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Changes of Trees Regeneration Diversity in Main and Secondary Roads of Hyrcanian Forests, Iran

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2, 30 - 35, 25.11.2014


Forest roads are directions in natural habitats that used to transport wood products, secondary forest products and recreation. Constructing forest roads is one of the factors in ecological changes can affect tree regeneration diversity and species composition. This study assessed trees regeneration diversity from main and secondary forest roads edge to forest interior. Sixteen transects were considered in main and secondary forest roads (8 transects in main and 8 transects in secondary roads). Nine plots (5×20 m) established in distances 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, and 100 m in both sides of the roads (down and fill slopes). To evaluate diversity of trees regeneration, Simpson diversity index and Margalef richness were used. Results showed that diversity indices significantly different in main and secondary forest roads and different distances. Trees regeneration increase in forest interior in both roads. Minimizing road density is essential to preserve diversity and sustainability of forest resources. Results suggest the necessity of using environmentally sound forest road construction principles and techniques to mitigate negative environmental impacts


  • Avon, C., Bergers, L., Dumas, Y., Dupouey J.L., (2010). Does the effect of forest road extend a few meters or more into the adjacent forest. A study on understory plant diversity in managed oak stands. For Ecol Manage. 259:1546-1555.
  • Avon, C., Bergers, L., Dumas, Y., Berges L., (2013). Management practices increase the impact of roads on plant communities in forests. Biol Conserv, 159:24-31.
  • Barchuk, A.H., Díaz, M.P., Casanoves, F., M.G., Balzarin,
  • (1998). Experimental study on survival rates in two arboreal species from the Argentinean dry Chaco. For Ecol Manage. 103:203- 210.
  • U.O., Buckley, D.S., Crow, T.R., Nauertz, E.A., Schulz, K E., (2003). Influence of skid trails and haul roads on understory plant richness and composition in managed forest landscapes in Upper Michigan, USA. For Ecol Manage. 1-3:509- 520.
  • Cavallin, N., Vasseur L., (2008). Potential for red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) establishment from natural seed dispersal in old fields adjacent to forest stands. Plant Ecol. 199:33- 41.
  • Delgado, J.D., Arroyo, N.L., Arevalo, J.R.,
  • (2007). Edge effects of roads on temperature, light, canopy cover, and canopy height in laurel and pine forests (Tenerife, Canary, and Islands), Landscape and Planning, 14p, 2007.
  • J.M., Didham, R.K., Lawton J.H., (1999). Edge structure determines the magnitude of changes in Microclimate and vegetation structure in tropical forest 31(1):17-30.
  • Biotropica. Flory, S.L., Clay, K., (2009). Effects of roads and forest successional age on experimental plant invasions. Biological Conservation. 142:2531- 2537.
  • Forman, R.T.T., Alexander L.E., (1988). Roads and Their Major Ecological Effects”, Ann Rev Ecol Sys. 29:207-231.
  • Guariguata, M., Dupuy, J., (1997). Forest regeneration in abandoned logging roads in Lowlands Costa Rica. Biotropica. 29(1):15-28.
  • Hosseini, S.A., (2010). The effect of forest road clearing limit on regeneration composition. Agricul Biol J North America. 1(4):487-490.
  • Karim, M.N., Mallik, A.U., 2008. Roadside revegetation by native plants: Roadside
  • microhabitats, floristic zonation and species traits. Ecol Engin. 32:222-237. Laurance, W.F., Bierregaard,
  • J.R., Gascon, C., Didham, R.K.,Smith, A.P., Lynam, A.J., Viana, V.M., Lovejoy, T.E., Sieving, K.E., Sites J.W., Andersen, M., Tocher, M.D., Kramer, E.A., Restrepo, C., Moritz C.,
  • Fragmentation: Synthesis of a Diverse and Dynamic Discipline”, In: Laurance, W.F., Bierregaard, R.O., JR. (Eds.), Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management, and Conservation of Fragmented Communities.
  • Chicago Press, Chicago, 502-514, 1997. Forest University
  • of Londo, G., (1976). The decimal scale for releves of permanent quadrates. Vegetation. 33: 61-64.
  • Lotfalian, M., RiahiFar, N., Fallah, A., Hodjati S.M., (2012). Effects of roads
  • communities in a broadleaved forest in Hyrcanian zone. J For Sci. 58(10): 446-455.
  • plant Najafi, A., Torabi, M., Nowbakht, A.A., Moafi, M., Eslami, A. Sotoudeh Foumani B., (2012). Effect of forest roads on adjacent tree regeneration in a mountainous forest. Ann Biol Res. 3(4):1700- 1703.
  • Pinard, M., Howlett, B., Davidson, D., (1996). pioneer
  • logging of dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia. Biotropica. 28: 2- 12.
  • limit after Sheng, L.Z., Ting, T.Z., Yu, G., Zu, T.O., Jia, K.C., Bo, L., Bin, Z., (2011). Effects of road age and distance on plant biodiversity: a case study in the Yellow River Delta of China. Plant Ecol. 212:1213-1229.
  • Spooner, P.G., Lunt, I.D., Briggs, S.V., Freudenberger, D., (2004). Effects of soil disturbance from roadworks on roadside shrubs in a fragmented agricultural
  • Conserv. 117:393-406.
  • Biol Tilman D., (1984). The resource-ratio hypothesis of plant succession. Amarican Naturalist. 125:439-64.
  • Watkins, R.Z., Chen, J., Pickens, J., Brosofske K.D., (2003). Effects of forest roads on understory plants in a managed hardwood landscape. Conserv Biol. 17:411-419.

