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The Effect of Nitrogenous Fertilization on Nitrogen Use Properties in Some Triticale Genotypes

Year 2001, , 35 - 41, 01.08.2001


In this research, the effects of nitrogen fertilizer doses in four triticale genotypes X Triticosecale Wittmack on nitrogen concentration, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen harvest index were determined in Van ecological conditions. According to experiment results, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen harvest index decreased with nitrogen fertilization while nitrogen concentration, nitrogen uptake of straw and grain increased with nitrogen fertilization. The highest nitrogen concentration and uptake were obtained at 12 kg N/da nitrogen dose. With nitrogen fertilization, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen harvest index decreased from 46.4 to 37.0 and from 76.0 to 68.4, respectively. On the investigated all other characters, genotypes effect was not important except grain nitrogen concentration. Grain nitrogen concentration was found the lowest at number 9 genotype. The relationships between nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield were found very important at control No and middle level nitrogen doses 4 and 8 kg N/da but degree of this relationship decreased at high level nitrogen doses 12 and 16 kg N/da . Nitrogen use efficiency, and relationship between nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield decreased with increasing nitrogen doses. This results suggest that nitrogen use properties of triticale can changed significantly with nitrogenous fertilization.


  • Allison, L. E. and C.D. Moodie, 1965. Carbonate in; C.A. Bleck et. al. (Ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Agronomy: 1379- 1400. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison Wisconsin, USA.
  • Anonim, 1997. Van Meteoroloji Bölge Müdürlü ğü kay ı tları . Birsin, M. A. 2000. Buğdayda azot al ı m ı ve azot hasat indeksi. Ankara Üniv. Z. F.,Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi, 6 (3) 27-31.
  • Bouyoucous, G. D. 1951. A Recalibration of the hydrometer method for making machanical analysis of the soil. Agronomy J., 43 434-438.
  • Capuro, E. and R. Vos, 1981. An index of nutrient efficiency and its application to corn yield response to fertilizer, I. Derivation, estimation and application. Agronomy J, 73 128-135.
  • Cieply, J. and T. Oracka, 1996. Nitrogen utilization efficiency in winter triticale. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 40 (1-2) 117-124
  • Darwinkel, A. 1980. Grain production of winter wheat in relation to nitrogen and diseases. Il. Relationship between nitrogen dressing and yellow rust infection. Zeitschrift für Acker und Pfianzenbau, 149 299-308.
  • Dilz, K., A. Darwinkel, R. Boon and L. J. L. Verstraeten, 1982. Intensive wheat production as related to nitrogen fertilization, crop production and soil nitrogen; experience in the Benelux. The Fertilizer Society, London, s. 93-149.
  • Düzgüneş, O., T.Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Ara şt ı rma ve Deneme Metotlar ı (Istatistik Metotlar ı -II). A.Ü. Z. F. Yay ı nları : 1021, Ankara, 381s.
  • Eagle, J. A., J. A. Bird, W. R. Horwath, B. A. Linquist, S. M. Brouder, J. E. Fiili and J. V. Kessel, 2000. Rice yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency under alternative straw management pratices. Agronomy J, 92 1096 -1103.
  • Ellen, J. 1993. Growth yield and composition four winter cereals. Il. Nitrogen and carbohydrate economy. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science; 41 235-546.
  • Graham, R. D., P. E. Geytenbeek and B. C. Radeliffe, 1983. Responses of triticale, wheat, rye, and barley to nitrogen fertilizer. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, 23 73-79.
  • Guillard, K., G. F. Griffin, D. W. Allinson, M. M. Rafey, W. R. Yamartino and S. W. Pietrzyk, 1995. Nitrogen utilization of selected cropping systems in the U.S. Northeast: I. Dry matter yield, N uptake, apparent N recovery and N use efficiency. Agronomy J, 87 193 - 199.
  • Isfan, D. 1990. Nitrogen physiological efficiency index in some selected spring barley cultivars. J. Plant Nutrition, 13 907- 914.
  • Isfan, D., I. Cserni and M. Tabi, 1991. Genetic variation of the physiological efficiency index of nitrogen in triticale. J. Plant Nutrition, 14 (12) 1381-1390.
  • Jackson, M. 1958. Soil Chemical Analysis. P. 1-498. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
