Araştırma Makalesi

An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills

183 - 197, 15.01.2020


The aim of this study is to
analyze the effects of gender and the education level of parents on students’
attitudes towards mathematics and metacognitive skills. The second aim of the
study is to analyze the relationship between previous mathematics grades with
attitudes towards mathematics and metacognition skills. This research is a
survey model within quantitative descriptive studies. The research was carried
out in a middle school which is selected as a convenient sampling methodology
in the Melikgazi district of Kayseri, Turkey during the fall semester of
2018-2019 academic year. The sample of the study was with a total of 122
students from different grades in middle school — 29 fifth graders, 31 sixth
graders, 32 seventh graders, and 30 eighth graders. Metacognition Scale,
Attitude Scale, and Demographics Scale were administered to students for
collecting data. Independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA), and Pearson correlation analysis were run. In the analysis, there was
no statistically significant mean difference between attitude towards
mathematics and metacognitive skill scores of girls and boys. There was no
statistically significant mean difference between attitudes towards mathematics
and metacognitive skills of middle school students in terms of their parents’
education level. In this study, a moderately positive relationship was found
between the students' previous year-end mathematics scores and their attitude
towards mathematics and metacognitive skill total score. Moreover, a moderate
positive relationship was found between attitude towards mathematics scores and
metacognition skill total scores. Mathematics activities for developing
metacognition skills are suggested in the classrooms.


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Birincil Dil İngilizce

Sevim Sevgi Bu kişi benim

Feyzullah Orman

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Sevgi, S., & Orman, F. (t.y.). An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills. İlköğretim Online183-197.
AMA Sevgi S, Orman F. An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills. İOO.:183-197. doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2020.649375
Chicago Sevgi, Sevim, ve Feyzullah Orman. “An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills”. İlköğretim Onlinet.y., 183-97.
EndNote Sevgi S, Orman F An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills. İlköğretim Online 183–197.
IEEE S. Sevgi ve F. Orman, “An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills”, İOO, ss. 183–197, doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2020.649375.
ISNAD Sevgi, Sevim - Orman, Feyzullah. “An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills”. İlköğretim Online. t.y. 183-197.
JAMA Sevgi S, Orman F. An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills. İOO.;:183–197.
MLA Sevgi, Sevim ve Feyzullah Orman. “An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills”. İlköğretim Online, ss. 183-97, doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2020.649375.
Vancouver Sevgi S, Orman F. An Investigation, Based on Some Variables, into the Attitudes of Middle School Students towards Mathematics and Metacognitive Skills. İOO. :183-97.