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Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri

Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 65 - 70, 15.06.2007


Eğreltiotu dünyanın her tarafına yayılmış çok yıllık otsu bir bitkidir. Türkiye’de yaygın olan Kartal eğreltisi Pteridium aquilinium , üst yüzü çıplak, alt yüzü tüylü, spor keseleri yaprakların kenarında bir çizgi halinde toplanmış bir bitkidir. Eğreltiotu tannin, indanones ve pteroloctama içeren çeşitli biokimyasal bileşikler ve siyanojenik glikozid veya prunasin, tiaminaz ve ptaquiloside denilen kanserojen maddeleri içerir. Egreltiotunun kronik toksikolojisi idrar kesesi mukozasında ve kese duvarındaki tümörlerde kanamanın varlığı ile ortaya çıkar. Bu klinik sendrom enzootik hematüri olarak adlandırılır. Hayvanlarda hematüri, lökopeni, anemi ve hemoglobin seviyelerinde azalma görülür. Güney Amerika’da, bazı Asya ülkelerinde ve Japonya’da eğrelti otunun yenilmesiyle ya da bu otu yiyen hayvanların sütünün içilmesiyle ya da bitki sporlarının solunumla akciğerlere yerleşmesi ile insanlara bulaşma olmaktadır. Bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalar eğrelti otunun insanlar üzerinde de kanserojenik etki yaptığını ortaya çıkartmıştır. Yurdumuzda daha çok Karadeniz sahilinde eğreltiotu bulunmaktadır. Bitkinin hayvanlar tarafından yenilmesi ile hayvan sağlığı ve verimi etkilenmektedir. Hayvanlardan insanlara bulaşma olması ile insanlarda risk altında olduğundan, bu bölgede yaşayan insanların diğer bölgelere göre kanser riskinin ve çeşidinin araştırılması eğer sindirim sistemi ve mide kanseri yönünden bu bölgelerde bir yoğunluk varsa, egreltiotunun bu artışa etkisinin saptanmasına yönelik kapsamlı araştırmalar yapılmasının yararlı olacağı görüşündeyiz


