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Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması

Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 10 - 17, 15.06.2007


Bu çalışmada, klinik ketozis saptanan ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazon ile tedavinin tiroit hormonlarının periferik metabolizmalarına olası etkileri araştırıldı. Çalışmada kontrol grubu için sağlıklı ve deney gruplan için ise klinik ketozis tespit edilen Holstain ırkı inekler kullanıldı. Deney grubu inekler, tedavi öncesi, glikoz verilen glikoz grubu ve glikozla birlikte dekzametazon verilen dekzametazon grubu olmak üzere üç grup halinde değerlendirildi. Tüm ineklerin vena jugularislerinden plastik tüplere 5’er mİ kan alındı. Pıhtılaştıktan sonra serumlan çıkanldı ve analizler yapılıncaya kadar derin dondurucuda muhafaza edildi. Tiroit hormonlanndan T4, T3 ve rT3 RİA metoduyla, serbest T4 ve T3 ise immunoassay yöntemiyle saptandı. Analizler sonucunda T4 değerleri açısından gruplar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı P>0.05 . Kontrol ve tedavi öncesi gruplarında sırasıyla T3 değerleri 178,7 ± 22,5 ve 116,8 ± 23,54 ng/dl olarak tespit edildi ve aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu P


  • 1. Robbins J: Factors altering thyroid hormone metabolism. Environ Health Perspect, 38: 65-70, (1981).
  • 2. Visser TJ: Pathways of thyroid hormone metabolism. Açta Med Austriaca, 23: 10-16,(1996).
  • 3. Chopra I J: An assessment of daily production and signifıcance of thyroidal secretion of 3,3',5' triiodithyronine (reverse T3) in man. J Clin Invest, 58: 32-40, (1976).
  • 4. Girvent M, Maestro S and Hemandez R: Euthyroid sick syndrome, associated endocrine abnormalities, and outcome in elderly patients undergoing emergency operation. Surgery, 123: 560-567,(1998).
  • 5. Reinhardt W, Holtermann D and Benker G: Effect of small doses of iodine on thyroid function during caloric restriction in normal subjects. Horm Res, 39: 132-137, (1993).
  • 6. Radetti G, Paganini C and Gentili L: Altered adrenal and thyroid function in children with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Açta Diabetol, 31: 138-140, (1994).
  • 7. Gallo V, Rabbia F and Petrino R: Liver and thyroid gland. Physiopathologic and clinical relationships. Recent Prog Med, 81:351-355,(1990).
  • 8. Makropoulos W, Heintz B and Stefanidis I: Selenium deficiency and thyroid function in acute renal failure. Ren Fail, 19: 129- 136,(1997).
  • 9. Han MX and Wang YP: Effect of fushen decoction on thyroid hormone in chronic glomerulonephritis of both spleen and kidney-yang deficiency patients. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih, 13: 155 -157, (1993).
  • 10. Kaptein EM, Weiner JM and Robinson WJ: Relationship of altered thyroid hormone indices to survival in non-thyroidai illnesses. Clin Endocrinol, 16: 565-70 (1982).
  • 11. Chopra IJ, Williams DE, Orgiazzi J and Solomon DH: Opposite effects of dexamethasone on serum concentrations of rT3 and T3. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 41: 911-17, (1975).
  • 12. Banos C, Tako J and Salamon F: Effect of ACTH-stimulated glucocorticoid hypersecretion on the serum concentrations of thyroxine- binding globulin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine reverse triiodothyronine and on the TSH response to TRH. Açta Med Acad Sci Hung, 36: 381-394, (1979).
  • 13. Bugaresti JM, Tator CH and Silverberg JD: Changes in thyroid hormones, thyroid stimulating hormone and cortisol in acute spinal cord injury. Paraplegia, 30: 401-409, (1992).
  • 14. Suda AK, Pittman CS, Shimizu T and Chambers JB Jr: The production and metabolism of 3', 5, 3' triodithyronine and 3, 3', 5' triiodothyronine in normal and fasting subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 47: 1311-1318,(1978).
  • 15. Samuels MH and McDaniel PA: Thyrotropin levels during hydrocortisone infusions that mimic fasting-induced cortisol elevations: a clinical research çenter study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 82: 3700-3704. (1997).
  • 16. Burger AG, O'Connell M and Scheidegger K: Monodeiodination of triiodothyronine and reverse triiodothyronine during low and high calorie diets. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 65: 829-835, (1987).
  • 17. Pasquali R, Baraldi P and Biso F: Relation ship betvveen iodothyronine peripheral metabolism and ketone bodies during hypocaloric dietary manipulations. J Endocrinol Invest, 6: 81- 89,(1983).
