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Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar

Year 2014, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 59 - 70, 01.08.2014



  • Anal A.K. and H. Singh. 2007. Recent advances in micro-encapsulation of probiotics for industrial applications and targeted delivery. Trends Food Sci Tech. 18: 240-251.
  • Appendini P. and J.H. Hotchkiss. 2002. Review of antimicrobial food packaging. Innovat Food Sci Emerg Tech. 3: 113-126.
  • Armbrecht J. 2002. Probiotics and possible health benefits.
  • Beckett S.T. 2000. The Science of Chocolate, Cambridge, UK: The Royal Soc. Chem. 175 pp.
  • Bifani V., Ramirez C., Ihl M., Rubilar M., Garcia A. and N. Zaritzky. 2007. Effects of murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) extract on gas and water vapor permeability of carboxymethylcellulose-based edible films. LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 40: 1473-1481.
  • Brody A.L. 2005. Active packaging becomes more active. Food Technol. 59: 82-84.
  • Cedgard L. 2000 Probiotics: The link between health and disease.
  • Cha D.S. and M.S. Chinnan. 2004. Biopolymer based anti-microbial packaging: A review. Food Sci Nutr. 44: 223-237.
  • Coles R. 2003. Introduction. In: Coles R,McDowell D, Kirwan MJ, editors. Food packaging technology. London, U.K.: Blackwell Publishing, CRC Press, 1-31 pp.
  • Coma V., Martial-Gros A., Garreau S., Copinet A., Salin F. and A. Deschamps. 2002. Edible antimicrobial films based on chitosan matrix. J Food Sci. 67: 1162-1169.
  • Cornelius W., Van Niel M., Chris Feudtne M., Garrison M. and D. Christakis. 2002. Lactobacillus Therapy for acute infectious diarrhea in children: a Metanalysis. Pediatrics. 109: 678-684.
  • De las Cagigas R. and A. Blanco. 2002. Prebiotics and probiotics, a beneficial relationship. Rev. Cub. Aliment Nutr. 16: 63-68.
  • De Vuyst L., Falony G. and F. Leroy. 2008. Probiotics in fermented sausages. Meat Sci. 80: 75-78.
  • Debeaufort F. Quezada-Gallo J.A. and A. Voilley. 1998. Edible films and coatings: Tomorrow’s packagings: A review. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 38: 299-313.
  • Debeaufort F., Gallo J.A.Q., Delporte B. and A. Voilley. 2000. Lipid hydrophobicity and physical state effects on the properties of bilayer edible films. J Membr Sci. 180: 47-55.
  • Devlieghere F., Vermeiren L. and J. Debevere. 2004. New preservation Technologies: possibilities and limitations. Int. Dairy Journal. 14: 273-285.
  • Ewaschuk J.B. and L.A. Dieleman. 2006. Probiotics and prebiotics in choronic inflammatory bowel diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 12: 5941-5950.
  • Gennadios A., Hanna M.A. and L.B. Kurth. 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: a review. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 30: 337-350
  • Gialamas H., Zinoviadou K.G., Biliaderis C.G. and K.P. Koutsoumanis. 2010. Development of a novel bioactive packaging based on the incorporation of Lactobacillus sakei into sodium- caseinate films for controlling Listeria monocytogenes in foods. Food Res Int. 43: 2402-2408.
  • Guillard V., Broyart B., Bonazzi C., Guilbert S. and N. Gontard. 2003. Preventing moisture transfer in a composite food using edible films: Experimental and mathematical study. J Food Sci. 68: 2267-2277.
  • Janes M.E., Kooshesh S. and M.G. Johnson. 2002. Control of Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of refrigerated, ready-to-eat chicken coated with edible zein film coatings containing nisin and/or calcium propionate. J Food Sci. 67: 2754-2757.
  • Kalantzopoulos G. 1997. Fermented products with probiotic qualities. Anaerobe. 3: 185-190.
  • Kanmani P. and S.T. Lim. 2013. Development and characterization of novel probiotic-residing pullulan/starch edible films. Food Chem. 141: 1041-1049.
