Research Article
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Year 2012, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 137 - 145, 04.06.2012



  • Alpbaz A (1984). Akvaryum Tekniği ve Balıkları. Acargil Matbaası. 863 Sok. No:58, 1-384, Kemeraltı-İZMİR
  • Alvarez D & Nicieza A G (2003). Predator avoidance behaviour in wild and hatchery-reared brow trout: The Role of Experience and Domestication. Journal of Fish Biology 63: 1565-1577
  • Armstrong J D, Braithwaite V A & Huntingford F A (1997). Spatial strategies of wild atlantic salmon parr: exploration and settlement in unfamiliar areas. Journal of Fish Biology 48: 242-254
  • Armstrong J D, Kemp P S, Kennedy G J A, Ladle M & Milner N J (2003). Habitat requirements of atlantic salmon and brown trout in rivers and streams. Fisheries Research 62: 143-170
  • Arzel J, Metailler R, Kerleguer C, Delliou H & Guillaume J (1995). The protein requirement of brown trout (Salmo trutta) fry. Aquaculture 130: 67-78
  • Arzel J, Metailler R, Le Gall P & Guillaume J (998). Relationship between ration size and dietary protein level varying at the expense of carbohydrate and lipid in triploid brown trout fry. Salmo trutta. Aquaculture 162: 259-268
  • Arzel J, Metailler R, Huelvan C, Faure A & Guillaume J (1992). The specific nutritional requirements of brow trout (Salmo trutta). Buvisindi (Icel. Agr. Sci), 6: 77-92
  • Azevedo P, Leeson A S, Cho C Y & Bureau D P (2004). Growth nitrogen and energy utilization of juveniles from four salmonid species: diet. species and size effects. Aquaculture 234: 393-414
  • Dabrowski K, Kaushik S J & Fauconneau B (1987). Rearing of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) larvae iii. Nitrogen and energy metabolism and amino acid absorption. Aquaculture 65: 31-41
  • Düzgüneş O, Kesici T, Kavuncu O & Gürbüz F (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistik Metodları II), Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları:1021, Ders Kitabı, 295. Ankara
  • Elliott J M & Hurley M A (2000). Optimum energy intake and gross efficiency of energy conversion for brown trout. Salmo trutta. feeding on invertebrates or fish. Freshwater Biology 44: 605-615
  • Ersbak K & Haase B L (1983). Nutritional deprivation after stocking as a possible mechanism leading to mortality in stream-stocked brook trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 3: 142-151
  • Gabaudan J, Metailler R & Guillaume J (1989). Nutrition comparee de la truite arc en ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) la truite fario (Salmo trutta) et le saumon coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Effet des taux de proteins totales et de lipides ICES 5: 1-13
  • Geldiay R, & Balık S (1999). Türkiye Tatlısu Balıkları. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No: 46, Ders Kitabı Dizini No:16, 1-532, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Bornova-İzmir, 1999
  • Graff D R (1991). Why stock? (Editor: stoltz J & schnell J, wildlife series: trout) Stackpole Book, Harrisburg, pp. 341-345 Hesthagen T, Jonsson B & Skurdal J (1989). Survival, exploitation and movement of takeable size brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in a norwegian river. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 20: 475-484
  • Hunter C J (1991). Better trout habitat: a guide to stream restoration and management. 320 pp, Washington: Island press
  • Huntingford F, Metcalfe N B, Thorpe J E, Graham W D & Adams C E (1990). Social dominance and body size in atlantic salmon parr. Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Biology 36: 877-881
  • Johnsen B & Ugedal O (1986). Feeding by hatchery-reared and wild brown trout. Salmo trutta L. in a Norwegian stream. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 17: 281- 287
  • Johnsen B & Ugedal O (1989). Feeding by hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L. released in lakes. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 20: 97-104
  • Johnsen B & Ugedal O (1990). Feeding by hatchery- and pond- reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., fingerlings released in a lake and in a small stream. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 21: 253-258
  • Johnsson J I (1993). Big and brave: selection affects foraging under risk of predation in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Animal Behaviour 45: 1219-1225
  • Jonsson N, Nesje T F, Jonsson B, Saksgard R & Sandlund O T (1999). The influence of picsivory on life history traits of brown trout. Journal of Fish Biology 55: 1129-1141
  • Jonsson S (2001). Stocking of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Factors affecting survival and growth. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Aquaculture 1-25, Umea, 2001
  • Kahilainen K & Lehtonen H (2001). Resource use of native and stocked brown trout Salmo trutta L. in a subarctic lake. Fisheries Management and Ecology 8: 83-94
  • Kestemont P & Baras E (2001). Environmental factors and feed intake: mechanisms and interactions. (Editors: Houlihan D, Boujard T & Jobling M Food Intake In Fish) Blackwell Science, Oxford, 131-156
  • Kreivi P, Muotka T, Huusko A, Maki-Petays A, Huhta A & Meissner K (1999). Diel feeding periodicity, daily ration and prey selectivity in juvenile brown trout in a subarctic river. Journal of Fish Biology 55: 553-571
  • L’Abee-Lund J A & Saegrov H (1991). Resource use, growth and effects of stocking in alpine brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22: 519-526
  • Lagardere J P, Mallekh R & Mariani A (2004). Acoustic characteristics of two feedings modes used by browntrout (Salmo trutta), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture 240: 607-616
  • Lahti K, Laurila A, Enberg K & Piironen J (2001). Variation in aggressive behaviour and growth rate between populations and migratory forms in the brown trout, Salmo trutta. Animal Behaviour 62: 935-944
  • Lahti K, Huuskonen H, Laurila A & Piironen J (2002). Metabolic Rate and Aggressiveness Between Brown Trout Populations. Functional Ecology 16: 167-174
  • Lizam M. De Los A P & Ambrósıo A M (2002). Condition Factor In Nine Species Of Fish Of The Characidae Family In The Upper Paraná Rıver Floodplain, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology 62(1): 113-124
  • Mambrini, M., Sanchez, M.-P., Chevassus, B., Labbe, L., Quillet, E. and T. Boujard. 2004. Selection for growth increases feed intake and affects feeding behaviour of brown trout. Livestock Production Science 88: 85-98
  • Martinez P, Arias J, Castro J & Sanchez L (1993). Differential stocking incidence in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from northwestern Spain. Aquaculture 114: 203-216
  • Metcalfe N B, Taylor A C & Thorpe J E (1995). Metabolic Rate, Social Status and Life-History Strategies in Atlantic Salmon. Animal Behaviour 49: 431-436
  • Misslin R & Ropartz P (1981). Responses in mice to a novel object. Behaviour 78: 169-177
  • Siwicki A K & Anderson D P (1993). Immunostimulation in fish: measuring the effects of stimulants by serological and immunological methods. Abstract Symposium on Fish Immunology, Lysekil, Sweden
  • Solberg S O (1979). Formulation and technology of moist feed - moist pellets. (Editors: J E Halver & K Tiews Finfish Nutrition and Fishfeed Technology), Schriften der Bunders-forschungsanstalt für Fischerie, Berlin, pp.41-50
  • Stone L (1872). Trout culture, Proceedings of the American Fish Culturists’ Association 1: 46-56
  • Turchini G M, Mentati T, Caprino F, Panseri S, Moretti V M & Valr`e F (2003). Effects of dietary lipid sources on flavour volatile compounds of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fillet. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 20: 71–75
  • Uysal İ & Alpbaz A (2002). Comparision of the growth performance and mortality in Abant trout (Salmotrutta abanticus Tortonese, 1954) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) under farming conditions. Turkish Journal of Zoology 26: 399-403
  • Zar J H (1984). Biostatistical analysis. Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, N J. 718

Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration

Year 2012, Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 137 - 145, 04.06.2012


Three diets were tested to feed triplicate groups of Salmo trutta abanticus fry with initial average body weight of 0.091 g in fiberglass tank. Two diets consisted of live guppy fry (Lebistes sp.), tubifex (Tubifex tubifex) and third diet was compound diet made up from commercial trout feed. At the end of 12 week of feeding, the best results for average daily growth, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio, daily growth index, feed efficiency, plasma total protein, weight increase, mean weight gain and survival rate were observed for the group fed with guppy fry (P<0.05) whereas the poorest results were obtained for the group fed with compound diet.


  • Alpbaz A (1984). Akvaryum Tekniği ve Balıkları. Acargil Matbaası. 863 Sok. No:58, 1-384, Kemeraltı-İZMİR
  • Alvarez D & Nicieza A G (2003). Predator avoidance behaviour in wild and hatchery-reared brow trout: The Role of Experience and Domestication. Journal of Fish Biology 63: 1565-1577
  • Armstrong J D, Braithwaite V A & Huntingford F A (1997). Spatial strategies of wild atlantic salmon parr: exploration and settlement in unfamiliar areas. Journal of Fish Biology 48: 242-254
  • Armstrong J D, Kemp P S, Kennedy G J A, Ladle M & Milner N J (2003). Habitat requirements of atlantic salmon and brown trout in rivers and streams. Fisheries Research 62: 143-170
  • Arzel J, Metailler R, Kerleguer C, Delliou H & Guillaume J (1995). The protein requirement of brown trout (Salmo trutta) fry. Aquaculture 130: 67-78
  • Arzel J, Metailler R, Le Gall P & Guillaume J (998). Relationship between ration size and dietary protein level varying at the expense of carbohydrate and lipid in triploid brown trout fry. Salmo trutta. Aquaculture 162: 259-268
  • Arzel J, Metailler R, Huelvan C, Faure A & Guillaume J (1992). The specific nutritional requirements of brow trout (Salmo trutta). Buvisindi (Icel. Agr. Sci), 6: 77-92
  • Azevedo P, Leeson A S, Cho C Y & Bureau D P (2004). Growth nitrogen and energy utilization of juveniles from four salmonid species: diet. species and size effects. Aquaculture 234: 393-414
  • Dabrowski K, Kaushik S J & Fauconneau B (1987). Rearing of sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) larvae iii. Nitrogen and energy metabolism and amino acid absorption. Aquaculture 65: 31-41
  • Düzgüneş O, Kesici T, Kavuncu O & Gürbüz F (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistik Metodları II), Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Yayınları:1021, Ders Kitabı, 295. Ankara
  • Elliott J M & Hurley M A (2000). Optimum energy intake and gross efficiency of energy conversion for brown trout. Salmo trutta. feeding on invertebrates or fish. Freshwater Biology 44: 605-615
  • Ersbak K & Haase B L (1983). Nutritional deprivation after stocking as a possible mechanism leading to mortality in stream-stocked brook trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 3: 142-151
  • Gabaudan J, Metailler R & Guillaume J (1989). Nutrition comparee de la truite arc en ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) la truite fario (Salmo trutta) et le saumon coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Effet des taux de proteins totales et de lipides ICES 5: 1-13
  • Geldiay R, & Balık S (1999). Türkiye Tatlısu Balıkları. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No: 46, Ders Kitabı Dizini No:16, 1-532, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, Bornova-İzmir, 1999
  • Graff D R (1991). Why stock? (Editor: stoltz J & schnell J, wildlife series: trout) Stackpole Book, Harrisburg, pp. 341-345 Hesthagen T, Jonsson B & Skurdal J (1989). Survival, exploitation and movement of takeable size brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in a norwegian river. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 20: 475-484
  • Hunter C J (1991). Better trout habitat: a guide to stream restoration and management. 320 pp, Washington: Island press
  • Huntingford F, Metcalfe N B, Thorpe J E, Graham W D & Adams C E (1990). Social dominance and body size in atlantic salmon parr. Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Biology 36: 877-881
  • Johnsen B & Ugedal O (1986). Feeding by hatchery-reared and wild brown trout. Salmo trutta L. in a Norwegian stream. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 17: 281- 287
