Research Article
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Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper

Year 2024, , 617 - 627, 22.10.2024


In the environmental context of Türkiye, the quantity of organic matter present in the soil is a crucial factor that affects its productivity potential. While peat offers an optimal growth condition, it is an expensive material due to its limited availability globally, and in Türkiye. Hence, the research employed compost, which could be a viable replacement for peat, and is a sustainable, and independent alternative resource. The study examined the effects of 13 diverse growing media, both in pure, and mixed form, which included a control treatment of a 2:1 peat to perlite mixture, and three composts derived from grape, apple, and tomato pulps. The research investigated various growth criteria, such as seedling height, hypocotyl length, and diameter, number of leaves per seedling, root length, seedling dry weight, and root dry weight of tomato, cucumber, and pepper plants. The study indicated that grape compost, apple compost, tomato compost:peat:perlite (GAT:P:P), and grape compost:peat:perlite (G:P:P) were viable alternatives to the traditional peat/perlite mixture for tomato seedlings. Similarly, grape compost (G), apple compost (A), and apple compost:perlite (A:P) showed potential as substitutes for cucumber seedlings while apple compost (A) proved a possible option for chilli seedlings. In particular, the treatments using solely apple or grape composts, or a combination of both, exhibited superior performance in comparison to the control treatment.

Project Number



  • Abad M, Martinez P F, Martinez M D & Martinez J (1993). Evaluacion agronomica de los sustratos de cultivo (Agronomic evaluation of substrates). Acta Hort. 11: 141–154
  • Abdel-Razzak H, Alkoaik F, Rashwan M, Fulleros R & Ibrahim M (2019). Tomato waste compost as an alternative substrate to peat moss for the production of vegetable seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42(3): 287-295
  • Anonymous (2021). Central Research Institute of Soil, Fertiliser and Water Resources. Plant and Organic Fertiliser Laboratory. Yenimahalle/Ankara.
  • Aydeniz A & Brohi A (1991). Fertilizers and Fertilization. C.U. Tokat Faculty of Agriculture Publications No: 10, Textbook: 3, Tokat. Baltazar J L, Méndez-Matías A, Pliego-Marín L, Aragón-Roble E & Robles-Martínez M L (2013). Agronomic evaluation of substrates in pepper seedlings ‘onza’ (Capsicum annuum) in greenhouse. (Evaluación agronómica de sustratos en plántulas de chile ‘onza’ (Capsicum annuum) en invernadero). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas Pub. E sp. N úm. 6 14 de agosto - 26 de septiembre, 2013 pp. 1139-1150 Bayındır Ş, Şahin S & Uysal F (2004). Farm manure use potential in Türkiye. Türkiye III. National Fertilizer Congress Agriculture-Industry-Environment, 11-13 October 2004, Tokat, 735 pp
  • Bayoumi Y A, El-Henawy A S, Abdelaal K A ve Elhawat N (2019). Grape fruit waste compost as a nursery substrate ingredient for high-quality cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings production. Compost Science & Utilization 27(4): 205-216
  • Benito M, Masaguer A, De Antonio R & Moliner A (2005). Use of pruning waste compost as a component in soilless growing media. Bioresource Technology 96(5): 597-603
  • Benito M, Masaguer A, Moliner A & De Antonio R (2006). Chemical and physical properties of pruning waste compost and their seasonal variability. Bioresource Technology 97(16): 2071- 2076
  • Bhattacharyya P, Chakrabarti K & Chakraborty A (2003). Residual effects of municipal solid waste compost on microbial biomass and activities in mustard growing soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 49: 585-592
  • Black A R, Taraba L J, Day G B, Damasceno A F, Newman C M, Akers K A, Wood C L, McQuerry K J & Bewley J M (2014). The relationship between compost bedded pack performance, management, and bacterial counts. J. Dairy Sci. 97: 2669–2679
  • Carmona E, Moreno T M, Aviles M & Ordovas J (2012). Use of grape marc compost as substrate for vegetable seedlings.
  • Castillo J E, Herrera F, López-Bellido R J, López-Bellido F J, López-Bellido L & Fernández E J (2004). Municipal solid waste (MSW) compost as a tomato transplant medium. Compost Science & Utilization, 12(1): 86-92
  • Ceglie F G, Elshafie H, Verrastro V & Tittarelli F (2011). Evaluation of olive pomace and green waste composts as peat substitutes for organic tomato seedling production. Compost Science & Utilization, 19(4): 293-300