  • 1. Baytop T: Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi . Nobel tıp kitabevi 205 (1999).
  • 2. Batmaz H: Sığır îç Hastalıkları. Danışman ofset. Bursa 35 (1997).
  • 3. İmren HY, Şahal M: Veteriner İç Hastalıkları. Aydoğdu Matbaacılık. Ankara 169 (1990).
  • 4. Alonso-Amelot ME, Avendano M: Human carcinogenesis and bracken fem: a review of the evidence. Curr Med Chem., 9: 675 (2002).
  • 5. Garrett BJ, Cheeke PR, Miranda CL, Goeger DE, Buhler DR: Consuption of poisonous plants (Senecio jacobaea, Symphytum offıcinale, Pteridium aquilinum, Hypericum perforatum) by rats: chronic toxicity, mineral metabolism and hepatic drugmetabolizing enzymes. Toxicol Lett., 10: 183 (1982).
  • 6. Shahin M, Moore MR, Worrrall S, Smith BL, Seawright AA, Prakash AS: H-ras activation is an early event in the ptaquiloside-induced carcinogenesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 250: 491 (1998).
  • 7. Taylor JA, Smith RT: Bracken fem:Toxicity,Biology and Control, The intemational bracken group. 218: 106 (2000).
  • 8. Evans IA: Bracken carcinogenicity, Res Vet Sci., 26: 339 (1979).
  • 9. Shahin M, Smith BL, Prakash AS: Bracken carcinogens in the human diet. Mutat Res., 443: 69 (1999).
  • 10. Hirono I, Kono Y,Takahashi K, Yamada K, Niwa H, Ojika M, Kigoshi H, Niiyama K, Uosaki Y: Reproduction of acute bracken poisoning in a calf with ptaquiloside, a bracken constituent. Vet Rec., 115: 375 (1984).
  • 11. Castillo UF, Ojika M, Alonso-Amelot ME, Sakagami Y: Ptaquiloside Z,a new toxic unstable sesquiterpene glucoside from the neotropical bracken fem pteridium aquilinum var. caudatum. Bioorgan Med Chem., 6: 2229 (1998).
  • 12. Castillo UF, Sakagami Y, Alonso-Amelot ME, Ojika M: Pteridaboside, the fırst protoilludane sesquiterpene glucoside as a toxic component of the neotropical bracken fem pteridium aquilinum var. Caudatum. Tetrahedron, 55: 12295 (1999).
  • 13. Freitas RN, O‘Connor PJ, Prakash AS, Shahin M, Povey AC: Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum)-induced DNA adducts in mouse tissues are different from the adduct induced by the activated form of the bracken carcinogen ptaquilosside. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 281: 589 (2001).
  • 14. Kigoshi H, Kitamura Y, Fujita T, Ohashi H, Atsumi T, Takagi J, Mutou T, Yamada K: A new synthetic analogue of the bracken ultimate carcinogen: elevation of , stability and altemation of DNA alkylation site selectivity. Tetrahedron Lett., 38:3235 (1997).
  • 15. Freitas RN, Brasileiro-Filho G, Silva ME: Bracken fem- induced malignant tumors in rats: absence of mutations in p53, H-ras and K-ras and no microsatellite instability. Mutat Res., 499: 189 (2002).
  • 16. Prakash AS, Pereira TN, Smith BL, Shaw G, Seawright AA: Mechanism of bracken fem carcinogenesis:evidence for H-ras activation via initial adenine alkylation by ptaquiloside. Nat Toxins, 4: 221 (1996).
  • 17. Smith BL, Seawright AA: Bracken fem (Pteridium spp.) carcinogenicity and human health-a brief review. Nat Toxins, 3: 1 (1995).
  • 18. Connolly JA, Morgan IM, Jackson ME, Campo UK: The BPV- 4 co-carcinogen quercetin induces cycle arrest and up-regulates transcription from the LCR of BPV-4, Oncogene 16: 2739 (1998).
  • 19. Pamukçu AM, Yalçiner S, Hatcher JF, Bryan GT: Quercetin, a rat intestinal and bladder carcinogen present in bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum). Cancer Res., 40: 3468 (1980).
  • 20. Wang CY, Chiu CW, Pamukçu AM, Bryan GT: Idenfıcation of carcinogenic tannin isolated from bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum). JNati Cancer I, 56: 33 (1976).
  • 21. Alonso-Amelot ME, Avendano M: Possible association between gastric cancer and bracken fem in Venezuela: an epidemiologic study. IntJ Cancer, 91: 252 (2001)
  • 22. Gerenutti M, Spinosa HS, Bemardi MM: Effect of bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum L Kuhn) feeding during the development of female rats and their offspring. Vet Hum Toxicol., 34: 307 (1992).
  • 23. Hirono I, Hosaka S, Kuhara K: Enhancement bracken of induction of tumors of the upper alimentary tract by N-propylN-nitrosourethan. Brit J Cancer, 46: 423 (1982).
  • 24. Hirono I: Human carcinogenic risk in the use of bracken fem. Princess takamatsu symposia, 16: 139 (1985).
  • 25. Pamukçu AM, Ertürk E, Yalçiner S, Bryan GT: Histogenesis of urinary bladder cancer induced in rats by bracken fem. Invest Urol., 14: 213 (1976).
  • 26. Pamukçu AM, Wang CY, Hatcher J, Bryan GT: Carcinogenicity of tannin and tannin-free extracts of bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum) in rats. J Nati Cancer I, 65: 131 (1980).
  • 27. Pamukçu AM, Milli U, Bryan GT: Protective effect of nicotinamide on bracken fem induced carcinogenecity in rats. Nutr Cancer, 3: 86 (1981).
  • 28. Hirono I, Aiso S, Hosaka S, Yamaji T, Haga M: induction of mammary cancer in CD rats fed bracken diet. Res Vet Sci., 26: 339 (1979).
  • 29. Pamukçu AM, Ertürk E, Yalçiner S, Milli U, Bryan GT: Carcinogenic and mutagenic activities of milk from cows fed bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum). Cancer Res., 38: 1556 (1978).
  • 30. Galpin OP, Whitaker CJ, Whitaker R, Kassab JY: Gastric cancer in Gvvynedd. Possible links with bracken. Brit J Cancer, 61:737(1990).
  • 31. Siman SE, Povey AC, Ward TH, Margison GP, Sheffıeld E: Fem spore exracts can damage DNA. Brit J Cancer, 83: 69 (2000).
  • 32. Pamukçu AM, Yalçiner S, Bryan GT: Inhibition of carcinogenic effect of bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum) by various Chemicals. Cancer, 40: 2450 (1977).

