Research Article
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Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.)

Year 2024, , 336 - 344, 26.03.2024


The intensive use of chemical inputs in the agricultural field has reduced soil fertility as well as affected human health and the environment. To overcome these problems, environmentally friendly alternatives such as vermicompost applications should be used. Vermicomposting is an eco-friendly way in which earthworms convert organic residues into compost and contribute to plant growth and development. This is the first study of two forms of vermicompost applied as solid and liquid on plant growth and fungicide tolerance in lettuce. In this study, barnyard manure was composted with the Red California earthworm Eisenia foetida (Lumbricidae). The effects of different doses (0, 10, 20 and 30 %) of solid vermicompost and commercial liquid vermicompost were investigated on some growth and yield parameters (leaf length, leaf width, SPAD chlorophyll amount, number of marketable leaves, number of discarded leaves, leaf pH, leaf nitrogen content and fungicide residue values) of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.) grown under greenhouse conditions. The parameters were statistically significant for vermicompost type and dose for all results except leaf pH, number of discarded leaves and fungicide residue analysis. The results of solid vermicompost application were higher than control and commercial liquid vermicompost in terms of all parameters. The highest leaf length and width values were determined at a 20% dose of solid vermicompost, while the highest SPAD chlorophyll value and leaf nitrogen values were determined at a 30% dose. The number of marketable leaves was higher in all doses of solid vermicompost application. However, there was no statistically significant difference in fungicide residue analyses in terms of vermicompost types, dose, and vermicompost type-dose interactions. Fungicide residue levels were detected above the MRL (maximum residue limits) in all samples.

Supporting Institution

Ordu Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number



We wish to thank Ordu University Scientific Research Unit for financial support (Project No: B-2025).


  • AlAmin M A, Hasan A K, Ali M H, Nessa S & Islam M N (2017). Effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat. Archives of Agriculture Environmental Science 2: 134–140
  • Altunlu H (2021). Effect of microbial fertilizer and vermicompost applications on plant growth, yield, and nitrate content of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var capitata). Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34(1): 135-140
  • Arancon N Q, Edwards C A, Bierman P, Metzger J D, Lee S & Welch C (2003). Effects of vermicomposts on growth and marketable fruits of field-grown tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries. Pedobiologia 47: 731-735
  • Arancon N, Cleave J V, Hamasaki R, Nagata K & Felts J (2020). The influence of vermicompost water extracts on growth of plants propagated by cuttings. Journal of Plant Nutrient 43:176–185
  • Aslam Z & Ahmad A (2020). Effects of vermicompost, vermi-tea and chemical fertilizer on morpho-physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) in Suleymanpasa District, Tekirdag of Turkey. Journal of Innovative Sciences 6(1): 41-46
  • Bademkıran F, Çığ A, & Türkoğlu N (2018). The effects of dosages of solid and liquid earthworm fertilizers on plant growth of daffodil (Narcissus cv. 'Royal Connection'). Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5: 676-684.