  • Chrysargyris A, Stamatakis A, Moustakas K, Prasad M & Tzortzakis N (2017). Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Compost and/or Fertigation as Peat Substituent for Pepper Seedlings Production. pp. 2285-2294-2017
  • Çerçioğlu M, Yağmur B, Kara S R & Okur B (2017). The Effect of Agro-Industrial Compost and Barn Manure on Some Chemical Properties of Soil and Yield in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Cultivation. Ege Univ. Fak. of Agric. Derg. 2017: 54(1): 71-77
  • Demir H, Polat E & Sönmez İ (2010). A New Organic Fertiliser for Our Country: Vermicompost. Agriculture Actual (14): 54-60 April 2010.
  • Díaz-Pérez M & Camacho-Ferre F (2010). Effect of composts in substrates on the growth of tomato transplants. HortTechnology 20(2): 361-367
  • Diacono M & Montemurro F (2019). Olive pomace compost in organic emmer crop: yield, soil properties, and heavy metals’ fate in plant and soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 19(1): 63-70
  • Entry J A, Wood B H, Edwards J H & Wood C W (1997). Influence of organic by-products and nitrogen source on chemical and microbiological status of an agricultural soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 24: 196-204
  • Frolking S, Roulet N T, Moore T R, Richard P J H, Lavoie M & Muller S D (2001). Modeling northern peatland decomposition and peat accumulation. Ecosystems 4: 479-498
  • Gül A (2008). Soilless Agriculture, Hasad Publishing, 144 pp İstanbul
  • Hussain S S, Baba J A, Zubair N, Nissa R & Misger F A (2015). Quality evaluation of chemically-enriched compost, vermicompost and conventional compost. An Asian Journal of Soil Science. doi: 10.15740/Has/Ajss/12.1/66-70.
  • Lee J, Lee B, Lee Y & Kim K (2000). Growth and inorganic element contents of hot pepper seedlings in fresh and decomposed expanded! rice hull-based substrates. J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci. 41: 147-151
  • Leonardi C (2004). Growing media. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. pp. 83-92 3-5 March, İzmir-Türkiye.
  • López-Baltazar J, Méndez-Matías A, Pliego-Marín L, Aragón-Robles E & Robles-Martínez M L (2013).
  • Agronomic evaluation of substrates in pepper seedlings ‘onza’ (Capsicum annuum) in greenhouse. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas Pub. Esp. Núm. 6 14 de agosto - 26 de septiembre, 2013 pp. 1139-1150
  • Madejon E R, Lopez J, Murillo M & Cabera F (2001). Agricultural use of three (sugar-beet) vinasse composts: Effect on crops and chemical properties of a Cambisol soil in the Guada lquivir river valley (SW Spain). Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 84: 55-65
  • Marques E L S, Martos E T, Souza R J, Silva R, Zied D C & Souza Dias E (2014). Spent Mushroom Compost as a Substrat as a Substrat for Production of Marul Fideleri, Journal of Agriculture Science 6(7): 138- 143
  • Özenç N (2004). Effects of hazelnut shells and other organic matters on the properties of hazelnut growing soils and product quality. Ankara University, Institute of Science, PhD Thesis, 399 pages.
  • Özgüven M, Kaya Z, Yılmaz A M, Kırıcı S & Tansı S (1996). Evaluation of cigarette factory tobacco waste as fertilizer. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23(1): 43-51
  • Pascual J A, Ayuso M, Hernández T & García C A (1997). Phytotoxicity and fertilizer value of different organic materials. Agrochemical 41: 50-62
  • Sawan O M, Eissa A M & Abou-Hadid A F (1997, November). The effect of different growing media on cucumber seedling production, fruit yield and quality under greenhouse conditions. In International Symposium Greenhouse Management for Better Yield & Quality in Mild Winter Climates 491:369-376
  • Stoffella P J & Kahn B A (2001). Compost utilization in horticultural cropping systems. CRC press.
  • Tüzel Y, Boztok K & Eltez R Z (1992). Usage possibilities of waste compost. Türkiye IV. Edible Mushroom Congress (2-4 November 1992, Yalova) Volume 2 pp. 1-10
  • Tüzel Y (1996). Ecological Agriculture in the Greenhouse. (Ed: U. Aksoy & A. Altındişli), Ecological Agriculture Organization Association (ETO), Bornova, İzmir pp. 83-95
  • Tüzel Y & Gül A (2008). New Developments in Greenhouse. Aegean Agricultural Res. Ins. Publication No. 133, pp. 145-160
  • Tüzel Y, Ekinci K, Öztekin G B, Erdal I, Varol N & Merken Ö (2020). Utilization of olive oil processing waste composts in organic tomato seedling production. Agronomy 10(6): 797
  • Varank G (2006). Comparison of Aerobically Stabilised Solid Wastes and Compost Product. Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science and Technology. FBE Department of Environmental Engineering. [Published master's thesis], 128 pages. İstanbul, 2006
Year 2024, , 617 - 627, 22.10.2024


