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An Homeric Dream Oracle from Termessos

Year 2014, Issue: 17, 153 - 180, 01.06.2014


The inscription constituting the scope of the present article was discovered among the remains north-west of Temple N3 during the research project entitled “Epigraphic-Historical Topography Surveys in the Ancient City of Termessos and its Territory” led jointly by A. V. Çelgin Istanbul University , B. İplikçioğlu Marmara University and G. Çelgin Istanbul University between 1989-1998


  • Ael. VH Aelian, Varia Historia. N. G. Wilson (ed. and trans.), Historical Miscellany (Varia Historia) (1997).
  • App.Anth. E. Cougny (ed.), Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina cum Planudeis et Appendice Nova, 3: Epigrammatum Veterum ex Libris et Marmoribus, Caput I-VI (1890).
  • Aristid. Or. Aristides, Orationes C. A. Behr (trans.), The Complete Works, 2: Orations XVII-LIII (1981).
  • Ar. Av. Aristophanes, Aves J. Henderson (ed. and trans.), Birds. Lysistrata. Women at the Thesmophoria (2000).
  • Artem. Artemidorus D. E. Harris-McCoy (ed. and trans.), Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica: Text, Translation, and Commentary (2012).
  • Betz 1986 H. D. Betz (ed.), The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells (1986).
  • Büyükkolancı 1996 M. Büyükkolancı, Pisidia Bölgesi Tapınak Mimarisi, (Istanbul University, Unpublished PhD Thesis 1996).
  • Cic. Arch. Cicero, Pro Archia N. H. Watts (trans.), Pro Archia Poeta, in the Speeches (1923).
  • Cic. Div. Cicero, De Divinatione D. Wardle (trans.), Cicero on Divination. De Divinatione, 1 (2006).
  • Collins 2008 D. Collins, “The Magic of Homeric Verses, CPh 103.3 (2008) 211‑236.
  • CPG 1 E. L. von Leutsch – F. G. Schneidewin (eds.), Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum, 1: Zenobius. Diogenianus. Plutarchus. Gregorius Cyprius. Appendix Proverbiorum (1839).
  • CPG 2 E. L. von Leutsch (ed.), Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum, 2: Diogenianus.
  • Gregorius Cyprius. Macarius. Aesopus. Apostolius et Arsenius. Mantissa Proverbiorum (1851).
  • CPh Classical Philology D.C. Dio Cassius E. Cary (trans.), Dio’s Roman History, 9: 71-80 (1927, repr. 1955).
  • D. Chr. Dio Chrysostomus H. L. Crosby (trans.), Dio Chrysostom, 4: 37-60 (1946).
  • Desmond 2008 W. Desmond, Cynics (2008).
  • D.L. Diogenes Laertius R. D. Hicks (trans.), Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 1 (1925).
  • Dodds 1951 E. R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational (1951).
  • Dodson 2002 D. S. Dodson, “Dreams, the Ancient Novels, and the Gospel of Matthew: An Intertextual Study”, PRSt 29.1, 2002, 39-52.
  • Dodson 2006 D. S. Dodson, Reading Dreams: An Audience-Critical Approach to the Dreams in the Gospel of Matthew (Baylor University PhD Thesis 2006) (ProQuest no: 3238484).
  • Erasmus 1982 M. M. Phillips (ed. and trans.), Collected Works of Erasmus, 31: Adages (I i 1 to I v 100) (1982).
  • Eust. Eustathius Episcopus Thessalonicensis M. van der Valk (ed.), Eustathii archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem pertinentes, 3 (1979).
  • Farnoux 2002 A. Farnoux, “Homere a Delos”, Ktema 27, 2002, 97-104.
  • Fontenrose 1978 J. E. Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle: Its Responses and Operations, with a Catalogue of Responses (1978).
  • Fontenrose 1988 J. E. Fontenrose, Didyma: Apollo’s Oracle, Cult, and Companions (1988).
  • GLP D. L. Page (ed. and trans.), Greek Literary Papyri, 1 (1942).
  • Goldhill 2001 S. Goldhill, “Introduction. Setting an agenda: ‘Everything is Greece to the wise’”, in: S. Goldhill (ed.), Being Greek under Rome: Cultural Identity, The Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire (2001) 1-25.
  • Graf 2005 F. Graf, “Rolling the Dice for an Answer”, in: S. I. Johnston – P. T. Struck (eds.), Mantikê: Studies in Ancient Divination (2005) 51-97.
