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The Effectiveness And Complications of Transobturator Tape Operation: Analysis of 120 cases

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 125 - 128, 01.09.2012


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and complications of TOT trans-obturator tape operation which is an minimally-invasive tecnique. METHODS: 120 patients who had suburethral tension-free vaginal TOT operation due to pure stress urinary incontinence SUI or mixt urinary incontinence MUI between 2011-2012 were reviewed. All of the operations were performed outside to inside with the Obtryx™ Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA trademark kit. Postoperatively patients were called at 1st and 3rd months; urogynecologic examinations were done, the success and perioperative complications of the operations were evaluatedRESULTS: All of the patients were multiparaous and median age was 49,6±11,3 years. Forty-seven %39.2 patients were postmenaupausal and thirty-six patients %30 who had TOT operation had extra surgery. Objective cure rates of the patients were %91.7 and subjective cure rates of the patients were %88.3. Treatment failure was %8.3. Only one patient had blood transfusion requirement due to TOT operation. Intraoperatively, 4 patients had bleeding more than 200 ml. Three patients had vaginal fornix perforation. Two patients had perineal pain. De novo urge incontinence was seen in 5 patients postoperatively and was treated with anticholinergic drugs. Mesh excisions were done for 4 patients who had vaginal erosion and vaginal mucosa was sutured again.CONCLUSION: TOT operation is a minimally invasive operation which overcomes all the other techniques for the surgical treatment of SUI with its lower complication rates and higher curability rates. Complication rates decrease with surgical experience so the management of complications simplify with experience.


