Research Article
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Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions

Year 2022, , 189 - 199, 25.04.2022


Cultivated strawberry has been developed from hybridization between Fragaria chiloensis and F. virginiana. The progenitor species exhibit significant genetic diversity. Growth attributes of progenitor species and their responses to several stress factors have been studied. However, iron-deficiency tolerance (FeDT) of different species have merely been tested under hydroponic conditions. This study evaluated FeDT of 23 genotypes belonging to super-seed collection under hydroponic conditions. Two genotypes (one Fe-deficiency tolerant and one sensitive) were selected from screening experiment and their physiological and morphological mechanisms playing role in FeDT were determined. Plant parameters associated with FeDT, i.e., pH of the growth medium, root Fe reductase activity, total and active Fe concentration of shoot were recorded. The Fe-efficiency of strawberry subspecies varied between 51% and 98%. Fe efficiency values also varied among subspecies. AukeLake and RCP37 belonging to F. chiloensis were highly resistant and sensitive to Fe-deficiency, respectively based on Fe efficiency values. A highly significant relationship was observed between Fe concentration and FeDT of the genotypes. Acidification of nutrient solution and root Fe reductase activity were closely related to high shoot iron concentration. Our findings indicated existence of a close relationship between root uptake and root to shoot translocation of Fe, which ultimately contribute greatly to FeDT among tested strawberry genotypes.

Supporting Institution

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

Project Number

TOVAG 104O199


This work was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No: TOVAG 104O199).


