3 farkl ı çeşitten, 5 farkl ı yöreden ardarda 3 y ı lda temin edilen elmalardan haz ı rlanan 45 elma suyu örneğinde fenolik madde kompozisyonu araştı rı lm ışt ı r. Klorojenik asit elma suları ndaki başat fenolik maddedir ve konsantrasyonu 62.3-342.6 mg/I aras ı nda değişmektedir. Bunu s ı rayla epikateşin 5.3-240.1 mg/l , floretin glikozit 5.5- 60.0 mg/l , floridzin 6.9-29.7 mg/1 ve p-kumarik asit 1.1-16.0 mg/l izlemektedir. Elma suyundaki fenolik madde kompozisyonu çeşit ve y ı ldan önemli düzeyde etkilenmekteyken, yöreden etkilenmemektedir.
Amiot, M. J. , M.Tachini , B. Aubert, J. Nicolas. 1992. Phenolic composition and browning susceptibility of various apple cultivars at maturity. J. Food Sci., 57(4): 958-962.
Bruchmann, E. E. 1976. Angewandte Biochemie. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, s. 1-255, Stuttgart.
Burda, S., W. Oleszek, C. Y. Lee. 1990. Phenolic compounds and their changes in apples during maturation and cold storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 38(4):945-948.
Corse, J., L. L. Layton, D. C. Patterson. 1970. Isolation of chlorogenic acids from roasted caffee. J. Sci. Food Agric., 21(3):164-168.
Coseteng, M. Y., C. Y. Lee. 1987. Changes in apple polyphenoloxidase and polyphenol concentrations in relation to degree of browning. J. Food Sci., 52(4):983-989.
Dao, L., M. Friedman, 1992. Chlorogenic acid content of fresh and processed potatoes determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(11): 2152- 2156.
De Simon, B. F., J. Perez-lIzarbe, J., T. Hernandez, C. GomezCordoves, I. Estrella. 1992. Importance of phenolic compounds for the chracterization of fruit juices. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(9): 1531-1535.
Dick, A.J., R. Williams, S. L. Baerne, P. D. Lidster. 1985. Quersetin glycosides and chlorogenic acid: Inhibitors of apple beta-galactosidase and apple softening. J. Agric. Food Chem., 33(5): 798-800.
Ekşi, A., İ . Köksal. 1989. Die Türkische apfelsorte Amasyaeigenschaften und chemische zuzammensetzung. Flüss Obst., 56(4): 156-158.
Ekşi, A., F. Karadeniz. 1991. Natürliche zuckerverteilung von apfelsaft aus der sorte Amasya. Flüss Obst., 58(2): 70-71.
Eskin, N. A. M., H. M. Henderson, R. J. Townsend. 1976. Biochemie der Lebensmittel. Hüthig Verlag. s. 1-230, Heidelberg.Herrmann, K. 1957. Über oxidationsfermente und phenolische substrate im gemüse und obst: oxyzimtsaeuren im gemüse. ZLUF, 106:341-348, 451-454.
Herrmann, K. 1973. Über das vorkommen der Hydroxybenzo saeureverbindungen im pflanzenreich und pflanzlichen lebensmitteln. ZLUF, 153:170-176.
Herrmann, K. 1976. Über verfaerbung des gemüses durch phenolische ı nhaltsstoffe. Deutsche Lebensm.-Rdsch. 72(3): 90-94.
Herrmann, K. 1993. Zur quantitativen veranderung phenolischer inhaltsstoffe bei der gewinnung von apfel-und birnen saeften. Flüss Obst., 60 (1): 7 -10.
Hertog, M. G. L., P. C. H. Hollmann, M. B. Katan. 1992. Content of potentially anticarcinogenic flavonoids of 28 vegetables and 9 fruits commonly consumed in the Netherlands. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(9): 2379-2383.
Higby, R. H. 1943. The chemical nature of vitamin P. J. Am. Pharmac. Assoc. 32 (3): 74-77.
Lea, A. G. H. 1984. Farb und gerbstoffe in englischen mostapfeln. Flüss Obst., 51 (8): 356-361.