  • Bhat S A, Singh S, Singh J, Kumar S & Bhawana VA (2018). Bioremediation and detoxification of industrial wastes by earthworms: Vermicompost as powerful crop nutrient in sustainable agriculture. Bioresource Technology, 252: 172-179
  • Bisen K, Keswani C, Mishra S, Saxena A, Rakshit A & Singh H B (2015). Unrealized potential of seed biopriming for versatile agriculture. In nutrient use efficiency: from Basics to Advances (ed. Rakshit HB, Singh A) Springer India, pp. 193-206
  • Blouin M, Barrere J, Meyer N, Lartigue S, Barot S & Mathieu J (2019). Vermicompost significantly affects plant growth. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39: 1-15
  • Cengiz M F, Certel M, Karakaş B & Göçmen H (2007). Residue contents of captan and procymidone applied on tomatoes grown in greenhouses and their reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest culinary applications. Food Chemistry, 100(4): 1611-1619
  • Chew K W, Chia S R, Yen H W, Nomanbhay S, Ho Y C & Show P L (2019). Transformation of biomass waste into sustainable organic fertilizers. Sustainability 11(8): 2266
  • Datta S, Singh J, Singh S &, Singh J (2016). Earthworms, pesticides, and sustainable agriculture: a review. Environmental Science Pollution Research, (2016) 23: 8227–824
  • Domínguez J & Edwards C A (2011). Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Waste and Environmental Management: In: R. L. Sherman (Ed.), Relationships Between Composting and Vermicomposting: Relative Values of The Products, (pp.1-14) 2nd ed. Florida, USA. CRC Press
  • Ducasse V, Capowiez Y & Peigné J (2022). Vermicomposting of municipal solid waste as a possible lever for the development of sustainable agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 42(5): 89
  • Edwards CA, Domínguez J, Arancon NQ (2004). The influence of vermicomposts on plant growth and pest incidence. In: Shakir SH, MikhailWZA (eds) Soil zoology for sustainable development in the 21st century, self-publisher. Cairo, Egyp,t pp. 397–420
  • Esturk O, Yakar Y & Ayhan Z (2014). Pesticide residue analysis in parsley, lettuce, and spinach by LC-MS/MS. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51: 458-466.
  • Fernández-Bayo J D, Nogales R & Romero E (2009). Effect of vermicompost’s from wastes of the wine and alcohol industries in the persistence and distribution of imidacloprid and diuron on agricultural soils. Journal of Agricultural Food 57: 5435– 5442
  • Franke-Whittle I H, Juárez M F D, Insam H, Schweizer S, Naef A, Topp A R & Manici L M (2019). Performance evaluation of locally available composts to reduce replant disease in apple orchards of central Europe. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 34: 543-557
  • Garg V K & Gupta R (2009). Vermicomposting of agro-industrial processing waste. In: Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilization Springer, Dordrecht pp. 431–456
  • Gill H K & Garg H (2014). Pesticide: environmental impacts and management strategies. In: Solenski S, Larramenday ML (eds) Pesticides toxic aspects. Intech Open, Rijeka pp. 187–230
  • Gül V, Çoban F & Öztürk E (2021). Effect of liquid and solid vermicompost applications on growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Alinteri Journal Agriculture Science 36(1): 55-60
  • Hussain N, Abbasi T& Abbasi SA (2017). Enhancement in the productivity of lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus) with concomitant pest control by the vermicompost of the weed salvinia (Salvinia molesta, Mitchell). International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 6: 335–343
  • Jiménez-Arias D, Garcia-Machado F J, Morales-Sierra S, Luis J C, Suarez E, Hernández M, Valdes F & Borges A A (2019). Lettuce plants treated with L-pyroglutamic acid increase yield under water deficit stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 158: 215-222
  • Karademir S & Kibar B (2022). Influence of different vermicompost doses on growth, quality, and element contents in curly lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 25(Ek Sayı 2), 430-440
  • Kenea FT & Gedamu F (2018). Response of garlic (Allium sativum L.) to vermicompost and mineral N fertilizer application at Haramaya, Eastern Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research 13(2): 27-35
  • Kocakurt, H. (2022). Kırmızı Toprak Solucanı Eisenia fetida'dan Elde Edilen Sölom Sıvısının özelliklerinin Araştırılması (Doctoral dissertation, Bursa Uludag University (Turkey)
  • Li J & Marschner P (2019) Phosphorus pools and plant uptake in manure amended soil. J Soil Science Plant Nutrition 19:175–186
  • Ludibeth M S, Marina E I & Vicenta M E (2012). Vermicomposting of sewage sludge: Earthworm population and agronomic advantages. Compost Science and Utilization, 20(1): 11-17
  • Luján-Hidalgo M C, Gómez-Hernández D E, Villalobos-Maldonado J J, Abud-Archila, M., Montes-Molina J A, Enciso-Saenz S, Ruiz-Valdiviezo, VM & Gutiérrez-Miceli F A (2016). Effects of vermicompost and vermiwash on of Mexican Pepperleaf (Piper auritum Kunth) plant, phenolic content, and antioxidant activity cultivated in phosphate rock potting Media. Compost Science & Utilization. DOI, 10.