  • Hanson 1980 J. S. Hanson, “Dreams and Visions in the Graeco-Roman World and Early Christianity”, ANRW II.23.2 (1980) 1395-1427.
  • Harrisson 2013 J. G. Harrisson, Dreams and Dreaming in the Roman Empire: Cultural Memory and Imagination (2013).
  • Heberdey 1934 R. Heberdey, “Termessos,” RE V.A,1 (1934) 732-778.
  • Hes. Th. Hesiod, Theogony G. W. Most (ed. and trans.), Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (2006).
  • Hom. Il. Homer, Iliad A. T. Murray (trans.), The Iliad, I-II (1924-1925).
  • Hom. Od. Homer, Odyssey A. T. Murray (trans.), The Odyssey, I (1924, repr. 1945); II (1995).
  • I. Délos 2 J. Coupry (ed.), Inscriptions de Délos, 2: Comptes des hiéropes. Lois ou règlements, contrats d’enterprises et devis (1929).
  • I. Délos 4 P. Roussel – M. Launey (eds.), Inscriptions de Délos, 4: Décrets postérieurs à 166 av. J.-C.. Dédicaces postérieures à 166 av. J.-C. (1937).
  • I. Didyma R. Harder (ed.), Didyma, 2: Die Inschriften von Albert Rehm (1958).
  • IGBulg 2 G. Mihailov (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, 2: Inscriptiones inter Danubium et Haemum repertae (1958).
  • IGBulg 3,1 G. Mihailov (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, 3,1: Inscriptiones inter Haemum et Rhodopem repertae: a territorio Philippopolis (1961).
  • IGSK 12 C. Börker - R. Merkelbach (eds.), Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien, 12: Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Teil 2 (1979).
  • İplikçioğlu et al. 1991 B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium, 1 (1991).
  • İplikçioğlu et al. 2007 B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium, 4 (2007).
  • Karanika 2011 A. Karanika, “Homer the Prophet: Homeric Verses and Divination in the Homeromanteion”, in: A. P. M. H. Lardinois – J. H. Blok – M. G. M. van der Poel (eds.), Sacred Words: Orality, Literacy and Religion. Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World, vol. 8 (2011) 255-278.
  • Kessels 1978 A. H. M. Kessels, Studies on the Dream in Greek Literature (1978).
  • Kim 2010 L. Kim, Homer Between History and Fiction in Imperial Greek Literature (2010).
  • Lanckoroński 1892 K. Lanckoroński, Städte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens, 2: Pisidien (1892).
  • Leuci 1993 V. A. Leuci, Dream-technical terms in the Greco-Roman world, (University of Missouri PhD Thesis 1993) (ProQuest no: 9423982).
  • LSJ H. G. Liddell – R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, revised by H. S. Jones (19409, repr. 1992, with a Supplement, E. A. Barber (ed.), 1968).
  • Levine 2008 R. J. Levine, Dreaming the Divine: Ritual and Architecture at Ancient Greek Healing Sanctuaries of Asklepios, (University of Toronto PhD Theis 2008) (ProQuest no: NR39834).
  • Luc. Nigr. Lucian, Nigrinus.
  • M. Harmon (trans.), Lucian, 1 (1961).
  • Macridy 1905 Th. Macridy, “Altertümer von Notion”, JÖAI 8, 1905, 155-173.
  • Maltomini 1995 F. Maltomini, “P.Lond. 121 (= PGM VII), 1-221: Homeromanteion”, ZPE 106, 1995, 107-122.
  • MAMA 1 W. M. Calder (ed.), Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, 1: Eastern Phrygia (1928).
  • Martzavou 2012 P. Martzavou, “Dream, Narrative, and the Construction of Hope in the ‘Healing Miracles’ of Epidauros”, in: A. Chaniotis (ed.), Unveiling Emotions: Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World (2012) 177-204.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor, vol. 2: The Rise of the Church (1993).
  • Morris 1983 J. F. Morris, “‘Dream Scenes’ in Homer, a Study in Variation”, TAPhA 113, 1983, 39-54.
  • van Nijf 2010 O. van Nijf, “Being Termessian: local knowledge and identity politics in a Pisidian city,” in: T. Whitmarsh (ed.), Local Knowledge and Microidentities in the Imperial Greek World (2010) 163-188.
  • Peek 1976 W. Peek, “Epigramm aus Chios”, ZPE 23, 1976, 87-90.
  • Petridou 2009 G. Petridou, “Artemidi to ichnos: Divine feet and hereditary priesthood in Pisidian Pogla,” AnatSt 59, 2009, 81-93.
