Current Issue

Volume: 25 Issue: 3, 9/29/24

Year: 2024

Research Article


Anadolu University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (AUİİBFD) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that has been published electronically in the fields of business, economics, labor economics and industrial relations, finance, public administration and political science, mainly in the field of social sciences. meets readers. The journal aims to contribute to academic discussions by providing knowledge and production in these areas.

Anadolu University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (AUİİBFD) publishes studies that adopt original scientific research processes and contribute to the dissemination and production of knowledge in the fields of business, economics, labor economics and industrial relations, finance, public administration and political science. All kinds of scientific (translation, criticism, evaluation, examination, etc.) studies in related fields are included in the journal. In this context, the following types of studies are also within the scope of the Journal:

- Qualitative research

- Quantitative research

- Research based on mixed methods

- Perspectives on policies

- Critical literature reviews

- Book evaluation

Important Note: Changes have been made in the publication principles and policies of the Journal, which is in the process of restructuring. Since new regulations have been made in the ethical principles and policies of our journal; it is expected that field editors, referees, and authors should pay attention to these regulations.

- Research articles, review articles, and book reviews are published in our journal. Articles are reviewed by the editorial board on the basis of criteria such as originality, contribution to science, language, and article type. The journal board reserves the right to change or return the type of article, in consultation with the authors, if the journal board agrees that the article type differs from that specified by the subject editors or reviewers.

- The studies submitted to the journal for evaluation should be original. The studies should not have been previously published and concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. Any plagiarism including self-plagiarism cannot be tolerated by the journal. The studies are checked for originality by using anti-plagiarism software. The Editorial Board of the Journal has adopted the following rules in terms of plagiarism policy:

  • Studies with a similarity score higher than 15% (Bibliography excluded) are rejected without being evaluated.
  • Studies with a similarity score %15 or lower (Bibliography excluded) are included in the review process.
  • An author(s) who submits a study to the journal commits that the rules mentioned above are accepted.

- The language of publication of the journal is Turkish and English. English abstract must be included in Turkish studies. In the abstract, Turkish and English titles should be centered horizontally. Titles should be written in Times New Roman font and in capital letters with 13 font size.

- In the study, there should be an abstract section with a length of 100-150 words, and 3 to 5 keywords. The study should contain at least two JEL Codes. See for JEL Codes. “Abstracts”, * “Keywords” and “JEL Codes” title should be bold, left aligned and only the first letter should be capitalized. The sections should be written in Times New Roman font with 10 font size and single line spacing.

- The study can be prepared in MS Office Word, Google Docs or Libre Office. However, it must be uploaded to DergiPark in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx extension). Compliance of page designs with writing rules of journal should be checked before submitting the study.

- Page layout should be set top 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm and bottom 2.5 cm. There should be single line (12 point-pt) space between paragraphs. Each paragraph should start 1 cm from the left.

- Headings should not be numbered. There should be three levels of heading in the studies:
    * Level 1: Left aligned, bold and all capitals.
    * Level 2: Left aligned, bold and title case.
    * Level 3: Left aligned, bold and sentence case.

- The text should be written in Times New Roman font with 11 font size. It should be justified with 1.5 line spacing.

- The study should not exceed 30 pages including the bibliography. Page numbers should be placed at the bottom and centered.

- The study should accord with the research and publication ethics. The originality report obtained using plagiarism detection software (Turnitin, iThenticate, etc.) should be uploaded to the system together with the article. If "Ethics Committee Approval" is required for the research; in the “Methods” section of the article, information regarding the approval of the Ethics Committee (name of the ethics committee, number and date of the approval document) should be stated. Studies without ethics committee approval are not taken into consideration.
- The titles of Tables and Figures in the study should be left aligned and only the first letter of the first word should be upper case. If there are references, they should be placed just below the Tables and Figures.
(For example; Table 1: Variable types and classification used in the research). If equation numbers are used, they should be given in parentheses, justified to the right.

- All sources in the references must be cited in the study. In the study, in-text citations should not be given as footnotes, citations should be written in accordance with the following formal rules:
• In-text representation of a single-author source; It is in the form of “(author's surname, publication year)” or “(author's surname, publication year, p. page number)”.
• In-text representation of the source with two authors; It is in the form of “(1st author’s surname, and 2nd author’s surname, publication year)” or “(1st author’s surname, and 2nd author’s surname, p. page number)”. In a source with two authors, “and” is used between the authors.
• When citing studies with three, four and five authors, only the surnames of all authors are given in the first reference in the text. For other references, the first author's surname and others (et al.) should be added next to it.
• When citing studies with six or more authors, only the surname of the first author is given and others (et al.) should be added next to it.