  • Maloisane R M & Kayombo B (2022). Evaluation of vermicompost on development and yield of beetroot (Beta vulgaris). World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences 07(01): 001–008
  • Manyuchi M M, Phiri A, Muredzi N & Chirinda N (2013). Effect of drying on vermicompost macro nutrient composting. International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Science 1(10): 1-3
  • Narkhede S D, Attarde S B & Ingle S T (2011). Study on effect of chemical fertilizer and vermicompost on growth of chili pepper plant (Capsicum annum). Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation 6(3): 327-332
  • Nauman A, Khan M N, Ashraf M S, Ijaz, S, Saeed-ur-Rehman H, Abdullah M ... & Farooq M (2020). Influence of different organic manures and their combinations on productivity and quality of bread wheat. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20: 1949-1960
  • Nurhidayati N, Machfudz M & Murwani I (2018). Direct and residual effect of various vermicompost on soil nutrient and nutrient uptake dynamics and productivity of four mustard Pak-Coi (Brassica rapa L.) sequences in organic farming system. International Journal of Recycling Organic Waste in Agriculture 7:173–181
  • Olle M (2019). Vermicompost, its importance and benefit in agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Science (2): 93–98
  • Öztürkci Y & Akköprü, A. (2021). Effects of solid and liquid vermicompost application on bean growth and common bacterial blight disease in different growth medium. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi 7(1): 30-40
  • Pant A P, Radovich T J, Hue N V, Talcott S T & Krenek K A (2009). Vermicompost extracts influence growth, mineral nutrients, phytonutrients, and antioxidant activity in pak choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown under vermicompost and chemical fertilizer. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89(14): 2383-2392
  • Romero E, Salido A, Cifuentes C, Fernández J D & Nogales R (2006). Effect of vermicomposting process on pesticide sorption capability using agro-industrial wastes. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 86(3-4): 289-297
  • Samal K, Mohan A R, Chaudhary N & Moulick S (2019). Application of verm technology in waste management: A review on mechanism and performance. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(5), 103392.onal Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 86: 289–297
  • Santamaria P (2006). Nitrate in vegetables: toxicity, content, intake, and EC regulation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86(1): 10–17
  • Sarma B K, Singh P, Pandey S K & Singh H B (2010). Vermicompost as modulator of plant growth and disease suppression. Dynamic Soil, Dynamic Plant 4: 58-66
  • Sharma K & Garg V (2018) Comparative analysis of vermicompost quality produced from rice straw and paper waste employing earthworm Eisenia fetida (Sav.). Bioresource Technology 250:708–715
  • Srivastava P K, Gupta M, Upadhyay R K, Sharma S Singh, N, Tewari S K & Singh B (2012). Effects of combined application of vermicompost and mineral fertilizer on the growth of Allium cepa L. and soil fertility. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175(1): 101-107
  • Simsek-Ersahin Y (2011). The use of vermicompost products to control plant diseases and pests. In A. Karaca (Ed.) Biology of Earthworms (pp. 191-213). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Srivastava V, Goel G, Thakur V K, Singh R P, de Araujo A S F & Singh P (2020). Analysis and advanced characterization of municipal solid waste vermicompost maturity for a green environment. Journal of Environmental Management 255: 109914
  • Stensvand A & Christiansen A (2000). Investigation on fungicide residues in greenhouse-grown strawberries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48(3): 917-920
  • Theunissen J, Ndakidemi P A & Laubscher C P (2010). Potential of vermicompost produced from plant waste on the growth and nutrient status in vegetable production. International Journal of the Physical Sciences 5(13): 1964-1973