Toxicological effects of bracken fern in human, which is the cause of enzootıc haematurı in animal

Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 65 - 70, 15.06.2007


Bracken fern genus Pteridium has been described as one of the most common plants on the earth. Bracken fern is a perennial fern, which spread and persists by rhizome. The fronds vary from yellowish-green to dark green in colour and are divided into fine segments with a tough texture. The segments are narrow and the edges are inrolled with a line of brown spore bearing sporangia inside the rolled edges. The poisonous and carcinogenic substances found in Bracken are tannin, indanones, pteroloctama, glycoside or prunasin, thiaminase, ptaquiloside. It has been recognized that the consumption of bracken fern by cattle induces bladder and intestinal carcinomas and also causes a number of diseases in other farm animal s. Bracken fern is grown commercially for human consuption in several regions, including Japan, northeastern US, Brazil and it also eaten by humans. Moreover, ingestion of bracken fern toxins can also occur indirectly through dairy products from contamined cattle milk or by aspiration of bracken spores in the spring. Epidemiological studies have shown a suggestive association between human exposure to bracken and increased risk of tumors in upper gastrointestinal tract. Pteridium aquilinium is common plant in Blacksea region in Turkey. The aim of this study is to investigate whether consuming this plant is a risk factor increasing the cancer and to evaluate the common types of cancer in this region together with the effect of this plant in that tendency


  • 1. Baytop T: Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi . Nobel tıp kitabevi 205 (1999).
  • 2. Batmaz H: Sığır îç Hastalıkları. Danışman ofset. Bursa 35 (1997).
  • 3. İmren HY, Şahal M: Veteriner İç Hastalıkları. Aydoğdu Matbaacılık. Ankara 169 (1990).
  • 4. Alonso-Amelot ME, Avendano M: Human carcinogenesis and bracken fem: a review of the evidence. Curr Med Chem., 9: 675 (2002).
  • 5. Garrett BJ, Cheeke PR, Miranda CL, Goeger DE, Buhler DR: Consuption of poisonous plants (Senecio jacobaea, Symphytum offıcinale, Pteridium aquilinum, Hypericum perforatum) by rats: chronic toxicity, mineral metabolism and hepatic drugmetabolizing enzymes. Toxicol Lett., 10: 183 (1982).
  • 6. Shahin M, Moore MR, Worrrall S, Smith BL, Seawright AA, Prakash AS: H-ras activation is an early event in the ptaquiloside-induced carcinogenesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 250: 491 (1998).
  • 7. Taylor JA, Smith RT: Bracken fem:Toxicity,Biology and Control, The intemational bracken group. 218: 106 (2000).
  • 8. Evans IA: Bracken carcinogenicity, Res Vet Sci., 26: 339 (1979).
  • 9. Shahin M, Smith BL, Prakash AS: Bracken carcinogens in the human diet. Mutat Res., 443: 69 (1999).
  • 10. Hirono I, Kono Y,Takahashi K, Yamada K, Niwa H, Ojika M, Kigoshi H, Niiyama K, Uosaki Y: Reproduction of acute bracken poisoning in a calf with ptaquiloside, a bracken constituent. Vet Rec., 115: 375 (1984).
  • 11. Castillo UF, Ojika M, Alonso-Amelot ME, Sakagami Y: Ptaquiloside Z,a new toxic unstable sesquiterpene glucoside from the neotropical bracken fem pteridium aquilinum var. caudatum. Bioorgan Med Chem., 6: 2229 (1998).
  • 12. Castillo UF, Sakagami Y, Alonso-Amelot ME, Ojika M: Pteridaboside, the fırst protoilludane sesquiterpene glucoside as a toxic component of the neotropical bracken fem pteridium aquilinum var. Caudatum. Tetrahedron, 55: 12295 (1999).
  • 13. Freitas RN, O‘Connor PJ, Prakash AS, Shahin M, Povey AC: Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum)-induced DNA adducts in mouse tissues are different from the adduct induced by the activated form of the bracken carcinogen ptaquilosside. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 281: 589 (2001).
  • 14. Kigoshi H, Kitamura Y, Fujita T, Ohashi H, Atsumi T, Takagi J, Mutou T, Yamada K: A new synthetic analogue of the bracken ultimate carcinogen: elevation of , stability and altemation of DNA alkylation site selectivity. Tetrahedron Lett., 38:3235 (1997).
  • 15. Freitas RN, Brasileiro-Filho G, Silva ME: Bracken fem- induced malignant tumors in rats: absence of mutations in p53, H-ras and K-ras and no microsatellite instability. Mutat Res., 499: 189 (2002).
  • 16. Prakash AS, Pereira TN, Smith BL, Shaw G, Seawright AA: Mechanism of bracken fem carcinogenesis:evidence for H-ras activation via initial adenine alkylation by ptaquiloside. Nat Toxins, 4: 221 (1996).
  • 17. Smith BL, Seawright AA: Bracken fem (Pteridium spp.) carcinogenicity and human health-a brief review. Nat Toxins, 3: 1 (1995).
  • 18. Connolly JA, Morgan IM, Jackson ME, Campo UK: The BPV- 4 co-carcinogen quercetin induces cycle arrest and up-regulates transcription from the LCR of BPV-4, Oncogene 16: 2739 (1998).
  • 19. Pamukçu AM, Yalçiner S, Hatcher JF, Bryan GT: Quercetin, a rat intestinal and bladder carcinogen present in bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum). Cancer Res., 40: 3468 (1980).
  • 20. Wang CY, Chiu CW, Pamukçu AM, Bryan GT: Idenfıcation of carcinogenic tannin isolated from bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum). JNati Cancer I, 56: 33 (1976).
  • 21. Alonso-Amelot ME, Avendano M: Possible association between gastric cancer and bracken fem in Venezuela: an epidemiologic study. IntJ Cancer, 91: 252 (2001)
  • 22. Gerenutti M, Spinosa HS, Bemardi MM: Effect of bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum L Kuhn) feeding during the development of female rats and their offspring. Vet Hum Toxicol., 34: 307 (1992).
  • 23. Hirono I, Hosaka S, Kuhara K: Enhancement bracken of induction of tumors of the upper alimentary tract by N-propylN-nitrosourethan. Brit J Cancer, 46: 423 (1982).
  • 24. Hirono I: Human carcinogenic risk in the use of bracken fem. Princess takamatsu symposia, 16: 139 (1985).
  • 25. Pamukçu AM, Ertürk E, Yalçiner S, Bryan GT: Histogenesis of urinary bladder cancer induced in rats by bracken fem. Invest Urol., 14: 213 (1976).
  • 26. Pamukçu AM, Wang CY, Hatcher J, Bryan GT: Carcinogenicity of tannin and tannin-free extracts of bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum) in rats. J Nati Cancer I, 65: 131 (1980).
  • 27. Pamukçu AM, Milli U, Bryan GT: Protective effect of nicotinamide on bracken fem induced carcinogenecity in rats. Nutr Cancer, 3: 86 (1981).
  • 28. Hirono I, Aiso S, Hosaka S, Yamaji T, Haga M: induction of mammary cancer in CD rats fed bracken diet. Res Vet Sci., 26: 339 (1979).
  • 29. Pamukçu AM, Ertürk E, Yalçiner S, Milli U, Bryan GT: Carcinogenic and mutagenic activities of milk from cows fed bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum). Cancer Res., 38: 1556 (1978).
  • 30. Galpin OP, Whitaker CJ, Whitaker R, Kassab JY: Gastric cancer in Gvvynedd. Possible links with bracken. Brit J Cancer, 61:737(1990).
  • 31. Siman SE, Povey AC, Ward TH, Margison GP, Sheffıeld E: Fem spore exracts can damage DNA. Brit J Cancer, 83: 69 (2000).
  • 32. Pamukçu AM, Yalçiner S, Bryan GT: Inhibition of carcinogenic effect of bracken fem (Pteridium aquilinum) by various Chemicals. Cancer, 40: 2450 (1977).
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Türkan Özkara This is me