Lee, H. S., R. E. Wrolstad. 1988. Appl juice composition: sugar, nonvolatile acid and phenolic profile. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 71(4): 789-794.
Maier, G., P. Mayer, H. Dietrich, K. Wucherpfennig. 1990. Polyphenoloxidasen und ihre anwendung bei der stabilisierung von fruchtsaeften. Flüss Obst., 57(4): 230- 239.
Markham, K. R. 1982. Techniques of flavonoid identification. Academic Press. s. 1-113. London.
Mazza, G., Y.S. Velio ğlu. 1992. Anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds in fruits of red-flesh apples. Food Chem., 43 (2): 113-117.
Oh, H., J.E. Hoff. 1987. pH dependence of complex formation between condensed tannins and proteins. J. Food Sci., 52(5): 1267-1269.
Ramanathan, L., N.P. Das. 1992. Studies on the control of lipid oxidation in ground fı sh by some polyphenolic natural products. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(1): 17-21.
Risch, B., K. Herrmann. 1988. Die gehalte an hydroxyzimt saeureverbindungen und catechinen in kem und steinobst. ZLUF, 186: 225-230.
Schols, H.A., P.H. Int Veld, W. Van Deelen, A.G.J. Voragen. 1991. The effect of the manufacturing method on the characteristics of apple juice. ZLUF, 192 : 142-148.
Spanos, G.A., R.E. Wrolstad. 1992. Phenolic of apple, pear and white grape juices and their changes with processing and storage. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(9): 1478-1487.
Spanos, G.A., R.E. Wrolstad, D.A. Heatherbell. 1990. Influence of processing and storage on the phenolic composition of apple juice. J. Agric. Food Chem., 38(7): 1572-1579.
Stagg, G.V., D.J. Millin. 1975. The nutritional and therapeatic value of tea-A review. J. Sci. Food Agric., 26(10): 1439- 1459.
Thumann, I., K. Herrmann. 1980. Über die antioxidative Wirkung von hydroxyzimtsaeuren und hydroxy benzosaeuren. DLR, 76(10): 344-348.
Tomas-Lorente, F., C. Garcia-Viguera, F. Ferreres., F.A. TomasBarberan. 1992. Phenolic compounds analysis in the determination of fruit jam genuinenes. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(10): 1800-1804.
Uras, N. 1992. Gı da sektöründe gelişmeler ve beklentiler. Türkiye Sı nai Kalkı nma Bankas ı Yayı n ı , s. 1-55. İ stanbul.
Vamos-Vigyazo,L., I. Gajzago, V. Nadudvari-Markus, K. Mihalvi. 1976. Studies into the enzymic browning and the polyphenol-polyphenoloxidase complex of apple cultivars. Confructa, 21(1-2): 24-35.
Van Buren, J.P. 1970. Fruit Phenolics. The biochemistry of fruits and their products, Voll (ed: A.C. Hulme), s. 269- 304. Academic Press, London.
Van Buren, J.P., L. De Vos, W. Pilnik. 1976. Polyphenols in Golden delicious apple juice in relation to method of preperation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 24(3): 448-451.
Wald, B., R. Galensa. 1989. Nachweis von Fruchtsaft Manipulationen bei apfel-und birnensaft. ZLUF, 188: 107- 114.
Walker, J.R.L., E.L. Wilson. 1975. Studies on the enzymic browning of apples. Inhibition of apple o-diphenoloxidase by phenolic acids. J. Sci. Food Agric., 26(12):1825-1831.
Weidenbörner, M., H. Hindrof, H.C. Jha, P. Tsotsonos. 1990. Antifungal activity of flavonoids against storage fungi the genus Aspergillus. Phytochemistry, 29(4):1103-1105.
A Research on the Phenolic Composition of Apple Juice
Fourty-five apple juice samples were produced from 3 different apple cultivars from f ı ve apple growing regions in three consecutive crop years and analysed for their phenolic composition. The main phenolic compound of apple juices was chlorogenic acid ranged from 62.3 to 342.6 mg/I. It was followed by epicatechin, phloretin glycoside, phloridzin and p-coumaric acid to be at levels 5.3-240.1 mg/I, 5.5-60 mg/I, 6.9-29.7 mg/I, 1.1-16 mg/I, respectively. Cultivar and crop years signifı cantly affected phenolic composition of apple juice, while growing region did not have a significant effect.