  • Kacar, B. 1984. Bitki Besleme Uygulama K ı lavuzu. A.Ü.Z.F. Yay.: 900, Uygulama Kı lavuzlan: 214, Ankara, 140s.
  • Kacar, B. 1994. Bitki ve Topra ğı n Kimyasal Analizleri: III. Toprak Analizleri. A.Ü.Z.F. Eğitim Araşt ı rma ve Geliştirme Vakf ı Yayı nları No: 3, Ankara, 705s.
  • Kamprath, E. J., R. H. Moll and R. Rodriguez, 1982. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and recurrent selection on performance of hybrid populations of corn. Agronomy J, 74 955-958.
  • Kandil, A. A. 1984. Response of some sunflower cultivars to different fertility levels. J. Agronomy and Crop Science, 153 401-406.
  • Knudsen, D., G. A. Peterson and P. F. Pratt, 1982. Lithium, Sodium and Potassium. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Migrobiological Properties. Agronomy Monograph No:9 (2 nd Ed.) ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin. USA.
  • Koc, J. and S. Szymczyk, 1997. Winter triticale yield atter fertilizing with nitrogen depending on liming level. Zeszyty-NoukoweAkademii Rolniczej-w-Szczecinie, Rolnictwo, 65 177-182.
  • Koc, J., T. Wojnowska, D. Pilejczyk and S. Szymczyk, 1997. The content and yield of spring triticale protein on light soil depending on the agrotechnics used, Zeszyty-NoukoweAkademi' Rolniczej-w-Szczecinie, Rolnictwo, 65 183-188.
  • May, L., D. A. V. Sanford, C. T. Mackown and P. L. Cornelius, 1991. Genetic variation for nitrogen use in soft red X hard red winter wheat populations. Crop Science, 31 626-630.
  • Mol!, R. H., E. J. Kamprath and W. A. Jackson, 1982. Analysis and interpretation of factors which contribute to efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. Agronomy J, 74 562-564.
  • Olsen, S. R., A. V. Cole, F. S. Watanable and L. A. Dean, 1954. Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soil by Extracting with Sodium Bicarbonate. U.S. Dept. of Agric. Circ. 939. Washington D.C..
  • Ortega, A. L., K. D. Sayre and C. A. Francis, 2000. Wheat nitrogen use efficiency in a bed planting system in northwest Mexico. Agronomy J, 92 303-308.
  • Öztürk, A. ve Ö. Çağ lar, 1999. Arpa genotiplerinde azot etkinlik indeksleri tane verimi ve tane protein oran ı aras ı ndaki ilişkiler. A. Ü. Z. F.,Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi, 5 (3) 102-109.
  • Raun, W. R. and G.V. Johnson, 1999. Improving nitrogen use efficiency for cereal production. Agronomy J, 91 357-362.
  • Richards, L. A. 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkaline Soils. Handbook. 60. US. Dept. Of Agriculture.
  • Tilman, B. A. W. L. Pan and S. E. Ulrich, 1991. Nitrogen use by northern adapted barley genotypses under no-till. Agronomy J., 83 194-201.
  • Walkley, A. 1947. A Critical examination of arapid method for determining organ ı c carbon in soils effect of variations in digestion conditions and inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science, 63, 251-263.
  • Yağbasanlar, T. ve A. C. Ülger, 1989. Tritikale (Xtriticosecale wittmack)' nin besin değeri ve önemi. Ç.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4 (4) 120-128.

Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2001, , 35 - 41, 01.08.2001


Bu araşt ı rma Van koşulları nda artan azotlu gübre düzeylerinin 0, 4, 8, 12 ve 16 kg N/da dört tritikale genotipinde X Triticosecale Wittmack azot içeri ğ ine, azot al ı m ı na, azot kullan ı m etkinliğine ve azot hasat indeksine etkilerini belirleyebilmek için yürütülmü ştür. Araştı rma sonuçları na göre, azotlu gübreleme ile sap ve tanede azot içeri ği ile al ı m ı önemli düzeyde artarken, azot kullan ı m etkinliği ve azot hasat indeksi azotlu gübreleme ile azalm ışt ı r. Azot içeriği ve al ı mı 12 kg N/da düzeyinde en yüksek de ğere ulaşm ışt ı r. Azotlu gübreleme ile azot kullan ı m etkinliği 46.4' ten, 37. 0' a, azot hasat indeksi 76.0' dan 68.4' e gerilemi ştir. Tane azot içeri ği hariç, incelenen diğer özelliklere tritikale genotiplerinin etkisi önemli bulunmam ışt ı r. En düşük tane azot içeriği 9 nolu tritikale genotipinde belirlenmi ştir. Azot kullan ı m etkinliği ile tane verimi aras ı nda, kontrol ve orta düzeyde azot uygulamalar ı nda 4 ve 8 kg N/da çok önemli ili şkiler belirlenmiş ancak, bu ilişkinin derecesi yüksek azot dozları nda 12 ve 16 kg N/da azalm ıştı r. Azotlu gübrenin artan dozlar ı nda azot kullan ı m etkinliğinin düştüğü ve azot kullan ı m etkinliği ile tane verimi aras ı ndaki ilişkinin zayı fladığı belirlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, tritikalede azot kullan ı m özelliklerinin azotlu gübreleme ile önemli düzeyde de ğiştiğini göstermektedir.