  • 18. Loucks AB and Callister R: Induction and prevention of low- T3 syndrome in exercising vvomen. Anı J Physiol, 26: R924- R930, (1993).
  • 19. Bilge MHormonlar Bilgisi, Güven Kitabevi, İstanbul. : (1986).
  • 20. Mert N: Veteriner Klinik Biyokimya, I. Baskı, sayfa 91, Ceylan Matbaacılık, Bursa. (1996). Babson AL: The immulite automated immunoassay system. J Clin îmmunoassay, 14: 83- 88.(1991).
  • 21. Başoğlu A, Sevinç M: Evcil hayvanlarda metabolik ve endokrin hastalıkları, P:53-61, Pozitif Matbaacılık, 1. Baskı, KONYA. (2004).
  • 22. Gül Y: Geviş getiren hayvanların iç hastalıkları, 1. Baskı, sayfa: 401-405, Özkan Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti. Ankara. (2002).
  • 23. Ropstad E, Halse K and Fefsdal O: Thyroxine in blood plasma related to plasma levels of acetoacetate and glucose in ketotic and healthy cows. Açta Vet Scand, 30: 175-183, (1989).
  • 24. Shafrir E: Över nutrition in spiny mice(Acomys cahirinus): 13- cell expansion leading to rupture and overt diabetes on fat-rich diet and protestive energy-wasting elevation in thyroid hormone on sucrose-rich diet. Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 16: 94- 105,(2000).
  • 25. Fulop M, Ben-Ezra J and Bock J: Alcoholic Ketosis. Clin Exp Research, 10: 610-615, (1986).
  • 26. Ellenberger MA, Johnson DE, Carstens GE, Hossner 24. KL, Holland MD, Nett TM, and Nockels CF: Endocrine and metabolic changes during altered grovvth rates in beef cattle. J Anim Sci, 67: 1446-54, (1989).
  • 27. Blum JW, Schnyder W, Kunz PL, Blom AK, Bickel H and Schurch A: Reduced and compensatory growth: endocrine and metabolic changes during food restriction and refeeding in steers. J Nutr, 115: 417-24, (1985).
  • 28. Kahl S and Bitman J: Relation of plasma thyroxine and triiodothyronine to body weight in grovving male and femaie Holstein cattle. J Dairy Sci, 66: 2386-90, (1983).
  • 29. Palmblad J, Levi L and Burger A: Effects of total energy withdrawal (fasting) on the Teveis of grovvth hormone, thyrotropin, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, T4, T3, and rT3 in healthy males. A cta Me d Scand, 201: 15-22. (1977).
  • 30. Vagenakis AG, Burger A, Portnay Gl, Rudolph Mİ, O’Brian JT, Azizi F, Arky RA, Nicod P, İngbar SH and Braverman LE: Diversion of peripheral thyroxine metabolism from activating to inactivating patways during complete fasting. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 41: 191-194,(1975).
  • 31. Gavin LA, McMahon FA and Moeller M: Carbohydrate in contras to protein feding increases the hepatic content of active thyroxine-5’-deiyodinase in the rat. Endocrinol, 109: 530- 536,(1981).
  • 32. Blake NG, Eckland DJ, Foster OJ and Lightman SL: İnhibition of hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone Messenger ribonucleic acid during food deprivation. J Clin Invest, 7: 859- 861: (2000).
  • 33. Gavin LA, Cavalieri RR and Moeller M: Glucose and insulin reverse the effects o fasting on 3,5,3’-tiriodothyronine neogenesis in primary cultues of rat hepatocytes. Endocrinol, 121: 858-864,(1987).
  • 34. Rubello D, Sonino N and Casara D: Acute and chronic effects of high glucocorticoid levels on hypothalamic-pituitary- thyroid axis in man. JEndocrinol Invest, 15: 437-441, (1992).
  • 35. Azizi F, Amini M and Arbab P: Time course of changes in free thyroid indices, rT3, TSH, cortisol and ACTH follovving exposure to sülfür mustard. Exp Clin Endocrinol, 101: 303- 306,(1993).
  • 36. Juma AH, Ardavvi MS, Baksh TM and Serafı AA: Alterations in thyroid hormones, cortisol, and catecholamine concentration in patients after orthopedic surgery. J Surg Res, 50: 129- 134,(1991).
  • 37. Arunabh, Sarda AK and Karmarkar MG: Changes in thyroid hormones in surgical trauma. J Postgrad Med, 38: 117-118. (1992).
  • 38. Comtois R, Hebert J and Soucy JP: Increase in T3 levels during hypocorticism in patients with chronic secondary adrenocortical insuffıciency. Açta Endocrinol (Copenh, 126: 319-324,(1992).
  • 39. Cavalieri RR, Castle JN and McMahon FA: Effects of dexamethasone on kinetics and distrubution of triiodothyronine in the rat. Endocrinology, 114: 215-221, (1984).
  • 40. Sluszkievvich E: Effest of prednison therapy on serum levels of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), reverse triiodothyronine (rT3), T3-binding capasity, basal TSH level and TSH response to thyreoliberin (TRH) in children. Exp Clin Endocrinol, 85: 191-198, (1985).

