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Atrazin ve Metolachlor’ un Bazı Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Varyetelerinde Büyüme Parametreleri ve GST Aktivitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 11 - 18, 30.04.2021


Bu çalışmada, üç buğday varyetesine ait fidelerde, atrazin ve metolachlor herbisitlerinin farklı konsantrasyonlarının yarattığı toksik etkiye bağlı fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal değişiklikler araştırılmıştır. Bitki materyali olarak, Triticum aestivum L. türüne ait buğday Bayraktar, İkizce ve Tosunbey cv. tohumları kullanılmıştır. Her bir buğday varyetesi için 15 günlük fideler, aynı sayıda fideden oluşan 4 gruba ayrılmış ve adı geçen herbisitler her birine 4 farklı (0, 100, 300 ve 1000 µM) dozda uygulanmıştır. Fidelere yapılan tüm uygulamalar için hidroponik ortam tercih edilmiştir. Genel olarak, fidelerin büyüme parametrelerinde (kök-sürgün uzama büyümesinde, fide mg KA. g-1 TA) azalmaya sebep olmuştur. Yapraklarda; klorofil a+b miktarında atrazinde sadece bayraktar için artışa (100 μM) sebep olsa da, metolachlor her üç varyetede de artışa (100 μM ve 300 μM) sebep olmuştur. Bu konsantrasyonların dışında kalan tüm konsantrasyonlarda hep azalma olmuştur. Karotenoid miktarı ise her iki herbisit için, üç varyetede de azalmayla sonuçlanmıştır. Buğday yapraklarında GST aktivitesinde kontrole kıyasla; atrazin için bayraktar fidelerinde azalış, diğerlerinde ise artış tespit edilmiştir. Metolachlorda ise her üç varyetede artış olup en yüksek dozlarında da (1000 μM) azalış görülmüştür.

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Fübap birimine katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ederiz.


  • Agostinetto, D., Perboni, L. T., Langaro, A. C., Gomes, J., Fraga, D. S., & Franco, J. J. (2016). Changes in photosynthesis and oxidative stress in wheat plants submmited to herbicides application. Planta Daninha, 34(1), 1-9.
  • Alla, M. M. N., & Hassan, N. M., (1998). Efficacy of exogenous GA3 and herbicide safeners in protection of Zea mays from metolachlor toxicity, Plant Physiology Biochemistry, 36(11),809-815.
  • Alla, M. M. N., & Hassan, N. M., (2006). Changes of antioxidants levels in two maize lines following atrazine treatments, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 44: 202-210.DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2006.05.004
  • Bell, J. G., Cowey, C. B., Adron, J. W., & Shanks, A. M. (1985). Some effects of vitamin E and selenium deprivation on tissue enzyme levels and indices of tissue peroxidation in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). British Journal of Nutrition, 53: 149–157. DOI: 10.1079/bjn19850019
  • Buono, D. D., & Ioli, G. (2011). Glutathione S-Transferases of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum): activity toward some chemicals, safener modulation and persistence of atrazine and fluorodifen in the shoots, Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 59, 1324–1329. DOI: 10.1021/jf1043713
  • Demircioğlu, A., (2007). Mısırda kullanılan bazı herbisitlerin şekerpancarında fitotoksik etkilerinin araştırılması, Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Fayez, K., A. & Kristen, U., (1995). The influence of herbicides on the growth and proline content of primary roots and on the ultrastructure of root caps, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 36,71-81.
  • Fayez, K., A., (2000). Action of photosynthetic diuron herbicide on cell organelles and biochemical constituents of the leaves of two soybean cultivars, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 66,105-115.
  • Güngör, M., (2005). Investigating the importance of chemical weeding in maize cultivation areas in the city of Adana and the emerging problems, postgraduate thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana.
  • Hatton, P. J., Cummins, I., Price L. J., Cole D. J., & Edwards R., (1998). Glutathione transferases and herbicide detoxification in suspension-cultured cells of giant foxtail (Setaria faberi), Pesticide Science, 53, 209-216.
  • Hee-Joong, P., Hyun-Young, C. & Kwang-Hoon, K., (2005). Purification and biochemical properties of Glutathione S-Transferase from Lactuca sativa. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 38, No. 2, 232-237. DOI :
  • İbrahim, S. İ., Abdel-Lateef, M. F., Khalifa, H. M. S. & Abdel-Monem, A. E., (2013). Phytoremediation of atrazine-contaminated soil using Zea mays (maize), Annals of Agricultural Science, 58(1), 69-75. DOI: 10.1016/j.aoas.2013.01.010
  • Kaya, A. & Doğanlar, Z., B., (2016). Exogenous jasmonic acid induces stress tolerance in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) exposed to imazapic, Ecotoxicology and Enviromental Safety, 124,470-479. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.11.026
  • Kraus, T., E., Mckersie, B., D. & Fletcher, R., A., (1995). Paclobutrazol-induced tolerance of wheat leaves to paraquat may involve increased antioxidant enzyme activity, Journal Plant Physiology, 145,570-576.
  • Marcacci, S., Raveton, M., Ravanel, P. & Schwitzguebel, J.-P., (2006). Conjugation of atrazine in vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) grown in hydroponics, Enviromental and Experimental Botany, 56, 205-215.
  • Santos, C. M., & Silva, M.A., (2015). Physiological and biochemical responses of sugarcane to oxidative stress induced by water deficit and paraquat, Acta Physiol. Plant, 37, 172.
  • Sheehan, D., Meade, G., Foley, V.M., & Dowd, C. A., (2001). Structure, function and evolution of glutathione transferases: implications for classification of nonmammalian members of an ancient enzyme superfamily. Biochemistry Journal,360,1- 6. doi: 10.1042/0264-6021:3600001
  • Stajner, D., Popovıc, M., & Stajner, M., (2003). Herbicide induced oxidative stress in lettuce, beans, pea seeds and leaves, Biologia Plantarum, 47 (4): 575-579. DOI: 10.1023/B:BIOP.0000041064.04385.c7
  • Wang, M., & Zhou, Q., (2006). Effects of herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl on physiological mechanisms in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Ecotoxicology and Enviromental Safety, 64, 190-197. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2005.03.032
  • Wang, Q., Que, X., Zheng, R., Pang, Z., Li, C., & Xiao, B., (2015). Phytotoxicity assessment of atrazine on growth and physiology of three emergent plants, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 22,9646-9657.
  • Witham, F., H., Blaydes, D., F., & Dewlin, R., M., (1971). Experiments in Plant Physiology New york, Von Nonstrand Reinhold Company, 55-56.
  • Xie, F., Liu, H. J., & Cai, W.D., (2014). Enantioselectivity of racemic metolachlor and S-metolachlor in maize seedlings, Journal of Environmental Science and Healt Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 45, 774-782.
  • Zhang, J. J., Lu, Y. C., Zhang, J. J., Tan, L. R. Yang, H., (2014). Accumulation and toxicological response of atrazine in rice crops, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 102, 105-112 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2013.12.034