First citation in text
Subsequent citations in text
Parenthetical format, first citation in text
Parenthetical format, subsequent citations in text
Single-author study
Hull (2018)
Hull (2018)
(Hull, 2018, p. 21)
(Hull, 2018, p. 21)
Study with two authors
Chance and Brooks (2010)
Chance and Brooks (2010)
(Chance and Brooks, 2010, p. 150)
(Chance and Brooks, 2010, p. 150)
Study with three, four, and five authors
Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan (2003)
Bakshi et al. (2003)
(Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan, 2003, p. 3)
(Bakshi et al, 2003, p. 3)
Study with six or more authors
Modigliani et al. (1998)
Modigliani et al. (1998)
(Modigliani et al., 1998, p.10)
(Modigliani et al., 1998, p.10)
Groups as authors
Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası (TCMB, 2020)
TCMB (2020)
(Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası [TCMB], 2020, p. 5)
(TCMB, 2020, p. 5)

- The first page of the submitted articles should not contain any information about the authors. The author(s) must enter all their information (author(s) name, surname, title, ORCID, contact information) into the system completely during the article submission phase. If the study is derived from a thesis or has been presented as a paper before, it should be indicated by giving a footnote on the first page of the article. The following documents must be fully uploaded to the system during the submission process:
1) Title page (Sort of author names, authors' ORCID numbers, e-mail addresses and institution information, corresponding author should be specified and all contact information of the corresponding author such as telephone etc.).
2) Copyright transfer form (each author must fill in and sign separately).
3) Ethics declaration form
4) Authenticity report
5) Full text file without any information such as name, surname, contact information of the authors.

- Our journal uses APA (American Psychological Association) Style 6th Edition in citing references. Authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide published by the American Psychological Association. In addition, our journal recommends adding the DOI information of the cited articles to the bibliography. Look for more details.


• Journal article with DOI
Behrent, M. C. (2013). Foucault and technology. History and Technology, 29(1), 54-104.
Erdem, F., & Aytemur, J. Ö. (2008). Mentoring-A relationship based on trust: Qualitative research. Public Personnel Management, 37(1), 55-65. doi: 10.1177/009102600803700104

• Journal article with DOI (more than seven authors)
Petersen, M. C., Gallop, M. R., Ramos, S. F., Zarrinpar, A., Broussard, J. L., Chondronikola, M.,… Klein, S. (2022). Complex physiology and clinical implications of time-restricted eating. Physiological Reviews, 102(4), 1991-2034. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00006.2022

• Journal article without DOI
Black, F., & Scholes, M. (1973). The pricing of options and corporate liabilities. Journal of Political Economy. 81(3), 637-654.

• Magazine article
Myhrvold, N. (2010, Mart). The big idea-Funding Eureka! Harvard Business Review, 1200-1210.

• Online magazine article
Myhrvold, N. (2010, Mart). The big idea-Funding Eureka! Harvard Business Review, 1200-1210. Retrieved from

• Online newspaper article
Gorman, S. (2022, Ekim 7). Latest four-member SpaceX crew, including cosmonaut, welcomed abroad space station. Reuters. Retrieved from


• Entire book, print version
Borton, H. (1970). Japan's modern century (2nd ed.). New York: The Ronald Press Company.

• Republished and translated book
Kant, I. (2016). Critique of pure reason (Çev: P. Guyer ve A. W. Wood). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Original work published 1781).

• Book chapter, print version
Watson, J. (1998). Engineering education in Japan after the iwakura mission. In I. Nish (Ed.), The iwakura mission in America and Europe: A new assessment (pp. 108-112) içinde. Surrey: Japan Library.

• Reference book
VandenBos, G. R. (Ed.). (2007). APA dictionary of psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

• Online reference book
Bobonich, C., & Meadows, K. (2002). Plato on utopia. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from

• Online reference book, no author or editör
Academy. (n.d.). In Cambridge dictionary. Retrieved from


• Corporate author’s report
World Health Organization. (2021). 2021 mid-year report-Who strategic action against covid-19. Geneva: World Health Organization.