  • Kerry J.P., O’Grady M.N. and S.A. Hogan. 2006. Past, current and potential utilisation of active and intelligent packaging systems for meat and muscle-based products: a review. Meat Sci. 74: 113- 130.
  • Klaenhammer T. 2000. Probiotic bacteria: Today and tommorrow. J Nutr. 130: 415-416.
  • Krasaekoopt W., Bhandari B. and H. Deeth. 2006. Survival of probiotics encapsulated in chitosan- coated alginate beads in yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally treated milk during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 39: 177-183.
  • Krochta J.M. 2002. Proteins as raw materials for films and coatings: Definitions, current status, and opportunities. Protein-Based Films and Coatings. A Gennadios (Ed), CRC Pres, New York.
  • López de Lacey A.M., López-Caballero M.E., Gómez-Estaca J., Gómez-Guillén M.C., and P. Montero. 2012. Functionality of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum incorporated to edible coatings and films. Innovat Food Sci Emerg Tech. 16: 277-282.
  • Marsh K. and B. Bugusu. 2007. Food packaging-roles, materials, and environmental issues. J. Food Sci., 72: 39-55.
  • Matuska M., Lenart A. and H.N. Lazarides. 2006. On the use of edible coating to monitor osmotic dehydration kinetics for minimal solids uptake. J Food Eng. 72: 85-91.
  • McHugh T.H. 2000. Protein lipid interactions in edible films and coatings. Nanrung. 44: 148-151.
  • Olaiz-Fernández G., Rivera-Dommarco J., Shamah-Levy T., Rojas R., Villalpando-Hernández S. and M. Hernández-Ávila. 2006. National health and nutrition survey. National Institute of public health: México: INSP 131 pp.
  • Özdemir M. and J.D. Floros. 2004. Active food packaging technologies. Food Sci Nutr. 44: 185-193.
  • Pérez-Pérez C., Regalado-González C., Rodríguez-Rodríguez C.A., Barbosa-Rodríguez J.R. and F. Villaseñor-Ortega. 2006. Incorporation of antimicrobial agents in food packaging films and coatings. Advance in Agri and Food Biotech. 193-216.
  • Qi W.T., Ma J., Yu W.T., Xie Y.B., Wang W. and X. Ma. 2006. Behavior of microbial growth and metabolism in alginate–chitosan–alginate (ACA) microcapsules. Enzyme Microb Tech. 38: 697-704.
  • Quintavalla S. and L. Vicini. 2002. Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Meat Sci. 62: 373-380.
  • Robertson G.L. 2006. Active and intelligent packaging. In Food packaging: principles and practice- 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl. Chap. 14 pp.
  • Röble C.H., Auty M., Brunton N., Gormley R. and F. Butler. 2010. Alginate coating as carrier of oligofructose and inulin and to maintain the quality of fresh-cut apples. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 11: 203-209.
  • Saad N., Delattre C., Urdaci M., Schmitter J.M. and P. Bressollier. 2013. An overview of the last advances in probiotic and prebiotic field. LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 50: 1-16.
  • Sanchez-Gonzales E., Garcia S. and N. Heredia. 2010. Extracts of edible and medicinal plants damage membranes of Vibrio cholerae. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 6888-689410.
  • Saxelin M., Grenov B., Svensson U., Fondén R., Reneiro R. and T. Mattila-Sandholm. 1999. The technology of probiotics. Trends Food Sci Technol. 10: 387-392.
  • Sebti I. and V. Coma. 2002. Active edible polsaccharide coating and interactions between solution coating compounds. Carbohydr Polymer. 49: 139-144.
  • Sorrentino A., Gorrasi G. and V. Vittoria. 2007. Potential perspectives of bio-nanocomposites for food packaging applications. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 18: 84-95.
  • Soukoulis C.,Yonekura L., Gan H.H., Behboudi-Jobbehdar S., Parmenter C. and I. Fisk. 2014. Probiotic edible films as a new strategy for developing functional bakery products: The case of pan bread. Food Hydrocoll. 39: 231-242.
  • Sungsoo C.H. and E.T. Finocchiaro. 2010. Handbook of prebiotics and probiotics ingredients, Health benefits and food aplications. Boca Raton F.L. CRC Pres, 435 pp.