  • Tözün M & Akar G (2022). Examination of national literature after 2010 on pesticide residues in food samples in Turkey: A systematic review. Estüdam 7(1): 177-191
  • Xie D, Wu W, Hao X, Jiang D, Li X & Bai L (2016). Vermicomposting of sludge from animal wastewater treatment plant mixed with cow dung or swine manure using Eisenia fetida. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 7767–7775
  • Wang D, Shi Q, Wang X, Wei M, Hu J, Liu J & Yang F (2010). Influence of cow manure vermicompost on the growth, metabolite contents, and antioxidant activities of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis). Biology and Fertility of Soils 46: 689-696
  • Wang KH, Radovich T, Pant A & Cheng Z (2014). Integration of cover crops and vermicompost tea for soil and plant health management in a short-term vegetable cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology 82:26–37
  • Wu L, Jiang Y, Zhao F, He X, Liu H & Yu K (2020). Increased organic fertilizer application and reduced chemical fertilizer application affect the soil properties and bacterial communities of grape rhizosphere soil. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-10
  • Yaşa Ö (2011). Agricultural struggle policies in Turkey's European Union harmonization process (Master’s thesis, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Yatoo, A. M., Ali, M. N., Baba, Z. A., & Hassan, B. (2021). Sustainable management of diseases and pests in crops by vermicompost and vermicompost tea. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41: 1-26
  • Ye L, Zhao X, Bao E, Li J, Zou Z & Cao K (2020). Bio-organic fertilizer with reduced rates of chemical fertilization improves soil fertility and enhances tomato yield and quality. Scientific reports 10(1): 1-11
  • Yourtchi M S, Hadi M H S & Darzi M T (2013). Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and vermicompost on vegetative growth, yield and NPK uptake by tuber of potato (Agria CV.). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) 5(18): 2033
  • Yuvaraj A, Thangaraj R, Ravindran B, Chang S W & Karmegam N (2021). Centrality of cattle solid wastes in vermicomposting technology–A cleaner resource recovery and biowaste recycling option for agricultural and environmental sustainability. Environmental Pollution 268: 115688
  • Yüksek T, Oğuztürk T & Çorbacı Ö L (2020). The Effect of worm fertilizer and peat applications on the development of Plectranthus amboinicus (lour.) plant in different pot environment. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences 5(4): 743-749
  • Zandvakili O R, Barker A V, Hashemi M & Etemadi F (2019). Biomass and nutrient concentration of lettuce grown with organic fertilizers. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42(5): 444-457
Year 2024, , 336 - 344, 26.03.2024


Project Number



  • AlAmin M A, Hasan A K, Ali M H, Nessa S & Islam M N (2017). Effect of mulching and organic manure on growth and yield performance of wheat. Archives of Agriculture Environmental Science 2: 134–140
  • Altunlu H (2021). Effect of microbial fertilizer and vermicompost applications on plant growth, yield, and nitrate content of head lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var capitata). Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences 34(1): 135-140
  • Arancon N Q, Edwards C A, Bierman P, Metzger J D, Lee S & Welch C (2003). Effects of vermicomposts on growth and marketable fruits of field-grown tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries. Pedobiologia 47: 731-735
  • Arancon N, Cleave J V, Hamasaki R, Nagata K & Felts J (2020). The influence of vermicompost water extracts on growth of plants propagated by cuttings. Journal of Plant Nutrient 43:176–185
  • Aslam Z & Ahmad A (2020). Effects of vermicompost, vermi-tea and chemical fertilizer on morpho-physiological characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) in Suleymanpasa District, Tekirdag of Turkey. Journal of Innovative Sciences 6(1): 41-46
  • Bademkıran F, Çığ A, & Türkoğlu N (2018). The effects of dosages of solid and liquid earthworm fertilizers on plant growth of daffodil (Narcissus cv. 'Royal Connection'). Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5: 676-684.