Supporting Institution

Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonu (BAP)

Project Number



Projemin yürütülmesinde maddi destek sağlayan Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Komisyonuna teşekkür ederim.


  • Abad M, Martinez P F, Martinez M D & Martinez J (1993). Evaluacion agronomica de los sustratos de cultivo (Agronomic evaluation of substrates). Acta Hort. 11: 141–154
  • Abdel-Razzak H, Alkoaik F, Rashwan M, Fulleros R & Ibrahim M (2019). Tomato waste compost as an alternative substrate to peat moss for the production of vegetable seedlings. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42(3): 287-295
  • Anonymous (2021). Central Research Institute of Soil, Fertiliser and Water Resources. Plant and Organic Fertiliser Laboratory. Yenimahalle/Ankara.
  • Aydeniz A & Brohi A (1991). Fertilizers and Fertilization. C.U. Tokat Faculty of Agriculture Publications No: 10, Textbook: 3, Tokat. Baltazar J L, Méndez-Matías A, Pliego-Marín L, Aragón-Roble E & Robles-Martínez M L (2013). Agronomic evaluation of substrates in pepper seedlings ‘onza’ (Capsicum annuum) in greenhouse. (Evaluación agronómica de sustratos en plántulas de chile ‘onza’ (Capsicum annuum) en invernadero). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas Pub. E sp. N úm. 6 14 de agosto - 26 de septiembre, 2013 pp. 1139-1150 Bayındır Ş, Şahin S & Uysal F (2004). Farm manure use potential in Türkiye. Türkiye III. National Fertilizer Congress Agriculture-Industry-Environment, 11-13 October 2004, Tokat, 735 pp
  • Bayoumi Y A, El-Henawy A S, Abdelaal K A ve Elhawat N (2019). Grape fruit waste compost as a nursery substrate ingredient for high-quality cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings production. Compost Science & Utilization 27(4): 205-216
  • Benito M, Masaguer A, De Antonio R & Moliner A (2005). Use of pruning waste compost as a component in soilless growing media. Bioresource Technology 96(5): 597-603
  • Benito M, Masaguer A, Moliner A & De Antonio R (2006). Chemical and physical properties of pruning waste compost and their seasonal variability. Bioresource Technology 97(16): 2071- 2076
  • Bhattacharyya P, Chakrabarti K & Chakraborty A (2003). Residual effects of municipal solid waste compost on microbial biomass and activities in mustard growing soil. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 49: 585-592
  • Black A R, Taraba L J, Day G B, Damasceno A F, Newman C M, Akers K A, Wood C L, McQuerry K J & Bewley J M (2014). The relationship between compost bedded pack performance, management, and bacterial counts. J. Dairy Sci. 97: 2669–2679
  • Carmona E, Moreno T M, Aviles M & Ordovas J (2012). Use of grape marc compost as substrate for vegetable seedlings.
  • Castillo J E, Herrera F, López-Bellido R J, López-Bellido F J, López-Bellido L & Fernández E J (2004). Municipal solid waste (MSW) compost as a tomato transplant medium. Compost Science & Utilization, 12(1): 86-92
  • Ceglie F G, Elshafie H, Verrastro V & Tittarelli F (2011). Evaluation of olive pomace and green waste composts as peat substitutes for organic tomato seedling production. Compost Science & Utilization, 19(4): 293-300
  • Chrysargyris A, Stamatakis A, Moustakas K, Prasad M & Tzortzakis N (2017). Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Compost and/or Fertigation as Peat Substituent for Pepper Seedlings Production. pp. 2285-2294-2017
  • Çerçioğlu M, Yağmur B, Kara S R & Okur B (2017). The Effect of Agro-Industrial Compost and Barn Manure on Some Chemical Properties of Soil and Yield in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Cultivation. Ege Univ. Fak. of Agric. Derg. 2017: 54(1): 71-77
  • Demir H, Polat E & Sönmez İ (2010). A New Organic Fertiliser for Our Country: Vermicompost. Agriculture Actual (14): 54-60 April 2010.
  • Díaz-Pérez M & Camacho-Ferre F (2010). Effect of composts in substrates on the growth of tomato transplants. HortTechnology 20(2): 361-367