  • Tapia M.S., Rojas-Grau M.A., Rodriguez F.J., Ramirez J., Carmona A. and O. Martin-Belloso. 2007. Alginate and gellan-based edible films for probiotic coatings on fresh-cut fruits. J Food Sci. 72: 190-196.
  • Valencia-Chamorro S.A., Perez-Gago M.B., del Rio M.A. and L. Palou. 2009. Effect of antifungal Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)-lipid edible composite coatings on postharvest decay development and quality attributes of cold-stored ‘Valencia’ oranges. Postharv Bio Technol. 54: 72-79.
  • Vargas M., Pastor C., Chiralt A., McClements D.J. and C. Gonzalez-Martinez. 2008. Recent advances in edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed fruits. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 48: 496-511.
  • Vasiljevic T. and N.P. Shah. 2008. Probiotics from metchnikoff to bioactives. Int Dairy J. 18: 714- 728.
  • Vermeiren L., Devlighere F., Van Beest M., de Kruijf N. and J. Debevere. 1999. Developments in the active packaging of foods. Trends in Food Sci. and Techn. 10: 77-86.

Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar

Year 2014, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 59 - 70, 01.08.2014


Son yıllarda gıda güvenliği ve raf ömrünün uzatılmasına dair çok sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmalarda, protein, lipit, karbonhidrat ve kombinasyonlarının bulunduğu fonksiyonel yenilebilir film ve kaplamaların probiyotik bakteriler ile zenginleştirilmesinin gıdalarda raf ömrünü uzattığı, duyusal ve tekstürel özellikleri geliştirdiği belirtilmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalara göre, yenilebilir film ve kaplamaların, probiyotik bakterileri üzerinde barındırabildiği ve onların canlılığını da desteklediği saptanmıştır. Bu derlemede, probiyotik mikroorganizmaların ilave edildiği yenilebilir film ve kaplamalar hakkında bilgi verilmektedir


  • Anal A.K. and H. Singh. 2007. Recent advances in micro-encapsulation of probiotics for industrial applications and targeted delivery. Trends Food Sci Tech. 18: 240-251.
  • Appendini P. and J.H. Hotchkiss. 2002. Review of antimicrobial food packaging. Innovat Food Sci Emerg Tech. 3: 113-126.
  • Armbrecht J. 2002. Probiotics and possible health benefits.
  • Beckett S.T. 2000. The Science of Chocolate, Cambridge, UK: The Royal Soc. Chem. 175 pp.
  • Bifani V., Ramirez C., Ihl M., Rubilar M., Garcia A. and N. Zaritzky. 2007. Effects of murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) extract on gas and water vapor permeability of carboxymethylcellulose-based edible films. LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 40: 1473-1481.
  • Brody A.L. 2005. Active packaging becomes more active. Food Technol. 59: 82-84.
  • Cedgard L. 2000 Probiotics: The link between health and disease.
  • Cha D.S. and M.S. Chinnan. 2004. Biopolymer based anti-microbial packaging: A review. Food Sci Nutr. 44: 223-237.
  • Coles R. 2003. Introduction. In: Coles R,McDowell D, Kirwan MJ, editors. Food packaging technology. London, U.K.: Blackwell Publishing, CRC Press, 1-31 pp.
  • Coma V., Martial-Gros A., Garreau S., Copinet A., Salin F. and A. Deschamps. 2002. Edible antimicrobial films based on chitosan matrix. J Food Sci. 67: 1162-1169.
  • Cornelius W., Van Niel M., Chris Feudtne M., Garrison M. and D. Christakis. 2002. Lactobacillus Therapy for acute infectious diarrhea in children: a Metanalysis. Pediatrics. 109: 678-684.
  • De las Cagigas R. and A. Blanco. 2002. Prebiotics and probiotics, a beneficial relationship. Rev. Cub. Aliment Nutr. 16: 63-68.
  • De Vuyst L., Falony G. and F. Leroy. 2008. Probiotics in fermented sausages. Meat Sci. 80: 75-78.
  • Debeaufort F. Quezada-Gallo J.A. and A. Voilley. 1998. Edible films and coatings: Tomorrow’s packagings: A review. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 38: 299-313.