  • Preisendanz et al. 1931 K. Preisendanz – E. Diehl – S. Eitrem – A. Jacoby (eds.), Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die griechischen Zauberpapyri, 2 (1931).
  • Philostr., VS Philostratus, Vitae Sophistarum W. C. Wright (trans.), Lives of the Sophists (1921, repr. 1998).
  • Pl. Cri. Plato, Crito H. N. Fowler (trans.), Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Phaedrus (1914, repr. 2005).
  • Pl. Lg. Plato, Leges R. G. Bury (trans.), Laws, 1 (1926, repr. 1961).
  • Pl. R. Plato, Respublica É. Chambry (ed. and trans.), Oeuvres Complètes, 7,2: La République 8-10 (1934, repr. 1967).
  • Plu. Alex. Plutarchus, Alexander B. Perrin (trans.), Plutarch’s Lives, 7 (1967).
  • Plu. De Pyth. Plutarchus, De Pythiae oraculis F. C. Babbitt (trans.), Moralia, 5 (1936, repr. 1999).
  • Pounder 1975 R. L. Pounder, The Origin and Meaning of ΘΕΟΙ in Greek Inscription Headings, (Brown University PhD Thesis 1975) (ProQuest no: 7615697).
  • Pounder 1984 R. L. Pounder, “The Origin of θεοί as Inscription-Heading”, in: K. J. Rigsby (ed.), Studies Presented to Sterling Dow on His Eightieth Birthday, GRBS Monograph 10 (1984) 243‑250.
  • PRSt Perspectives in Religious Studies Renberg 2003 G. H. Renberg, “Commanded by the Gods”: An Epigraphical Study of Dreams and Visions in Greek and Roman Religious Life (Duke University PhD Thesis 2003) (ProQuest no: 3096541).
  • Robert 1950 J. Robert – L. Robert, “Bulletin épiqraphique”, REG 63, 1950, 121‑220.
  • Robert 1968 L. Robert, “Trois oracles de la Théosophie et un prophète d’Apollon”, CRAI 112.4, 1968, 568-599.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum SGO 4 R. Merkelbach – J. Stauber (eds.), Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten, 4: Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina (2002).
  • Spratt – Forbes 1847 T. A. B. Spratt – E. Forbes, Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis, 1, in company with the late Rev. E. T. Daniell (1847).
  • Str. Strabo H. L. Jones (trans.), The Geography of Strabo, VI: 13-14 (1929, repr. 1960).
  • van Straten 1976 F. T. van Straten, “Daikrates’ Dream. A Votive Relief from Kos, and some other kat’onar Dedications”, BABesch 51, 1976, 1-38.
  • Suid. Suidas Lexicographus Adler (ed.), Suidae Lexicon, Pars II: Δ-Θ (1931, repr. 1967).
  • Swan 1997 P. M. Swan, “How Cassius Dio Composed his Augustan Books: Four Studies”, ANRW II.34.3, 1997, 2524-2557.
  • TAM 3.1 R. Heberdey (ed.), Tituli Asiae Minoris, 3: Tituli Pisidiae, 1: Tituli Termessi et Agri Termessensis (1941).
  • TAPhA Transactions of the American Philological Association Versnel 1987 H. S. Versnel, “What did Ancient Man see when He saw a God? Some Reflections on Greco-Roman Epiphany”, in: D. van der Plas (ed.), Effigies Dei. Essays on the History of Religions (1987) 42-55.
  • X. Mem. Xenophon, Memorabilia E. C. Marchant – O. J. Todd (eds.), Xenophon. Memorabilia, Oeconomicus, Symposium, Apology (1923, repr. 1997).
  • Zeitlin 2001 F. I. Zeitlin, “Visions and revisions of Homer”, in: S. Goldhill (ed.), Being Greek under Rome: Cultural Identity, The Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire (2001) 195-266.

Termessos’tan Bir Homeros Rüya Kehaneti

Year 2014, Issue: 17, 153 - 180, 01.06.2014


Bu makalede Termessos kent alanında bulunmuş yeni bir rüya yazıtı tanıtılmaktadır. Yazıt, içinde onar, oneiros, enhypnion gibi anlamı açık bir rüya kelimesi geçen Termessos’un ilk yazıtıdır; ancak, farklı formuyla diğer rüya yazıtlarından ayrılmaktadır. Kireçtaşından bir blok üzerinde bulunan yazıtın ilk satırında, “rüya” anlamına gelen onar kelimesi tek başına, bir başlık olarak bulunmakta; altındaki dört satırda ise Homeros’tan iki dize Il. 11.163-164 aktarılmaktadır.