  • Aka-Kacar Y & Cetiner S (1992). The changes observed during the micropropagation of strawberry cultivars by meristem culture. In: Proceedings of II. National Horticulture Congress, Adana, Turkey pp. 351–355.
  • Alcantara E, Romera F J, Canete M & de la Guardia M D (2000). Effects of bicarbonate and iron supply on Fe(III) reducing capacity of roots and leaf chlorosis of Fe susceptible peach rootstock ‘Nemaguard’. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23: 1607–1617.
  • Alkan Torun A, Aka Kacar Y, Bicen B, Erdem N & Serce S (2014). In vitro screening of octoploid Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana genotypes against iron deficiency. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 167–179.
  • Alkan Torun A, Serce S, Aka Kacar Y & Erdem N (2013). Screening of wild strawberry genotypes against iron deficiency under greenhouse conditions. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 41: 560–566.
  • Álvarez-Fernández A, Melgar J C, Abadía J & Abadía A (2011). Effects of moderate and severe iron deficiency chlorosis on fruit yield, appearance and composition in pear (Pyrus communis L.) and peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). Environmental and Experimental Botany 71: 280–286.
  • Álvarez-Fernández, A, Abadía J & Abadía A (2006). Iron deficiency, fruit yield and fruit quality. In: Bartonand L L, Abadia J, editors. Iron Nutrition in Plants and Rizospheric Microorganisms. The Netherlands, Springer, pp. 437–448.
  • Awad F, Romheld V & Marschner H (1994). Effect of root exudates on mobilization in the rhizosphere and uptake of iron by wheat plants. Plant and Soil 165: 213–218.
  • Cakmak I, van de Wetering D A, Marschner H & Bienfait H F (1987). Involvement of superoxide radical in extracellular ferric reduction by iron-deficient bean roots. Plant Physiology 85 (1): 310-314.
  • Camp S D, Jolley V D & Brown, J C (1987). Comparative Evaluation of Factors Involved in Iron-Stress Response in Tomatoes and Soybean. Journal of Plant Nutrition 10: 423-442.
  • Chen J, Shang Y T, Zhang N N, Zhong Y Q W & Wang W H et al. (2018). Sodium hydrosulfide modifies the nutrient ratios of soybean (Glycine max) under iron deficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181:305–315.
  • Eyupoglu F (1999). Fertility levels of Turkish soils. R.T. Prime Ministry, General Directorate of Rural Affairs.
  • Gama F, Saavedra T, da Silva J P, Miguel M G & de Varennes A et al. (2016). The memory of iron stress in strawberry plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 104: 36-44.
  • Gundogdu M, Berk S K, Yildiz K, Canan I, Ercisli S & Tuna S (2020). Effect of methyl jasmonate application on bioactive contents and agro-morphological properties of strawberry fruits. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 19(4), 133–142.
  • Han Z H, Shen T, Korcak R & Baligar V C (1998). Iron absorption by iron-efficient and - inefficient species of apples. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21: 181–190.
  • Han Z H, Shen T, Korcak R & Baligar V C (1994). Screening for iron-efficient species in the genus Malus. Journal of Plant Nutrition 17: 579–592.
  • Hancock J F, Callow P W, Dale A, Luby J J & Finn C E et al. (2001a). From the Andes to the Rockies: Native strawberry collection and utilization HortScience 36: 221–225.
  • Hancock J F, Callow P W, Serçe S & Schilder A M C (2001b). Relative performance of strawberry cultivars and native hybrids on fumigated and nonfumigated soil in Michigan. HortScience 36: 136–138.
  • Hancock J F, Finn C A, Hokanson S C, Luby J J, Gourant B L & Demchak K (2001c). A multi-state comparison of native octoploid strawberries from North and South America. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 126: 579–586.
  • Hancock, J F, Luby J J, Dale A, Callow P W, Serçe S & El-Shiek A (2002). Utilizing wild Fragaria virginiana in strawberry cultivar development: inheritance of photoperiod sensitivity, fruit size, gender, female fertility and disease resistance. Euphytica 126: 174–184.
  • Hancock J F, Callow P W, Serçe S & Son P Q (2003). Variation in the horticultural characteristics of native Fragaria virginiana and F chiloensis from North and South America. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128: 201–208.
  • Hancock J F, Serçe S, Portman C M, Callow P W & Luby J J (2004). Taxonomic variation among North and South American subspecies of Fragaria virginiana Miller and F. chiloensis (L) Miller. Canadian Journal of Botany 82 (11): 1632–1644.
  • Hancock JF, Drake CA, Callow PW, Serçe S (2005). Genetic improvement of the Chilean native strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis. HortScience 40: 1644–1645.
  • Hancock J, Finn CE, Luby JJ, Dale A, Callow PW, Serçe S (2010). Reconstruction of the strawberry, Fragaria ×ananassa, using native genotypes of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. HortScience 45: 1006–1013.