• Authored report
Msafiri, D. (2021). Enhancing competitiveness of rice industry in Tanzania (Research Report No. 13/2021). Retrieved from Research on Poverty Alleviation website:


• Proceedings published in book form
Lamy, M. F. (2011). Basel III : strengthening the resilience of the banking sector. In M. Bellalah, & O. Masood (Eds.), 6th International Finance Conference on Financial Crisis and Governance. (pp. 37-58). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

• Unpublished proceedings
Sözer Oran, J. ve Ayık, A. (2019). The effect of households’ financial distress on risk taking behavior, Paper presented at 23rd International Finance Symposium. Antalya: Marmara Üniversitesi.

Law, Y. (2021). Three essays o expectations in macroeconomics and finance (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Graduate School of Binghamton University, New York.


• Data set
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2022). OECD economic Outlook [Data file]. Retrieved from

• Software
Stata 17 [Software]. (2021). Texas: StataCorp LLC.


• Blog posts
Packer, A. J. (2021, February 5). GameStonk-What behavioral finance teaches us about the thrill and agony behind stock picking [Web log message]. Retrieved from

Important Note: All manuscripts sent to the journal are first evaluated by the Editorial Board. Within the scope of AUİİBFD, manuscripts that do not comply with a scientific writing format in terms of content and form are rejected by the Editorial Board or the Editorial Board without starting the refereeing process, or these boards can make changes to the manuscripts. The authority to request corrections rests with the Editorial Board.

Important Note: Changes have been made in the publication principles and policies of the Journal which is in the process of restructuring. Since new regulations have been made in the ethical principles and policies of our journal; it is expected that field editors, referees, and authors should pay attention to these regulations.

In accordance with the publication policy it has adopted, the jounal publishes a maximum of two articles from the authors from within the institution in  each issue.

- Anadolu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (AUİİBFD) is meticulously committed to follow the high standards of publication ethics determined by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and The Scientific and Regulations of the Technological Research Council of Turkey Committee on Research and Publication Ethics (Tübitak, 2018) in terms of the conditions and criteria for article acceptance and publication process. Within the framework of these standards, the ethical responsibilities are expected to be followed by authors, referees and editors are as follows:

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
- The studies submitted to the journal for evaluation should be original. The studies should not have been previously published and concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. Any plagiarism including self-plagiarism cannot be tolerated by the journal. The studies are checked for originality by using anti-plagiarism software. The Editorial Board of the Journal has adopted the following rules in terms of plagiarism policy:
- Studies with a similarity score higher than 15% (Bibliography excluded) are rejected without being evaluated.
- Studies with a similarity score %15 or lower (Bibliography excluded) are included in the review process.
- An author(s) who submits a study to the journal commits that the rules mentioned above are accepted.
- In the publication of studies with more than one researcher, removing the name of the researcher who has enough contribution to deserve a co-authorship, adding the name of the researcher as an author who has not enough contribution to deserve a co-authorship or arranging the author order in an inappropriate way are considered to be against ethical principles. In this regard, the authors are expected to take into account their ethical responsibilities for the submitted studies. In addition, it cannot be proposed to change the author responsibilities (adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author, etc.) of studies whose review process has begun.

-Only one article by an author is published in the same year.

- In studies produced from a graduate thesis, the student cannot waive his/her right to be an author in the products produced from the thesis or his/her name cannot be removed from the work. However, the supervisor (or legal second supervisor, if any) and those who have contributed to the thesis study may waive the right of ownership (being an author) in the works produced from the thesis. Those who waive their rights must fill in the "Waiver of Authorship Form", sign it with their wet signature, and send the scanned version to the editor and editorial board of the journal via e-mail.
- There should not be any financial or personal interest relationship during the conduction of studies and reporting of the results. A written declaration of “Conflict of Interest” that states there is no conflict of interest between the commercial organizations supporting the researh and author(s) should be submitted to the journal.
- The “Copyright Form” which the author(s) must fill in before the submission of a study, first confirms its originality. This form confirms that the same data and results are not published elsewhere, the same study is not published in different language elsewhere and results from a single study are not artificially divided more than one publication. This form also includes the confirmation of obtaining the necessary permissions for the data, scales, and numbers obtained from other studies and institutions. With the signing of this form by the author(s), it is declared that all copyright of the study are transferred to Anadolu University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences (AUİİBFD).
- “Ethics Committee Approval” must be obtained for studies conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences. It must be uploaded to the DergiPark before the submission process of the study. Ethics committee approval is required in studies where qualitative and quantitative methods are use to collect data, in clinical studies, and in retrospective studies in accordance with the law on personal data protection. Information about the permission (the title of the ethics committee, date, and number) must be stated in the research method section and on the first/last page of the study. 