  • Klutke C, Siegel S, Carlin B, Paszkiewicz E, Kirkemo A, Klutke J. Urinary retention after tension-free vaginal tape procedure: incidence and treatment. Urology 2001;58:697-701.
  • Biri A, Durukan E, Maral Ş, Korucuoglu U, Biri H, Tras B, Bumin M. Incidence of stress urinary incontinence among women in Turkey. Int Urogynecol J 2006; 17: 604-10.
  • Delorme E, Droupy S, de Tayrac R, Delmas V. Transob- turator Tape (Uratape®): A new minimally-invasive procedure to treat female urinary incontinence. Eur Urol 2004; 45: 203-7.
  • Giberti C, Gallo F, Cortese P, Schenone M. Transobtu- rator tape for treatment of female stress urinary in- continence: objective and subjective results after a mean follow-up of two years. Urology 2007, 69:703- 707.
  • Deval B, Ferchaux J, Berry R, Gambino S, Ciofu C, Rafii A, Haab F. Objective and subjective cure rates after trans-obturator tape (OBTAPE) treatment of female urinary incontinence. Eur Urol 2006, 49:373-377.
  • Kuuva N, Nilsson CG. A nationwide analysis of compli- cations associated with the tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002, 81:72-77.
  • Deng DY, Rutman M, Raz S, Rodriguez LV. Presenta- tion and management of major complications of midurethral slings: Are complications under- reported? Neurourol Urodyn 2007,26:46-52.
  • Yamada BS, Govier FE, Stefanovic KB, Kobashi KC. High rate of vaginal erosions associated with the mentor ObTape. J Urol 2006, 176:651-654.
  • Abdel-Fattah M, Sivanesan K, Ramsay I, Pringle S, Bjornsson S. How common are tape erosions? A com- parison of two versions of the transobturator tension- free vaginal tape procedure. BJU Int 2006, 98:594- 598.
  • Delorme E. Transobturator urethral suspension: mini- invasive procedure in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Prog Urol 2001, 11:1306- 1313.
  • Costa P, Grise P, Droupy S, Monneins F, Assenmacher C, Ballanger P, Hermieu JF, Delmas V, Boccon-Gibod L, Ortuno C. Surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence with a transobturator tape (TOT) Uratape: short term results of a prospective multicen- tric study. Eur Urol 2004; 46: 102-7.
  • Sivaslioglu AA, Demir B, Dolen İ, Gelisen O, Haberal A. Residents performance in transobturator tape proce- dures for stress urinary incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2007; 134: 259-61.
  • Göynümer FG, Yücel N, Uslu GZ, Açış R, Türkgeldi E, Durukan B. The initial experience of a training hospi- tal on TOT. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc 2009;10:80-3.
  • Arrabal-Polo MÁ, Palao-Yago F, Zuluaga-Gómez A, López-León VM, Merino-Salas S, Lahoz-García C, Ar- rabal-Martín M. Complications from the placement of a tension-free suburethral sling using the transobtu- rator and retropubic methods for treatment of female urinary incontinence. Urol Int. 2012;89:97-102.
  • Kaelin-Gambirasio I, Jacob S, Boulvain M, Dubuisson JB, Dällenbach P. Complications associated with transobturator sling procedures: Analysis of 233 con- secutive cases with a 27-month follow-up. BMC Womens Health 2009; 9: 28–34.
  • Abdel-Fattah M, Ramsay I, Pringle S, Bjornsson S, Hardwick C, Tierney J, Ali H, Young D. Transobturator suburethral tape in the management of urinary incon- tinence: success, safety and impact on sexual life. Gy- necol Surg 2007, 4:267-273.
  • Coyne KS, Sexton CC, Irwin DE, Kopp ZS, Kelleher CJ, Milsom I. The impact of overactive bladder, inconti- nence and other lower urinary tract symptoms on quality of life, work productivity, sexuality and emo- tional well-being in men and women: Results from the EPIC study. BJU Int 2008, 101:1388-1395.
  • Juma S, Brito CG: Transobturator tape (TOT): Two years follow-up. Neurourol Urodyn 2007, 26:37-41.
  • Holmgren C, Nilsson S, Lanner L, Hellberg D. Long- term results with tension-free vaginal tape on mixed and stress urinary incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 2005; 106: 38-43.
  • Krauth JS, Rasoamiaramanana H, Barletta H, Barrier PY, Grisard-Anaf M, Lienhart J, Mermet J, Vautherin R, Frobert JL. Sub-urethral tape treatment of female uri- nary incontinence; morbidity assessment of the trans- obturator route and a new tape (I-STOP): A multi- centre experiment involving 604 cases. Eur Urol 2005,47:102-106.
  • Meschia M, Bertozzi R, Pifarotti P, et al. Peri- operative morbidity and early results of a randomised trial comparing TVT and TVT-O. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2007, 18:1257-1261.
  • Latthe PM, Foon R, Toozs-Hobson P: Transobturator and retropubic tape procedures in stress urinary in- continence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness and complications. BJOG 2007, 114:522- 531.

Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi

Year 2012, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 125 - 128, 01.09.2012


AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı; minimal-invazif bir teknik olarak tanımlanan transobturator tape TOT operasyonunun etkinliğinin ve komplikasyonlarının değerlendirilmesidir.YÖNTEMLER: 2011-2012 yılları arasında saf stres üriner inkontinans SÜİ veya mikst üriner inkontinans MÜİ nedeniyle subüretral gergisiz vajinal TOT operasyonu yapılan 120 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Tüm operasyonlar dıştan-içe Obtryx™ Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA marka kit ile gerçekleştirildi. Hastalar postoperatif 1. ve 3. aylarda kontrollere çağrılarak ürojinekolojik muayeneleri yapıldı, operasyon başarısı ve perioperatif komplikasyonları değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Olguların tamamı multipardı ve yaş ortalaması 49,6±11,3 idi. Hastaların 47 %39,2 tanesi postmenopozal, 73 %60,8 tanesi ise premenopozal idi. TOT operasyonu olan olgulardan 36 %30 tanesi ek cerrahi operasyon geçirdi. Olguların objektif kür oranı %91,7 ve subjektif kür oranı %88,3 idi. Tedavi başarısızlığı %8,3 olarak bulundu. TOT operasyonuna bağlı kan transfüzyonu gereksinimi sadece 1 hastada gerekli oldu. İntraoperatif 200ml üzerinde kanama 4 hastada izlendi. Vajinal forniks perforasyonu sadece 3 vakada izlendi. Perineal ağrı 2 olguda mevcuttu. De novo urge inkontinans postoperatif 5 hastada izlendi ve antikolinerjikler ile tedavi edildi. Vajinal erozyon görülen 4 hastada mesh eksize edildi ve vajen mukozası tekrar sütüre edildi.SONUÇ: SÜİ cerrahi tedavisinde minimal-invazif, komplikasyon oranı düşük ve kür oranı yüksek bir yöntem olan TOT operasyonu diğer tekniklere üstünlük sağlamıştır. Cerrahi tecrübe arttıkça komplikasyon oranları azalmakta ve bunların yönetimi kolaylaşmaktadır.


