Research Article
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Year 2017, , 298 - 308, 01.09.2017



  • Akıncı H, Yavuz Özalp A & Turgut B (2013). Agricultural land use suitability analysis using GIS and AHP technique. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 97: 71-82
  • Arega F & Hayter E (2008). Coupled consolidation and contaminant transport model for simulating migration of contaminants through the sediment and a cap. Applied Mathematical Modelling 32: 2413-2428
  • Bravard J-P, Goichot M & Tronchère H (2014). An assessment of sediment-transport processes in the Lower Mekong River based on deposit grain sizes, the CM technique and flow-energy data. Geomorphology 207: 174-189
  • Buchanan S J, So H B, Kopittke P M & Menzies N W (2010). Influence of texture in bauxite residues on void ratio, water holding characteristics, and penetration resistance. Geoderma 158: 421-426
  • Cabezas A, Angulo-Martínez M, Gonzalez-Sanchís M, Jimenez J J & Comín F A (2010). Spatial variability in floodplain sedimentation: The use of generalized linear mixed-effects models. Hydrology and Earth System Science 14: 1655-1668
  • Cambardella C A, Moorman T B, Novak J M, Parkin T B, Karlen D L, Turco R F & Konopka A E (1994). Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58: 1501-1511
  • Chien Y J, Lee D Y, Guo H Y & Houng K H (1997). Geostatistical analysis of soil properties of mid-west Taiwan soils. Soil Science 162: 291-297 Conklin A R (2005). Introduction to Soil Chemistry: Analysis and Instrumentation. Wiley, Hoboken NJ, USA
  • Dane J H, Topp C, Campbell G S, Horton R, Jury W A, Nielsen D R, van Es H M, Wierenga P J & Topp G C (2002). Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 4-Physical methods. Soil Since Society of America, Inc, Madison WIS, USA
  • de Groot A V, Veeneklaas R M, Kuijper D P J & Bakker J P (2011). Spatial patterns in accretion on barrierisland salt marshes. Geomorphology 134: 280-296
  • Dexter A R, Kroesbergen B & Kuipers H (1984). Some mechanical properties of aggregates of top soils from the Ijsselmeer polders. 2: Remolded soil aggregates and the effects of wetting and drying cycles. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32: 215-227
  • Ecemis N & Karaman M (2014). Influence of non-/low plastic fines on cone penetration and liquefaction resistance. Engineering Geology 181: 48-57
  • Ersahin S & Brohi A R (2006). Spatial variation of soil water content in topsoil and subsoil of a Typic Ustifluvent. Agricultural Water Management 83: 79-86
  • Gamma Design Software (2014). GS+Version 10. Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences User’s Guide. Gamma Design Software,
  • LLC Gee G W & Bauder J W (1986). Particle-Size Analysis. In: A Klute (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Soil Since Society of America, Inc. Madison WIS, USA
  • Goovaerts P (1999). Geostatistics in soil science: Stateof-the-art and perspectives. Geoderma 89: 1-45
  • Hadas A (1990). Directional strength in aggregates as affected by aggregate volume and by a wet/dry cycle. Journal of Soil Science 41: 85-93 J
  • emo M, Jayeoba O J, Alabi T & Montes A L (2014). Geostatistical mapping of soil fertility constraints for yam based cropping systems of North-central and Southeast Nigeria. Geoderma Regional 2-3: 102-109
  • Journel A G & Huijbregts C J (1978). Mining Geostatistics. Academic press, Berkeley CA, USA
  • Kamarudin M K A, Toriman M E, Mastura S, Idris M H, Jamil N R & Gasim M B (2009). Temporal variability on lowland river sediment properties and yield. American Journal of Environmental Science 5: 657-663
  • Kılıç K, Özgöz E & Akbaş F (2004). Assessment of spatial variability in penetration resistance as related to some soil physical properties of two fluvents in Turkey. Soil and Tillage Research 76: 1-11
  • Li H B & Reynolds J F (1995). On definition and quantification of heterogeneity. Oikos 73: 280-284 Lu Y, Zuo L, Ji R & Liu H (2010). Deposition and erosion in the fluctuating backwater reach of the Three Gorges Project after upstream reservoir adjustment. International Journal of Sediment Research 25: 64-80
  • Montgomery D C, Peck E A & Vining G G (2012). Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Wiley Press, New York Morris G L & Fan J (1998). Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook: Design and Management of Dams, Reservoirs, and Watersheds for Sustainable Use. McGraw-Hill Press, New York
  • Mulvaney R L (1996). Nitrogen-inorganic forms. In: D L Sparks, A L Page, P A Helmke, R H Loeppert, P N Soltanpoor, M A Tabatabai, C T Johnston & M E Sumner (Eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods, SSSA Book Series, Vol. 5, Soil Science Society of America, Inc.; American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison
  • Narantsetseg B, Kim G Y, Kim J-W, Chang T S, Lee G S, Choi H & Kim S-P (2014). Physical property variations related to seismic units in the offshore sediments of the Heuksan Mud Belt, Southeastern Yellow Sea, Korea. Quaternary International 344: 97-108
  • Oliver M A & Webster R (2014). A tutorial guide to geostatistics: Computing and modelling variograms and kriging. Catena 113: 56-69
  • Pekal K & Tilki F (2010). Evaluation of plantations along Artvin Çoruh River Basin: A case study in Sumbullu and Salkımlı districts. Proceedings of the 3th National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 20-22 May, Artvin, Turkey, pp. 656-667
  • Powell D M, Reid I & Laronne J B (2001). Evolution of bed load grain size distribution with increasing flow strength and the effect of flow duration on the caliber of bed load sediment yield in ephemeral gravel bed rivers. Water Resources Research 37: 1463-1474
  • Sucu S & Dinç T (2008). Çoruh Havzası Projeleri. TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongresi, 21-23 Mart, Ankara, Türkiye, Cilt: 1, s. 33-38
  • Turgut B & Oztas T (2012). Spatial variation in some soil properties influencing penetration resistance. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18: 115-125
  • Vaz C M P, Manieri J M, de Maria I C & Tuller M (2011). Modeling and correction of soil penetration resistance for varying soil water content. Geoderma 166: 92-101
  • Walling D E & Moorehead P W (1989). The particle size characteristics of fluvial suspended sediment: An overview. Hydrobiologa 176-177: 125-149
  • Webster R & Oliver M A (1992). Sample adequately to estimate variograms of soil properties. Journal of Soil Science 48: 173-175 Xu J (2000). Grain-size characteristics of suspended sediment in the Yellow River, China. Catena 38: 243263
  • Yavuz Özalp A, Akıncı H & Temuçin S (2013). Artvin ili arazisinin topografik ve bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin tespiti ve bu özelliklerin arazi örtüsü ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 14(2): 292-309
  • Zengin M, Özer S & Özgül M (2009). Determining of erosion situation of the Coruh Watershed by GIS and solution suggestions. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 40: 9-19
  • Zhang J, Zhang C, Zhou N & Ma X (2011). Spatial pattern of grain-size distribution in surface sediments as a result of variations in the aeolian environment in China’s Shapotou railway protective system. Aeolian Research 3: 295-302

Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı

Year 2017, , 298 - 308, 01.09.2017


This study was conducted to analyze vertical and horizontal spatial variability of penetration resistance (PR) in recently deposited sediments at Borçka Dam reservoir. Ninety-one grids with 50 m by 10 m were located and PR was measured to a depth 80 cm by 10 cm increment (8 layers) within each grid. Spatial variation of PR was assessed by geostatistical techniques in all 8 layers. Semivariograms of PR were constructed for all the layers and corresponding kriging maps were built. The PR values were greater in surface layer (0-10 cm) and gradually decreased by depth. Mean PR was greatest (0.747 MPa) in surface layer and lowest (0.413 MPa) in 61-70 cm (layer 7). Results from exploratory statistics and geostatistical analyses showed that the PR values were more variable in surface layer compared to those in deeper layers due to that the surface layer was drier at the sampling and that affected by environmental factors in a greater extent. All the studied layers exhibited differences in spatial variation of PR as sill, nugget, and range values of corresponding semivariograms and kriging-predicted surface maps showed. The shortest geostatistical range (40.8 m) occurred of surface layer while longest (173.3 m) occurred for second layer (11-20 cm). The nugget effect was greatest (44%) in third layer (21-30 cm) while lowest (13%) in the surface layer. The same study may be repeated with more variables to understand mechanisms behind development and extent of spatial variation in these newly deposited sediments.