Investigation of likely effects of glucose and dexamethasone on thyroid hormone levels in cows with clinic ketosis

Year 2007, Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2, 10 - 17, 15.06.2007


This study was carried out to determine the likely effect of glucose and dexamethasone on peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormone in ketotic cows. In the study, healthy cows Holstain were used for control and ketotic ones for experiment groups. The ketotic cows were divided into three groups; pretreatment, treatment with glucose glucose group and treatment with glucose plus dexamethasone Dexamethason group . Blood samples were taken from ali cows by venipuncture, and extracted serum samples were deep-frozen and stored at -20 degrees C until the analyses were performed. Serum thyroxine T4 , triiodothyronine T3 and reverse triiodothyronine rT3 levels were measured by RÎA, and free T4 and T3 by enzyme immuonoassay using DPC commerical Kits. Thyroxine variation were not found to be statistically significant between the groups P>0.05 . In the control and pretreatment group T3 levels were determined 178,7 ± 22,5 and 116,8 ± 23,54 ng/dl respectively, and variations between these two groups were observed to be significant P


  • 1. Robbins J: Factors altering thyroid hormone metabolism. Environ Health Perspect, 38: 65-70, (1981).
  • 2. Visser TJ: Pathways of thyroid hormone metabolism. Açta Med Austriaca, 23: 10-16,(1996).
  • 3. Chopra I J: An assessment of daily production and signifıcance of thyroidal secretion of 3,3',5' triiodithyronine (reverse T3) in man. J Clin Invest, 58: 32-40, (1976).
  • 4. Girvent M, Maestro S and Hemandez R: Euthyroid sick syndrome, associated endocrine abnormalities, and outcome in elderly patients undergoing emergency operation. Surgery, 123: 560-567,(1998).
  • 5. Reinhardt W, Holtermann D and Benker G: Effect of small doses of iodine on thyroid function during caloric restriction in normal subjects. Horm Res, 39: 132-137, (1993).
  • 6. Radetti G, Paganini C and Gentili L: Altered adrenal and thyroid function in children with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Açta Diabetol, 31: 138-140, (1994).
  • 7. Gallo V, Rabbia F and Petrino R: Liver and thyroid gland. Physiopathologic and clinical relationships. Recent Prog Med, 81:351-355,(1990).
  • 8. Makropoulos W, Heintz B and Stefanidis I: Selenium deficiency and thyroid function in acute renal failure. Ren Fail, 19: 129- 136,(1997).
  • 9. Han MX and Wang YP: Effect of fushen decoction on thyroid hormone in chronic glomerulonephritis of both spleen and kidney-yang deficiency patients. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih, 13: 155 -157, (1993).
  • 10. Kaptein EM, Weiner JM and Robinson WJ: Relationship of altered thyroid hormone indices to survival in non-thyroidai illnesses. Clin Endocrinol, 16: 565-70 (1982).
  • 11. Chopra IJ, Williams DE, Orgiazzi J and Solomon DH: Opposite effects of dexamethasone on serum concentrations of rT3 and T3. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 41: 911-17, (1975).
  • 12. Banos C, Tako J and Salamon F: Effect of ACTH-stimulated glucocorticoid hypersecretion on the serum concentrations of thyroxine- binding globulin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine reverse triiodothyronine and on the TSH response to TRH. Açta Med Acad Sci Hung, 36: 381-394, (1979).
  • 13. Bugaresti JM, Tator CH and Silverberg JD: Changes in thyroid hormones, thyroid stimulating hormone and cortisol in acute spinal cord injury. Paraplegia, 30: 401-409, (1992).
  • 14. Suda AK, Pittman CS, Shimizu T and Chambers JB Jr: The production and metabolism of 3', 5, 3' triodithyronine and 3, 3', 5' triiodothyronine in normal and fasting subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 47: 1311-1318,(1978).
  • 15. Samuels MH and McDaniel PA: Thyrotropin levels during hydrocortisone infusions that mimic fasting-induced cortisol elevations: a clinical research çenter study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 82: 3700-3704. (1997).
  • 16. Burger AG, O'Connell M and Scheidegger K: Monodeiodination of triiodothyronine and reverse triiodothyronine during low and high calorie diets. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 65: 829-835, (1987).
  • 17. Pasquali R, Baraldi P and Biso F: Relation ship betvveen iodothyronine peripheral metabolism and ketone bodies during hypocaloric dietary manipulations. J Endocrinol Invest, 6: 81- 89,(1983).
