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Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 6/12/24

Year: 2024

A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design (ARCH)

(ISSN: 2149-5904)

Focus and Scope

Sharing the results of design, planning, education, technology, research, examination, history, art and project studies in the field of architecture and design by publishing national and international studies; providing publication opportunities to academic staff, architect, designer, researcher and artists doing academic work in their fields; publishing articles and criticisms for the solution of technical, visual and educational problems of architecture and design; creating a basis for discussion on architecture and design literature.

A + Arch Design journal is published twice a year in English. Academics, researchers, educators, designers and planners make up the readers and writers of the journal. Academic articles on national and international topics that are on the agenda or expected to be on the agenda are published. Also, theoretical discussions take place in the journal.

The aim of ARCH is to create a source for academics and scientists who are doing research in the media, technology and communication that feature formally well-written quality works. And also create a source that will contribute and help develop the fields of study. Accordingly, ARCH’s intentions are on publishing articles and scientific works which are guided by a scientific quality sensibility. In this context, ARCH is qualified as an “international peer-reviewed journal”. It is a peer-reviewed international journal published two times a year.

The aim of ARCH is to create a source for academics and scientists who are doing research in the media, technology and communication that feature formally well-written quality works. And also create a source that will contribute and help develop the fields of study. Accordingly, ARCH’s intentions are on publishing articles and scientific works which are guided by a scientific quality sensibility. In this context, ARCH is qualified as an “international peer-reviewed journal”. It is a peer-reviewed international journal published two times a year.

Author’s Guide

Author’s may send their articles which are prepared in accordance with the below stated publishing and editorial principles, together with the “article presentation form” via e-mail to the provided addresses.

Providing the permissions of the authors (the main author or the rightful publishing house) is obligatory for the translated texts and articles as well.

The articles which are sent to their authors for further improvement and/or proofreading following the preliminary reviews and referee evaluations, should be edited accordingly and delivered back to the journal in one month at the latest.

On the other hand, the articles which are found to be conflicting with this guideline, will be returned to their authors for further proofreading and will not be issued.

Publishing Principles

A+Arch Design International Journal of Architecture and Design (ARCH) is a peer-reviewed journal which is published two times a year. Accepted articles are those which contain original theoretical and/or experimental studies as well as educational explanations related to fixed reference values.

ARCH Editorial Board is authorized to decide whether or not to accept articles through international peer-reviews.

General Rules

The language of the articles is Turkish and English
If there is an institution that supports the study, the last word of the article title should be placed on (*) and the information on the same page as the footnote should be given.
Manuscripts should not exceed 12.000 words including bibliography and annexes.
Articles should be organized according to the APA reference system. Please make sure that the references in the text are in the references

Writing Rules

Page Layout

Margins: up 3,5; down 2,5; left 2,5; right 2 cm with 170 mm X 240 mm over all text space.

Type of Font

Times New Roman style should be used. Turkish Abstract English Abstract should be in 11 pt, main text should be 10 pt. Text, Turkish-English abstract and the sources used should be justify. Text should be written using single line spacing, 1 line spacing between paragraphs should be left.


The manuscript should be composed of main headings and sub-headings.

Main Title

Times New Roman character, using capital letters, bold and must be in Microsoft Word format in 14-pt format. Author name, abbreviations, author ORCID number and e-mail addresses should be written with two lines of space after the title and the name of the author should be written in 11 pt font size.

Abstract (ÖZ)

The text should be written in 11-pt font in Times New Roman font style and in a single paragraph in Microsoft Word format. Must not exceed 300 words and should be bold, 11 pt. Keywords should be in italic, bold type and 11 pt. At least three, maximum five key words should be written with the first letter and the other letters with small letters. In abstract (ÖZ), subject of the article, research method and result should be given.


Abstract title should be written with two lines of space after Turkish keywords. Times New Roman should be in bold, 11 pt, justified, and in single word Microsoft Word format using capital letters. Should not exceed 600 words and abstract should be bold, 11 pt. and all text should be written in Microsoft Word format in Times New Roman style. Keywords in abstract should be in italic, bold type and 11 pt. At least three, maximum five key words should be written with the first letter and the other letters with small letters. In abstract, subject of the article, research method and result should be given.


