Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 124 - 136, 31.05.2019



  • Ahn, J. A., & Seo. S. B. (2018). Consumer responses to interactive restaurant self-service technology (IRSST): The role of gadget-loving propensity. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 74, 109–121.
  • Berry, L. L. (1999). Discovering the Soul of Service. New York: Free Press.
  • Chen, C. J. , Gao, Q. , Song, Z. J. , Liping, O. Y. , & Wu, X. Y.(2010). Catering Service Robot. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, China.
  • Chen, Y., & Hu, H. (2013). Internet of intelligent things and robot as a service. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 34, 159-171.
  • Cheng, Y. M. (2011) The discussion of robot action semantics and emotional message. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Science and Technology, National Taichung University.
  • Dabholkar, P. A. (1996). Consumer evaluations of new technology-based self-service options: An investigation of alternative models of service quality. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13(1), 29-51.
  • Erkutlu, H. V., & Chafra, J. (2006). Relationship between leadership power base and job stress of subordinates: example from boutique hotels. Management Research News, 29(5), 285-297.
  • Fornell, C. R. & Larcker, F. F. (1981). Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Hair, J. F,, Black, B., Babin, B., Anderson, R. E. & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis (6th d). NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • He, C. F. (2012).A Study of a Depth Sensor Applying on a Tracking Robot. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Technology Mechanical Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology.
  • Hemmington, N. (2007). From service to experience: Understanding and defining the hospitality business. The Service Industries Journal, 27(6), 747-755.
  • Hsu, C. M. (2014). Emotional and Conditional Model for Pet Robot based on Neural Network. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Information and Computer Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University.
  • HSIAO, W .L.(2009) The practical book of Introduction to multivariate analysis. TAIPEI: GOTOP. Nunnally, J.C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). New York: McGrew-Hill.
  • Hsieh, Y. J. (2016). Industry Analysis: The development trend in the catering industry. Taiwan Trend Research, 2016/11/19 Retrieved from[15] Johnson, K. (2009). Corporate sperm count and boiled frogs: Seeds of ideas to kindle innovation in students. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(2), 179-190.
  • Jyh-Hwa, T., & Kuo, L. S. (2008, July). The development of the restaurant service mobile robot with a laser positioning system. In 2008 27th Chinese Control Conference (pp. 662-666).
  • Kim, H. J. (2008) Hotel service providers’ emotional labor: The antecedents and effects on burnout. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(2), 151–161.
  • Kuo, C. M., Huang, G. S., Tseng, C. Y., & Boger, E. P. (2016). SMART SWOT Strategic Planning Analysis: For Service Robot Utilization in the Hospitality Industry. Consortium Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 20(2).
  • Ku, S. J.(2015) Big country wants to become a strong country China Edition Industry 4.0 released. CommonWealth. 2016/11/18 Retrieved from
  • Li, M. N. (2006). An introduction to Amos and its uses in scale development: Graphics & basic. Taipei: Psychological
  • Lin, W. C., & Jheng, J. C. (2009). Discussion on the sources of work stress of employees in Taiwan--Taking the service of the joint counseling institute as an example. National Central University Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management.
  • Lorden, A.A., Pant, G., 2016. 18th Annual restaurant technology study-A supplement to hospitality technology. Hosp. Technol. Mag. 1–15.
  • Luo, Z. H. (2014). The first restaurant in Yasukuni, Japan's fixed food chain, is equipped with a tablet and a buffet. Ithome, 2016/11/18 Retrieved from