  • Debeaufort F., Gallo J.A.Q., Delporte B. and A. Voilley. 2000. Lipid hydrophobicity and physical state effects on the properties of bilayer edible films. J Membr Sci. 180: 47-55.
  • Devlieghere F., Vermeiren L. and J. Debevere. 2004. New preservation Technologies: possibilities and limitations. Int. Dairy Journal. 14: 273-285.
  • Ewaschuk J.B. and L.A. Dieleman. 2006. Probiotics and prebiotics in choronic inflammatory bowel diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 12: 5941-5950.
  • Gennadios A., Hanna M.A. and L.B. Kurth. 1997. Application of edible coatings on meats, poultry and seafoods: a review. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 30: 337-350
  • Gialamas H., Zinoviadou K.G., Biliaderis C.G. and K.P. Koutsoumanis. 2010. Development of a novel bioactive packaging based on the incorporation of Lactobacillus sakei into sodium- caseinate films for controlling Listeria monocytogenes in foods. Food Res Int. 43: 2402-2408.
  • Guillard V., Broyart B., Bonazzi C., Guilbert S. and N. Gontard. 2003. Preventing moisture transfer in a composite food using edible films: Experimental and mathematical study. J Food Sci. 68: 2267-2277.
  • Janes M.E., Kooshesh S. and M.G. Johnson. 2002. Control of Listeria monocytogenes on the surface of refrigerated, ready-to-eat chicken coated with edible zein film coatings containing nisin and/or calcium propionate. J Food Sci. 67: 2754-2757.
  • Kalantzopoulos G. 1997. Fermented products with probiotic qualities. Anaerobe. 3: 185-190.
  • Kanmani P. and S.T. Lim. 2013. Development and characterization of novel probiotic-residing pullulan/starch edible films. Food Chem. 141: 1041-1049.
  • Kerry J.P., O’Grady M.N. and S.A. Hogan. 2006. Past, current and potential utilisation of active and intelligent packaging systems for meat and muscle-based products: a review. Meat Sci. 74: 113- 130.
  • Klaenhammer T. 2000. Probiotic bacteria: Today and tommorrow. J Nutr. 130: 415-416.
  • Krasaekoopt W., Bhandari B. and H. Deeth. 2006. Survival of probiotics encapsulated in chitosan- coated alginate beads in yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally treated milk during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol. 39: 177-183.
  • Krochta J.M. 2002. Proteins as raw materials for films and coatings: Definitions, current status, and opportunities. Protein-Based Films and Coatings. A Gennadios (Ed), CRC Pres, New York.
  • López de Lacey A.M., López-Caballero M.E., Gómez-Estaca J., Gómez-Guillén M.C., and P. Montero. 2012. Functionality of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum incorporated to edible coatings and films. Innovat Food Sci Emerg Tech. 16: 277-282.
  • Marsh K. and B. Bugusu. 2007. Food packaging-roles, materials, and environmental issues. J. Food Sci., 72: 39-55.
  • Matuska M., Lenart A. and H.N. Lazarides. 2006. On the use of edible coating to monitor osmotic dehydration kinetics for minimal solids uptake. J Food Eng. 72: 85-91.
  • McHugh T.H. 2000. Protein lipid interactions in edible films and coatings. Nanrung. 44: 148-151.
  • Olaiz-Fernández G., Rivera-Dommarco J., Shamah-Levy T., Rojas R., Villalpando-Hernández S. and M. Hernández-Ávila. 2006. National health and nutrition survey. National Institute of public health: México: INSP 131 pp.
  • Özdemir M. and J.D. Floros. 2004. Active food packaging technologies. Food Sci Nutr. 44: 185-193.
  • Pérez-Pérez C., Regalado-González C., Rodríguez-Rodríguez C.A., Barbosa-Rodríguez J.R. and F. Villaseñor-Ortega. 2006. Incorporation of antimicrobial agents in food packaging films and coatings. Advance in Agri and Food Biotech. 193-216.
  • Qi W.T., Ma J., Yu W.T., Xie Y.B., Wang W. and X. Ma. 2006. Behavior of microbial growth and metabolism in alginate–chitosan–alginate (ACA) microcapsules. Enzyme Microb Tech. 38: 697-704.