  • Klutke C, Siegel S, Carlin B, Paszkiewicz E, Kirkemo A, Klutke J. Urinary retention after tension-free vaginal tape procedure: incidence and treatment. Urology 2001;58:697-701.
  • Biri A, Durukan E, Maral Ş, Korucuoglu U, Biri H, Tras B, Bumin M. Incidence of stress urinary incontinence among women in Turkey. Int Urogynecol J 2006; 17: 604-10.
  • Delorme E, Droupy S, de Tayrac R, Delmas V. Transob- turator Tape (Uratape®): A new minimally-invasive procedure to treat female urinary incontinence. Eur Urol 2004; 45: 203-7.
  • Giberti C, Gallo F, Cortese P, Schenone M. Transobtu- rator tape for treatment of female stress urinary in- continence: objective and subjective results after a mean follow-up of two years. Urology 2007, 69:703- 707.
  • Deval B, Ferchaux J, Berry R, Gambino S, Ciofu C, Rafii A, Haab F. Objective and subjective cure rates after trans-obturator tape (OBTAPE) treatment of female urinary incontinence. Eur Urol 2006, 49:373-377.
  • Kuuva N, Nilsson CG. A nationwide analysis of compli- cations associated with the tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002, 81:72-77.
  • Deng DY, Rutman M, Raz S, Rodriguez LV. Presenta- tion and management of major complications of midurethral slings: Are complications under- reported? Neurourol Urodyn 2007,26:46-52.
  • Yamada BS, Govier FE, Stefanovic KB, Kobashi KC. High rate of vaginal erosions associated with the mentor ObTape. J Urol 2006, 176:651-654.
  • Abdel-Fattah M, Sivanesan K, Ramsay I, Pringle S, Bjornsson S. How common are tape erosions? A com- parison of two versions of the transobturator tension- free vaginal tape procedure. BJU Int 2006, 98:594- 598.
  • Delorme E. Transobturator urethral suspension: mini- invasive procedure in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Prog Urol 2001, 11:1306- 1313.
  • Costa P, Grise P, Droupy S, Monneins F, Assenmacher C, Ballanger P, Hermieu JF, Delmas V, Boccon-Gibod L, Ortuno C. Surgical treatment of female stress urinary incontinence with a transobturator tape (TOT) Uratape: short term results of a prospective multicen- tric study. Eur Urol 2004; 46: 102-7.
  • Sivaslioglu AA, Demir B, Dolen İ, Gelisen O, Haberal A. Residents performance in transobturator tape proce- dures for stress urinary incontinence. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2007; 134: 259-61.
  • Göynümer FG, Yücel N, Uslu GZ, Açış R, Türkgeldi E, Durukan B. The initial experience of a training hospi- tal on TOT. J Turkish German Gynecol Assoc 2009;10:80-3.
  • Arrabal-Polo MÁ, Palao-Yago F, Zuluaga-Gómez A, López-León VM, Merino-Salas S, Lahoz-García C, Ar- rabal-Martín M. Complications from the placement of a tension-free suburethral sling using the transobtu- rator and retropubic methods for treatment of female urinary incontinence. Urol Int. 2012;89:97-102.
  • Kaelin-Gambirasio I, Jacob S, Boulvain M, Dubuisson JB, Dällenbach P. Complications associated with transobturator sling procedures: Analysis of 233 con- secutive cases with a 27-month follow-up. BMC Womens Health 2009; 9: 28–34.
  • Abdel-Fattah M, Ramsay I, Pringle S, Bjornsson S, Hardwick C, Tierney J, Ali H, Young D. Transobturator suburethral tape in the management of urinary incon- tinence: success, safety and impact on sexual life. Gy- necol Surg 2007, 4:267-273.
  • Coyne KS, Sexton CC, Irwin DE, Kopp ZS, Kelleher CJ, Milsom I. The impact of overactive bladder, inconti- nence and other lower urinary tract symptoms on quality of life, work productivity, sexuality and emo- tional well-being in men and women: Results from the EPIC study. BJU Int 2008, 101:1388-1395.
  • Juma S, Brito CG: Transobturator tape (TOT): Two years follow-up. Neurourol Urodyn 2007, 26:37-41.
  • Holmgren C, Nilsson S, Lanner L, Hellberg D. Long- term results with tension-free vaginal tape on mixed and stress urinary incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 2005; 106: 38-43.
  • Krauth JS, Rasoamiaramanana H, Barletta H, Barrier PY, Grisard-Anaf M, Lienhart J, Mermet J, Vautherin R, Frobert JL. Sub-urethral tape treatment of female uri- nary incontinence; morbidity assessment of the trans- obturator route and a new tape (I-STOP): A multi- centre experiment involving 604 cases. Eur Urol 2005,47:102-106.
  • Meschia M, Bertozzi R, Pifarotti P, et al. Peri- operative morbidity and early results of a randomised trial comparing TVT and TVT-O. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2007, 18:1257-1261.
  • Latthe PM, Foon R, Toozs-Hobson P: Transobturator and retropubic tape procedures in stress urinary in- continence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness and complications. BJOG 2007, 114:522- 531.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Selim Afşar This is me