İran Hyrcanian Ormanları Ana ve İkincil Yollarındaki Ağaç Yenilenme Çeşitliliğindeki Değişiklikler

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2, 30 - 35, 25.11.2014


Orman yolları, ahşap ürünleri ve ikincil orman ürünlerini taşımak için kullanılan ve rekreasyon amaçlı doğal habitatlara giden yönlendir. Orman yollarının yapılması, ağaç rejenerasyon çeşitliliğini ve tür kompozisyonu etkileyebilecek ekolojik değişiklikler faktörlerden birisidir. Bu çalışmada, ana ve ikincil orman yollarından orman iç kenarlarına kadar ağaçlar rejenerasyon çeşitliliği değerlendirilmiştir. Ana ve tali orman yollarında on altı bölge (ana yollarda 8 bölge ve tali yollarda 8 bölge) dikkate alınmıştır. Yolların her iki tarafından (aşağı ve yukarı yamaçlarda) 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 ve 100 m mesafelerde dokuz parsel (5 × 20 m) oluşturulmuştur. Ağaçlar rejenerasyon çeşitliliğini değerlendirmek amacı ile Simpson çeşitlilik indeksi ve Margalef zenginliği kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, çeşitlilik indekslerinin ana ve ikincil orman yolları ve farklı mesafelerde önemli ölçüde farklı olduğunu göstermiştir. Ağaç rejenerasyonu her iki yolda da orman içine doğru artmıştır. Yol yoğunluğunu en aza indirmek, çeşitliliği ve orman kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliği korumak için esastır. Sonuçlar, olumsuz çevresel etkilerini azaltmak için çevreye duyarlı orman yolu yapım ilkeleri ve teknikleri kullanılması gerekliliğini göstermektedir.