  • Diacono M & Montemurro F (2019). Olive pomace compost in organic emmer crop: yield, soil properties, and heavy metals’ fate in plant and soil. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 19(1): 63-70
  • Entry J A, Wood B H, Edwards J H & Wood C W (1997). Influence of organic by-products and nitrogen source on chemical and microbiological status of an agricultural soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 24: 196-204
  • Frolking S, Roulet N T, Moore T R, Richard P J H, Lavoie M & Muller S D (2001). Modeling northern peatland decomposition and peat accumulation. Ecosystems 4: 479-498
  • Gül A (2008). Soilless Agriculture, Hasad Publishing, 144 pp İstanbul
  • Hussain S S, Baba J A, Zubair N, Nissa R & Misger F A (2015). Quality evaluation of chemically-enriched compost, vermicompost and conventional compost. An Asian Journal of Soil Science. doi: 10.15740/Has/Ajss/12.1/66-70.
  • Lee J, Lee B, Lee Y & Kim K (2000). Growth and inorganic element contents of hot pepper seedlings in fresh and decomposed expanded! rice hull-based substrates. J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci. 41: 147-151
  • Leonardi C (2004). Growing media. Regional Training Workshop on Soilless Culture Technologies. pp. 83-92 3-5 March, İzmir-Türkiye.
  • López-Baltazar J, Méndez-Matías A, Pliego-Marín L, Aragón-Robles E & Robles-Martínez M L (2013).
  • Agronomic evaluation of substrates in pepper seedlings ‘onza’ (Capsicum annuum) in greenhouse. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas Pub. Esp. Núm. 6 14 de agosto - 26 de septiembre, 2013 pp. 1139-1150
  • Madejon E R, Lopez J, Murillo M & Cabera F (2001). Agricultural use of three (sugar-beet) vinasse composts: Effect on crops and chemical properties of a Cambisol soil in the Guada lquivir river valley (SW Spain). Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 84: 55-65
  • Marques E L S, Martos E T, Souza R J, Silva R, Zied D C & Souza Dias E (2014). Spent Mushroom Compost as a Substrat as a Substrat for Production of Marul Fideleri, Journal of Agriculture Science 6(7): 138- 143
  • Özenç N (2004). Effects of hazelnut shells and other organic matters on the properties of hazelnut growing soils and product quality. Ankara University, Institute of Science, PhD Thesis, 399 pages.
  • Özgüven M, Kaya Z, Yılmaz A M, Kırıcı S & Tansı S (1996). Evaluation of cigarette factory tobacco waste as fertilizer. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23(1): 43-51
  • Pascual J A, Ayuso M, Hernández T & García C A (1997). Phytotoxicity and fertilizer value of different organic materials. Agrochemical 41: 50-62
  • Sawan O M, Eissa A M & Abou-Hadid A F (1997, November). The effect of different growing media on cucumber seedling production, fruit yield and quality under greenhouse conditions. In International Symposium Greenhouse Management for Better Yield & Quality in Mild Winter Climates 491:369-376
  • Stoffella P J & Kahn B A (2001). Compost utilization in horticultural cropping systems. CRC press.
  • Tüzel Y, Boztok K & Eltez R Z (1992). Usage possibilities of waste compost. Türkiye IV. Edible Mushroom Congress (2-4 November 1992, Yalova) Volume 2 pp. 1-10
  • Tüzel Y (1996). Ecological Agriculture in the Greenhouse. (Ed: U. Aksoy & A. Altındişli), Ecological Agriculture Organization Association (ETO), Bornova, İzmir pp. 83-95
  • Tüzel Y & Gül A (2008). New Developments in Greenhouse. Aegean Agricultural Res. Ins. Publication No. 133, pp. 145-160
  • Tüzel Y, Ekinci K, Öztekin G B, Erdal I, Varol N & Merken Ö (2020). Utilization of olive oil processing waste composts in organic tomato seedling production. Agronomy 10(6): 797
  • Varank G (2006). Comparison of Aerobically Stabilised Solid Wastes and Compost Product. Yıldız Technical University Institute of Science and Technology. FBE Department of Environmental Engineering. [Published master's thesis], 128 pages. İstanbul, 2006
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Vegetable Growing and Treatment
Journal Section Makaleler

