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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3, 96 - 114, 29.09.2024


2022 yılında Uluslararası Göç Örgütü tarafından yayınlanan Dünya Göç Raporu’na göre Türkiye yaklaşık 6 milyon göçmene ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Göç akınlarını yönetebilmek amacıyla AB, Türkiye’de göçmenlerin sosyal entegrasyonu üzerine çalışan sivil toplum örgütlerine yönelik olarak finansal destek sağlamaktadır. Bu örgütlerden biri de Türk Kızılay’dır. Göç yazını 2000’li yıllarda AB’nin göçü dışsallaştırdığı ve Türkiye’nin göçü araçsallaştırdığı yönünde eleştirilerde bulunmaktadır. Fakat bu çalışmada söz konusu aktörlerin iyi uygulamaları değerlendirmeye alınmış, AB-Türk Kızılay iş birliğinin mültecilerin sosyal entegrasyonuna doğrudan katkı sağladığı ifade edilmiştir. Türk Kızılay’ın göç ile ilgili program ve aktiviteleri toplumlar arasındaki dini ve kültürel benzerliklerin entegrasyona olumlu katkı sağlamasını beraberinde getirmiştir. Çalışmada bölgesel aktörler, devlet ve sivil toplumun ortak hareket etmesinin mülteciler ve ev sahibi toplum arasındaki problemlerin aşılmasına ve sosyal entegrasyon için barışçıl bir ortamın sağlanmasına katkı sağladığı sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Bäckström, A. (2012). Welfare and values in Europe. Volume 3, Eastern Europe: Latvia, Poland, Croatia, Romania. Sweden: Uppsala University, Edita Västra Aros. Dame Press. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye (2019). EU-funded Turkish Red Crescent Community Centre in Kahramanmaraş officially opens its doors to refugees and host communities. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 04.04.2024).
  • Dictionary Law Insider, Social integration (n.d), Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Dowling, J., & Pfeffer, J. (1975). Organizational legitimacy: Social values and organizational behavior. The Pacific Sociological Review, 18(1), 122-136.
  • Edara, I. R. (2017). Religion: A subset of culture and expression of spirituality, Advances in Anthropology, 7, 273-288.
  • Emergency Social Safety Net Program (2019). Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023). European Commission (2021). Commission implementing the decision of 21.12.2021 on the financing of the individual measure to support migration and border management in Türkiye. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • European Commission (n.d.). European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Geertz, C. (1993). The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays. Basic Books Inc. Hoffmann, S., & Samuk, S. (2016). Turkish immigration politics and the Syrian refugee crisis. Working Paper Research Division Global Issues, (1), SWP Berlin.
  • Holt-Lunstat, J., & Lefler, M. (2019). Social Integration. D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Ed.) In Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (pp. 1-11). Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023). (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Huysmans, J. (2000). The European Union and the securitization of migration, JCMS, 35(5), 751-777. IFRC (n.d.), Retrieved from:
  • International Organization for Migration (2022). World Migration Report. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023)
  • İçduygu, A., & Yükseker, D. (2012). Rethinking transit migration in Turkey: Reality and re-presentation in the creation of a migratory phenomenon. Population, Space and Place, 18, 441-456.
  • Kaya, A. (2016). İslam, göç ve entegrasyon (Islam, migration and integration). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Kaya, A. (2022). Home-state politics vis-à-vis Turkish emigrants: Instrumentalizing emigrants, Middle East Critique, 31(4), 327-340, doi: 10.1080/19436149.2022.2135362
  • Kaya, A. (Ed.) (2014). Farklılıkların birlikteliği. Türkiye ve Avrupa’da birarada yaşama tartışmaları. İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları.
  • Kaya, A. (Ed.) (2021). Syrian migration and municipal experiences in Turkey inclusive social services. RESLOG Local Governance and Migration Series, SKL International AB.
  • Kızılaykart Cash Based Assistance Programmes (2019), Retrieved from: (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Law Insider (n.d.). Social integration definition. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Martinez, O. J. (1994). Border people. Life and society in the US-Mexico borderlands, The University of Arizona Press.