  • Johnsen B & Ugedal O (1989). Feeding by hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L. released in lakes. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 20: 97-104
  • Johnsen B & Ugedal O (1990). Feeding by hatchery- and pond- reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., fingerlings released in a lake and in a small stream. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 21: 253-258
  • Johnsson J I (1993). Big and brave: selection affects foraging under risk of predation in juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Animal Behaviour 45: 1219-1225
  • Jonsson N, Nesje T F, Jonsson B, Saksgard R & Sandlund O T (1999). The influence of picsivory on life history traits of brown trout. Journal of Fish Biology 55: 1129-1141
  • Jonsson S (2001). Stocking of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Factors affecting survival and growth. Doctoral thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Aquaculture 1-25, Umea, 2001
  • Kahilainen K & Lehtonen H (2001). Resource use of native and stocked brown trout Salmo trutta L. in a subarctic lake. Fisheries Management and Ecology 8: 83-94
  • Kestemont P & Baras E (2001). Environmental factors and feed intake: mechanisms and interactions. (Editors: Houlihan D, Boujard T & Jobling M Food Intake In Fish) Blackwell Science, Oxford, 131-156
  • Kreivi P, Muotka T, Huusko A, Maki-Petays A, Huhta A & Meissner K (1999). Diel feeding periodicity, daily ration and prey selectivity in juvenile brown trout in a subarctic river. Journal of Fish Biology 55: 553-571
  • L’Abee-Lund J A & Saegrov H (1991). Resource use, growth and effects of stocking in alpine brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management 22: 519-526
  • Lagardere J P, Mallekh R & Mariani A (2004). Acoustic characteristics of two feedings modes used by browntrout (Salmo trutta), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture 240: 607-616
  • Lahti K, Laurila A, Enberg K & Piironen J (2001). Variation in aggressive behaviour and growth rate between populations and migratory forms in the brown trout, Salmo trutta. Animal Behaviour 62: 935-944
  • Lahti K, Huuskonen H, Laurila A & Piironen J (2002). Metabolic Rate and Aggressiveness Between Brown Trout Populations. Functional Ecology 16: 167-174
  • Lizam M. De Los A P & Ambrósıo A M (2002). Condition Factor In Nine Species Of Fish Of The Characidae Family In The Upper Paraná Rıver Floodplain, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology 62(1): 113-124
  • Mambrini, M., Sanchez, M.-P., Chevassus, B., Labbe, L., Quillet, E. and T. Boujard. 2004. Selection for growth increases feed intake and affects feeding behaviour of brown trout. Livestock Production Science 88: 85-98
  • Martinez P, Arias J, Castro J & Sanchez L (1993). Differential stocking incidence in brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from northwestern Spain. Aquaculture 114: 203-216
  • Metcalfe N B, Taylor A C & Thorpe J E (1995). Metabolic Rate, Social Status and Life-History Strategies in Atlantic Salmon. Animal Behaviour 49: 431-436
  • Misslin R & Ropartz P (1981). Responses in mice to a novel object. Behaviour 78: 169-177
  • Siwicki A K & Anderson D P (1993). Immunostimulation in fish: measuring the effects of stimulants by serological and immunological methods. Abstract Symposium on Fish Immunology, Lysekil, Sweden
  • Solberg S O (1979). Formulation and technology of moist feed - moist pellets. (Editors: J E Halver & K Tiews Finfish Nutrition and Fishfeed Technology), Schriften der Bunders-forschungsanstalt für Fischerie, Berlin, pp.41-50
  • Stone L (1872). Trout culture, Proceedings of the American Fish Culturists’ Association 1: 46-56
  • Turchini G M, Mentati T, Caprino F, Panseri S, Moretti V M & Valr`e F (2003). Effects of dietary lipid sources on flavour volatile compounds of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fillet. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 20: 71–75
  • Uysal İ & Alpbaz A (2002). Comparision of the growth performance and mortality in Abant trout (Salmotrutta abanticus Tortonese, 1954) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) under farming conditions. Turkish Journal of Zoology 26: 399-403
  • Zar J H (1984). Biostatistical analysis. Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, N J. 718
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Süleyman Bekcan

