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Cultic Symbolism at the City Gates: Two Metal Foundation Pegs from Tell Atchana, Alalakh Turkey

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 19, 27 - 50, 01.06.2016


Foundation pegs – also known as dedication nails, foundation nails or cones – were objects of sacred function pinned on the walls of religious or administrative buildings. These objects were also hidden through burial in the foundations of structures to mark them as divine properties of deities or of a deified king/ruler of the society


  • Akdoğan – Ersoy 2014 R. Akdoğan – A. Ersoy, “Kahramanmaraş Müzesinde Bulunan Yapı-Adak Çivilerinin Işığında Mama Şehrinin Lokalizasyonu”, in: P. Taracha – M. Kapelus (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology (2014) 20- 31.
  • Albright 1957 W. F. Albright, “Further Observations on the Chronology of Alalah”, BASOR 146, 1957, 26-34.
  • André-Salvini 2003 B. André-Salvini, “Foundation Pegs”, in: J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (2003) 222-223.
  • Aruz – Wallenfels 2003 J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (2003).
  • Aydıngün 2008 Ş. Aydıngün, “Bir Yapı-Adak Çivisi ile İki Farklı Hayvanla Betimlenmiş Hitit Tanrı Heykelcikleri”, in: T. Tarhan – A. Tibet – E. Konyar (eds.), Muhibbe Darga Armağanı (2008) 115-28.
  • Beckman 2006 G. Beckman, “Annals of I”, in: M. W. Chavalas (ed.), The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation (2006) 219-222.
  • BM Natural History 1937 British Museum and British Museum Natural History, Annual Report of the General Progress of the Museums for the Year 1936 (1937).
  • Braidwood 1937 R. J. Braidwood, Mounds in the Plain of Antioch (1937).
  • Braun-Holzinger 1999 E. A. Braun-Holzinger, “Apotropaic Figures at Mesopotamian Temples in the Third and Second Millennia”, in: I. T. Abusch – K. van der Toorn (eds.), Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Historical and Interpretative Perspectives (1999) 149-172.
  • Boysan-Dietrich 1987 N. Boysan-Dietrich, Das hethitische Lehmhaus aus der Sicht der Keilschriften (1987).
  • Bryce 2005 T. Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites (2005).
  • Collon 1982 D. Collon, The Alalakh Cylinder Seals: A New Catalogue of the Actual Seals Excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley at Tell Atchana, and from Neighbouring Sites on the Syrian-Turkish Border (1982).
  • Darga 1985 M. Darga, Hitit Mimarlığı/1 Yapı Sanatı Arkeolojik ve Filolojik Veriler (1985). De Lapérouse 2003 J-F. de Lapérouse, “Foundation Pegs”, in: J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (2003).
  • De Martino 1991 S. de Martino, “Alcune osservazioni su KBo III 27”, AoF 18, 1991, 54-66. Duru 2013 R. Duru, Tilmen Höyük Kazıları I (2013).
  • Ellis 1968 R. S. Ellis, Foundation Deposits in Ancient Mesopotamia (1968).
  • Emre 2002 K. Emre, “Felsreliefs, Stelen, Orthostaten Grossplastik als monumentale Form staatlicher und religiöser Repräsentation”, in: Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Das Volk der 1000 Götter, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalte der Bundesrepublik Deutshland (2002) 218-233.
  • Engin 2011 A. Engin, “Oylum Höyük Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bir Grup Orta Tunç Çağı Yapı Adak Eşyası”, Belleten 75 (272), 2011, 19-57.
  • Engin 2014 A. Engin, “Oylum Höyük için Bir Lokalizasyon Önerisi”, in: A. Engin – B. Helwing – B. Uysal (eds.), Armizzi Engin Özgen’e Armağan (2014) 129- 49.
  • Özgüç 1994 T. Özgüç, “A Votive Foundation-nail in the Temple of Maşathöyük”, in: M. Dietrich – O. Loretz (eds.), Beschrieben und Deuten in der Archaeologie des alten Orients: Festschrift für Ruth Mayer-Opificius, Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients 4 (1994) 227-234
  • Özgüç 2002 T. Özgüç, “Opfer und Libation”, in: Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Das Volk der 1000 Götter, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2002) 122-33.
  • Özgüç 2005 T. Özgüç, Kültepe: (2005).
  • Rashid 1983 S. A. Rashid, Gründungsfiguren im Iraq (1983).
  • Roaf 1995 M. Roaf, “Palaces and Temples in Ancient Mesopotamia”, in: J. M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1 (1995) 423-441.
  • Ristvet 2007 L. Ristvet, “The Third Millennium City Wall at Tell Leilan, Syria: Identity, Authority, and Urbanism”, in: J. Bretschneider – J. Driessen – K. van Lerberghe (eds.), Power and Architecture Monumental Public Architecture in the Bronze Age Near East and Aegean, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta (2007) 183-211.
  • Seeher 2002 J. Seeher, “Ein Einblick in das Reichspantheon Das Felsheiligtum von Yazılıkaya”, in: Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Das Volk der 1000 Götter, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalte der Bundesrepublik Deutshland (2002) 112-117.
  • Serangeli 1978 F. Serangeli, “Le Liste di Censo di Alalah IV”, Vicino Oriente 1 (1978) 99-131. Smith 1949 S. Smith, The Statue of Idri-mi (1949).
  • Stein 1997 D. L. Stein, “Alalakh”, in: E. Meyers (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 1 (1997) 55-59.
  • Süel 1990 A. Süel, “Belgelere Göre Hitit Tapınakları Nasıl Korunuyordu?”, TürkTKB 10.2 (1990) 515-522.
  • Veenhof 1976-1980 K. Veenhof, “ , . A. Philologisch”, RAI 5 (1976-1980) 369-378. von Dassow 2008 E. von Dassow, State and Society in the Late Bronze Age: Alalah under the Mittani Empire. Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (2008).
  • Wiseman 1953 D. J. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets (1953).
  • Woolley 1955 L. Woolley, An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937- 1949 (1955).
  • Yener et al. 2000 K. A. Yener – C. Edens – T. Harrison – J. Verstraete – T. J. Wilkinson, “The Amuq Valley Regional Project 1995-1998”, AJA 104, 2000, 163-220.
  • Yener 2005 K. A. Yener (ed.), The Amuq Valley Regional Projects. Volume One. Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta from the Years 1995-2002 (2005).
  • Yener 2010 K. A. Yener (ed.), The 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons, Vol. 1, Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh (2010).
  • Yener 2013a K. A. Yener, “Imperial Demise and Forging Emergent Kingdoms”, in: K. A. Yener (ed.), Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia, Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Research Center of Anatolian Studies, Koç University, Istanbul, 31 May-1 June, 2010 (2013) 1-10.
  • Yener 2013b K. A. Yener, “New Excavations at Alalakh: The 14th-12th Centuries BC”, in: K. A. Yener (ed.), Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Research Center of Anatolian Studies, Koç University, Istanbul, 31 May-1 June 2010 (2013) 11-36.
  • Yener 2015a K. A. Yener, “A Monumental Middle Bronze Age Apsidal Building at Alalakh”, in: N. Stampolidis – Ç. Maner – K. Kopanias (eds.), NOSTOI. Indigenous Culture, Migration + Integration in the Aegean Islands + Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze + Early Iron Age (2015a) 485-497.
  • Yener 2015b K. A. Yener, “Material Evidence of Cult and Ritual at Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh: Deities of the Transitional Middle-Late Bronze Period”, in: D. Giannessi – P. Ciafardoni (eds.), The Art and Archaeology of Pre-classical Syria to Honour Stefania Mazzoni (2015b) 203-215.

