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Coccydynia The Light Of Literature

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 306 - 312, 01.09.2014


Coccydynia is pain in the area of the coccyx, or tailbone. The coccyx is a small, curved, V-shaped bone at the bottom of the spine. The diagnosis of coccydynia was based on clinical history, local of pain, and response to previous diagnostic ve therapeutic procedures. In sitting position from falling coccyx fracture, dislocation, or arthrosis is a result of forced labor or the tip of coccyx, and mobile becomes displaced forward or sideways. A result of the movement of the patient severe pain occurs when seated on the tip of coccyx. sitz baths. Conservative treatment, the chances of success are high. Also in the treatment of coccydynia used physical methods such as cryotherapy, thermotherapy and TENS. Patients sit in the company and sponge donut-shaped pillow rest on hard surfaces.Analgesic, to reduce pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and should be given myorelaksan.Coccyx pain treatment injections can be tried on. If conservative treatment fails and the patient's daily life difficult situations is coccygectomy.


  • Emerson SS, Speece AJ 3rd. Manipulation of the coccyx with anesthesia for the management of coccydynia. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2012 Dec;112(12):805-7.
  • Salar O, Mushtaq F, Ahmed M. Defecation pain and coccydynia due to an anteverted coccyx: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2012 Jul 2;6(1):175.
  • Nathan ST, Fisher BE, Roberts CS. Coccydynia: a review of pathoanatomy, aetiology, treatment and outcome. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010 Dec;92(12):1622-7.
  • Patel R, Appannagari A, Whang PG. Coccydynia. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med.2008 Dec;1(3-4):223-6
  • Mitra R, Cheung L, Perry P. Efficacy of fluorosco- pically guided steroid injections in the management of coccydynia. Pain Physician. 2007 Nov;10(6):775
  • Hodges SD, Eck JC, Humphreys SC. A treatment and outcomes analysis of patients with coccydynia. Spine J. 2004 Mar-Apr;4(2):138-40
  • Demircay E, Kabatas S, Cansever T, Yilmaz C, Tuncay C, Altinors N. Radiofrequency thermocoagu- lation of ganglion impar in the management of coccydynia: preliminary results. Turk Neurosurg. Jul;20(3):328-33.
  • Gray's Anatomy for Students, 2nd Edition Woon JT, Stringer MD. Clinical anatomy of the coccyx: A systematic review.Clin Anat. 2012 Mar;25(2):158-67. doi: 10.1002/ca.21216. Epub Jul 7. Review.
  • Maigne JY, Doursounian L, Chatellier G. Causes and mechanisms of common coccydynia: role of body mass index and coccygeal trauma. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2000 Dec 1;25(23):3072-9.
  • Maigne JY, Pigeau I, Aguer N, Doursounian L, Chatellier G. Chronic coccydynia in adolescents. A series of 53 patients. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2011 Jun;47(2):245-51.
  • Tekin L, Yilmaz B, Alaca R, Ozçakar L, Dinçer K. Coccyx fractures in patients with spinal cord injury. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2010 Mar;46(1):43-6.
  • Moon SG, Kim NR, Choi JW, Yi JG. Acute coccydynia related to precoccygeal calcific tendini- tis. Skeletal Radiol. 2012 Apr;41(4):473-6.
  • Trouvin AP, Goeb V, Vandhuick T, Michelin P, Lequerré T, Vittecoq O. Role for magnetic resonan- ce imaging in coccydynia with sacrococcygeal dislo- cation. Joint Bone Spine. 2013 Mar;80(2):214-6.
  • Cameron MH.The Physical Agengs: Physical Agents İn Rehabilitation. 3. Ed.St.Louis:Saunders Elsevier;2009
  • Maigne JY, Rusakiewicz F, Diouf M. Postpartum coccydynia: a case series study of 57 women. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012 Sep;48(3):387-92. Epub Jul 23.
  • Kaushal R, Bhanot A, Luthra S, Gupta PN, Shar- ma RB. Intrapartum coccygeal fracture, a cause for postpartum coccydynia: a case report. J Surg Orthop Adv.2005 Fall;14(3):136-7.
  • Kim HS, Yang SH, Park HJ, Park HB, Cho HS. Glo- mus tumor as a cause of coccydynia. Skeletal Radiol. Jun 4. Cockbain AJ, Morrison CP, Davies JB. Coccydynia secondary to a large pelvic tumor of anorectal ori- gin. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2011.05.014. Epub 2011 Jul 7.
  • Blocker O, Hill S, Woodacre T. Persistent coccydynia--the importance of a differential diagno- sis. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Jul 28;2011.
  • Foye PM. Coccydynia (coccyx pain) caused by chordoma. Int Orthop. 2007 Jun;31(3):427
  • Jeys L, Gibbins R, Evans G, Grimer R. Sacral chordoma: a diagnosis not to be sat on? Int Orthop. Apr;32(2):269-72.
  • Uglialoro AD, Beebe KS, Hameed M, Benevenia J. A rare case of intraosseous benign notochordal cell tumor of the coccyx. Orthopedics. 2009 Jun;32(6):445.
  • Haasper C, Länger F, Rosenthal H, Knobloch K, Mössinger E, Krettek C, Bastian L. Coccydynia due to a benign notochordal cell tumor. Spine (Phila Pa ). 2007 Jun 15;32(14):E394-6.
  • Lath R, Rajshekhar V, Chacko G. Sacral haeman- gioma as a cause of coccydynia. Neuroradiology. Aug;40(8):524-6.
  • Singh S, Nagaraj C, Khare GN, Kumaraswamy V. Multicentric tuberculosis at two rare sites in an immunocompetent adult. J Orthop Traumatol. 2011 Dec;12(4):223-5.
  • Richette P, Maigne JY, Bardin T. Coccydynia related to calcium crystal deposition. Spine (Phila Pa ). 2008 Aug 1;33(17):E620-3.
  • Kerimoglu U, Dagoglu MG, Ergen FB. Intercoccy- geal angle and type of coccyx in asymptomatic pati- ents. Surg Radiol Anat. 2007 Dec;29(8):683-7.
  • De Andrés J, Chaves S. Coccygodynia: a proposal for an algorithm for treatment. J Pain. 2003 Jun;4(5):257-66. Review.
  • Maigne JY, Pigeau I, Roger B. Magnetic resonan- ce imaging findings in the painful adult coccyx. Eur Spine J. 2012 Oct;21(10):2097-104 Jul;11(7):683. cent. Paediatr Anaesth. 2009 Nov;19(11):1137-8
  • Datir A, Connell D. CT-guided injection for gang- lion impar blockade: a radiological approach to the management of coccydynia. Clin Radiol. 2010 Jan;65(1):21-5.
  • Usta B, Gozdemir M, Sert H, Muslu B, Demirci- oglu RI. Fluoroscopically guided ganglion impar block by pulsed radiofrequency for relieving coccydynia. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2010 Jun;39(6):e1-2.
  • Foye PM. Ganglion impar injection techniques for coccydynia (coccyx pain) and pelvic pain. Anest- hesiology. 2007 May;106(5):1062-3
  • Balain B, Eisenstein SM, Alo GO, Darby AJ, Cas- sar-Pullicino VN, Roberts SE, Jaffray DC. Coccygec- tomy for coccydynia: case series and review of lite- rature.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006 Jun ;31(13):E414-20. Review.
  • Perkins R, Schofferman J, Reynolds J. Coccygec- tomy for severe refractory sacrococcygeal joint pain. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2003 Feb;16(1):100-3.
  • Cheng SW, Chen QY, Lin ZQ, Wang W, Zhang W, Kou DQ, Shen Y, Ying XZ, Cheng XJ, Lü CZ, Peng L. Coccygectomy for stubborn coccydynia. Chin J Tra- umatol. 2011 Feb 1;14(1):25-8.
  • Trollegaard AM, Aarby NS, Hellberg S. Coccygec- tomy: an effective treatment option for chronic coccydynia: retrospective results in 41 consecutive patients. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010 Feb;92(2):242-5.

Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 306 - 312, 01.09.2014


Koksidinia koksikste veya kuyruk sokumu kemiğinde ağrı demektir. Kuyruk sokumu kemiği guguk kuşunun cuckoo gagasına benzetilerek adını yunanca karşılığı olan coccyx'ten almıştır. Dynia bilindiği üzere kronik ağrı demektir. Oturur durumda düşme sonucu koksikste kırık, çıkık olması yada doğum zorlamasıyla veya artroz sonucu koksiksin ucu öne veya yana doğru yer değiştirir ve mobil hale gelir. Koksiks bölgesinde görülen rahatsız edici bu ağrılı klinik tabloya Koksidinia adı verilir. Hasta oturduğu zaman koksiksin ucunun hareketi sonucu şiddetli ağrı ortaya çıkar. Tanı genellikle öykü ile ve anorektoskopinin negatif olması ile konur. Rektal tuşe sırasında koksiksin palpasyonunda ağrılı olduğu saptanırsa koksidinia tanısı kuvvetle muhtemeldir. Taze kırıklarda 3 hafta kadar yatak istirahati uygulanır. Daha sonra sıcak oturma banyoları önerilir. Konservatif tedavinin başarı şansı yüksektir. Ayrıca koksidinia tedavisinde kriyoterapi, termoterapi,TENS gibi fiziksel yöntemler de kullanılır. Hastalar sert zeminlere oturmamalı ve sünger simit şeklinde yastık üzerine oturmalıdır. Ağrıyı azaltmak için analjezik, non-steroid antienflamatuvar ve myorelaksan ilaçlar verilmelidir. Koksiks üzerine enjeksiyonlar ile ağrı tedavisi denenebilir.. Konservatif tedavinin başarısız ise ve hastanın günlük yaşamının zorlaştığı durumlarda koksektomi yapılır.