  • Hansen N C, Hopkins B G, Ellsworth J W, Jolley V D, Barton L L & Abadia J (2006). Iron nutrition in field crops. Iron nutrition in plants and rhizospheric Microorganisms. The Netherlands: Springer pp. 23–59.
  • Jelali N, Dell’Orto M, Rabhi M, Zocchi G, Abdelly C & Gharsalli M (2010). Physiological and biochemical responses for two cultivars of Pisum sativum (‘‘Merveille de Kelvedon’’ and ‘‘Lincoln’’) to iron deficiency conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 124: 116–121.
  • Kafkas E, Silberbush M & Paydas S (2007). Physiological characterization of strawberry cultivars with differential susceptibility iron deficiency. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3: 196–203.
  • Lewers K S, Turechek W W, Hokanson S C, Maas J L & Hancock J F et al. (2007). Evaluation of elite native strawberry germplasm for resistance to anthracnose crown rot disease caused by Colletotrichum species. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 132: 842–849.
  • Lichtenthaler H K & Wellburn A R (1983). Determinations of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in different solvents. Biochemical Society Transactions 11 (5): 591–592.
  • Luby J J, Hancock J F, Dale A & Serçe S (2008). Reconstructing Fragaria ×ananassa utilizing wild F. virginiana and F. chiloensis: Inheritance of winter injury, photoperiod sensitivity, fruit size, gender, female fertility and disease resistance in hybrid progenies. Euphytica 163: 57–65.
  • Marschner H (2011). Marschner’s Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 3rd Edn, London: Academic Press.
  • Mengel K & Malissovas N (1982). Light depended proton excretion by roots of entire vine plants (Vitis vinifera L.). Z Pflanzenernaeh Bodenk 145:261–267.
  • Murashige T & Skoog F A (1962). Revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15:473–497.
  • Ollat N, Tandonnet J P, Lafontaine M & Schultz H R (2003). Short and long term effects of three rootstocks on Cabernet Sauvignon vine behaviour and wine quality. Acta Horticulturae 617: 95–99.
  • Ozturk L, Yazici M A, Yucel C, Torun A, Cekic C & Bagci A et al (2006). Concentration and localization of zinc during seed development and germination in wheat. Physiologia Plantarum 128: 144–152.
  • Pastor M, Castro J & Hidalgo J (2002). La correzione della clorosi ferrica dell’olivo. Olivae 90: 42–45.
  • Pestana M, Domingos I, Gama F, Dandlen S A, Miguel M G & Pinto J C et al (2011) Strawberry recovers from iron chlorosis after foliar application of a grass-clipping extract. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 174: 473–479.
  • Pestana M, Correia P J, Saavedra T, Gama F, Abadia A & de Varennes A (2012b). Development and recovery of iron deficiency by iron resupply to roots or leaves of strawberry plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 53: 1–5.
  • Pestana M, Gama F, Saavedra T, de Varennes A & Correia P J (2012a). The root ferric-chelate reductase of Ceratonia siliqua (L.) and Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. responds differently to a low level of iron. Scientia Horticulturae 135: 65–67.
  • Rombola A D & Tagliavini M (2006). Iron nutrition of fruit tree crops. In: Barton LL, Abadía J (editors). Iron nutrition in Plants and Rhizospheric Microorganisms. The Netherlands: Springer pp. 61–83.
  • Sanz M, Cavero J & Abadia J (1992). Iron chlorosis in the Ebro River basin, Spain. Journal of Plant Nutrition 15:1971–1981.
  • Serce S, Callow P W, Ho H & Hancock J F (2002). High temperature effects on CO2 assimilation rate in genotypes of Fragaria ×ananassa, F. chiloensis and F. virginiana. Journal of the American Pomological Society 56: 57–62.
  • Serce S & Hancock J F (2002). Screening of strawberry germplasm for resistance to the two-spotted spider mite. Horticultural Science 37: 593–594.
  • Serce S & Hancock J F (2005). The temperature and photoperiod regulation of flowering in Fragaria chiloensis, F. virginiana, and F. ×ananassa genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae 103: 167–177.
  • Tagliavini M, Rombola A D & Marangoni B (1995). Responses to the iron-deficiency stress of pear and quince genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 18: 2465–2482.
  • Tagliavini M, Abadia J, Rombola A, Abadia A, Tsipouridis C & Marangoni B (2000). Agronomic means for the control of iron deficiency chlorosis in deciduous fruit trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23:11–12.
  • Tagliavini M & Rombola A D (2001). Iron deficiency and chlorosis in orchard and vineyard ecosystems. European Journal of Agronomy 15: 71–92.
  • Takkar P N & Kaur N P (1984). HCl method for Fe+2 estimation to resolve iron chlorosis in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 7 (1-5): 81–90.
  • Vizzotto G, Pinton R, Bomben C, Cesco S, Varanini Z & Costa G (1999). Iron reduction in iron-stressed plants of Actinidia deliciosa genotypes: Involvement of PM Fe(III)-chelate reductase and H+ -ATPase activity. Journal of Plant Nutrition 22: 479–488.
  • Vose P B (1982). Iron nutrition in plants: A world overview. Journal of Plant Nutrition 5: 233–249.
Year 2022, , 189 - 199, 25.04.2022