Şehir Kapılarında Kült Sembolizmi: Aççana Höyük, Alalah Kentinden İki Metal Yapı-Adak Çivisi

Yıl 2016, Sayı: 19, 27 - 50, 01.06.2016


Bu çalışma, C. L. Woolley tarafından Aççana Höyük, eski Alalah kentinde yapılan kazılarda bulunmuş iki adet metalden yapılma yapı-adak çivisini konu etmektedir. Orta Tunç Çağı’na tarihlenen Seviye VII ve Geç Tunç Çağı’na tarihlenen Seviye V’te ortaya çıkarılan şehir kapılarına yerleştirilmiş olan eserlerin buluntu yerleri, arkeolojik olarak genellikle mabet temellerinde bulunan benzerlerine nazaran farklıdır. Şehir kapıları ile bağlantılı bulunan eserlerin bu konumları, kült ve ritüel açısından da sembolik bir anlam taşımaktadır. Bu makalede, yapı-adak çivileri geleneğinin çıkışından başlayarak bu eserlerin nitelikleri incelenmiş, Alalah buluntuları ile malzeme ve ikonografi açısından benzerlik gösteren eserler tartışılmıştır. Yazılı kaynaklardan yola çıkarak, şehir kapılarının törensel ve dini önemleri özetlenmiş ve yerleşke özelinde yapı adak çivileri ve şehir kapıları arasındaki sembolik ilişkiye dair yeni bir olgu, öneri olarak sunulmuştur.