  • Akıncı H, Yavuz Özalp A & Turgut B (2013). Agricultural land use suitability analysis using GIS and AHP technique. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 97: 71-82
  • Arega F & Hayter E (2008). Coupled consolidation and contaminant transport model for simulating migration of contaminants through the sediment and a cap. Applied Mathematical Modelling 32: 2413-2428
  • Bravard J-P, Goichot M & Tronchère H (2014). An assessment of sediment-transport processes in the Lower Mekong River based on deposit grain sizes, the CM technique and flow-energy data. Geomorphology 207: 174-189
  • Buchanan S J, So H B, Kopittke P M & Menzies N W (2010). Influence of texture in bauxite residues on void ratio, water holding characteristics, and penetration resistance. Geoderma 158: 421-426
  • Cabezas A, Angulo-Martínez M, Gonzalez-Sanchís M, Jimenez J J & Comín F A (2010). Spatial variability in floodplain sedimentation: The use of generalized linear mixed-effects models. Hydrology and Earth System Science 14: 1655-1668
  • Cambardella C A, Moorman T B, Novak J M, Parkin T B, Karlen D L, Turco R F & Konopka A E (1994). Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58: 1501-1511
  • Chien Y J, Lee D Y, Guo H Y & Houng K H (1997). Geostatistical analysis of soil properties of mid-west Taiwan soils. Soil Science 162: 291-297 Conklin A R (2005). Introduction to Soil Chemistry: Analysis and Instrumentation. Wiley, Hoboken NJ, USA
  • Dane J H, Topp C, Campbell G S, Horton R, Jury W A, Nielsen D R, van Es H M, Wierenga P J & Topp G C (2002). Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 4-Physical methods. Soil Since Society of America, Inc, Madison WIS, USA
  • de Groot A V, Veeneklaas R M, Kuijper D P J & Bakker J P (2011). Spatial patterns in accretion on barrierisland salt marshes. Geomorphology 134: 280-296
  • Dexter A R, Kroesbergen B & Kuipers H (1984). Some mechanical properties of aggregates of top soils from the Ijsselmeer polders. 2: Remolded soil aggregates and the effects of wetting and drying cycles. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Sciences 32: 215-227
  • Ecemis N & Karaman M (2014). Influence of non-/low plastic fines on cone penetration and liquefaction resistance. Engineering Geology 181: 48-57
  • Ersahin S & Brohi A R (2006). Spatial variation of soil water content in topsoil and subsoil of a Typic Ustifluvent. Agricultural Water Management 83: 79-86
  • Gamma Design Software (2014). GS+Version 10. Geostatistics for the Environmental Sciences User’s Guide. Gamma Design Software,
  • LLC Gee G W & Bauder J W (1986). Particle-Size Analysis. In: A Klute (Ed), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Soil Since Society of America, Inc. Madison WIS, USA
  • Goovaerts P (1999). Geostatistics in soil science: Stateof-the-art and perspectives. Geoderma 89: 1-45
  • Hadas A (1990). Directional strength in aggregates as affected by aggregate volume and by a wet/dry cycle. Journal of Soil Science 41: 85-93 J
  • emo M, Jayeoba O J, Alabi T & Montes A L (2014). Geostatistical mapping of soil fertility constraints for yam based cropping systems of North-central and Southeast Nigeria. Geoderma Regional 2-3: 102-109
  • Journel A G & Huijbregts C J (1978). Mining Geostatistics. Academic press, Berkeley CA, USA
  • Kamarudin M K A, Toriman M E, Mastura S, Idris M H, Jamil N R & Gasim M B (2009). Temporal variability on lowland river sediment properties and yield. American Journal of Environmental Science 5: 657-663
  • Kılıç K, Özgöz E & Akbaş F (2004). Assessment of spatial variability in penetration resistance as related to some soil physical properties of two fluvents in Turkey. Soil and Tillage Research 76: 1-11
  • Li H B & Reynolds J F (1995). On definition and quantification of heterogeneity. Oikos 73: 280-284 Lu Y, Zuo L, Ji R & Liu H (2010). Deposition and erosion in the fluctuating backwater reach of the Three Gorges Project after upstream reservoir adjustment. International Journal of Sediment Research 25: 64-80
  • Montgomery D C, Peck E A & Vining G G (2012). Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. Wiley Press, New York Morris G L & Fan J (1998). Reservoir Sedimentation Handbook: Design and Management of Dams, Reservoirs, and Watersheds for Sustainable Use. McGraw-Hill Press, New York
