ISSN: 1301-2746
Founded: 1996
Publisher: Koç Üniversitesi
Cover Image

Adalya, a peer reviewed publication, is indexed in the A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) – CC / A&H (Current Contents / Arts & Humanities), Social Sciences and Humanities Database of TÜBİTAK / ULAKBİM Tr index, ERIH PLUS, Scopus, and Index Copernicus. 

2023 - Issue: 26

Research Article

3. New Tablet Fragments on Dreams from the Boğazkale Archive

Research Article

4. Xanthos West Agora III: Dynastic Nele

Submition Date for ADALYA

The manuscript submission process for Adalya is completed at the end of May each year. 

Please submit your articles to the email address Submissions via post or courier will not be accepted. All submissions must be received by the end of May.