Project Number

TOVAG 104O199


  • Aka-Kacar Y & Cetiner S (1992). The changes observed during the micropropagation of strawberry cultivars by meristem culture. In: Proceedings of II. National Horticulture Congress, Adana, Turkey pp. 351–355.
  • Alcantara E, Romera F J, Canete M & de la Guardia M D (2000). Effects of bicarbonate and iron supply on Fe(III) reducing capacity of roots and leaf chlorosis of Fe susceptible peach rootstock ‘Nemaguard’. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23: 1607–1617.
  • Alkan Torun A, Aka Kacar Y, Bicen B, Erdem N & Serce S (2014). In vitro screening of octoploid Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana genotypes against iron deficiency. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 38: 167–179.
  • Alkan Torun A, Serce S, Aka Kacar Y & Erdem N (2013). Screening of wild strawberry genotypes against iron deficiency under greenhouse conditions. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 41: 560–566.
  • Álvarez-Fernández A, Melgar J C, Abadía J & Abadía A (2011). Effects of moderate and severe iron deficiency chlorosis on fruit yield, appearance and composition in pear (Pyrus communis L.) and peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch). Environmental and Experimental Botany 71: 280–286.
  • Álvarez-Fernández, A, Abadía J & Abadía A (2006). Iron deficiency, fruit yield and fruit quality. In: Bartonand L L, Abadia J, editors. Iron Nutrition in Plants and Rizospheric Microorganisms. The Netherlands, Springer, pp. 437–448.
  • Awad F, Romheld V & Marschner H (1994). Effect of root exudates on mobilization in the rhizosphere and uptake of iron by wheat plants. Plant and Soil 165: 213–218.
  • Cakmak I, van de Wetering D A, Marschner H & Bienfait H F (1987). Involvement of superoxide radical in extracellular ferric reduction by iron-deficient bean roots. Plant Physiology 85 (1): 310-314.
  • Camp S D, Jolley V D & Brown, J C (1987). Comparative Evaluation of Factors Involved in Iron-Stress Response in Tomatoes and Soybean. Journal of Plant Nutrition 10: 423-442.
  • Chen J, Shang Y T, Zhang N N, Zhong Y Q W & Wang W H et al. (2018). Sodium hydrosulfide modifies the nutrient ratios of soybean (Glycine max) under iron deficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181:305–315.
  • Eyupoglu F (1999). Fertility levels of Turkish soils. R.T. Prime Ministry, General Directorate of Rural Affairs.
  • Gama F, Saavedra T, da Silva J P, Miguel M G & de Varennes A et al. (2016). The memory of iron stress in strawberry plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 104: 36-44.
  • Gundogdu M, Berk S K, Yildiz K, Canan I, Ercisli S & Tuna S (2020). Effect of methyl jasmonate application on bioactive contents and agro-morphological properties of strawberry fruits. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 19(4), 133–142.
  • Han Z H, Shen T, Korcak R & Baligar V C (1998). Iron absorption by iron-efficient and - inefficient species of apples. Journal of Plant Nutrition 21: 181–190.
  • Han Z H, Shen T, Korcak R & Baligar V C (1994). Screening for iron-efficient species in the genus Malus. Journal of Plant Nutrition 17: 579–592.
  • Hancock J F, Callow P W, Dale A, Luby J J & Finn C E et al. (2001a). From the Andes to the Rockies: Native strawberry collection and utilization HortScience 36: 221–225.
  • Hancock J F, Callow P W, Serçe S & Schilder A M C (2001b). Relative performance of strawberry cultivars and native hybrids on fumigated and nonfumigated soil in Michigan. HortScience 36: 136–138.
  • Hancock J F, Finn C A, Hokanson S C, Luby J J, Gourant B L & Demchak K (2001c). A multi-state comparison of native octoploid strawberries from North and South America. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 126: 579–586.
  • Hancock, J F, Luby J J, Dale A, Callow P W, Serçe S & El-Shiek A (2002). Utilizing wild Fragaria virginiana in strawberry cultivar development: inheritance of photoperiod sensitivity, fruit size, gender, female fertility and disease resistance. Euphytica 126: 174–184.
  • Hancock J F, Callow P W, Serçe S & Son P Q (2003). Variation in the horticultural characteristics of native Fragaria virginiana and F chiloensis from North and South America. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128: 201–208.
  • Hancock J F, Serçe S, Portman C M, Callow P W & Luby J J (2004). Taxonomic variation among North and South American subspecies of Fragaria virginiana Miller and F. chiloensis (L) Miller. Canadian Journal of Botany 82 (11): 1632–1644.
  • Hancock JF, Drake CA, Callow PW, Serçe S (2005). Genetic improvement of the Chilean native strawberry, Fragaria chiloensis. HortScience 40: 1644–1645.
  • Hancock J, Finn CE, Luby JJ, Dale A, Callow PW, Serçe S (2010). Reconstruction of the strawberry, Fragaria ×ananassa, using native genotypes of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. HortScience 45: 1006–1013.
  • Hansen N C, Hopkins B G, Ellsworth J W, Jolley V D, Barton L L & Abadia J (2006). Iron nutrition in field crops. Iron nutrition in plants and rhizospheric Microorganisms. The Netherlands: Springer pp. 23–59.