Uğur Üyetürk This is me

Adnan Dilli This is me

Eren Haytoğlu This is me

Ayşe Yiğit This is me

Eray Kemahlı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Afşar, S., Üyetürk, U., Dilli, A., Haytoğlu, E., et al. (2012). Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi. Abant Medical Journal, 1(3), 125-128.
AMA Afşar S, Üyetürk U, Dilli A, Haytoğlu E, Yiğit A, Kemahlı E. Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi. Abant Med J. September 2012;1(3):125-128. doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2012.46229
Chicago Afşar, Selim, Uğur Üyetürk, Adnan Dilli, Eren Haytoğlu, Ayşe Yiğit, and Eray Kemahlı. “Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği Ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi”. Abant Medical Journal 1, no. 3 (September 2012): 125-28.
EndNote Afşar S, Üyetürk U, Dilli A, Haytoğlu E, Yiğit A, Kemahlı E (September 1, 2012) Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi. Abant Medical Journal 1 3 125–128.
IEEE S. Afşar, U. Üyetürk, A. Dilli, E. Haytoğlu, A. Yiğit, and E. Kemahlı, “Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi”, Abant Med J, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 125–128, 2012, doi: 10.5505/abantmedj.2012.46229.
ISNAD Afşar, Selim et al. “Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği Ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi”. Abant Medical Journal 1/3 (September 2012), 125-128.
JAMA Afşar S, Üyetürk U, Dilli A, Haytoğlu E, Yiğit A, Kemahlı E. Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi. Abant Med J. 2012;1:125–128.
MLA Afşar, Selim et al. “Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği Ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi”. Abant Medical Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, 2012, pp. 125-8, doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2012.46229.
Vancouver Afşar S, Üyetürk U, Dilli A, Haytoğlu E, Yiğit A, Kemahlı E. Transobturator Tape Operasyonunun Etkinliği ve Komplikasyonları: 120 Vakanın Analizi. Abant Med J. 2012;1(3):125-8.