  • Bhat S A, Singh S, Singh J, Kumar S & Bhawana VA (2018). Bioremediation and detoxification of industrial wastes by earthworms: Vermicompost as powerful crop nutrient in sustainable agriculture. Bioresource Technology, 252: 172-179
  • Bisen K, Keswani C, Mishra S, Saxena A, Rakshit A & Singh H B (2015). Unrealized potential of seed biopriming for versatile agriculture. In nutrient use efficiency: from Basics to Advances (ed. Rakshit HB, Singh A) Springer India, pp. 193-206
  • Blouin M, Barrere J, Meyer N, Lartigue S, Barot S & Mathieu J (2019). Vermicompost significantly affects plant growth. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39: 1-15
  • Cengiz M F, Certel M, Karakaş B & Göçmen H (2007). Residue contents of captan and procymidone applied on tomatoes grown in greenhouses and their reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest culinary applications. Food Chemistry, 100(4): 1611-1619
  • Chew K W, Chia S R, Yen H W, Nomanbhay S, Ho Y C & Show P L (2019). Transformation of biomass waste into sustainable organic fertilizers. Sustainability 11(8): 2266
  • Datta S, Singh J, Singh S &, Singh J (2016). Earthworms, pesticides, and sustainable agriculture: a review. Environmental Science Pollution Research, (2016) 23: 8227–824
  • Domínguez J & Edwards C A (2011). Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Waste and Environmental Management: In: R. L. Sherman (Ed.), Relationships Between Composting and Vermicomposting: Relative Values of The Products, (pp.1-14) 2nd ed. Florida, USA. CRC Press
  • Ducasse V, Capowiez Y & Peigné J (2022). Vermicomposting of municipal solid waste as a possible lever for the development of sustainable agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 42(5): 89
  • Edwards CA, Domínguez J, Arancon NQ (2004). The influence of vermicomposts on plant growth and pest incidence. In: Shakir SH, MikhailWZA (eds) Soil zoology for sustainable development in the 21st century, self-publisher. Cairo, Egyp,t pp. 397–420
  • Esturk O, Yakar Y & Ayhan Z (2014). Pesticide residue analysis in parsley, lettuce, and spinach by LC-MS/MS. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51: 458-466.
  • Fernández-Bayo J D, Nogales R & Romero E (2009). Effect of vermicompost’s from wastes of the wine and alcohol industries in the persistence and distribution of imidacloprid and diuron on agricultural soils. Journal of Agricultural Food 57: 5435– 5442
  • Franke-Whittle I H, Juárez M F D, Insam H, Schweizer S, Naef A, Topp A R & Manici L M (2019). Performance evaluation of locally available composts to reduce replant disease in apple orchards of central Europe. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 34: 543-557
  • Garg V K & Gupta R (2009). Vermicomposting of agro-industrial processing waste. In: Biotechnology for Agro-Industrial Residues Utilization Springer, Dordrecht pp. 431–456
  • Gill H K & Garg H (2014). Pesticide: environmental impacts and management strategies. In: Solenski S, Larramenday ML (eds) Pesticides toxic aspects. Intech Open, Rijeka pp. 187–230
  • Gül V, Çoban F & Öztürk E (2021). Effect of liquid and solid vermicompost applications on growth and yield of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Alinteri Journal Agriculture Science 36(1): 55-60
  • Hussain N, Abbasi T& Abbasi SA (2017). Enhancement in the productivity of lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus) with concomitant pest control by the vermicompost of the weed salvinia (Salvinia molesta, Mitchell). International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 6: 335–343
  • Jiménez-Arias D, Garcia-Machado F J, Morales-Sierra S, Luis J C, Suarez E, Hernández M, Valdes F & Borges A A (2019). Lettuce plants treated with L-pyroglutamic acid increase yield under water deficit stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 158: 215-222
  • Karademir S & Kibar B (2022). Influence of different vermicompost doses on growth, quality, and element contents in curly lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. crispa). Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi 25(Ek Sayı 2), 430-440
  • Kenea FT & Gedamu F (2018). Response of garlic (Allium sativum L.) to vermicompost and mineral N fertilizer application at Haramaya, Eastern Ethiopia. African Journal of Agricultural Research 13(2): 27-35
  • Kocakurt, H. (2022). Kırmızı Toprak Solucanı Eisenia fetida'dan Elde Edilen Sölom Sıvısının özelliklerinin Araştırılması (Doctoral dissertation, Bursa Uludag University (Turkey)
  • Li J & Marschner P (2019) Phosphorus pools and plant uptake in manure amended soil. J Soil Science Plant Nutrition 19:175–186
  • Ludibeth M S, Marina E I & Vicenta M E (2012). Vermicomposting of sewage sludge: Earthworm population and agronomic advantages. Compost Science and Utilization, 20(1): 11-17
  • Luján-Hidalgo M C, Gómez-Hernández D E, Villalobos-Maldonado J J, Abud-Archila, M., Montes-Molina J A, Enciso-Saenz S, Ruiz-Valdiviezo, VM & Gutiérrez-Miceli F A (2016). Effects of vermicompost and vermiwash on of Mexican Pepperleaf (Piper auritum Kunth) plant, phenolic content, and antioxidant activity cultivated in phosphate rock potting Media. Compost Science & Utilization. DOI, 10.