  • Jelali N, Dell’Orto M, Rabhi M, Zocchi G, Abdelly C & Gharsalli M (2010). Physiological and biochemical responses for two cultivars of Pisum sativum (‘‘Merveille de Kelvedon’’ and ‘‘Lincoln’’) to iron deficiency conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 124: 116–121.
  • Kafkas E, Silberbush M & Paydas S (2007). Physiological characterization of strawberry cultivars with differential susceptibility iron deficiency. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3: 196–203.
  • Lewers K S, Turechek W W, Hokanson S C, Maas J L & Hancock J F et al. (2007). Evaluation of elite native strawberry germplasm for resistance to anthracnose crown rot disease caused by Colletotrichum species. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 132: 842–849.
  • Lichtenthaler H K & Wellburn A R (1983). Determinations of total carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b of leaf extracts in different solvents. Biochemical Society Transactions 11 (5): 591–592.
  • Luby J J, Hancock J F, Dale A & Serçe S (2008). Reconstructing Fragaria ×ananassa utilizing wild F. virginiana and F. chiloensis: Inheritance of winter injury, photoperiod sensitivity, fruit size, gender, female fertility and disease resistance in hybrid progenies. Euphytica 163: 57–65.
  • Marschner H (2011). Marschner’s Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants, 3rd Edn, London: Academic Press.
  • Mengel K & Malissovas N (1982). Light depended proton excretion by roots of entire vine plants (Vitis vinifera L.). Z Pflanzenernaeh Bodenk 145:261–267.
  • Murashige T & Skoog F A (1962). Revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15:473–497.
  • Ollat N, Tandonnet J P, Lafontaine M & Schultz H R (2003). Short and long term effects of three rootstocks on Cabernet Sauvignon vine behaviour and wine quality. Acta Horticulturae 617: 95–99.
  • Ozturk L, Yazici M A, Yucel C, Torun A, Cekic C & Bagci A et al (2006). Concentration and localization of zinc during seed development and germination in wheat. Physiologia Plantarum 128: 144–152.
  • Pastor M, Castro J & Hidalgo J (2002). La correzione della clorosi ferrica dell’olivo. Olivae 90: 42–45.
  • Pestana M, Domingos I, Gama F, Dandlen S A, Miguel M G & Pinto J C et al (2011) Strawberry recovers from iron chlorosis after foliar application of a grass-clipping extract. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 174: 473–479.
  • Pestana M, Correia P J, Saavedra T, Gama F, Abadia A & de Varennes A (2012b). Development and recovery of iron deficiency by iron resupply to roots or leaves of strawberry plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 53: 1–5.
  • Pestana M, Gama F, Saavedra T, de Varennes A & Correia P J (2012a). The root ferric-chelate reductase of Ceratonia siliqua (L.) and Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. responds differently to a low level of iron. Scientia Horticulturae 135: 65–67.
  • Rombola A D & Tagliavini M (2006). Iron nutrition of fruit tree crops. In: Barton LL, Abadía J (editors). Iron nutrition in Plants and Rhizospheric Microorganisms. The Netherlands: Springer pp. 61–83.
  • Sanz M, Cavero J & Abadia J (1992). Iron chlorosis in the Ebro River basin, Spain. Journal of Plant Nutrition 15:1971–1981.
  • Serce S, Callow P W, Ho H & Hancock J F (2002). High temperature effects on CO2 assimilation rate in genotypes of Fragaria ×ananassa, F. chiloensis and F. virginiana. Journal of the American Pomological Society 56: 57–62.
  • Serce S & Hancock J F (2002). Screening of strawberry germplasm for resistance to the two-spotted spider mite. Horticultural Science 37: 593–594.
  • Serce S & Hancock J F (2005). The temperature and photoperiod regulation of flowering in Fragaria chiloensis, F. virginiana, and F. ×ananassa genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae 103: 167–177.
  • Tagliavini M, Rombola A D & Marangoni B (1995). Responses to the iron-deficiency stress of pear and quince genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 18: 2465–2482.
  • Tagliavini M, Abadia J, Rombola A, Abadia A, Tsipouridis C & Marangoni B (2000). Agronomic means for the control of iron deficiency chlorosis in deciduous fruit trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23:11–12.
  • Tagliavini M & Rombola A D (2001). Iron deficiency and chlorosis in orchard and vineyard ecosystems. European Journal of Agronomy 15: 71–92.
  • Takkar P N & Kaur N P (1984). HCl method for Fe+2 estimation to resolve iron chlorosis in plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 7 (1-5): 81–90.
  • Vizzotto G, Pinton R, Bomben C, Cesco S, Varanini Z & Costa G (1999). Iron reduction in iron-stressed plants of Actinidia deliciosa genotypes: Involvement of PM Fe(III)-chelate reductase and H+ -ATPase activity. Journal of Plant Nutrition 22: 479–488.
  • Vose P B (1982). Iron nutrition in plants: A world overview. Journal of Plant Nutrition 5: 233–249.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Ayfer Alkan Torun 0000-0002-8493-5828