  • Akdoğan – Ersoy 2014 R. Akdoğan – A. Ersoy, “Kahramanmaraş Müzesinde Bulunan Yapı-Adak Çivilerinin Işığında Mama Şehrinin Lokalizasyonu”, in: P. Taracha – M. Kapelus (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Hittitology (2014) 20- 31.
  • Albright 1957 W. F. Albright, “Further Observations on the Chronology of Alalah”, BASOR 146, 1957, 26-34.
  • André-Salvini 2003 B. André-Salvini, “Foundation Pegs”, in: J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (2003) 222-223.
  • Aruz – Wallenfels 2003 J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (2003).
  • Aydıngün 2008 Ş. Aydıngün, “Bir Yapı-Adak Çivisi ile İki Farklı Hayvanla Betimlenmiş Hitit Tanrı Heykelcikleri”, in: T. Tarhan – A. Tibet – E. Konyar (eds.), Muhibbe Darga Armağanı (2008) 115-28.
  • Beckman 2006 G. Beckman, “Annals of I”, in: M. W. Chavalas (ed.), The Ancient Near East: Historical Sources in Translation (2006) 219-222.
  • BM Natural History 1937 British Museum and British Museum Natural History, Annual Report of the General Progress of the Museums for the Year 1936 (1937).
  • Braidwood 1937 R. J. Braidwood, Mounds in the Plain of Antioch (1937).
  • Braun-Holzinger 1999 E. A. Braun-Holzinger, “Apotropaic Figures at Mesopotamian Temples in the Third and Second Millennia”, in: I. T. Abusch – K. van der Toorn (eds.), Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Historical and Interpretative Perspectives (1999) 149-172.
  • Boysan-Dietrich 1987 N. Boysan-Dietrich, Das hethitische Lehmhaus aus der Sicht der Keilschriften (1987).
  • Bryce 2005 T. Bryce, The Kingdom of the Hittites (2005).
  • Collon 1982 D. Collon, The Alalakh Cylinder Seals: A New Catalogue of the Actual Seals Excavated by Sir Leonard Woolley at Tell Atchana, and from Neighbouring Sites on the Syrian-Turkish Border (1982).
  • Darga 1985 M. Darga, Hitit Mimarlığı/1 Yapı Sanatı Arkeolojik ve Filolojik Veriler (1985). De Lapérouse 2003 J-F. de Lapérouse, “Foundation Pegs”, in: J. Aruz – R. Wallenfels (eds.), Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus (2003).
  • De Martino 1991 S. de Martino, “Alcune osservazioni su KBo III 27”, AoF 18, 1991, 54-66. Duru 2013 R. Duru, Tilmen Höyük Kazıları I (2013).
  • Ellis 1968 R. S. Ellis, Foundation Deposits in Ancient Mesopotamia (1968).
  • Emre 2002 K. Emre, “Felsreliefs, Stelen, Orthostaten Grossplastik als monumentale Form staatlicher und religiöser Repräsentation”, in: Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Das Volk der 1000 Götter, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalte der Bundesrepublik Deutshland (2002) 218-233.
  • Engin 2011 A. Engin, “Oylum Höyük Kazılarında Ele Geçen Bir Grup Orta Tunç Çağı Yapı Adak Eşyası”, Belleten 75 (272), 2011, 19-57.
  • Engin 2014 A. Engin, “Oylum Höyük için Bir Lokalizasyon Önerisi”, in: A. Engin – B. Helwing – B. Uysal (eds.), Armizzi Engin Özgen’e Armağan (2014) 129- 49.
  • Özgüç 1994 T. Özgüç, “A Votive Foundation-nail in the Temple of Maşathöyük”, in: M. Dietrich – O. Loretz (eds.), Beschrieben und Deuten in der Archaeologie des alten Orients: Festschrift für Ruth Mayer-Opificius, Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients 4 (1994) 227-234
  • Özgüç 2002 T. Özgüç, “Opfer und Libation”, in: Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Das Volk der 1000 Götter, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2002) 122-33.
  • Özgüç 2005 T. Özgüç, Kültepe: (2005).
  • Rashid 1983 S. A. Rashid, Gründungsfiguren im Iraq (1983).