  • MIPEX Türkiye Report (2019). Migrant integration policy index. Retrieved from:ürkiye (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Mülteciler Derneği (2023). Türkiye’deki Suriyeli sayısı, Ekim 2023. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023)
  • Mültecilerin Hukuki Statüsüne İlişkin Cenevre Sözleşmesi (1951) Retrieved from: (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2023).
  • Official Journal of the European Union (2014). Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Turkey on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation [Summaries of EU Legislation] (Accessed on 04.04.2024).
  • Özçürümez, S., & Hoxha, J. (2023). Expanding the boundaries of the local: Entrepreneurial municipalism and migration governance in Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 6, 95-113.
  • Persdotter, M., Jacob, L., & Righard, E. (2021). Introduction to special issue: Bordering practices in the social service sector – experiences from Norway and Sweden. Nordic Social Work Research, 11(2), 95-102, doi: 10.1080/2156857X.2020.1861895
  • Rankin, J. (2020, 3 March), Migration: EU praises Greece as 'shield' after Türkiye opens border. The Guardian, Retrieved from:ürkiye-opens-border (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Red Cross EU Office (n.d.). Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2020). The European Union’s refugee crisis and rising functionalism in EU-Turkey relations. Turkish Studies, 21(2), 169-187, doi: 10.1080/14683849.2019.1586542
  • Sayın, Z., & Erdoğmuş, N. (2020). Performans artırma yoluyla meşruiyeti yeniden kazanma: Türk Kızılay’da yeniden yapılanma örneği. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 1-30.
  • Şentürk Akman, M. (2021). Seminar on the Turkish Red Crescent, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business, İzmir.
  • T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı (2023). Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı, İstatistikler. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Turkish Red Crescent (2019). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Turkish Red Crescent (2021). The Red Crescent Community Centre Implementation Manual. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Turkish Red Crescent (December 2, 2021) €325 million boost to the largest ever humanitarian programme, Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Türk Kızılay (2019), Kızılay hosted EU Regional Trust Fund (MADAD) meeting in Istanbul. Retrived from: (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Türk Kızılay (2021). 2021-2030 Stratejik Plan. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Türk Kızılay (2022) Göç Direktörlüğü Aylık Faaliyet Raporu. Retrieved from:
  • Türk Kızılay (n.d.). Dünyadaki Diğer Kızılay ve Kızılhaçların Linkleri, Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.08.2023).
  • UNHCR (2023). 2023 Mid-Year statistical report. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 27.10.2023).
  • UNICEF (2022). Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) Programme for Syrians and Other Refugees, UNICEF August 2022 Report.
  • UNICEF (n.d.). The conditional cash transfer for education (CCTE) programme. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • UNICEF Press Release (June 8, 2017). More than 230,000 refugee children in Türkiye to benefit from the conditional cash transfer for education programme. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • UN DESA (2020). International Migrant Stock 2020, Workbook: Age, sex and destination.
  • Üstübici, A., & Ergün, K. (2020). Migration-development-security nexus in the context of the external dimensions of the EU policies. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(2), 523-552. doi: /10.32450/aacd.886956
  • Walzer, M. (1994). Thick and thin moral argument at home and abroad. London: University of Notre
  • Yüksel Çendek, S. (2014). Securitization of migration: The case of Turkey - EU Relations. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Topluluğu Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 22(1), 169-187.
  • Yüksel, K. (2023). Ambiguity and migration governance in the satellite city of Düzce, Türkiye. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 32(4), 636-659.
  • Yüksel, U. (2023). Politicization and instrumentalization of migration research: Ethical challenges. İnsan Hareketliliği Uluslararası Dergisi Özel Sayı: Göç Araştırmalarında Yeni Tartışmalar/Gözden Kaçanlar, 90-107.