Effects of Atrazine and Metolachlor on Growth Parameters and GST Activity in Some Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties

Year 2021, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 11 - 18, 30.04.2021


In this study, physiological and biochemical changes due to toxic effects created by different concentrations of atrazine and metolachlor herbicides in seedlings of three wheat varieties were investigated. As plant material, wheat of the species Triticum aestivum L. Bayraktar, İkizce and Tosunbey cv. seeds were used. For each wheat variety, 15-day-old seedlings were divided into 4 groups consisting of the same number of seedlings, and the aforementioned herbicides were applied at 4 different (0, 100, 300 and 1000 µM) doses to each. Hydroponic environment was preferred for all applications on seedlings. In general, it caused a decrease in the growth parameters of the seedlings (root-shoot elongation growth, seedling mg KA. g-1 TA). On the leaves; Although chlorophyll a+b caused an increase in atrazine only for Bayraktar (100 μM), metolachlor caused an increase in all three varieties (100 μM and 300 μM). There was always a decrease in all concentrations outside of these concentrations. The amount of carotenoid were resulted in a decrease in all three varieties for both herbicides. GST activity in wheat leaves compared to the control; For atrazine, a decrease in Bayraktar seedlings and an increase in others were detected. Metolachlor, on the other hand, increased in all three varieties and decreased at the highest doses (1000 μM).