  • Mulvaney R L (1996). Nitrogen-inorganic forms. In: D L Sparks, A L Page, P A Helmke, R H Loeppert, P N Soltanpoor, M A Tabatabai, C T Johnston & M E Sumner (Eds), Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 3. Chemical Methods, SSSA Book Series, Vol. 5, Soil Science Society of America, Inc.; American Society of Agronomy, Inc., Madison
  • Narantsetseg B, Kim G Y, Kim J-W, Chang T S, Lee G S, Choi H & Kim S-P (2014). Physical property variations related to seismic units in the offshore sediments of the Heuksan Mud Belt, Southeastern Yellow Sea, Korea. Quaternary International 344: 97-108
  • Oliver M A & Webster R (2014). A tutorial guide to geostatistics: Computing and modelling variograms and kriging. Catena 113: 56-69
  • Pekal K & Tilki F (2010). Evaluation of plantations along Artvin Çoruh River Basin: A case study in Sumbullu and Salkımlı districts. Proceedings of the 3th National Black Sea Forestry Congress, 20-22 May, Artvin, Turkey, pp. 656-667
  • Powell D M, Reid I & Laronne J B (2001). Evolution of bed load grain size distribution with increasing flow strength and the effect of flow duration on the caliber of bed load sediment yield in ephemeral gravel bed rivers. Water Resources Research 37: 1463-1474
  • Sucu S & Dinç T (2008). Çoruh Havzası Projeleri. TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongresi, 21-23 Mart, Ankara, Türkiye, Cilt: 1, s. 33-38
  • Turgut B & Oztas T (2012). Spatial variation in some soil properties influencing penetration resistance. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18: 115-125
  • Vaz C M P, Manieri J M, de Maria I C & Tuller M (2011). Modeling and correction of soil penetration resistance for varying soil water content. Geoderma 166: 92-101
  • Walling D E & Moorehead P W (1989). The particle size characteristics of fluvial suspended sediment: An overview. Hydrobiologa 176-177: 125-149
  • Webster R & Oliver M A (1992). Sample adequately to estimate variograms of soil properties. Journal of Soil Science 48: 173-175 Xu J (2000). Grain-size characteristics of suspended sediment in the Yellow River, China. Catena 38: 243263
  • Yavuz Özalp A, Akıncı H & Temuçin S (2013). Artvin ili arazisinin topografik ve bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin tespiti ve bu özelliklerin arazi örtüsü ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 14(2): 292-309
  • Zengin M, Özer S & Özgül M (2009). Determining of erosion situation of the Coruh Watershed by GIS and solution suggestions. Atatürk University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture 40: 9-19
  • Zhang J, Zhang C, Zhou N & Ma X (2011). Spatial pattern of grain-size distribution in surface sediments as a result of variations in the aeolian environment in China’s Shapotou railway protective system. Aeolian Research 3: 295-302
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Bülent Turgut This is me

Mehmet Özalp This is me

Taşkın Öztaş This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2017
Submission Date December 31, 2014
Acceptance Date December 28, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Turgut, B., Özalp, M., & Öztaş, T. (2017). Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(3), 298-308.
AMA Turgut B, Özalp M, Öztaş T. Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2017;23(3):298-308. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.447604
Chicago Turgut, Bülent, Mehmet Özalp, and Taşkın Öztaş. “Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 3 (September 2017): 298-308.
EndNote Turgut B, Özalp M, Öztaş T (September 1, 2017) Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 3 298–308.
IEEE B. Turgut, M. Özalp, and T. Öztaş, “Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 298–308, 2017, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.447604.
ISNAD Turgut, Bülent et al. “Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/3 (September 2017), 298-308.
JAMA Turgut B, Özalp M, Öztaş T. Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:298–308.
MLA Turgut, Bülent et al. “Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 3, 2017, pp. 298-0, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.447604.
Vancouver Turgut B, Özalp M, Öztaş T. Borçka Barajı Rezervuarında Yeni Oluşmuş Bir Sediment Birikim Sahasındaki Penetrasyon Direnç Değerlerinin Uzaysal Dağılımı. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(3):298-30.

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