  • Allison, L. E. and C.D. Moodie, 1965. Carbonate in; C.A. Bleck et. al. (Ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Agronomy: 1379- 1400. Am. Soc. of Agron., Inc., Madison Wisconsin, USA.
  • Anonim, 1997. Van Meteoroloji Bölge Müdürlü ğü kay ı tları . Birsin, M. A. 2000. Buğdayda azot al ı m ı ve azot hasat indeksi. Ankara Üniv. Z. F.,Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi, 6 (3) 27-31.
  • Bouyoucous, G. D. 1951. A Recalibration of the hydrometer method for making machanical analysis of the soil. Agronomy J., 43 434-438.
  • Capuro, E. and R. Vos, 1981. An index of nutrient efficiency and its application to corn yield response to fertilizer, I. Derivation, estimation and application. Agronomy J, 73 128-135.
  • Cieply, J. and T. Oracka, 1996. Nitrogen utilization efficiency in winter triticale. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 40 (1-2) 117-124
  • Darwinkel, A. 1980. Grain production of winter wheat in relation to nitrogen and diseases. Il. Relationship between nitrogen dressing and yellow rust infection. Zeitschrift für Acker und Pfianzenbau, 149 299-308.
  • Dilz, K., A. Darwinkel, R. Boon and L. J. L. Verstraeten, 1982. Intensive wheat production as related to nitrogen fertilization, crop production and soil nitrogen; experience in the Benelux. The Fertilizer Society, London, s. 93-149.
  • Düzgüneş, O., T.Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Ara şt ı rma ve Deneme Metotlar ı (Istatistik Metotlar ı -II). A.Ü. Z. F. Yay ı nları : 1021, Ankara, 381s.
  • Eagle, J. A., J. A. Bird, W. R. Horwath, B. A. Linquist, S. M. Brouder, J. E. Fiili and J. V. Kessel, 2000. Rice yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency under alternative straw management pratices. Agronomy J, 92 1096 -1103.
  • Ellen, J. 1993. Growth yield and composition four winter cereals. Il. Nitrogen and carbohydrate economy. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science; 41 235-546.
  • Graham, R. D., P. E. Geytenbeek and B. C. Radeliffe, 1983. Responses of triticale, wheat, rye, and barley to nitrogen fertilizer. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, 23 73-79.
  • Guillard, K., G. F. Griffin, D. W. Allinson, M. M. Rafey, W. R. Yamartino and S. W. Pietrzyk, 1995. Nitrogen utilization of selected cropping systems in the U.S. Northeast: I. Dry matter yield, N uptake, apparent N recovery and N use efficiency. Agronomy J, 87 193 - 199.
  • Isfan, D. 1990. Nitrogen physiological efficiency index in some selected spring barley cultivars. J. Plant Nutrition, 13 907- 914.
  • Isfan, D., I. Cserni and M. Tabi, 1991. Genetic variation of the physiological efficiency index of nitrogen in triticale. J. Plant Nutrition, 14 (12) 1381-1390.
  • Jackson, M. 1958. Soil Chemical Analysis. P. 1-498. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
  • Kacar, B. 1984. Bitki Besleme Uygulama K ı lavuzu. A.Ü.Z.F. Yay.: 900, Uygulama Kı lavuzlan: 214, Ankara, 140s.
  • Kacar, B. 1994. Bitki ve Topra ğı n Kimyasal Analizleri: III. Toprak Analizleri. A.Ü.Z.F. Eğitim Araşt ı rma ve Geliştirme Vakf ı Yayı nları No: 3, Ankara, 705s.
  • Kamprath, E. J., R. H. Moll and R. Rodriguez, 1982. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and recurrent selection on performance of hybrid populations of corn. Agronomy J, 74 955-958.
  • Kandil, A. A. 1984. Response of some sunflower cultivars to different fertility levels. J. Agronomy and Crop Science, 153 401-406.
  • Knudsen, D., G. A. Peterson and P. F. Pratt, 1982. Lithium, Sodium and Potassium. Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Migrobiological Properties. Agronomy Monograph No:9 (2 nd Ed.) ASA-SSSA, Madison, Wisconsin. USA.
  • Koc, J. and S. Szymczyk, 1997. Winter triticale yield atter fertilizing with nitrogen depending on liming level. Zeszyty-NoukoweAkademii Rolniczej-w-Szczecinie, Rolnictwo, 65 177-182.
  • Koc, J., T. Wojnowska, D. Pilejczyk and S. Szymczyk, 1997. The content and yield of spring triticale protein on light soil depending on the agrotechnics used, Zeszyty-NoukoweAkademi' Rolniczej-w-Szczecinie, Rolnictwo, 65 183-188.
  • May, L., D. A. V. Sanford, C. T. Mackown and P. L. Cornelius, 1991. Genetic variation for nitrogen use in soft red X hard red winter wheat populations. Crop Science, 31 626-630.
  • Mol!, R. H., E. J. Kamprath and W. A. Jackson, 1982. Analysis and interpretation of factors which contribute to efficiency of nitrogen utilisation. Agronomy J, 74 562-564.
  • Olsen, S. R., A. V. Cole, F. S. Watanable and L. A. Dean, 1954. Estimation of Available Phosphorus in Soil by Extracting with Sodium Bicarbonate. U.S. Dept. of Agric. Circ. 939. Washington D.C..
  • Ortega, A. L., K. D. Sayre and C. A. Francis, 2000. Wheat nitrogen use efficiency in a bed planting system in northwest Mexico. Agronomy J, 92 303-308.
  • Öztürk, A. ve Ö. Çağ lar, 1999. Arpa genotiplerinde azot etkinlik indeksleri tane verimi ve tane protein oran ı aras ı ndaki ilişkiler. A. Ü. Z. F.,Tar ı m Bilimleri Dergisi, 5 (3) 102-109.
  • Raun, W. R. and G.V. Johnson, 1999. Improving nitrogen use efficiency for cereal production. Agronomy J, 91 357-362.
  • Richards, L. A. 1954. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkaline Soils. Handbook. 60. US. Dept. Of Agriculture.
  • Tilman, B. A. W. L. Pan and S. E. Ulrich, 1991. Nitrogen use by northern adapted barley genotypses under no-till. Agronomy J., 83 194-201.
  • Walkley, A. 1947. A Critical examination of arapid method for determining organ ı c carbon in soils effect of variations in digestion conditions and inorganic soil constituents. Soil Science, 63, 251-263.
  • Yağbasanlar, T. ve A. C. Ülger, 1989. Tritikale (Xtriticosecale wittmack)' nin besin değeri ve önemi. Ç.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 4 (4) 120-128.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Ali Bozkurt This is me

