Üretrada Papillom Benzeri Görünümde Prostat Kanseri Düşünmeli miyiz?
Year 2023,
, 87 - 90, 28.04.2023
Mustafa Küçükyangöz
Emrullah Sogutdelen
Uğur Üyetürk
Üretranın skuamöz hücreli papillomu; nadir görülen, dizüri gibi alt üriner septomlarla bulgu veren, benign proliferatif skuamöz lezyondur. Kesin tanı ve tedavi için cerrahi eksizyon ve patolojik inceleme gerekmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda makroskopik hematüri nedeniyle başvuran 76 yaşında hastanın sistoüretroskopik incelemesinde üretrada boylu boyunca gözlenen birçok papillomun transüretral eksizyonu sonucu yapılan patolojik incelemesinde tümöral lezyonun prostat kanserine bağlı metastazlar olduğu saptandı. Literatürde malign üretral lezyonların sıklıkla mesane kanserine bağlı metastazlar olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle nadir görülen bu vakayı sunmayı amaçladık.
- Gustafson, P., H.N. Fenster, and A.I. So, Urethral squamous cell papilloma: Case report and literature review. Can Urol Assoc J, 2014. 8(5-6): p. E364-5.
- Bostwick, D.G. and L. Cheng, Urologic surgical pathology. 2008: Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Cheng, L., et al., Squamous papilloma of the urinary tract is unrelated to condyloma acuminata. Cancer, 2000. 88(7): p. 1679-86.
- Ochoa Undargarain, O., J.A. Hermida Pérez, and J. Ochoa Montes de Oca, Inverted papilloma of the anterior male urethra. Case report and bibliographic review. Arch Esp Urol, 2006. 59(2): p. 183-6.
- Coronel Sánchez, B., et al., Inverted papilloma of the bladder with recurrence in prostatic urethra. Actas Urol Esp, 2005. 29(10): p. 989-92.
- Ishizaki, F. and S. Hanyu, Inverted papilloma of the prostatic urethra: a report of two cases. Hinyokika Kiyo, 2008. 54(2): p. 143-5.
- Gakis, G., et al., EAU guidelines on primary urethral carcinoma. Eur Urol, 2013. 64(5): p. 823-30.
- Üçer, O., et al., Partial Urethrectomy for Female Urethral Transitional Epithelial Cell Carcinoma. Uroonkoloji Buelteni Bulletin of Urooncology, 2016. 15(2): p. 80.
- Nadal, R. and J. Bellmunt, Management of metastatic bladder cancer. Cancer Treat Rev, 2019. 76: p. 10-21.
- Bekiş, R., E. Acar, and U. Mungan, Mesane Kanserinde Pozitron Emisyon Tomografi/Bilgisayarlı Tomografi. Bulletin of Urooncology, 2015. 14: p. 13-17.
- Adsan, Ö., Prostatın primer ürotelyal tümörlerinde tedavi yaklaşımları. Üroonkoloji Bülteni, 2010. 1: p. 22-4.
- Schellhammer, P.F. and W.F. Whitmore, Jr., Transitional cell carcinoma of the urethra in men having cystectomy for bladder cancer. J Urol, 1976. 115(1): p. 56-60.
Should We Consider Prostate Cancer With A Papilloma-Like Appearance In The Urethra?
Year 2023,
, 87 - 90, 28.04.2023
Mustafa Küçükyangöz
Emrullah Sogutdelen
Uğur Üyetürk
Squamous cell papilloma of the urethra is a rare disease and benign proliferative squamous lesion presenting with lower urinary symptoms such as dysuria. There is no significant risk of malignancy. Surgical excision and careful pathological examination are required for definitive diagnosis and treatment. In this case report, a 76-year-old patient who applied with the complaint of macroscopic hematuria. In a cystourethroscopic examination, many papillomas were observed in the urethra. After transurethral excision of these lesions, the pathological analysis revealed that papillomas were due to prostate cancer metastases. In the literature, it has been observed that urethral metastases are mostly metastases due to bladder cancer. Therefore, we aimed to present this rare case.
- Gustafson, P., H.N. Fenster, and A.I. So, Urethral squamous cell papilloma: Case report and literature review. Can Urol Assoc J, 2014. 8(5-6): p. E364-5.
- Bostwick, D.G. and L. Cheng, Urologic surgical pathology. 2008: Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Cheng, L., et al., Squamous papilloma of the urinary tract is unrelated to condyloma acuminata. Cancer, 2000. 88(7): p. 1679-86.
- Ochoa Undargarain, O., J.A. Hermida Pérez, and J. Ochoa Montes de Oca, Inverted papilloma of the anterior male urethra. Case report and bibliographic review. Arch Esp Urol, 2006. 59(2): p. 183-6.
- Coronel Sánchez, B., et al., Inverted papilloma of the bladder with recurrence in prostatic urethra. Actas Urol Esp, 2005. 29(10): p. 989-92.
- Ishizaki, F. and S. Hanyu, Inverted papilloma of the prostatic urethra: a report of two cases. Hinyokika Kiyo, 2008. 54(2): p. 143-5.
- Gakis, G., et al., EAU guidelines on primary urethral carcinoma. Eur Urol, 2013. 64(5): p. 823-30.
- Üçer, O., et al., Partial Urethrectomy for Female Urethral Transitional Epithelial Cell Carcinoma. Uroonkoloji Buelteni Bulletin of Urooncology, 2016. 15(2): p. 80.
- Nadal, R. and J. Bellmunt, Management of metastatic bladder cancer. Cancer Treat Rev, 2019. 76: p. 10-21.
- Bekiş, R., E. Acar, and U. Mungan, Mesane Kanserinde Pozitron Emisyon Tomografi/Bilgisayarlı Tomografi. Bulletin of Urooncology, 2015. 14: p. 13-17.
- Adsan, Ö., Prostatın primer ürotelyal tümörlerinde tedavi yaklaşımları. Üroonkoloji Bülteni, 2010. 1: p. 22-4.
- Schellhammer, P.F. and W.F. Whitmore, Jr., Transitional cell carcinoma of the urethra in men having cystectomy for bladder cancer. J Urol, 1976. 115(1): p. 56-60.