  • 18. Loucks AB and Callister R: Induction and prevention of low- T3 syndrome in exercising vvomen. Anı J Physiol, 26: R924- R930, (1993).
  • 19. Bilge MHormonlar Bilgisi, Güven Kitabevi, İstanbul. : (1986).
  • 20. Mert N: Veteriner Klinik Biyokimya, I. Baskı, sayfa 91, Ceylan Matbaacılık, Bursa. (1996). Babson AL: The immulite automated immunoassay system. J Clin îmmunoassay, 14: 83- 88.(1991).
  • 21. Başoğlu A, Sevinç M: Evcil hayvanlarda metabolik ve endokrin hastalıkları, P:53-61, Pozitif Matbaacılık, 1. Baskı, KONYA. (2004).
  • 22. Gül Y: Geviş getiren hayvanların iç hastalıkları, 1. Baskı, sayfa: 401-405, Özkan Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti. Ankara. (2002).
  • 23. Ropstad E, Halse K and Fefsdal O: Thyroxine in blood plasma related to plasma levels of acetoacetate and glucose in ketotic and healthy cows. Açta Vet Scand, 30: 175-183, (1989).
  • 24. Shafrir E: Över nutrition in spiny mice(Acomys cahirinus): 13- cell expansion leading to rupture and overt diabetes on fat-rich diet and protestive energy-wasting elevation in thyroid hormone on sucrose-rich diet. Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 16: 94- 105,(2000).
  • 25. Fulop M, Ben-Ezra J and Bock J: Alcoholic Ketosis. Clin Exp Research, 10: 610-615, (1986).
  • 26. Ellenberger MA, Johnson DE, Carstens GE, Hossner 24. KL, Holland MD, Nett TM, and Nockels CF: Endocrine and metabolic changes during altered grovvth rates in beef cattle. J Anim Sci, 67: 1446-54, (1989).
  • 27. Blum JW, Schnyder W, Kunz PL, Blom AK, Bickel H and Schurch A: Reduced and compensatory growth: endocrine and metabolic changes during food restriction and refeeding in steers. J Nutr, 115: 417-24, (1985).
  • 28. Kahl S and Bitman J: Relation of plasma thyroxine and triiodothyronine to body weight in grovving male and femaie Holstein cattle. J Dairy Sci, 66: 2386-90, (1983).
  • 29. Palmblad J, Levi L and Burger A: Effects of total energy withdrawal (fasting) on the Teveis of grovvth hormone, thyrotropin, cortisol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, T4, T3, and rT3 in healthy males. A cta Me d Scand, 201: 15-22. (1977).
  • 30. Vagenakis AG, Burger A, Portnay Gl, Rudolph Mİ, O’Brian JT, Azizi F, Arky RA, Nicod P, İngbar SH and Braverman LE: Diversion of peripheral thyroxine metabolism from activating to inactivating patways during complete fasting. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 41: 191-194,(1975).
  • 31. Gavin LA, McMahon FA and Moeller M: Carbohydrate in contras to protein feding increases the hepatic content of active thyroxine-5’-deiyodinase in the rat. Endocrinol, 109: 530- 536,(1981).
  • 32. Blake NG, Eckland DJ, Foster OJ and Lightman SL: İnhibition of hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone Messenger ribonucleic acid during food deprivation. J Clin Invest, 7: 859- 861: (2000).
  • 33. Gavin LA, Cavalieri RR and Moeller M: Glucose and insulin reverse the effects o fasting on 3,5,3’-tiriodothyronine neogenesis in primary cultues of rat hepatocytes. Endocrinol, 121: 858-864,(1987).
  • 34. Rubello D, Sonino N and Casara D: Acute and chronic effects of high glucocorticoid levels on hypothalamic-pituitary- thyroid axis in man. JEndocrinol Invest, 15: 437-441, (1992).
  • 35. Azizi F, Amini M and Arbab P: Time course of changes in free thyroid indices, rT3, TSH, cortisol and ACTH follovving exposure to sülfür mustard. Exp Clin Endocrinol, 101: 303- 306,(1993).
  • 36. Juma AH, Ardavvi MS, Baksh TM and Serafı AA: Alterations in thyroid hormones, cortisol, and catecholamine concentration in patients after orthopedic surgery. J Surg Res, 50: 129- 134,(1991).
  • 37. Arunabh, Sarda AK and Karmarkar MG: Changes in thyroid hormones in surgical trauma. J Postgrad Med, 38: 117-118. (1992).
  • 38. Comtois R, Hebert J and Soucy JP: Increase in T3 levels during hypocorticism in patients with chronic secondary adrenocortical insuffıciency. Açta Endocrinol (Copenh, 126: 319-324,(1992).
  • 39. Cavalieri RR, Castle JN and McMahon FA: Effects of dexamethasone on kinetics and distrubution of triiodothyronine in the rat. Endocrinology, 114: 215-221, (1984).
  • 40. Sluszkievvich E: Effest of prednison therapy on serum levels of thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), reverse triiodothyronine (rT3), T3-binding capasity, basal TSH level and TSH response to thyreoliberin (TRH) in children. Exp Clin Endocrinol, 85: 191-198, (1985).
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