  • Ael. VH Aelian, Varia Historia. N. G. Wilson (ed. and trans.), Historical Miscellany (Varia Historia) (1997).
  • App.Anth. E. Cougny (ed.), Epigrammatum Anthologia Palatina cum Planudeis et Appendice Nova, 3: Epigrammatum Veterum ex Libris et Marmoribus, Caput I-VI (1890).
  • Aristid. Or. Aristides, Orationes C. A. Behr (trans.), The Complete Works, 2: Orations XVII-LIII (1981).
  • Ar. Av. Aristophanes, Aves J. Henderson (ed. and trans.), Birds. Lysistrata. Women at the Thesmophoria (2000).
  • Artem. Artemidorus D. E. Harris-McCoy (ed. and trans.), Artemidorus’ Oneirocritica: Text, Translation, and Commentary (2012).
  • Betz 1986 H. D. Betz (ed.), The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Including the Demotic Spells (1986).
  • Büyükkolancı 1996 M. Büyükkolancı, Pisidia Bölgesi Tapınak Mimarisi, (Istanbul University, Unpublished PhD Thesis 1996).
  • Cic. Arch. Cicero, Pro Archia N. H. Watts (trans.), Pro Archia Poeta, in the Speeches (1923).
  • Cic. Div. Cicero, De Divinatione D. Wardle (trans.), Cicero on Divination. De Divinatione, 1 (2006).
  • Collins 2008 D. Collins, “The Magic of Homeric Verses, CPh 103.3 (2008) 211‑236.
  • CPG 1 E. L. von Leutsch – F. G. Schneidewin (eds.), Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum, 1: Zenobius. Diogenianus. Plutarchus. Gregorius Cyprius. Appendix Proverbiorum (1839).
  • CPG 2 E. L. von Leutsch (ed.), Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum, 2: Diogenianus.
  • Gregorius Cyprius. Macarius. Aesopus. Apostolius et Arsenius. Mantissa Proverbiorum (1851).
  • CPh Classical Philology D.C. Dio Cassius E. Cary (trans.), Dio’s Roman History, 9: 71-80 (1927, repr. 1955).
  • D. Chr. Dio Chrysostomus H. L. Crosby (trans.), Dio Chrysostom, 4: 37-60 (1946).
  • Desmond 2008 W. Desmond, Cynics (2008).
  • D.L. Diogenes Laertius R. D. Hicks (trans.), Lives of Eminent Philosophers, 1 (1925).
  • Dodds 1951 E. R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational (1951).
  • Dodson 2002 D. S. Dodson, “Dreams, the Ancient Novels, and the Gospel of Matthew: An Intertextual Study”, PRSt 29.1, 2002, 39-52.
  • Dodson 2006 D. S. Dodson, Reading Dreams: An Audience-Critical Approach to the Dreams in the Gospel of Matthew (Baylor University PhD Thesis 2006) (ProQuest no: 3238484).
  • Erasmus 1982 M. M. Phillips (ed. and trans.), Collected Works of Erasmus, 31: Adages (I i 1 to I v 100) (1982).
  • Eust. Eustathius Episcopus Thessalonicensis M. van der Valk (ed.), Eustathii archiepiscopi Thessalonicensis commentarii ad Homeri Iliadem pertinentes, 3 (1979).
  • Farnoux 2002 A. Farnoux, “Homere a Delos”, Ktema 27, 2002, 97-104.
  • Fontenrose 1978 J. E. Fontenrose, The Delphic Oracle: Its Responses and Operations, with a Catalogue of Responses (1978).
  • Fontenrose 1988 J. E. Fontenrose, Didyma: Apollo’s Oracle, Cult, and Companions (1988).
  • GLP D. L. Page (ed. and trans.), Greek Literary Papyri, 1 (1942).
  • Goldhill 2001 S. Goldhill, “Introduction. Setting an agenda: ‘Everything is Greece to the wise’”, in: S. Goldhill (ed.), Being Greek under Rome: Cultural Identity, The Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire (2001) 1-25.
  • Graf 2005 F. Graf, “Rolling the Dice for an Answer”, in: S. I. Johnston – P. T. Struck (eds.), Mantikê: Studies in Ancient Divination (2005) 51-97.
  • Hanson 1980 J. S. Hanson, “Dreams and Visions in the Graeco-Roman World and Early Christianity”, ANRW II.23.2 (1980) 1395-1427.