  • Avon, C., Bergers, L., Dumas, Y., Dupouey J.L., (2010). Does the effect of forest road extend a few meters or more into the adjacent forest. A study on understory plant diversity in managed oak stands. For Ecol Manage. 259:1546-1555.
  • Avon, C., Bergers, L., Dumas, Y., Berges L., (2013). Management practices increase the impact of roads on plant communities in forests. Biol Conserv, 159:24-31.
  • Barchuk, A.H., Díaz, M.P., Casanoves, F., M.G., Balzarin,
  • (1998). Experimental study on survival rates in two arboreal species from the Argentinean dry Chaco. For Ecol Manage. 103:203- 210.
  • U.O., Buckley, D.S., Crow, T.R., Nauertz, E.A., Schulz, K E., (2003). Influence of skid trails and haul roads on understory plant richness and composition in managed forest landscapes in Upper Michigan, USA. For Ecol Manage. 1-3:509- 520.
  • Cavallin, N., Vasseur L., (2008). Potential for red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) establishment from natural seed dispersal in old fields adjacent to forest stands. Plant Ecol. 199:33- 41.
  • Delgado, J.D., Arroyo, N.L., Arevalo, J.R.,
  • (2007). Edge effects of roads on temperature, light, canopy cover, and canopy height in laurel and pine forests (Tenerife, Canary, and Islands), Landscape and Planning, 14p, 2007.
  • J.M., Didham, R.K., Lawton J.H., (1999). Edge structure determines the magnitude of changes in Microclimate and vegetation structure in tropical forest 31(1):17-30.
  • Biotropica. Flory, S.L., Clay, K., (2009). Effects of roads and forest successional age on experimental plant invasions. Biological Conservation. 142:2531- 2537.
  • Forman, R.T.T., Alexander L.E., (1988). Roads and Their Major Ecological Effects”, Ann Rev Ecol Sys. 29:207-231.
  • Guariguata, M., Dupuy, J., (1997). Forest regeneration in abandoned logging roads in Lowlands Costa Rica. Biotropica. 29(1):15-28.
  • Hosseini, S.A., (2010). The effect of forest road clearing limit on regeneration composition. Agricul Biol J North America. 1(4):487-490.
  • Karim, M.N., Mallik, A.U., 2008. Roadside revegetation by native plants: Roadside
  • microhabitats, floristic zonation and species traits. Ecol Engin. 32:222-237. Laurance, W.F., Bierregaard,
  • J.R., Gascon, C., Didham, R.K.,Smith, A.P., Lynam, A.J., Viana, V.M., Lovejoy, T.E., Sieving, K.E., Sites J.W., Andersen, M., Tocher, M.D., Kramer, E.A., Restrepo, C., Moritz C.,
  • Fragmentation: Synthesis of a Diverse and Dynamic Discipline”, In: Laurance, W.F., Bierregaard, R.O., JR. (Eds.), Tropical Forest Remnants: Ecology, Management, and Conservation of Fragmented Communities.
  • Chicago Press, Chicago, 502-514, 1997. Forest University
  • of Londo, G., (1976). The decimal scale for releves of permanent quadrates. Vegetation. 33: 61-64.
  • Lotfalian, M., RiahiFar, N., Fallah, A., Hodjati S.M., (2012). Effects of roads
  • communities in a broadleaved forest in Hyrcanian zone. J For Sci. 58(10): 446-455.
  • plant Najafi, A., Torabi, M., Nowbakht, A.A., Moafi, M., Eslami, A. Sotoudeh Foumani B., (2012). Effect of forest roads on adjacent tree regeneration in a mountainous forest. Ann Biol Res. 3(4):1700- 1703.
  • Pinard, M., Howlett, B., Davidson, D., (1996). pioneer
  • logging of dipterocarp forests in Sabah, Malaysia. Biotropica. 28: 2- 12.
  • limit after Sheng, L.Z., Ting, T.Z., Yu, G., Zu, T.O., Jia, K.C., Bo, L., Bin, Z., (2011). Effects of road age and distance on plant biodiversity: a case study in the Yellow River Delta of China. Plant Ecol. 212:1213-1229.
  • Spooner, P.G., Lunt, I.D., Briggs, S.V., Freudenberger, D., (2004). Effects of soil disturbance from roadworks on roadside shrubs in a fragmented agricultural
  • Conserv. 117:393-406.
  • Biol Tilman D., (1984). The resource-ratio hypothesis of plant succession. Amarican Naturalist. 125:439-64.
  • Watkins, R.Z., Chen, J., Pickens, J., Brosofske K.D., (2003). Effects of forest roads on understory plants in a managed hardwood landscape. Conserv Biol. 17:411-419.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Azade Deljoueı This is me

Ehsan Abdı This is me

Baris Majnounıan This is me

Publication Date November 25, 2014
Submission Date November 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2


APA Deljoueı, A., Abdı, E., & Majnounıan, B. (2014). Changes of Trees Regeneration Diversity in Main and Secondary Roads of Hyrcanian Forests, Iran. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(1-2), 30-35.