M. Taner Ura This is me

Burhanettin Baydaş This is me

Publication Date June 15, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 10 Issue: 1-2


APA Ura, M. T., & Baydaş, B. (2007). Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(1-2), 10-17.
AMA Ura MT, Baydaş B. Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. June 2007;10(1-2):10-17.
Chicago Ura, M. Taner, and Burhanettin Baydaş. “Ketozisli Ineklerde Glikoz Ve Dekzametazonun Tiroit Hormon düzeylerine Olası Etkilerinin araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10, no. 1-2 (June 2007): 10-17.
EndNote Ura MT, Baydaş B (June 1, 2007) Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10 1-2 10–17.
IEEE M. T. Ura and B. Baydaş, “Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması”, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1-2, pp. 10–17, 2007.
ISNAD Ura, M. Taner - Baydaş, Burhanettin. “Ketozisli Ineklerde Glikoz Ve Dekzametazonun Tiroit Hormon düzeylerine Olası Etkilerinin araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 10/1-2 (June 2007), 10-17.
JAMA Ura MT, Baydaş B. Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;10:10–17.
MLA Ura, M. Taner and Burhanettin Baydaş. “Ketozisli Ineklerde Glikoz Ve Dekzametazonun Tiroit Hormon düzeylerine Olası Etkilerinin araştırılması”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 1-2, 2007, pp. 10-17.
Vancouver Ura MT, Baydaş B. Ketozisli ineklerde glikoz ve dekzametazonun tiroit hormon düzeylerine olası etkilerinin araştırılması. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;10(1-2):10-7.