Section subtitles (INTRODUCTION, CONCEPTUAL FRAME, LITERATURE SCANNING, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, etc), which are formed according to the content of the article, should be all uppercase, 11 pt and bold, and they should be typed without numbering.

Main Text

Subtitles should be written in 11 pt, bold and capital letters and the text should be in 11 pt., Times New Roman style in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be written in a single column, justified, and in a single space between paragraphs. The subtitle of the first section should start with a line space after the keywords and there should be no spaces in the following paragraphs. Article length must not exceed 20 pages with shapes and figures

Tables, Figures, Graphics and Pictures

If the tables, figures, graphics and pictures used in the text are not originally created by the author (s), they can be used in the text by showing “source”. Tables, figures, graphics and pictures should be placed to fit the text and the headings should be written in 11 font size and centered. Tables and graphs used in the text should be listed as Table 1., Table 2. / Chart 1., Chart 2. etc. and so on. Table numbers and titles should be written before the table. Figures, graphics and pictures of the numbers and the headers (figure, graphic and picture) then the bottom of the Figure 1., Figure 2. / Picture 1., Picture 2. etc. should be written as ordered. The first letters of the words used in the tables, figures, graphics and image titles should be initials large and the others are small.


The title should be written in bold, 11 pt, capital letters and text in 11 pt. Times New Roman style in Microsoft Word format.

In-article Reference Representation

Reference within the article should be arranged in square brackets / [ ].


Reference within the article should be arranged in accordance with the APA rules with number.

See the APA reference guidelines: https://www.citefast.com/styleguide.php?style=APA&sec=form

Single Author Book

[1] Tuncer, D. (1992). Dağıtım Kanalları Sistemi. Ankara: Gazi Yayınları.

Two Authors Book

[1] Turgut, M. F. & Y. Baykul. (1992). Ölçekleme Teknikleri. Ankara: ÖSYM Yayınları.

Edited Book

[1] Theberge, J. (Ed.). (1968). Economics of Trade and Development. New York: John Wiley.

Translation Book

[1] Morgan, L.H. (2015). Eski Toplum. (Oskay,Ü. Çev.), İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınevi.

Part of Book

[1] Ünlüer, A.O. (1988). Boş Zamanı Değerlendirme Açısından Kitle İletişim Araçlarının Ülkemizde Durumu. Demiray, U. (Ed.). Kitle İletişim Araçları ve Boş Zaman.(ss.71-113). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi ve Yaygın Eğitim Vakfı.

Published Magazine

[1] Engin, B. H. (2016). Markalaşma Kavramı Çerçevesinde Marka Ederi. Öneri Dergisi. 12 (46): 277-294.

Electronic Magazine

[1] Yengin, D. & Algül, A. (2018). Küreselleşme Bağlamında Sanal Gerçeklik Kullanımı. Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication-TOJDAC. 10 (2): 155-126. doi: 10.7456/10902100.

Published Journal

[1] Kumcu. E. (2006, 11 Aralık). Büyüme yavaşlama sinyali veriyor. Hürriyet Gazetesi. s.9.

Electronic Journal

[1] Mills, S. (2012, 16 Ekim). How Twitter is winning the 2012 US election. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/oct/16/twitter-winning-2012-us-election (Erişim tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2018).


[1] Algül, N. (2006). Sanat Tarihinde Mahmut Akok. Marmara Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Türk Sanatı Anabilim Dalı Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul.

Web Page

[1] Yavuz, E. (2018, 7 Kasım). Zaman ve İnsan Üzerine. https://dusunbil.com/zaman-ve-insan-uzerine. adresinden alındı. (Erişim tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2018).


[1] Taymaz, E. (2018). Dijital Teknolojiler ve Ekonomik Büyüme Raporu. (TÜSİAD-T/2018,10-600).

Electronic Report

[1] Taymaz, E. (2018). Dijital Teknolojiler ve Ekonomik Büyüme Raporu. (TÜSİAD-T/2018,10-600). https://www.tusiad.org/tr/yayinlar/raporlar/item/10130-dijital-teknolojiler-ve-ekonomik-buyume-raporu. (Erişim tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2018).