Nazife Erdem This is me 0000-0001-9123-8513

Sedat Serçe 0000-0003-4584-2028

Yıldız Aka Kaçar 0000-0001-5314-7952

M. Bülent Torun 0000-0002-7701-8298

Project Number TOVAG 104O199
Publication Date April 25, 2022
Submission Date January 18, 2021
Acceptance Date April 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Alkan Torun, A., Erdem, N., Serçe, S., Aka Kaçar, Y., et al. (2022). Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(2), 189-199.
AMA Alkan Torun A, Erdem N, Serçe S, Aka Kaçar Y, Torun MB. Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. April 2022;28(2):189-199. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.863463
Chicago Alkan Torun, Ayfer, Nazife Erdem, Sedat Serçe, Yıldız Aka Kaçar, and M. Bülent Torun. “Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-Deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 2 (April 2022): 189-99.
EndNote Alkan Torun A, Erdem N, Serçe S, Aka Kaçar Y, Torun MB (April 1, 2022) Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 2 189–199.
IEEE A. Alkan Torun, N. Erdem, S. Serçe, Y. Aka Kaçar, and M. B. Torun, “Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 189–199, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.863463.
ISNAD Alkan Torun, Ayfer et al. “Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-Deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/2 (April 2022), 189-199.
JAMA Alkan Torun A, Erdem N, Serçe S, Aka Kaçar Y, Torun MB. Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:189–199.
MLA Alkan Torun, Ayfer et al. “Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-Deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 2, 2022, pp. 189-9, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.863463.
Vancouver Alkan Torun A, Erdem N, Serçe S, Aka Kaçar Y, Torun MB. Screening of Wild Strawberry Germplasm for Iron-deficiency Tolerance Under Hydroponic Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(2):189-9.

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