Hasan Hüseyin Atar

Publication Date June 4, 2012
Submission Date November 4, 2008
Acceptance Date December 15, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 18 Issue: 2


APA Bekcan, S., & Atar, H. H. (2012). Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(2), 137-145.
AMA Bekcan S, Atar HH. Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. June 2012;18(2):137-145. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001201
Chicago Bekcan, Süleyman, and Hasan Hüseyin Atar. “Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo Trutta Abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18, no. 2 (June 2012): 137-45.
EndNote Bekcan S, Atar HH (June 1, 2012) Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18 2 137–145.
IEEE S. Bekcan and H. H. Atar, “Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 137–145, 2012, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001201.
ISNAD Bekcan, Süleyman - Atar, Hasan Hüseyin. “Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo Trutta Abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18/2 (June 2012), 137-145.
JAMA Bekcan S, Atar HH. Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2012;18:137–145.
MLA Bekcan, Süleyman and Hasan Hüseyin Atar. “Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo Trutta Abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 18, no. 2, 2012, pp. 137-45, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001201.
Vancouver Bekcan S, Atar HH. Effects of Live Feeds and Compounded Diet on Growth Parameters of Brown Trout Fry (Salmo trutta abanticus T. 1954) in the Context of Habitat Restoration. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2012;18(2):137-45.

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