  • Ma, L. H. (2016). Looking at the opportunities and challenges of Taiwan's industry from the trend of international wisdom manufacturing, ITRI's Center for Economics and Trade (IEK), 2016/12/19 Retrieved from
  • Ministry of the Interior Department of Statistics (2016). Ministry of the Interior Department of Statistics reported in the third week of 2016, 2016/10/15 Retrieved from news_content.aspx?sn=10225&page=3
  • National Development Council (2016). The Republic of China population estimate (2016 to 2061 years), the first edition of the Republic of China in August 105, the first brush.
  • Pieskä, S., Liuska, M., Jauhiainen, J., Auno, A., & Oy, D. (2013). Intelligent restaurant system Smartmenu. In Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on (pp. 625-630). IEEE.
  • Pine, B. J., & J. H. Gilmore. (1998). Welcome to the Experience Economy. Harvard Business Rview, 76, 97-105.
  • Pullman, M. E., and Gross, M. A. (2004). Ability of experience design elements to elicit emotions and loyalty behaviors. Decision Sciences, 35(3), 551-578.
  • Schoefer, K., and Diamantopoulos, A. (2008b). Measuring experienced emotions during service recovery encounters: Construction and assessment of the ESRE scale. Service Business, 2, 65-81.
  • Seybold, P.B. (1998). How to Create a Profitable Business Strategy for the Internet and Beyond. New York: Crown Business.
  • Sindell, K. (2000). Loyalty Marketing for the Internet Age: How to Identify, Attract, Serve, and Retain Customers in an E-commerce Environment, Chicago: Dearborn Financial Publishing.
  • Spector, P. E. (1987). Interactive effects of perceived control and job stressors on affective reactions and health outcomes for clerical workers. Work and Stress, 1(2), 155-162.
  • Taniguchi, T. (2016). Symbol Emergence in Robotics for Long-Term Human-Robot Collaboration. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(19), 144-149.
  • Teng, C. C., & Kuo, T. H. (2013). The Relationships among Restaurant Hospitality Performance, Customer Emotions, and Revisit Intentions, Journal of Tourism and Travel Research, 8(1), 61-75.
  • Tsai, M. F., Lin, J. M., Shen, W. W. & Lai, C. C. (2017). Exploring the Feasibility of Applying Robots to Library Services. National Central Library Bulletin,1, 153-180.
  • Wakefield, K., & Blodgett, J. G. (1994). The importance of servicescapes in leisure service settings. Journal of Services Marketing, 8(3), 66-76.
  • Wang, S., Tsai, C. Y., and Chu, Y. C. (2010). Tourist behavior in Hakka Cultural Parks. African Journal of Business Management, 4(14), 2952-2961.
  • Wang, J.H., Cheng, C. C., & Hsu, J. L. (2012). A Study on the Acceptance and Operating Performance of Self-service electronic ordering service for Catering Industry- Integrating views of the customers and Operators, Journal of Performance and Strategy Research9(1), 63-84.
  • Wang, M. J. (2013). Factors Influencing Wireless restaurant System Intention:Combining Theory of Planned Behaviorand Perceived Risk Theory. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology.
  • Wang, Y. (2016). The first Taiwanese remote robot clerk punched the card to work. Chinese DIGITIMES, 2016/11/25 Retrieved from
  • Wu, S. Y. (2011). Understanding restaurant consumer’s perceived reaction toward the ipad menu. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Business Administration, Chung Hua University.
  • Yang, M. J.(2016) Nikko robot business opportunity to see the store cleaning are good at. Central News Agency. 2016/11/08 Retrieved from
  • Yu, H. C., Teng, I. S., Chen, C. Y., Cheng, Y. M., Tai, H. Y., & Hsu, Y .T.(2009)Action-Based Human-Robot Interaction System (I) National Science Council Case Studies Plan Results Report, Plan No. NSC 97-2221-E-025-002
  • Yalch, R. F., & Spangenberg, E. R. (2000). The effects of music in a retail setting on real and perceived shopping times. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 139-147.
  • Yu, Q., Yuan, C., Fu, Z., & Zhao, Y. (2012). An autonomous restaurant service robot with high positioning accuracy. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 39(3), 271-281.
  • Zhang, J. H. (2016). Development status and trend of commercial robots.Institute for Information Industry. 2016/11/16 Retrieved from