  • Maloisane R M & Kayombo B (2022). Evaluation of vermicompost on development and yield of beetroot (Beta vulgaris). World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences 07(01): 001–008
  • Manyuchi M M, Phiri A, Muredzi N & Chirinda N (2013). Effect of drying on vermicompost macro nutrient composting. International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Science 1(10): 1-3
  • Narkhede S D, Attarde S B & Ingle S T (2011). Study on effect of chemical fertilizer and vermicompost on growth of chili pepper plant (Capsicum annum). Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation 6(3): 327-332
  • Nauman A, Khan M N, Ashraf M S, Ijaz, S, Saeed-ur-Rehman H, Abdullah M ... & Farooq M (2020). Influence of different organic manures and their combinations on productivity and quality of bread wheat. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20: 1949-1960
  • Nurhidayati N, Machfudz M & Murwani I (2018). Direct and residual effect of various vermicompost on soil nutrient and nutrient uptake dynamics and productivity of four mustard Pak-Coi (Brassica rapa L.) sequences in organic farming system. International Journal of Recycling Organic Waste in Agriculture 7:173–181
  • Olle M (2019). Vermicompost, its importance and benefit in agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Science (2): 93–98
  • Öztürkci Y & Akköprü, A. (2021). Effects of solid and liquid vermicompost application on bean growth and common bacterial blight disease in different growth medium. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi 7(1): 30-40
  • Pant A P, Radovich T J, Hue N V, Talcott S T & Krenek K A (2009). Vermicompost extracts influence growth, mineral nutrients, phytonutrients, and antioxidant activity in pak choi (Brassica rapa cv. Bonsai, Chinensis group) grown under vermicompost and chemical fertilizer. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89(14): 2383-2392
  • Romero E, Salido A, Cifuentes C, Fernández J D & Nogales R (2006). Effect of vermicomposting process on pesticide sorption capability using agro-industrial wastes. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 86(3-4): 289-297
  • Samal K, Mohan A R, Chaudhary N & Moulick S (2019). Application of verm technology in waste management: A review on mechanism and performance. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(5), 103392.onal Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 86: 289–297
  • Santamaria P (2006). Nitrate in vegetables: toxicity, content, intake, and EC regulation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86(1): 10–17
  • Sarma B K, Singh P, Pandey S K & Singh H B (2010). Vermicompost as modulator of plant growth and disease suppression. Dynamic Soil, Dynamic Plant 4: 58-66
  • Sharma K & Garg V (2018) Comparative analysis of vermicompost quality produced from rice straw and paper waste employing earthworm Eisenia fetida (Sav.). Bioresource Technology 250:708–715
  • Srivastava P K, Gupta M, Upadhyay R K, Sharma S Singh, N, Tewari S K & Singh B (2012). Effects of combined application of vermicompost and mineral fertilizer on the growth of Allium cepa L. and soil fertility. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175(1): 101-107
  • Simsek-Ersahin Y (2011). The use of vermicompost products to control plant diseases and pests. In A. Karaca (Ed.) Biology of Earthworms (pp. 191-213). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  • Srivastava V, Goel G, Thakur V K, Singh R P, de Araujo A S F & Singh P (2020). Analysis and advanced characterization of municipal solid waste vermicompost maturity for a green environment. Journal of Environmental Management 255: 109914
  • Stensvand A & Christiansen A (2000). Investigation on fungicide residues in greenhouse-grown strawberries. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48(3): 917-920
  • Theunissen J, Ndakidemi P A & Laubscher C P (2010). Potential of vermicompost produced from plant waste on the growth and nutrient status in vegetable production. International Journal of the Physical Sciences 5(13): 1964-1973
  • Tözün M & Akar G (2022). Examination of national literature after 2010 on pesticide residues in food samples in Turkey: A systematic review. Estüdam 7(1): 177-191
  • Xie D, Wu W, Hao X, Jiang D, Li X & Bai L (2016). Vermicomposting of sludge from animal wastewater treatment plant mixed with cow dung or swine manure using Eisenia fetida. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 7767–7775