  • Harrisson 2013 J. G. Harrisson, Dreams and Dreaming in the Roman Empire: Cultural Memory and Imagination (2013).
  • Heberdey 1934 R. Heberdey, “Termessos,” RE V.A,1 (1934) 732-778.
  • Hes. Th. Hesiod, Theogony G. W. Most (ed. and trans.), Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia (2006).
  • Hom. Il. Homer, Iliad A. T. Murray (trans.), The Iliad, I-II (1924-1925).
  • Hom. Od. Homer, Odyssey A. T. Murray (trans.), The Odyssey, I (1924, repr. 1945); II (1995).
  • I. Délos 2 J. Coupry (ed.), Inscriptions de Délos, 2: Comptes des hiéropes. Lois ou règlements, contrats d’enterprises et devis (1929).
  • I. Délos 4 P. Roussel – M. Launey (eds.), Inscriptions de Délos, 4: Décrets postérieurs à 166 av. J.-C.. Dédicaces postérieures à 166 av. J.-C. (1937).
  • I. Didyma R. Harder (ed.), Didyma, 2: Die Inschriften von Albert Rehm (1958).
  • IGBulg 2 G. Mihailov (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, 2: Inscriptiones inter Danubium et Haemum repertae (1958).
  • IGBulg 3,1 G. Mihailov (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae, 3,1: Inscriptiones inter Haemum et Rhodopem repertae: a territorio Philippopolis (1961).
  • IGSK 12 C. Börker - R. Merkelbach (eds.), Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien, 12: Die Inschriften von Ephesos, Teil 2 (1979).
  • İplikçioğlu et al. 1991 B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium, 1 (1991).
  • İplikçioğlu et al. 2007 B. İplikçioğlu – G. Çelgin – A. V. Çelgin, Epigraphische Forschungen in Termessos und seinem Territorium, 4 (2007).
  • Karanika 2011 A. Karanika, “Homer the Prophet: Homeric Verses and Divination in the Homeromanteion”, in: A. P. M. H. Lardinois – J. H. Blok – M. G. M. van der Poel (eds.), Sacred Words: Orality, Literacy and Religion. Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World, vol. 8 (2011) 255-278.
  • Kessels 1978 A. H. M. Kessels, Studies on the Dream in Greek Literature (1978).
  • Kim 2010 L. Kim, Homer Between History and Fiction in Imperial Greek Literature (2010).
  • Lanckoroński 1892 K. Lanckoroński, Städte Pamphyliens und Pisidiens, 2: Pisidien (1892).
  • Leuci 1993 V. A. Leuci, Dream-technical terms in the Greco-Roman world, (University of Missouri PhD Thesis 1993) (ProQuest no: 9423982).
  • LSJ H. G. Liddell – R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, revised by H. S. Jones (19409, repr. 1992, with a Supplement, E. A. Barber (ed.), 1968).
  • Levine 2008 R. J. Levine, Dreaming the Divine: Ritual and Architecture at Ancient Greek Healing Sanctuaries of Asklepios, (University of Toronto PhD Theis 2008) (ProQuest no: NR39834).
  • Luc. Nigr. Lucian, Nigrinus.
  • M. Harmon (trans.), Lucian, 1 (1961).
  • Macridy 1905 Th. Macridy, “Altertümer von Notion”, JÖAI 8, 1905, 155-173.
  • Maltomini 1995 F. Maltomini, “P.Lond. 121 (= PGM VII), 1-221: Homeromanteion”, ZPE 106, 1995, 107-122.
  • MAMA 1 W. M. Calder (ed.), Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, 1: Eastern Phrygia (1928).
  • Martzavou 2012 P. Martzavou, “Dream, Narrative, and the Construction of Hope in the ‘Healing Miracles’ of Epidauros”, in: A. Chaniotis (ed.), Unveiling Emotions: Sources and Methods for the Study of Emotions in the Greek World (2012) 177-204.
  • Mitchell 1993 S. Mitchell, Anatolia. Land, Men and Gods in Asia Minor, vol. 2: The Rise of the Church (1993).
  • Morris 1983 J. F. Morris, “‘Dream Scenes’ in Homer, a Study in Variation”, TAPhA 113, 1983, 39-54.
  • van Nijf 2010 O. van Nijf, “Being Termessian: local knowledge and identity politics in a Pisidian city,” in: T. Whitmarsh (ed.), Local Knowledge and Microidentities in the Imperial Greek World (2010) 163-188.