The Effect of Interactive IT Table Service on Consumer’s Revisit Intention

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 124 - 136, 31.05.2019


In the hospitality and catering
industry, consumers are accustomed to face-to-face services, but the problems
of Taiwan’s aging society and the migration of manpower outward have become
increasingly serious recently, impacting its service demands. In order to
promote service quality and competitiveness and adapt to the global trends of
industry technicalization, more and more scholars are thinking about the
integration of innovative technological equipment or service modes for Taiwan's
catering industry and exploring the impacts and effects of such integration.
This study thus probed into the influences of the interactive table service on
consumers' enjoyment of ordering and the revisit intention. It employed simple
linear regression and verified if the hypothetical framework had a partial
mediating effect. The results of this study demonstrated that consumers can
gain pleasure by using a digital ordering machine, which affects their
willingness to revisit. This study provides management implications and serves
as a reference for future practitioners in terms of practice and for the
academic community in terms of subsequent research.


  • Ahn, J. A., & Seo. S. B. (2018). Consumer responses to interactive restaurant self-service technology (IRSST): The role of gadget-loving propensity. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 74, 109–121.
  • Berry, L. L. (1999). Discovering the Soul of Service. New York: Free Press.
  • Chen, C. J. , Gao, Q. , Song, Z. J. , Liping, O. Y. , & Wu, X. Y.(2010). Catering Service Robot. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, China.
  • Chen, Y., & Hu, H. (2013). Internet of intelligent things and robot as a service. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 34, 159-171.
  • Cheng, Y. M. (2011) The discussion of robot action semantics and emotional message. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Science and Technology, National Taichung University.
  • Dabholkar, P. A. (1996). Consumer evaluations of new technology-based self-service options: An investigation of alternative models of service quality. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13(1), 29-51.
  • Erkutlu, H. V., & Chafra, J. (2006). Relationship between leadership power base and job stress of subordinates: example from boutique hotels. Management Research News, 29(5), 285-297.
  • Fornell, C. R. & Larcker, F. F. (1981). Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Hair, J. F,, Black, B., Babin, B., Anderson, R. E. & Tatham, R. L. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis (6th d). NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • He, C. F. (2012).A Study of a Depth Sensor Applying on a Tracking Robot. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Technology Mechanical Engineering, National Chin-Yi University of Technology.
  • Hemmington, N. (2007). From service to experience: Understanding and defining the hospitality business. The Service Industries Journal, 27(6), 747-755.
  • Hsu, C. M. (2014). Emotional and Conditional Model for Pet Robot based on Neural Network. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Information and Computer Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University.
  • HSIAO, W .L.(2009) The practical book of Introduction to multivariate analysis. TAIPEI: GOTOP. Nunnally, J.C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). New York: McGrew-Hill.
  • Hsieh, Y. J. (2016). Industry Analysis: The development trend in the catering industry. Taiwan Trend Research, 2016/11/19 Retrieved from[15] Johnson, K. (2009). Corporate sperm count and boiled frogs: Seeds of ideas to kindle innovation in students. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(2), 179-190.
  • Jyh-Hwa, T., & Kuo, L. S. (2008, July). The development of the restaurant service mobile robot with a laser positioning system. In 2008 27th Chinese Control Conference (pp. 662-666).
  • Kim, H. J. (2008) Hotel service providers’ emotional labor: The antecedents and effects on burnout. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27(2), 151–161.
  • Kuo, C. M., Huang, G. S., Tseng, C. Y., & Boger, E. P. (2016). SMART SWOT Strategic Planning Analysis: For Service Robot Utilization in the Hospitality Industry. Consortium Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 20(2).
  • Ku, S. J.(2015) Big country wants to become a strong country China Edition Industry 4.0 released. CommonWealth. 2016/11/18 Retrieved from
  • Li, M. N. (2006). An introduction to Amos and its uses in scale development: Graphics & basic. Taipei: Psychological
  • Lin, W. C., & Jheng, J. C. (2009). Discussion on the sources of work stress of employees in Taiwan--Taking the service of the joint counseling institute as an example. National Central University Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management.
  • Lorden, A.A., Pant, G., 2016. 18th Annual restaurant technology study-A supplement to hospitality technology. Hosp. Technol. Mag. 1–15.