- Research articles, review articles, and book reviews are published in our journal. Articles are reviewed by the editorial board on the basis of criteria such as originality, contribution to science, language, and article type. The journal board reserves the right to change or return the type of article, in consultation with the authors, if the journal board agrees that the article type differs from that specified by the subject editors or reviewers.

 Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewer

- Reviewing is a process based on trust and volunteerism. In this process, the reviewer should not accept to evaluate the studies that are outside of their academic expertise.

- Reviewers should not accept to evaluate the work in situations that will create a conflict of interest. Currently working at the same institution with any of the authors or having any recent collaboration (for example, within the last 3 years) requires refusing to evaluate the work. In addition, not evaluating a study that is very similar to a study in preparation or under evaluation in another journal is one of the main ethical responsibilities of the reviewers.

- Consideration should be given to the time taken for the acceptance of the arbitration invitation and the submission of the report containing the evaluation.

- It is important to use the evaluation tool provided by the Journal in the evaluation of the study. It is expected that constructive and objective evaluations that will contribute to the development of the author(s) work will be provided by the reviewer. One of the basic ethical standards is that the criticisms should be specific, and supporting evidence should be presented with appropriate references based on theory and literature. Use of unprofessional, abusive and condescending language is not tolerated by the Journal.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors and Field Editors

The editor and field editors of the AUİİBFD must fulfill the basic responsibilities in the "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

General Duties and Responsibilities
- Supporting the creation of ideas that will improve the process of the Journal by meeting regularly with readers, authors, reviewers and board members who are the stakeholders of AUİİBFD.
- Supporting initiatives that will reduce unsuitable behaviors in terms of academic and publication ethics
- Maintaining freedom of thought and discussion of ideas
- Continuously improving the conditions and qualifications necessary for the Journal to maintain its institutional structure.

Relations with Readers
- Ensuring that any work published in the Journal has undergone a qualified evaluation and preparation for publication.
- Making sure that all studies published in the journal are in accordance with scientific research processes, from the ranking of the authors contributing to the study to the declaration of conflicts of interest.
- Ensuring that a journal process is managed, in which personal rights are respected, and which focuses on the production and sharing of objective, scientific information sensitively.

Relations with Authors

- Presenting clear, consistent and clear information to the authors from the uploading of the studies to the evaluation process.

- Provide authors with up-to-date information on publication guidelines and relevant reference resources.

- Assuring authors that their work will be evaluated objectively by experts.

- Provide information to the authors about the ways followed in the detection of situations contrary to scientific publication ethics.

Relations with Reviewers

-Informing the reviewers about situations that may create a conflict of interest

- Supporting reviewers to report ethical violations.

- Supporting reviewers to be careful about multiple publications, plagiarism.

- To care about the contribution of the referees who provide high quality, careful evaluation to the journal; to follow the necessary steps so that the referees who act in the opposite direction do not take part in the evaluation process.

- Ensuring that blind reviewing processes are followed.

- To follow and not include unscientific, personally insulting, impolite evaluations.

Relationship with Journal Owner and Publisher
The relationship between the editors (Editor and field editors) and the publisher is based on the principle of editorial independence. Anadolu University is the publisher of AÜİİBFD.
The editors are responsible for all processes of the studies submitted to Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences. In this context, the decision makers are the Editors and Field Editors, regardless of economic or political gains. AÜİİBFD protects the property and copyright of each published article and undertakes to keep a record of each published copy.

Editorial and Blind Review Processes

Editors are responsible for applying the "Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" policies in the journal's publication policies. In this context, the editors ensure that the fair, impartial and timely evaluation process of each work is completed.

Quality Assurance
Editors are responsible for publishing every article published in the Journal in accordance with journal publication policies and international standards.

Protection of Personal Data
The editors are obliged to ensure the protection of personal data regarding the subjects or images included in the evaluated studies. It is responsible for refusing to work unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented. In addition, editors; The author is responsible for protecting the individual data of the referees and readers.

In case you encounter an unethical situation;
If you encounter any unethical behavior or content other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above in the Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Anadolu University, please report it to via e-mail.

No fee is charged for articles sent to the journal. No copyright fee is paid for the articles.

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License since 2023.