  • Quintavalla S. and L. Vicini. 2002. Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Meat Sci. 62: 373-380.
  • Robertson G.L. 2006. Active and intelligent packaging. In Food packaging: principles and practice- 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl. Chap. 14 pp.
  • Röble C.H., Auty M., Brunton N., Gormley R. and F. Butler. 2010. Alginate coating as carrier of oligofructose and inulin and to maintain the quality of fresh-cut apples. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 11: 203-209.
  • Saad N., Delattre C., Urdaci M., Schmitter J.M. and P. Bressollier. 2013. An overview of the last advances in probiotic and prebiotic field. LWT-Food Sci. Technol. 50: 1-16.
  • Sanchez-Gonzales E., Garcia S. and N. Heredia. 2010. Extracts of edible and medicinal plants damage membranes of Vibrio cholerae. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 6888-689410.
  • Saxelin M., Grenov B., Svensson U., Fondén R., Reneiro R. and T. Mattila-Sandholm. 1999. The technology of probiotics. Trends Food Sci Technol. 10: 387-392.
  • Sebti I. and V. Coma. 2002. Active edible polsaccharide coating and interactions between solution coating compounds. Carbohydr Polymer. 49: 139-144.
  • Sorrentino A., Gorrasi G. and V. Vittoria. 2007. Potential perspectives of bio-nanocomposites for food packaging applications. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 18: 84-95.
  • Soukoulis C.,Yonekura L., Gan H.H., Behboudi-Jobbehdar S., Parmenter C. and I. Fisk. 2014. Probiotic edible films as a new strategy for developing functional bakery products: The case of pan bread. Food Hydrocoll. 39: 231-242.
  • Sungsoo C.H. and E.T. Finocchiaro. 2010. Handbook of prebiotics and probiotics ingredients, Health benefits and food aplications. Boca Raton F.L. CRC Pres, 435 pp.
  • Tapia M.S., Rojas-Grau M.A., Rodriguez F.J., Ramirez J., Carmona A. and O. Martin-Belloso. 2007. Alginate and gellan-based edible films for probiotic coatings on fresh-cut fruits. J Food Sci. 72: 190-196.
  • Valencia-Chamorro S.A., Perez-Gago M.B., del Rio M.A. and L. Palou. 2009. Effect of antifungal Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC)-lipid edible composite coatings on postharvest decay development and quality attributes of cold-stored ‘Valencia’ oranges. Postharv Bio Technol. 54: 72-79.
  • Vargas M., Pastor C., Chiralt A., McClements D.J. and C. Gonzalez-Martinez. 2008. Recent advances in edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed fruits. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 48: 496-511.
  • Vasiljevic T. and N.P. Shah. 2008. Probiotics from metchnikoff to bioactives. Int Dairy J. 18: 714- 728.
  • Vermeiren L., Devlighere F., Van Beest M., de Kruijf N. and J. Debevere. 1999. Developments in the active packaging of foods. Trends in Food Sci. and Techn. 10: 77-86.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Berrak Delikanli This is me

Tülay Özcan This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 28 Issue: 2


APA Delikanli, B., & Özcan, T. (2014). Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(2), 59-70.
AMA Delikanli B, Özcan T. Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar. Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. August 2014;28(2):59-70.
Chicago Delikanli, Berrak, and Tülay Özcan. “Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler Ve Kaplamalar”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 28, no. 2 (August 2014): 59-70.
EndNote Delikanli B, Özcan T (August 1, 2014) Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 2 59–70.
IEEE B. Delikanli and T. Özcan, “Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar”, Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 59–70, 2014.
ISNAD Delikanli, Berrak - Özcan, Tülay. “Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler Ve Kaplamalar”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 28/2 (August 2014), 59-70.
JAMA Delikanli B, Özcan T. Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar. Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 2014;28:59–70.
MLA Delikanli, Berrak and Tülay Özcan. “Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler Ve Kaplamalar”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 28, no. 2, 2014, pp. 59-70.
Vancouver Delikanli B, Özcan T. Probiyotik İçeren Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar. Uludag Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 2014;28(2):59-70.