Editorial Process
Editorial decisions on manuscripts submitted to our journals are made by external academic editors and based on independent peer review reports. If the proposal paper is suitable for consideration by A+ArchDesign Journal, along with sample content, will be sent to a minimum of two external and independent peer reviewers. The peer reviewers’ assessments are used to inform the editor’s decision as to whether or not to recommend the publication to the AARCH. The issue editor subsequently makes the final recommendation to the A+ARCH on whether or not to award the author(s) a publishing contract. Our editors are free to solicit additional reviews and guidance post contract to inform the development of the manuscript.

We do not tolerate abusive behavior or correspondence towards our staff and others involved in the publishing process on our behalf. If anyone involved in this process engages in such behavior we have the right to take action to protect others from this abuse. This may include, for example, withdrawal of a manuscript from consideration, or challenging clearly abusive peer review comments.

Peer Review
Peer review is critical to maintaining the standards of our publications.

We provide appropriate systems, training, and support to facilitate rigorous, fair, and effective peer reviews for all our publications

support our editors and peer reviewers in investigating and acting on any suspected cases of manipulated or fraudulent peer review;

protect the confidentiality of participants in the peer review process where anonymity forms part of that publication’s peer review process. We also expect our publishing partners, authors, and peer reviewers to uphold any relevant confidentiality arrangements for the journal and to provide the necessary information to support this.

encourage our editors and peer reviewers to familiarise themselves with and act in accordance with relevant best practice guidelines on peer review.

support our editors and peer reviewers in investigating and acting on any suspected cases of manipulated or fraudulent peer review;

Authorship and Contributorship
The corresponding author’s specific responsibilities include:
• Manuscript correction and proofreading. Handling the revisions and re-submission of revised manuscripts up to the acceptance of the manuscripts.
• Agreeing to and signing the Author Publishing Agreement on behalf of relevant coauthors and/or arranging for any third-party copyright owners’ signature;

Any article affiliations should represent the institution(s) at which the research presented was conducted and/or supported and/or approved. For non-research content, any affiliations should represent the institution(s) with which each author is currently affiliated

Placing the original ideas, methods, data, or works of others, partly or completely, without making reference to the scientific rules, is dealt with in the context of plagiarism. In order to avoid plagiarism, the authors should refer to the scientific rules in a manner that is appropriate and should pay attention to the references of all scientific papers in their research.

Plagiarism can occur with respect to all types of sources and media, including:
• text, illustrations, musical quotations, extended mathematical derivations, computer code, etc.;
• material downloaded from websites or drawn from manuscripts or other media;
• published and unpublished material, including lectures, presentations, and grey literature. We do not tolerate plagiarism in any of our publications, and we reserve the right to check all submissions through appropriate plagiarism checking tools. Submissions containing suspected plagiarism, in whole or part, will be rejected. If plagiarism is discovered postpublication, we will follow our guidance outlined in the Retractions, Corrections, and Expressions of Concern section of these guidelines. We expect our readers, reviewers, and editors to raise any suspicions of plagiarism, either by contacting the relevant editor or by emailing aarchdesign@aydin.edu.tr.

Duplicate and Redundant Publication
Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other publication. Except in very unusual circumstances (and then only with your agreement as the editor), authors are expected to submit articles that are original and have not been submitted to any other publication.

We do not support substantial overlap between publications, unless:
• it is felt that editorially this will strengthen the academic discourse; and
• we have clear approval from the original publication; and
• we include citations of the original source.

When authors submit manuscripts to our journals, these manuscripts should not be under consideration, accepted for publication, or in the press within a different journal, book, or similar entity, unless a journal is explicit that it does not have an exclusive submission policy. However, the deposition of a preprint on the author’s personal website, in an institutional repository, or in a preprint archive shall not be viewed as prior or duplicate publication. Authors should follow our Preprint Policy regarding preprint archives and maintaining the version of the record. Any manuscript based on a thesis should be a reworking of the material in the thesis and written to conform to the journal’s style guide or relevant book guidance. When quoting from the thesis or reusing figures, authors should avoid self-plagiarism by citing and referencing any extracts copied or adapted from the thesis appropriately. If a thesis was published by a publisher and is publicly accessible, permission may be required from the thesis publisher before submitting it to a journal. The relevant editor should be informed that the manuscript draws on a thesis in the cover letter.