Project Number



  • Agostinetto, D., Perboni, L. T., Langaro, A. C., Gomes, J., Fraga, D. S., & Franco, J. J. (2016). Changes in photosynthesis and oxidative stress in wheat plants submmited to herbicides application. Planta Daninha, 34(1), 1-9.
  • Alla, M. M. N., & Hassan, N. M., (1998). Efficacy of exogenous GA3 and herbicide safeners in protection of Zea mays from metolachlor toxicity, Plant Physiology Biochemistry, 36(11),809-815.
  • Alla, M. M. N., & Hassan, N. M., (2006). Changes of antioxidants levels in two maize lines following atrazine treatments, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 44: 202-210.DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2006.05.004
  • Bell, J. G., Cowey, C. B., Adron, J. W., & Shanks, A. M. (1985). Some effects of vitamin E and selenium deprivation on tissue enzyme levels and indices of tissue peroxidation in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri). British Journal of Nutrition, 53: 149–157. DOI: 10.1079/bjn19850019
  • Buono, D. D., & Ioli, G. (2011). Glutathione S-Transferases of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum): activity toward some chemicals, safener modulation and persistence of atrazine and fluorodifen in the shoots, Journal Agriculture Food Chemistry, 59, 1324–1329. DOI: 10.1021/jf1043713
  • Demircioğlu, A., (2007). Mısırda kullanılan bazı herbisitlerin şekerpancarında fitotoksik etkilerinin araştırılması, Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Fayez, K., A. & Kristen, U., (1995). The influence of herbicides on the growth and proline content of primary roots and on the ultrastructure of root caps, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 36,71-81.
  • Fayez, K., A., (2000). Action of photosynthetic diuron herbicide on cell organelles and biochemical constituents of the leaves of two soybean cultivars, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 66,105-115.
  • Güngör, M., (2005). Investigating the importance of chemical weeding in maize cultivation areas in the city of Adana and the emerging problems, postgraduate thesis, Çukurova University, Institute of Science, Adana.
  • Hatton, P. J., Cummins, I., Price L. J., Cole D. J., & Edwards R., (1998). Glutathione transferases and herbicide detoxification in suspension-cultured cells of giant foxtail (Setaria faberi), Pesticide Science, 53, 209-216.
  • Hee-Joong, P., Hyun-Young, C. & Kwang-Hoon, K., (2005). Purification and biochemical properties of Glutathione S-Transferase from Lactuca sativa. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 38, No. 2, 232-237. DOI :
  • İbrahim, S. İ., Abdel-Lateef, M. F., Khalifa, H. M. S. & Abdel-Monem, A. E., (2013). Phytoremediation of atrazine-contaminated soil using Zea mays (maize), Annals of Agricultural Science, 58(1), 69-75. DOI: 10.1016/j.aoas.2013.01.010
  • Kaya, A. & Doğanlar, Z., B., (2016). Exogenous jasmonic acid induces stress tolerance in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) exposed to imazapic, Ecotoxicology and Enviromental Safety, 124,470-479. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.11.026
  • Kraus, T., E., Mckersie, B., D. & Fletcher, R., A., (1995). Paclobutrazol-induced tolerance of wheat leaves to paraquat may involve increased antioxidant enzyme activity, Journal Plant Physiology, 145,570-576.
  • Marcacci, S., Raveton, M., Ravanel, P. & Schwitzguebel, J.-P., (2006). Conjugation of atrazine in vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) grown in hydroponics, Enviromental and Experimental Botany, 56, 205-215.
  • Santos, C. M., & Silva, M.A., (2015). Physiological and biochemical responses of sugarcane to oxidative stress induced by water deficit and paraquat, Acta Physiol. Plant, 37, 172.
  • Sheehan, D., Meade, G., Foley, V.M., & Dowd, C. A., (2001). Structure, function and evolution of glutathione transferases: implications for classification of nonmammalian members of an ancient enzyme superfamily. Biochemistry Journal,360,1- 6. doi: 10.1042/0264-6021:3600001
  • Stajner, D., Popovıc, M., & Stajner, M., (2003). Herbicide induced oxidative stress in lettuce, beans, pea seeds and leaves, Biologia Plantarum, 47 (4): 575-579. DOI: 10.1023/B:BIOP.0000041064.04385.c7
  • Wang, M., & Zhou, Q., (2006). Effects of herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl on physiological mechanisms in wheat (Triticum aestivum), Ecotoxicology and Enviromental Safety, 64, 190-197. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2005.03.032
  • Wang, Q., Que, X., Zheng, R., Pang, Z., Li, C., & Xiao, B., (2015). Phytotoxicity assessment of atrazine on growth and physiology of three emergent plants, Environmental Science Pollution Research, 22,9646-9657.
  • Witham, F., H., Blaydes, D., F., & Dewlin, R., M., (1971). Experiments in Plant Physiology New york, Von Nonstrand Reinhold Company, 55-56.
  • Xie, F., Liu, H. J., & Cai, W.D., (2014). Enantioselectivity of racemic metolachlor and S-metolachlor in maize seedlings, Journal of Environmental Science and Healt Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 45, 774-782.
  • Zhang, J. J., Lu, Y. C., Zhang, J. J., Tan, L. R. Yang, H., (2014). Accumulation and toxicological response of atrazine in rice crops, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 102, 105-112 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2013.12.034
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Songül Çanakcı Gülengül 0000-0002-5731-6175

Fadime Karabulut 0000-0001-5186-2303

Project Number FF.17.20
Publication Date April 30, 2021
Submission Date September 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 26 Issue: 1


APA Çanakcı Gülengül, S., & Karabulut, F. (2021). Atrazin ve Metolachlor’ un Bazı Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Varyetelerinde Büyüme Parametreleri ve GST Aktivitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), 11-18.