Erman Or This is me

Selmin Toplan This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2


APA Özkara, T., Or, E., & Toplan, S. (2007). Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(1-2), 65-70.
AMA Özkara T, Or E, Toplan S. Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 2007;10(1-2):65-70.
Chicago Özkara, Türkan, Erman Or, and Selmin Toplan. “Hayvanlarda Enzootik haematuri’ye Neden Olan Eğreltiotu’nun Insanlardaki Toksikolojik Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10, no. 1-2 (June 2007): 65-70.
EndNote Özkara T, Or E, Toplan S (June 1, 2007) Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10 1-2 65–70.
IEEE T. Özkara, E. Or, and S. Toplan, “Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1-2, pp. 65–70, 2007.
ISNAD Özkara, Türkan et al. “Hayvanlarda Enzootik haematuri’ye Neden Olan Eğreltiotu’nun Insanlardaki Toksikolojik Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10/1-2 (June 2007), 65-70.
JAMA Özkara T, Or E, Toplan S. Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;10:65–70.
MLA Özkara, Türkan et al. “Hayvanlarda Enzootik haematuri’ye Neden Olan Eğreltiotu’nun Insanlardaki Toksikolojik Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1-2, 2007, pp. 65-70.
Vancouver Özkara T, Or E, Toplan S. Hayvanlarda enzootik haematuri’ye neden olan Eğreltiotu’nun insanlardaki toksikolojik etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;10(1-2):65-70.