Research with Humans or Animals
Research involving humans or animals should be approved by the relevant ethics committee(s) and should conform to international ethical and legal standards for research. We also expect authors to respect human participants’ right to privacy, and to gain any necessary consent to publish before submitting to us. For information on whether authors are required to submit or include evidence regarding the above, please consult individual journal submission guidelines or contact the relevant book or journal editor.

Competing Interests and Funding
We try to ensure that any A+ArchDesign Journal is free from undue influence. Authors, editors, and reviewers are required to declare any potential competing interests that could interfere with the objectivity or integrity of a publication. Competing interests are situations that could be perceived to exert an undue influence on the presentation, review, or publication of a piece of work. These may be financial, non-financial, professional, contractual, or personal in nature. We also expect that anyone who suspects undisclosed competing interests regarding a work published or under consideration by A+Arch Design Journal should inform the relevant editor or email aarchdesign@aydin.edu.tr.

Libel, Defamation, and Freedom of Expression
Freedom of expression is critical to us as academic publishers, but we do not support publishing false statements that harm the reputation of individuals, groups, or organizations. Our legal team can advise on pre-publication libel reviews, and will also address allegations of libel in any of our publications.

Retractions, Corrections, and Expressions of Concern
If an author is found to have made an error, the journal will issue a corrigendum. If the journal is found to have made an error, they will issue an erratum. Retractions are usually reserved for articles that are so seriously flawed that their findings or conclusions should not be relied upon, or that contain substantial plagiarism or life-endangering content. Journals that publish Accepted Manuscripts may make minor changes such as those which would likely occur during copyediting, typesetting, or proofreading, but any substantive corrections.

In exceptional cases, we may remove an article from online publication where we believe it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. This includes, without limitation, where we have concerns that the article is defamatory, violates personal privacy or confidentiality laws, is the subject of a court order, or might pose a serious health risk to the general public. In these circumstances, we may decide to remove the article and publish a notice that clearly states why the full article has been removed.

Manipulation, Falsification, and Fabrication
Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable provided they do not obscure or eliminate any information present in the original. Manipulating images for improved clarity is accepted, but manipulation for other purposes could be seen as scientific ethical abuse and will be dealt with accordingly. Image duplication or re-use necessitates the original source and reason for re-use to be specified, and any required licenses and permissions to be in place.

Duplication and manipulation of images may be a form of research misconduct (falsification or fabrication) especially when the image is a crucial part of the findings.

Fraudulent Research and Research Misconduct
Where we are made aware of fraudulent research or research misconduct by an A+ArchDesign author, our first concern is the integrity of the content we have published. Any publication found to include fraudulent results will be retracted, or an appropriate correction or expression of concern will be issued.

Data and Supporting Evidence
We support transparency and openness around data, code, and other materials associated with research. We expect authors to maintain accurate records of supporting evidence necessary to allow others to understand, verify, and replicate new findings, and to supply or provide access to this supporting evidence, on reasonable request. Where appropriate and where allowed by their employer, funding body, or others who might have an interest, we encourage authors to:
• deposit evidence in a suitable repository or storage location, for sharing and further use by others; and
• describe where the evidence may be found in a Data Availability Statement which authors should include in their publication.

Integrity of Record
We maintain a record of the existence of everything we publish with information (metadata) describing each publication. If our content is deemed not to comply with the laws of a sovereign nation, we make every effort to ensure the metadata remains accessible within that jurisdiction. Where we are obliged to alter the publication record in any way, such as in the case of research misconduct leading to the retraction of a publication, we preserve the academic record as far as possible.

Undisclosed conflicts of interest
Public trust in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how well conflict of interest is handled during writing, peer review, and editorial decision-making. Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the author’s institution), reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (such relationships are also known as "dual commitments", "competing interests", or "competing loyalties").

Reviewer bias or competitive harmful acts by reviewers
Editors should avoid selecting external peer reviewers with obvious potential conflicts of interest, for example, those who work in the same department or institution as any of the authors. Authors often provide editors with the names of persons they feel should not be asked to review a manuscript because of potential conflicts of interest, usually professional. Where possible, authors should be asked to explain or justify their concerns - this information is important to editors in deciding whether to honor such requests.

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