  • Roaf 1995 M. Roaf, “Palaces and Temples in Ancient Mesopotamia”, in: J. M. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, Volume 1 (1995) 423-441.
  • Ristvet 2007 L. Ristvet, “The Third Millennium City Wall at Tell Leilan, Syria: Identity, Authority, and Urbanism”, in: J. Bretschneider – J. Driessen – K. van Lerberghe (eds.), Power and Architecture Monumental Public Architecture in the Bronze Age Near East and Aegean, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta (2007) 183-211.
  • Seeher 2002 J. Seeher, “Ein Einblick in das Reichspantheon Das Felsheiligtum von Yazılıkaya”, in: Die Hethiter und ihr Reich Das Volk der 1000 Götter, Kunst- und Ausstellunghalte der Bundesrepublik Deutshland (2002) 112-117.
  • Serangeli 1978 F. Serangeli, “Le Liste di Censo di Alalah IV”, Vicino Oriente 1 (1978) 99-131. Smith 1949 S. Smith, The Statue of Idri-mi (1949).
  • Stein 1997 D. L. Stein, “Alalakh”, in: E. Meyers (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 1 (1997) 55-59.
  • Süel 1990 A. Süel, “Belgelere Göre Hitit Tapınakları Nasıl Korunuyordu?”, TürkTKB 10.2 (1990) 515-522.
  • Veenhof 1976-1980 K. Veenhof, “ , . A. Philologisch”, RAI 5 (1976-1980) 369-378. von Dassow 2008 E. von Dassow, State and Society in the Late Bronze Age: Alalah under the Mittani Empire. Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians (2008).
  • Wiseman 1953 D. J. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets (1953).
  • Woolley 1955 L. Woolley, An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937- 1949 (1955).
  • Yener et al. 2000 K. A. Yener – C. Edens – T. Harrison – J. Verstraete – T. J. Wilkinson, “The Amuq Valley Regional Project 1995-1998”, AJA 104, 2000, 163-220.
  • Yener 2005 K. A. Yener (ed.), The Amuq Valley Regional Projects. Volume One. Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta from the Years 1995-2002 (2005).
  • Yener 2010 K. A. Yener (ed.), The 2003-2004 Excavations Seasons, Vol. 1, Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh (2010).
  • Yener 2013a K. A. Yener, “Imperial Demise and Forging Emergent Kingdoms”, in: K. A. Yener (ed.), Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia, Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Research Center of Anatolian Studies, Koç University, Istanbul, 31 May-1 June, 2010 (2013) 1-10.
  • Yener 2013b K. A. Yener, “New Excavations at Alalakh: The 14th-12th Centuries BC”, in: K. A. Yener (ed.), Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations between Syria and Anatolia. Proceedings of a Symposium held at the Research Center of Anatolian Studies, Koç University, Istanbul, 31 May-1 June 2010 (2013) 11-36.
  • Yener 2015a K. A. Yener, “A Monumental Middle Bronze Age Apsidal Building at Alalakh”, in: N. Stampolidis – Ç. Maner – K. Kopanias (eds.), NOSTOI. Indigenous Culture, Migration + Integration in the Aegean Islands + Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze + Early Iron Age (2015a) 485-497.
  • Yener 2015b K. A. Yener, “Material Evidence of Cult and Ritual at Tell Atchana, Ancient Alalakh: Deities of the Transitional Middle-Late Bronze Period”, in: D. Giannessi – P. Ciafardoni (eds.), The Art and Archaeology of Pre-classical Syria to Honour Stefania Mazzoni (2015b) 203-215.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Gonca Dardeniz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 19

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Dardeniz, Gonca. “Cultic Symbolism at the City Gates: Two Metal Foundation Pegs from Tell Atchana, Alalakh Turkey”. Adalya, sy. 19 (Haziran 2016): 27-50.

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