Yıl 2024, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3, 96 - 114, 29.09.2024


Türkiye has been hosting approximately 6 million migrants, according to the World Migration Report published by the International Organization for Migration in 2022. To manage the migration flows, the EU has provided financial assistance to Turkish civil society organizations working on the integration of migrants. One of those organizations has been the Turkish Red Crescent. The migration literature criticizes the externalization approach of the EU and the instrumentalization approach of Türkiye in the 2000s. However, this paper focuses on the good practices of those actors and argues that the EU-Turkish Red Crescent collaboration has directly served the social integration of refugees. The migration-related programs and activities of the Turkish Red Crescent allow the religious and cultural similarities between the societies to contribute positively to the integration. It is concluded in the paper that collaborative actions among the regional actors, state, and civil society to overcome problems between refugees and the host community and contribute to producing a peaceful environment for social integration.

Etik Beyan

The earlier version of this paper was presented by the author for the International Conference Religion and Welfare in the European Borderlands from the late 19th century to the Present, which was organized by the ERC SOCIOBORD and COST Action 18119 Who Cares in Europe?, on 12-13 December 2022.


  • Bäckström, A. (2012). Welfare and values in Europe. Volume 3, Eastern Europe: Latvia, Poland, Croatia, Romania. Sweden: Uppsala University, Edita Västra Aros. Dame Press. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye (2019). EU-funded Turkish Red Crescent Community Centre in Kahramanmaraş officially opens its doors to refugees and host communities. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 04.04.2024).
  • Dictionary Law Insider, Social integration (n.d), Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Dowling, J., & Pfeffer, J. (1975). Organizational legitimacy: Social values and organizational behavior. The Pacific Sociological Review, 18(1), 122-136.
  • Edara, I. R. (2017). Religion: A subset of culture and expression of spirituality, Advances in Anthropology, 7, 273-288.
  • Emergency Social Safety Net Program (2019). Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023). European Commission (2021). Commission implementing the decision of 21.12.2021 on the financing of the individual measure to support migration and border management in Türkiye. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • European Commission (n.d.). European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Geertz, C. (1993). The interpretation of cultures: Selected essays. Basic Books Inc. Hoffmann, S., & Samuk, S. (2016). Turkish immigration politics and the Syrian refugee crisis. Working Paper Research Division Global Issues, (1), SWP Berlin.
  • Holt-Lunstat, J., & Lefler, M. (2019). Social Integration. D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Ed.) In Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (pp. 1-11). Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023). (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Huysmans, J. (2000). The European Union and the securitization of migration, JCMS, 35(5), 751-777. IFRC (n.d.), Retrieved from:
  • International Organization for Migration (2022). World Migration Report. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023)
  • İçduygu, A., & Yükseker, D. (2012). Rethinking transit migration in Turkey: Reality and re-presentation in the creation of a migratory phenomenon. Population, Space and Place, 18, 441-456.
  • Kaya, A. (2016). İslam, göç ve entegrasyon (Islam, migration and integration). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Kaya, A. (2022). Home-state politics vis-à-vis Turkish emigrants: Instrumentalizing emigrants, Middle East Critique, 31(4), 327-340, doi: 10.1080/19436149.2022.2135362
  • Kaya, A. (Ed.) (2014). Farklılıkların birlikteliği. Türkiye ve Avrupa’da birarada yaşama tartışmaları. İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları.
  • Kaya, A. (Ed.) (2021). Syrian migration and municipal experiences in Turkey inclusive social services. RESLOG Local Governance and Migration Series, SKL International AB.
  • Kızılaykart Cash Based Assistance Programmes (2019), Retrieved from: (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Law Insider (n.d.). Social integration definition. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Martinez, O. J. (1994). Border people. Life and society in the US-Mexico borderlands, The University of Arizona Press.
  • MIPEX Türkiye Report (2019). Migrant integration policy index. Retrieved from:ürkiye (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Mülteciler Derneği (2023). Türkiye’deki Suriyeli sayısı, Ekim 2023. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023)