  • Peek 1976 W. Peek, “Epigramm aus Chios”, ZPE 23, 1976, 87-90.
  • Petridou 2009 G. Petridou, “Artemidi to ichnos: Divine feet and hereditary priesthood in Pisidian Pogla,” AnatSt 59, 2009, 81-93.
  • Preisendanz et al. 1931 K. Preisendanz – E. Diehl – S. Eitrem – A. Jacoby (eds.), Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die griechischen Zauberpapyri, 2 (1931).
  • Philostr., VS Philostratus, Vitae Sophistarum W. C. Wright (trans.), Lives of the Sophists (1921, repr. 1998).
  • Pl. Cri. Plato, Crito H. N. Fowler (trans.), Euthyphro. Apology. Crito. Phaedo. Phaedrus (1914, repr. 2005).
  • Pl. Lg. Plato, Leges R. G. Bury (trans.), Laws, 1 (1926, repr. 1961).
  • Pl. R. Plato, Respublica É. Chambry (ed. and trans.), Oeuvres Complètes, 7,2: La République 8-10 (1934, repr. 1967).
  • Plu. Alex. Plutarchus, Alexander B. Perrin (trans.), Plutarch’s Lives, 7 (1967).
  • Plu. De Pyth. Plutarchus, De Pythiae oraculis F. C. Babbitt (trans.), Moralia, 5 (1936, repr. 1999).
  • Pounder 1975 R. L. Pounder, The Origin and Meaning of ΘΕΟΙ in Greek Inscription Headings, (Brown University PhD Thesis 1975) (ProQuest no: 7615697).
  • Pounder 1984 R. L. Pounder, “The Origin of θεοί as Inscription-Heading”, in: K. J. Rigsby (ed.), Studies Presented to Sterling Dow on His Eightieth Birthday, GRBS Monograph 10 (1984) 243‑250.
  • PRSt Perspectives in Religious Studies Renberg 2003 G. H. Renberg, “Commanded by the Gods”: An Epigraphical Study of Dreams and Visions in Greek and Roman Religious Life (Duke University PhD Thesis 2003) (ProQuest no: 3096541).
  • Robert 1950 J. Robert – L. Robert, “Bulletin épiqraphique”, REG 63, 1950, 121‑220.
  • Robert 1968 L. Robert, “Trois oracles de la Théosophie et un prophète d’Apollon”, CRAI 112.4, 1968, 568-599.
  • SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum SGO 4 R. Merkelbach – J. Stauber (eds.), Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten, 4: Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina (2002).
  • Spratt – Forbes 1847 T. A. B. Spratt – E. Forbes, Travels in Lycia, Milyas, and the Cibyratis, 1, in company with the late Rev. E. T. Daniell (1847).
  • Str. Strabo H. L. Jones (trans.), The Geography of Strabo, VI: 13-14 (1929, repr. 1960).
  • van Straten 1976 F. T. van Straten, “Daikrates’ Dream. A Votive Relief from Kos, and some other kat’onar Dedications”, BABesch 51, 1976, 1-38.
  • Suid. Suidas Lexicographus Adler (ed.), Suidae Lexicon, Pars II: Δ-Θ (1931, repr. 1967).
  • Swan 1997 P. M. Swan, “How Cassius Dio Composed his Augustan Books: Four Studies”, ANRW II.34.3, 1997, 2524-2557.
  • TAM 3.1 R. Heberdey (ed.), Tituli Asiae Minoris, 3: Tituli Pisidiae, 1: Tituli Termessi et Agri Termessensis (1941).
  • TAPhA Transactions of the American Philological Association Versnel 1987 H. S. Versnel, “What did Ancient Man see when He saw a God? Some Reflections on Greco-Roman Epiphany”, in: D. van der Plas (ed.), Effigies Dei. Essays on the History of Religions (1987) 42-55.
  • X. Mem. Xenophon, Memorabilia E. C. Marchant – O. J. Todd (eds.), Xenophon. Memorabilia, Oeconomicus, Symposium, Apology (1923, repr. 1997).
  • Zeitlin 2001 F. I. Zeitlin, “Visions and revisions of Homer”, in: S. Goldhill (ed.), Being Greek under Rome: Cultural Identity, The Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire (2001) 195-266.
There are 82 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Filiz Cluzeau

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 17


Chicago Cluzeau, Filiz. “An Homeric Dream Oracle from Termessos”. Adalya, no. 17 (June 2014): 153-80.

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