Amiot, M. J. , M.Tachini , B. Aubert, J. Nicolas. 1992. Phenolic composition and browning susceptibility of various apple cultivars at maturity. J. Food Sci., 57(4): 958-962.
Bruchmann, E. E. 1976. Angewandte Biochemie. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, s. 1-255, Stuttgart.
Burda, S., W. Oleszek, C. Y. Lee. 1990. Phenolic compounds and their changes in apples during maturation and cold storage. J. Agric. Food Chem. , 38(4):945-948.
Corse, J., L. L. Layton, D. C. Patterson. 1970. Isolation of chlorogenic acids from roasted caffee. J. Sci. Food Agric., 21(3):164-168.
Coseteng, M. Y., C. Y. Lee. 1987. Changes in apple polyphenoloxidase and polyphenol concentrations in relation to degree of browning. J. Food Sci., 52(4):983-989.
Dao, L., M. Friedman, 1992. Chlorogenic acid content of fresh and processed potatoes determined by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(11): 2152- 2156.
De Simon, B. F., J. Perez-lIzarbe, J., T. Hernandez, C. GomezCordoves, I. Estrella. 1992. Importance of phenolic compounds for the chracterization of fruit juices. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(9): 1531-1535.
Dick, A.J., R. Williams, S. L. Baerne, P. D. Lidster. 1985. Quersetin glycosides and chlorogenic acid: Inhibitors of apple beta-galactosidase and apple softening. J. Agric. Food Chem., 33(5): 798-800.
Ekşi, A., İ . Köksal. 1989. Die Türkische apfelsorte Amasyaeigenschaften und chemische zuzammensetzung. Flüss Obst., 56(4): 156-158.
Ekşi, A., F. Karadeniz. 1991. Natürliche zuckerverteilung von apfelsaft aus der sorte Amasya. Flüss Obst., 58(2): 70-71.
Eskin, N. A. M., H. M. Henderson, R. J. Townsend. 1976. Biochemie der Lebensmittel. Hüthig Verlag. s. 1-230, Heidelberg.Herrmann, K. 1957. Über oxidationsfermente und phenolische substrate im gemüse und obst: oxyzimtsaeuren im gemüse. ZLUF, 106:341-348, 451-454.
Herrmann, K. 1973. Über das vorkommen der Hydroxybenzo saeureverbindungen im pflanzenreich und pflanzlichen lebensmitteln. ZLUF, 153:170-176.
Herrmann, K. 1976. Über verfaerbung des gemüses durch phenolische ı nhaltsstoffe. Deutsche Lebensm.-Rdsch. 72(3): 90-94.
Herrmann, K. 1993. Zur quantitativen veranderung phenolischer inhaltsstoffe bei der gewinnung von apfel-und birnen saeften. Flüss Obst., 60 (1): 7 -10.
Hertog, M. G. L., P. C. H. Hollmann, M. B. Katan. 1992. Content of potentially anticarcinogenic flavonoids of 28 vegetables and 9 fruits commonly consumed in the Netherlands. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(9): 2379-2383.
Higby, R. H. 1943. The chemical nature of vitamin P. J. Am. Pharmac. Assoc. 32 (3): 74-77.
Lea, A. G. H. 1984. Farb und gerbstoffe in englischen mostapfeln. Flüss Obst., 51 (8): 356-361.
Lee, H. S., R. E. Wrolstad. 1988. Appl juice composition: sugar, nonvolatile acid and phenolic profile. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 71(4): 789-794.
Maier, G., P. Mayer, H. Dietrich, K. Wucherpfennig. 1990. Polyphenoloxidasen und ihre anwendung bei der stabilisierung von fruchtsaeften. Flüss Obst., 57(4): 230- 239.
Markham, K. R. 1982. Techniques of flavonoid identification. Academic Press. s. 1-113. London.
Mazza, G., Y.S. Velio ğlu. 1992. Anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds in fruits of red-flesh apples. Food Chem., 43 (2): 113-117.