  • Emerson SS, Speece AJ 3rd. Manipulation of the coccyx with anesthesia for the management of coccydynia. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2012 Dec;112(12):805-7.
  • Salar O, Mushtaq F, Ahmed M. Defecation pain and coccydynia due to an anteverted coccyx: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2012 Jul 2;6(1):175.
  • Nathan ST, Fisher BE, Roberts CS. Coccydynia: a review of pathoanatomy, aetiology, treatment and outcome. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010 Dec;92(12):1622-7.
  • Patel R, Appannagari A, Whang PG. Coccydynia. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med.2008 Dec;1(3-4):223-6
  • Mitra R, Cheung L, Perry P. Efficacy of fluorosco- pically guided steroid injections in the management of coccydynia. Pain Physician. 2007 Nov;10(6):775
  • Hodges SD, Eck JC, Humphreys SC. A treatment and outcomes analysis of patients with coccydynia. Spine J. 2004 Mar-Apr;4(2):138-40
  • Demircay E, Kabatas S, Cansever T, Yilmaz C, Tuncay C, Altinors N. Radiofrequency thermocoagu- lation of ganglion impar in the management of coccydynia: preliminary results. Turk Neurosurg. Jul;20(3):328-33.
  • Gray's Anatomy for Students, 2nd Edition Woon JT, Stringer MD. Clinical anatomy of the coccyx: A systematic review.Clin Anat. 2012 Mar;25(2):158-67. doi: 10.1002/ca.21216. Epub Jul 7. Review.
  • Maigne JY, Doursounian L, Chatellier G. Causes and mechanisms of common coccydynia: role of body mass index and coccygeal trauma. Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2000 Dec 1;25(23):3072-9.
  • Maigne JY, Pigeau I, Aguer N, Doursounian L, Chatellier G. Chronic coccydynia in adolescents. A series of 53 patients. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2011 Jun;47(2):245-51.
  • Tekin L, Yilmaz B, Alaca R, Ozçakar L, Dinçer K. Coccyx fractures in patients with spinal cord injury. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2010 Mar;46(1):43-6.
  • Moon SG, Kim NR, Choi JW, Yi JG. Acute coccydynia related to precoccygeal calcific tendini- tis. Skeletal Radiol. 2012 Apr;41(4):473-6.
  • Trouvin AP, Goeb V, Vandhuick T, Michelin P, Lequerré T, Vittecoq O. Role for magnetic resonan- ce imaging in coccydynia with sacrococcygeal dislo- cation. Joint Bone Spine. 2013 Mar;80(2):214-6.
  • Cameron MH.The Physical Agengs: Physical Agents İn Rehabilitation. 3. Ed.St.Louis:Saunders Elsevier;2009
  • Maigne JY, Rusakiewicz F, Diouf M. Postpartum coccydynia: a case series study of 57 women. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012 Sep;48(3):387-92. Epub Jul 23.
  • Kaushal R, Bhanot A, Luthra S, Gupta PN, Shar- ma RB. Intrapartum coccygeal fracture, a cause for postpartum coccydynia: a case report. J Surg Orthop Adv.2005 Fall;14(3):136-7.
  • Kim HS, Yang SH, Park HJ, Park HB, Cho HS. Glo- mus tumor as a cause of coccydynia. Skeletal Radiol. Jun 4. Cockbain AJ, Morrison CP, Davies JB. Coccydynia secondary to a large pelvic tumor of anorectal ori- gin. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2011.05.014. Epub 2011 Jul 7.
  • Blocker O, Hill S, Woodacre T. Persistent coccydynia--the importance of a differential diagno- sis. BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Jul 28;2011.
  • Foye PM. Coccydynia (coccyx pain) caused by chordoma. Int Orthop. 2007 Jun;31(3):427
  • Jeys L, Gibbins R, Evans G, Grimer R. Sacral chordoma: a diagnosis not to be sat on? Int Orthop. Apr;32(2):269-72.
  • Uglialoro AD, Beebe KS, Hameed M, Benevenia J. A rare case of intraosseous benign notochordal cell tumor of the coccyx. Orthopedics. 2009 Jun;32(6):445.
  • Haasper C, Länger F, Rosenthal H, Knobloch K, Mössinger E, Krettek C, Bastian L. Coccydynia due to a benign notochordal cell tumor. Spine (Phila Pa ). 2007 Jun 15;32(14):E394-6.
  • Lath R, Rajshekhar V, Chacko G. Sacral haeman- gioma as a cause of coccydynia. Neuroradiology. Aug;40(8):524-6.
  • Singh S, Nagaraj C, Khare GN, Kumaraswamy V. Multicentric tuberculosis at two rare sites in an immunocompetent adult. J Orthop Traumatol. 2011 Dec;12(4):223-5.
  • Richette P, Maigne JY, Bardin T. Coccydynia related to calcium crystal deposition. Spine (Phila Pa ). 2008 Aug 1;33(17):E620-3.
  • Kerimoglu U, Dagoglu MG, Ergen FB. Intercoccy- geal angle and type of coccyx in asymptomatic pati- ents. Surg Radiol Anat. 2007 Dec;29(8):683-7.
  • De Andrés J, Chaves S. Coccygodynia: a proposal for an algorithm for treatment. J Pain. 2003 Jun;4(5):257-66. Review.
  • Maigne JY, Pigeau I, Roger B. Magnetic resonan- ce imaging findings in the painful adult coccyx. Eur Spine J. 2012 Oct;21(10):2097-104 Jul;11(7):683. cent. Paediatr Anaesth. 2009 Nov;19(11):1137-8
  • Datir A, Connell D. CT-guided injection for gang- lion impar blockade: a radiological approach to the management of coccydynia. Clin Radiol. 2010 Jan;65(1):21-5.
  • Usta B, Gozdemir M, Sert H, Muslu B, Demirci- oglu RI. Fluoroscopically guided ganglion impar block by pulsed radiofrequency for relieving coccydynia. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2010 Jun;39(6):e1-2.
  • Foye PM. Ganglion impar injection techniques for coccydynia (coccyx pain) and pelvic pain. Anest- hesiology. 2007 May;106(5):1062-3
  • Balain B, Eisenstein SM, Alo GO, Darby AJ, Cas- sar-Pullicino VN, Roberts SE, Jaffray DC. Coccygec- tomy for coccydynia: case series and review of lite- rature.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2006 Jun ;31(13):E414-20. Review.
  • Perkins R, Schofferman J, Reynolds J. Coccygec- tomy for severe refractory sacrococcygeal joint pain. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2003 Feb;16(1):100-3.
  • Cheng SW, Chen QY, Lin ZQ, Wang W, Zhang W, Kou DQ, Shen Y, Ying XZ, Cheng XJ, Lü CZ, Peng L. Coccygectomy for stubborn coccydynia. Chin J Tra- umatol. 2011 Feb 1;14(1):25-8.
  • Trollegaard AM, Aarby NS, Hellberg S. Coccygec- tomy: an effective treatment option for chronic coccydynia: retrospective results in 41 consecutive patients. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2010 Feb;92(2):242-5.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Collection

