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Olympos in Lycia: A Novel Assessment of its History and Localization in Light of Recent Archaeological and Epigraphical Research

Year 2020, , 253 - 275, 15.11.2020


Olympos is located on the eastern coast of Lycia, one of the ancient regions of Western Anatolia. It was one of the principal cities in the Lycian League, along with five others, and entitled to three votes. Archaeological excavations and surveys that started in 1998 and continued until today have unearthed much scientific data that illuminate the unknowns of the city and increase our knowledge of the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods of Olympos. Particular examples of archaeological
and epigraphic data, which will most contribute to the debate regarding the localization of Olympos in Lycia, will be discussed in this article.


Prof. Dr. Bedia Yelda Uçkan, a faculty member at Anadolu University, is the head of the Olympos excavations and surveys. A large team is involved in the ongoing studies. The outcome presented in this article is based on the results of the dedicated efforts of the whole team. Therefore, the proposal presented herein should be regarded as the work of all members of the Olympos team. We express our appreciation to our excavation director and fellow team members.


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  • Arslan, M. 2018. “Phaselis ve Teritoryumunun Yol ve Savunma Sistemleri: Tekirova-Çamyuva Arası.” Phaselis. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies 4:15-46.
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Year 2020, , 253 - 275, 15.11.2020



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  • Adak, M. 2004. “Lokalisierung von Olympos und Korykos in Ostlykien.” Gephyra. Journal for the Ancient History and Cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean 1:27-51.
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  • Arslan, M., and N. Tüner-Önen. 2011. “Akdeniz’in Korsan Yuvaları: Kilikia, Pamphylia, Lykia ve Ionia Bölgelerindeki Korykoslar.” Adalya 14:189-206.
  • Arslan, M. 2018. “Phaselis ve Teritoryumunun Yol ve Savunma Sistemleri: Tekirova-Çamyuva Arası.” Phaselis. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies 4:15-46.
  • Atila, İ.A., and A.V. Çelgin. 1991. “Likya’da, Olympos’ta Bulunan Bir Mezar Anıtı.” Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi Fen/Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 1:75-105.
  • Atilla, D. 2019. “Phaselis Kenti Ekonomisi’nin ‘Ager Publicus’ Süreci Kapsamında Değerlendirilmesi.” Phaselis. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mediterranean Studies 5:1-30.
  • Atvur, O. 1999. “Olympos Antik Kenti (1991-1992 Çalışmaları).” Arkeoloji ve Sanat Dergisi 88:13-31.
  • Baker, P., and G. Thériault. 2005. “Les Lyciens, Xanthos et Rome dans la première moitié du 1er s. a.C.: nouvelles inscriptions.” RÉG 118:329-66. Bayburtluoğlu, C. 1982. Arkeoloji. Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı.
  • Bayburtluoğlu, C. 2004. Lykia. Istanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
  • Bean, G.E. 1997. Eski Çağda Güney Kıyıları. Translated by İ. Delemen and S. Çokay. Arkeoloji Dizisi 2. Istanbul: Arion Yayınevi.
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  • Çevik, N. 2015. Lykia Kitabı. AKMED Monografi Dizisi 10. Istanbul: AKMED.
  • DeLaine, J. 1999a. “Bathing and Society.” In Roman Baths and Bathing: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Roman Baths held at Bath, England, 30 March-4 April 1992. 2 vols., edited by J. DeLaine and D.E. Johnston, 8-16. JRA Suppl. 37. Portsmouth RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
  • DeLaine, J. 1999b. “Baths - The Urban Phenomenon.” In Roman Baths and Bathing: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Roman Baths held at Bath, England, 30 March-4 April 1992. 2 vols., edited by J. DeLaine and D.E. Johnston, 157-63. JRA Suppl. 37. Portsmouth RI: Journal of Roman Archaeology.
  • Diler, A. 1991. “Lykia Olympos Dağında Bir Ön Araştırma.” TürkArkDerg 29:161-75.
  • Diler, A. 1988. “Olympos ve Hephaistion’da Kült Kalıntıları Üzerine Bir Ön Araştırma.” Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 6:107-20.
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  • Farrington, A. 1995. The Roman Baths of Lycia: An Architectural Study. BAR-IS 20: London: British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.
  • İplikçioğlu, B. 2006. “Zwei Statthalter vespasianischer Zeit und die “Große” Therme in Inschriften von Olympos (Lykien).” AnzWien 141.2:75-81.
  • İplikçioğlu, B. 2008. “Doğu Lykia’da Epigrafya Araştırmaları 2006.” Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 25.1:355-64.
  • İplikçioğlu, B. 2010. “Epigraphic-Historical Geography Surveys in East Lycia - West Pamphylia in 2009.” Anmed 8:157-58.
  • Işık, F., H. İşkan, and N. Çevik. 2001. Miliarium Lyciae: Patara Yol Kılavuz Anıtı/Das Wegweisermonument von Patara. Önrapor/Vorbericht. Lykia Anadolu-Akdeniz Arkeolojisi 4. Antalya: Akdeniz Üniversitesi.
  • İşler, H.P. 2007. “Antike Theaterbauten in Lykien.” In III. Uluslararası Likya Sempozyumu 07-10 Kasım 2005 Antalya: Sempozyum Bildirileri. 2 vols., edited by K. Dörtlük, B. Varkıvanç, T. Kahya, J. des Courtils, M.D. Alparslan, and R. Boyraz, 301-16. Istanbul: AKMED.
  • Jones, C.P. 2014. “The Greek Letters Ascribed to Brutus.” HSCP 108:195-244.
  • Keyser, P.T. 1997. “Sallust’s Historiae: Dioskorides and the Sites of the Korykos captured by P. Servilius Vatia.” Historia 46.1:64-79.
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There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Sami Öztürk This is me 0000-0002-4366-1277

Öğül Emre Öncü This is me 0000-0001-9918-3270

Publication Date November 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Chicago Öztürk, Hüseyin Sami, and Öğül Emre Öncü. “Olympos in Lycia: A Novel Assessment of Its History and Localization in Light of Recent Archaeological and Epigraphical Research”. Adalya, no. 23 (November 2020): 253-75.

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