Hakan Kartal 0000-0002-3870-1588

Naif Gebeloğlu 0000-0003-2495-7088

Zuher Rashid Shakir 0000-0003-4467-2637

İbrahim Karataş 0000-0002-6839-7791

Project Number 2021/28
Publication Date October 22, 2024
Submission Date July 18, 2023
Acceptance Date March 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kartal, H., Gebeloğlu, N., Shakir, Z. R., Karataş, İ. (2024). Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(4), 617-627.
AMA Kartal H, Gebeloğlu N, Shakir ZR, Karataş İ. Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. October 2024;30(4):617-627. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1329433
Chicago Kartal, Hakan, Naif Gebeloğlu, Zuher Rashid Shakir, and İbrahim Karataş. “Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials As Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30, no. 4 (October 2024): 617-27.
EndNote Kartal H, Gebeloğlu N, Shakir ZR, Karataş İ (October 1, 2024) Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30 4 617–627.
IEEE H. Kartal, N. Gebeloğlu, Z. R. Shakir, and İ. Karataş, “Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 617–627, 2024, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.1329433.
ISNAD Kartal, Hakan et al. “Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials As Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 30/4 (October 2024), 617-627.
JAMA Kartal H, Gebeloğlu N, Shakir ZR, Karataş İ. Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30:617–627.
MLA Kartal, Hakan et al. “Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials As Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 30, no. 4, 2024, pp. 617-2, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.1329433.
Vancouver Kartal H, Gebeloğlu N, Shakir ZR, Karataş İ. Determination of the Possibilities of Using Different Compost Materials as Seedling Growing Medias in Tomato, Cucumber and Pepper. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2024;30(4):617-2.

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