Veli Çıtışlı Bu kişi benim

Şule Onur Bu kişi benim

Muhammet Fatih Sarı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çıtışlı, V., Onur, Ş., & Sarı, M. F. (2014). Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia. Abant Medical Journal, 3(3), 306-312.
AMA Çıtışlı V, Onur Ş, Sarı MF. Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia. Abant Med J. Eylül 2014;3(3):306-312. doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2014.83803
Chicago Çıtışlı, Veli, Şule Onur, ve Muhammet Fatih Sarı. “Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia”. Abant Medical Journal 3, sy. 3 (Eylül 2014): 306-12.
EndNote Çıtışlı V, Onur Ş, Sarı MF (01 Eylül 2014) Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia. Abant Medical Journal 3 3 306–312.
IEEE V. Çıtışlı, Ş. Onur, ve M. F. Sarı, “Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia”, Abant Med J, c. 3, sy. 3, ss. 306–312, 2014, doi: 10.5505/abantmedj.2014.83803.
ISNAD Çıtışlı, Veli vd. “Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia”. Abant Medical Journal 3/3 (Eylül 2014), 306-312.
JAMA Çıtışlı V, Onur Ş, Sarı MF. Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia. Abant Med J. 2014;3:306–312.
MLA Çıtışlı, Veli vd. “Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia”. Abant Medical Journal, c. 3, sy. 3, 2014, ss. 306-12, doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2014.83803.
Vancouver Çıtışlı V, Onur Ş, Sarı MF. Literatür Eşliğinde Koksidinia. Abant Med J. 2014;3(3):306-12.