  • Luo, Z. H. (2014). The first restaurant in Yasukuni, Japan's fixed food chain, is equipped with a tablet and a buffet. Ithome, 2016/11/18 Retrieved from
  • Ma, L. H. (2016). Looking at the opportunities and challenges of Taiwan's industry from the trend of international wisdom manufacturing, ITRI's Center for Economics and Trade (IEK), 2016/12/19 Retrieved from
  • Ministry of the Interior Department of Statistics (2016). Ministry of the Interior Department of Statistics reported in the third week of 2016, 2016/10/15 Retrieved from news_content.aspx?sn=10225&page=3
  • National Development Council (2016). The Republic of China population estimate (2016 to 2061 years), the first edition of the Republic of China in August 105, the first brush.
  • Pieskä, S., Liuska, M., Jauhiainen, J., Auno, A., & Oy, D. (2013). Intelligent restaurant system Smartmenu. In Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom), 2013 IEEE 4th International Conference on (pp. 625-630). IEEE.
  • Pine, B. J., & J. H. Gilmore. (1998). Welcome to the Experience Economy. Harvard Business Rview, 76, 97-105.
  • Pullman, M. E., and Gross, M. A. (2004). Ability of experience design elements to elicit emotions and loyalty behaviors. Decision Sciences, 35(3), 551-578.
  • Schoefer, K., and Diamantopoulos, A. (2008b). Measuring experienced emotions during service recovery encounters: Construction and assessment of the ESRE scale. Service Business, 2, 65-81.
  • Seybold, P.B. (1998). How to Create a Profitable Business Strategy for the Internet and Beyond. New York: Crown Business.
  • Sindell, K. (2000). Loyalty Marketing for the Internet Age: How to Identify, Attract, Serve, and Retain Customers in an E-commerce Environment, Chicago: Dearborn Financial Publishing.
  • Spector, P. E. (1987). Interactive effects of perceived control and job stressors on affective reactions and health outcomes for clerical workers. Work and Stress, 1(2), 155-162.
  • Taniguchi, T. (2016). Symbol Emergence in Robotics for Long-Term Human-Robot Collaboration. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(19), 144-149.
  • Teng, C. C., & Kuo, T. H. (2013). The Relationships among Restaurant Hospitality Performance, Customer Emotions, and Revisit Intentions, Journal of Tourism and Travel Research, 8(1), 61-75.
  • Tsai, M. F., Lin, J. M., Shen, W. W. & Lai, C. C. (2017). Exploring the Feasibility of Applying Robots to Library Services. National Central Library Bulletin,1, 153-180.
  • Wakefield, K., & Blodgett, J. G. (1994). The importance of servicescapes in leisure service settings. Journal of Services Marketing, 8(3), 66-76.
  • Wang, S., Tsai, C. Y., and Chu, Y. C. (2010). Tourist behavior in Hakka Cultural Parks. African Journal of Business Management, 4(14), 2952-2961.
  • Wang, J.H., Cheng, C. C., & Hsu, J. L. (2012). A Study on the Acceptance and Operating Performance of Self-service electronic ordering service for Catering Industry- Integrating views of the customers and Operators, Journal of Performance and Strategy Research9(1), 63-84.
  • Wang, M. J. (2013). Factors Influencing Wireless restaurant System Intention:Combining Theory of Planned Behaviorand Perceived Risk Theory. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Information Management, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology.
  • Wang, Y. (2016). The first Taiwanese remote robot clerk punched the card to work. Chinese DIGITIMES, 2016/11/25 Retrieved from
  • Wu, S. Y. (2011). Understanding restaurant consumer’s perceived reaction toward the ipad menu. (Master’s Thesis) Department of Business Administration, Chung Hua University.
  • Yang, M. J.(2016) Nikko robot business opportunity to see the store cleaning are good at. Central News Agency. 2016/11/08 Retrieved from
  • Yu, H. C., Teng, I. S., Chen, C. Y., Cheng, Y. M., Tai, H. Y., & Hsu, Y .T.(2009)Action-Based Human-Robot Interaction System (I) National Science Council Case Studies Plan Results Report, Plan No. NSC 97-2221-E-025-002
  • Yalch, R. F., & Spangenberg, E. R. (2000). The effects of music in a retail setting on real and perceived shopping times. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 139-147.
  • Yu, Q., Yuan, C., Fu, Z., & Zhao, Y. (2012). An autonomous restaurant service robot with high positioning accuracy. Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 39(3), 271-281.
  • Zhang, J. H. (2016). Development status and trend of commercial robots.Institute for Information Industry. 2016/11/16 Retrieved from
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Amanda Lin This is me 0000-0002-7767-0139

Esther Ma This is me 0000-0002-8774-9596

Brendan T. Chen 0000-0002-9478-9019

Publication Date May 31, 2019
Submission Date November 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Lin, A., Ma, E., & Chen, B. T. (2019). The Effect of Interactive IT Table Service on Consumer’s Revisit Intention. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 7(1), 124-136.

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