vancouver Nak D. Dişi köpeklerde transmissible venereal tümör. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2001;7(1-2):152-5.