  • Mültecilerin Hukuki Statüsüne İlişkin Cenevre Sözleşmesi (1951) Retrieved from: (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2023).
  • Official Journal of the European Union (2014). Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Turkey on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation [Summaries of EU Legislation] (Accessed on 04.04.2024).
  • Özçürümez, S., & Hoxha, J. (2023). Expanding the boundaries of the local: Entrepreneurial municipalism and migration governance in Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 6, 95-113.
  • Persdotter, M., Jacob, L., & Righard, E. (2021). Introduction to special issue: Bordering practices in the social service sector – experiences from Norway and Sweden. Nordic Social Work Research, 11(2), 95-102, doi: 10.1080/2156857X.2020.1861895
  • Rankin, J. (2020, 3 March), Migration: EU praises Greece as 'shield' after Türkiye opens border. The Guardian, Retrieved from:ürkiye-opens-border (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Red Cross EU Office (n.d.). Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Saatçioğlu, B. (2020). The European Union’s refugee crisis and rising functionalism in EU-Turkey relations. Turkish Studies, 21(2), 169-187, doi: 10.1080/14683849.2019.1586542
  • Sayın, Z., & Erdoğmuş, N. (2020). Performans artırma yoluyla meşruiyeti yeniden kazanma: Türk Kızılay’da yeniden yapılanma örneği. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), 1-30.
  • Şentürk Akman, M. (2021). Seminar on the Turkish Red Crescent, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business, İzmir.
  • T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı (2023). Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı, İstatistikler. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.11.2023).
  • Turkish Red Crescent (2019). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Turkish Red Crescent (2021). The Red Crescent Community Centre Implementation Manual. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Turkish Red Crescent (December 2, 2021) €325 million boost to the largest ever humanitarian programme, Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Türk Kızılay (2019), Kızılay hosted EU Regional Trust Fund (MADAD) meeting in Istanbul. Retrived from: (Accessed on 1.8.2023).
  • Türk Kızılay (2021). 2021-2030 Stratejik Plan. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • Türk Kızılay (2022) Göç Direktörlüğü Aylık Faaliyet Raporu. Retrieved from:
  • Türk Kızılay (n.d.). Dünyadaki Diğer Kızılay ve Kızılhaçların Linkleri, Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.08.2023).
  • UNHCR (2023). 2023 Mid-Year statistical report. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 27.10.2023).
  • UNICEF (2022). Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) Programme for Syrians and Other Refugees, UNICEF August 2022 Report.
  • UNICEF (n.d.). The conditional cash transfer for education (CCTE) programme. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • UNICEF Press Release (June 8, 2017). More than 230,000 refugee children in Türkiye to benefit from the conditional cash transfer for education programme. Retrieved from: (Accessed on 10.8.2023).
  • UN DESA (2020). International Migrant Stock 2020, Workbook: Age, sex and destination.
  • Üstübici, A., & Ergün, K. (2020). Migration-development-security nexus in the context of the external dimensions of the EU policies. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 19(2), 523-552. doi: /10.32450/aacd.886956
  • Walzer, M. (1994). Thick and thin moral argument at home and abroad. London: University of Notre
  • Yüksel Çendek, S. (2014). Securitization of migration: The case of Turkey - EU Relations. Marmara Üniversitesi Avrupa Topluluğu Enstitüsü Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, 22(1), 169-187.
  • Yüksel, K. (2023). Ambiguity and migration governance in the satellite city of Düzce, Türkiye. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 32(4), 636-659.
  • Yüksel, U. (2023). Politicization and instrumentalization of migration research: Ethical challenges. İnsan Hareketliliği Uluslararası Dergisi Özel Sayı: Göç Araştırmalarında Yeni Tartışmalar/Gözden Kaçanlar, 90-107.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye İlişkileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zühal Ünalp Çepel 0000-0002-2057-5966

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 8 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünalp Çepel, Z. (2024). SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF REFUGEES IN TÜRKİYE: A FIELD OF COLLABORATION BETWEEN TURKISH RED CRESCENT AND THE EU. Anadolu Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(3), 96-114.

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