  • Wang D, Shi Q, Wang X, Wei M, Hu J, Liu J & Yang F (2010). Influence of cow manure vermicompost on the growth, metabolite contents, and antioxidant activities of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis). Biology and Fertility of Soils 46: 689-696
  • Wang KH, Radovich T, Pant A & Cheng Z (2014). Integration of cover crops and vermicompost tea for soil and plant health management in a short-term vegetable cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology 82:26–37
  • Wu L, Jiang Y, Zhao F, He X, Liu H & Yu K (2020). Increased organic fertilizer application and reduced chemical fertilizer application affect the soil properties and bacterial communities of grape rhizosphere soil. Scientific Reports 10(1): 1-10
  • Yaşa Ö (2011). Agricultural struggle policies in Turkey's European Union harmonization process (Master’s thesis, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
  • Yatoo, A. M., Ali, M. N., Baba, Z. A., & Hassan, B. (2021). Sustainable management of diseases and pests in crops by vermicompost and vermicompost tea. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 41: 1-26
  • Ye L, Zhao X, Bao E, Li J, Zou Z & Cao K (2020). Bio-organic fertilizer with reduced rates of chemical fertilization improves soil fertility and enhances tomato yield and quality. Scientific reports 10(1): 1-11
  • Yourtchi M S, Hadi M H S & Darzi M T (2013). Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and vermicompost on vegetative growth, yield and NPK uptake by tuber of potato (Agria CV.). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) 5(18): 2033
  • Yuvaraj A, Thangaraj R, Ravindran B, Chang S W & Karmegam N (2021). Centrality of cattle solid wastes in vermicomposting technology–A cleaner resource recovery and biowaste recycling option for agricultural and environmental sustainability. Environmental Pollution 268: 115688
  • Yüksek T, Oğuztürk T & Çorbacı Ö L (2020). The Effect of worm fertilizer and peat applications on the development of Plectranthus amboinicus (lour.) plant in different pot environment. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences 5(4): 743-749
  • Zandvakili O R, Barker A V, Hashemi M & Etemadi F (2019). Biomass and nutrient concentration of lettuce grown with organic fertilizers. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42(5): 444-457
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Tuğba Özbucak 0000-0002-4784-3537

Hülya Alan 0000-0001-5117-9192

Project Number B-2025
Publication Date March 26, 2024
Submission Date March 3, 2023
Acceptance Date December 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Özbucak, T., & Alan, H. (2024). Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(2), 336-344.
AMA Özbucak T, Alan H. Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2024;30(2):336-344. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1259671
Chicago Özbucak, Tuğba, and Hülya Alan. “Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia Foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa Var. Crispa L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30, no. 2 (March 2024): 336-44.
EndNote Özbucak T, Alan H (March 1, 2024) Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30 2 336–344.
IEEE T. Özbucak and H. Alan, “Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.)”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 336–344, 2024, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1259671.
ISNAD Özbucak, Tuğba - Alan, Hülya. “Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia Foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa Var. Crispa L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30/2 (March 2024), 336-344.
JAMA Özbucak T, Alan H. Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30:336–344.
MLA Özbucak, Tuğba and Hülya Alan. “Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia Foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa Var. Crispa L.)”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 30, no. 2, 2024, pp. 336-44, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1259671.
Vancouver Özbucak T, Alan H. Influence of Solid and Liquid Red California Vermicompost (Eisenia foetida) on Growth and Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa L.). J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30(2):336-44.

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