Oh, H., J.E. Hoff. 1987. pH dependence of complex formation between condensed tannins and proteins. J. Food Sci., 52(5): 1267-1269.
Ramanathan, L., N.P. Das. 1992. Studies on the control of lipid oxidation in ground fı sh by some polyphenolic natural products. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(1): 17-21.
Risch, B., K. Herrmann. 1988. Die gehalte an hydroxyzimt saeureverbindungen und catechinen in kem und steinobst. ZLUF, 186: 225-230.
Schols, H.A., P.H. Int Veld, W. Van Deelen, A.G.J. Voragen. 1991. The effect of the manufacturing method on the characteristics of apple juice. ZLUF, 192 : 142-148.
Spanos, G.A., R.E. Wrolstad. 1992. Phenolic of apple, pear and white grape juices and their changes with processing and storage. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(9): 1478-1487.
Spanos, G.A., R.E. Wrolstad, D.A. Heatherbell. 1990. Influence of processing and storage on the phenolic composition of apple juice. J. Agric. Food Chem., 38(7): 1572-1579.
Stagg, G.V., D.J. Millin. 1975. The nutritional and therapeatic value of tea-A review. J. Sci. Food Agric., 26(10): 1439- 1459.
Thumann, I., K. Herrmann. 1980. Über die antioxidative Wirkung von hydroxyzimtsaeuren und hydroxy benzosaeuren. DLR, 76(10): 344-348.
Tomas-Lorente, F., C. Garcia-Viguera, F. Ferreres., F.A. TomasBarberan. 1992. Phenolic compounds analysis in the determination of fruit jam genuinenes. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40(10): 1800-1804.
Uras, N. 1992. Gı da sektöründe gelişmeler ve beklentiler. Türkiye Sı nai Kalkı nma Bankas ı Yayı n ı , s. 1-55. İ stanbul.
Vamos-Vigyazo,L., I. Gajzago, V. Nadudvari-Markus, K. Mihalvi. 1976. Studies into the enzymic browning and the polyphenol-polyphenoloxidase complex of apple cultivars. Confructa, 21(1-2): 24-35.
Van Buren, J.P. 1970. Fruit Phenolics. The biochemistry of fruits and their products, Voll (ed: A.C. Hulme), s. 269- 304. Academic Press, London.
Van Buren, J.P., L. De Vos, W. Pilnik. 1976. Polyphenols in Golden delicious apple juice in relation to method of preperation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 24(3): 448-451.
Wald, B., R. Galensa. 1989. Nachweis von Fruchtsaft Manipulationen bei apfel-und birnensaft. ZLUF, 188: 107- 114.
Walker, J.R.L., E.L. Wilson. 1975. Studies on the enzymic browning of apples. Inhibition of apple o-diphenoloxidase by phenolic acids. J. Sci. Food Agric., 26(12):1825-1831.
Weidenbörner, M., H. Hindrof, H.C. Jha, P. Tsotsonos. 1990. Antifungal activity of flavonoids against storage fungi the genus Aspergillus. Phytochemistry, 29(4):1103-1105.
Karadeniz, F., & Ekşi, A. (2001). Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 07(03), 135-141. https://doi.org/10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000667
Karadeniz F, Ekşi A. Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2001;07(03):135-141. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000667
Karadeniz, Feryal, and Aziz Ekşi. “Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07, no. 03 (August 2001): 135-41. https://doi.org/10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000667.
Karadeniz F, Ekşi A (August 1, 2001) Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07 03 135–141.
F. Karadeniz and A. Ekşi, “Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 07, no. 03, pp. 135–141, 2001, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000667.
Karadeniz, Feryal - Ekşi, Aziz. “Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 07/03 (August 2001), 135-141. https://doi.org/10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000667.
Karadeniz F, Ekşi A. Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2001;07:135–141.
Karadeniz, Feryal and Aziz Ekşi. “Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 07, no. 03, 2001, pp. 135-41, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000667.
Karadeniz F, Ekşi A. Elma Suyunda Fenolik Madde Dağılımı Üzerine Araştırma. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2001;07(03):135-41.