K. Mesut Cımrin This is me

Nazım Şekeroğlu This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2001
Submission Date August 1, 2001
Published in Issue Year 2001


APA Bozkurt, M. A., Cımrin, K. M., & Şekeroğlu, N. (2001). Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 07(03), 35-41.
AMA Bozkurt MA, Cımrin KM, Şekeroğlu N. Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2001;07(03):35-41. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000644
Chicago Bozkurt, Mehmet Ali, K. Mesut Cımrin, and Nazım Şekeroğlu. “Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07, no. 03 (August 2001): 35-41.
EndNote Bozkurt MA, Cımrin KM, Şekeroğlu N (August 1, 2001) Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07 03 35–41.
IEEE M. A. Bozkurt, K. M. Cımrin, and N. Şekeroğlu, “Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 07, no. 03, pp. 35–41, 2001, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000644.
ISNAD Bozkurt, Mehmet Ali et al. “Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07/03 (August 2001), 35-41.
JAMA Bozkurt MA, Cımrin KM, Şekeroğlu N. Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2001;07:35–41.
MLA Bozkurt, Mehmet Ali et al. “Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 07, no. 03, 2001, pp. 35-41, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000644.
Vancouver Bozkurt MA, Cımrin KM, Şekeroğlu N. Azotlu Gübrelemenin Bazı Tritikale Genotiplerinde Azot Kullanım Özelliklerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2001;07(03):35-41.

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