This study was carried out to
investigate the effects of seasons on fertility traits in Brown Swiss herd at
Konya Livestock Research Center. The breeding records of 637 Brown Swiss cows
in between 1976-1985 years were used as the investigation material.
The total
averages of calving intervals were 390.1 days in winter, 355.1 days in spring,
413.9 days in summer and 384.9 days in autumn.The differences of the averages
of seasonal calving intervals were not significant.
In general
calculation, it was found that
the averages of the gestation
lengths were 288.6 days in spring, 284.9 days in summer, 287.1 days in autumn
and 287.8 days in winter.The diferences of the averages were significant
The general
averages of the service periods were 196.6, 145.8, 98.2 and 135.6 days in
spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively. The differences of the averages were significant
In general
calculation the averages of the intenvals from parturition to first
inseminaıion were 74.8 days in winter and spring, 103.8 days in summer and 81.7
days in autumn. The differences of the averages were significant (P<0.01).
In general
calculation it was found that the averages of the intervals from first insemination to conception were the highest (922
days) in summer and the lowest
(30.1 days) in autumn. They were 60.1 and 31.8 days in spring and winter,respectively. The differences
of the averages were not significant and the F value was 1.557.
In general
averages, it was found that the highest values of gestation lengths and service
periods were in spring and those of intervals from parturition to firts
insemination, calving intervals and intervals from firts insemination to
conception were in summer.
Bu çalışma,
Konya Hayvancılık Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü şartlarındaki Esmer ırk sığırların
dölverimi özellikleri üzerine mevsimin etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Araştırmanın materyalini, 1976-1985 yılları arasındaki 10 yıllık dönemde
Enstitüde bulunan 637 baş Esmer ırk sığırın dölverimi ile ilgili kayıtları
aralığına ait ortalama değerler kış mevsiminde 390.1 gün, ilkbahar mevsiminde
355.1 gün yaz mevsiminde 413.9 gün ve sonbahar mevsiminde 384.9gün bulunmuştur.
Mevsimlere göre buzağılama aralığı ortalamaları arasındaki farklılık
önemsizdir. Gebelik süresine ait ortalamalar, ilkbahar mevsiminde 288.6 gün,yaz
mevsiminde 284.9 gün,sonbahar mevsiminde 287.1 gün ve kış mevsiminde 287.8 gün
olarak bulunmuş olup, ortalamalar arası farklılık önemli olmuştur (P<0.05).
periyoduna ait genel ortalama değerleri ilkbahar mevsiminde 196.6 gün.yaz
mevsiminde 145.8 gün, sonbahar mevsiminde 98.2 gün ve kış mevsiminde 135.6 gün
tespit edilmiştir. Mevsimlere göre senis periyodu ortalamaları arasındaki
farklılıklar önemli derecede yüksek (P<0.01) bulunmuştur.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 1, 1990 |
Published in Issue | Year 1990 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 |