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MM106 Anacı Üzerine Aşılı Ara Anaç (M9) Uzunluğunun Bazı Elma Çeşitlerinde Yan Dal Oluşumu, Büyüme ve Verim Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 331 - 336, 14.08.2014


Bu çalışmada 2003-2010 yılları arasında, MM106 anacı üzerinde 15 ve 30 cm uzunluğundaki M9 ara anacının Golden
Delicious ve Granny Smith elma çeşitlerinde fidanın dallanması üzerine etkisi ile vegetatif büyüme ile toplam verim
üzerine etkisi belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar, ara anaç yüksekliğinin artması ile her iki çeşitte fidan ve ağaç gelişiminin önemli
ölçüde azaldığını ancak yan dallanmanın arttığını göstermiştir. En uzun ağaç boyu Golden Delicious ve Granny Smith
çeşitlerinin kontrol grubunda sırasıyla 176.5 - 186.5 cm olarak, en kısa ağaç boyu ise aynı çeşitlerde 30 cm’lik ara anaç
yüksekliğinde sırasıyla 147.5 cm ve 162.6 cm olarak ölçülmüştür. Kontrolde yan dal oluşumu meydana gelmezken, yan
dal sayısı 30 cm’lik ara anaç yüksekliğinde 3.67 (Golden Delicious) ve 5.33 (Granny Smith) bulunmuştur. En yüksek
toplam verim, 30 cm’lik ara anaç yüksekliğinden 21.77 kg ağaç-1 (Golden Delicious) ve 19.18 kg ağaç-1 (Granny Smith)
elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, bodur M9 ara anacının özellikle sürdürülebilir ve organik elma yetiştiriciliği sistemlerinde
büyümeyi azaltıcı, dallanma ve erken meyveye yatmayı ise teşvik etme potansiyelinin bulunduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Barrit B H (1992). Intensive Orchard Management Good Fruit Grower: a division of Washington State Fruit Commission 1005 Tietion Drive Yakima Washington
  • Bootsma J & Baart J (1990). Choice of half-produced trees is not right. Fruitteelt 80: 22-23
  • Di Vaio C, Cirillo C, Buccheri M & Limongelli F (2009). Effect of interstock (M.9 and M.27) on vegetative growth and yield of apple trees (cv ‘‘Annurca’’). Scientia Horticulture 119: 270-274
  • Dun E A, Ferguson B J & Beveridge C A (2006). Apical dominance and shoot branching divergent opinions or divergent mechanisms? Plant Physiology 142: 812-819
  • Faust M (1989). Physiology of Temperate Zone Fruit Trees. John Willey & Sons, New York, pp. 338
  • Hartmann H T, Kester D E & Davies F T (1990). Plant propagation, principles and practices. Prentise - Hall Englewood Cliffs
  • Hrotko K, Buban T & Magyar L (1996) Improved feathering on one- year- old ‘Idared’ apple trees in the nursery. HortScience 28: 29–34
  • Kviklys D (2004). Apple rootstock effect on the quality of planting material. Acta Horticulturae 658 (2): 641646
  • Kviklys D (2006). Induction of feathering of apple planting material. Agronomijas Vestis (Latvian Journal of Agronomy) 9: 58-63.
  • Leyser O (2003). Regulation of shoot branching by auxin. Trends in Plant Science 8; 541-545
  • Li H L, Zhang H, Yu C, Ma L, Wang Y, Zhang X Z & Han Z H (2012). Possible roles of auxin and zeatin for initiating the dwaring effect of M9 used as apple rootstock or interstock. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34: 235-244
  • Lord W J, Greene D W, Damon R A & Baker J H (1985). Effects of stem piece and rootstock combinations on growth, leaf mineral concentration, yield and fruit quality of Empire apple trees. Journal American Society For Horticultural Science 110(3): 422-425
  • Loreti F & Morini S (1986). Ricerche su alcune combinazioni d’innesto del melo a diverse densita` di piantagione Atti Convegno S.O.I. ‘‘La coltura del melo verso gli anni 90’’-Cordenons (PN) 18–20 dicembre, pp. 399–407
  • Marcon Filho J L, Kretzschmar A A, Rufato L, Cury da Silva L, Madeira F C, Ribeiro R S & Rufato A R (2010). Evaluation of the productive and vegetative aspects of the cultivar ‘Imperial Gala’ apple tree with EM-9 interstem in different lengths. Acta Horticulturae 872: 375-378
  • Miller S S & Toworkovski T (2003). Regulating vegetative growth in deciduous fruit trees. PGRSA Quarterly 31: 8Ongaro V & Leyser O (2008). Hormonal control of shoot branching. Journal of Experimental Botany 59: 67–74 Parry M S (1986). The effects of budding height on the field performance of two apple cultivars on three rootstocks. Joural of Horticultural Science 61: 1-7
  • Richards D, Thompson W K & Pharis R P (1986). The influence of dwarfing interstocks on the distribution and metabolism of xylem-applied [ 3 H] gibberellin A 4 in apple. Plant Physiology 82: 1090-1095
  • Rozpara E, Grzyb Z S & Olszewski T (1990). The mineral content in leaves of two sweet cherry cvs. with interstem. Acta Horticulturae 274: 405-412
  • Sachs T & Thimann K V (1967). The role of auxins and cytokinins in the release of buds from dominance. Nature 201: 939-940
  • Samad A, Mcneil D L & Kham Z U (1999). Effect of interstock bridge grafting (M9 dwarfing rootstock and same cultivar cutting) on vegetative growth, reproductive growth and carbohydrate composition of mature apple trees. Scientia Horticulture 79: 23–38
  • Shimizu-Sato S, Tanaka M & Mori H (2009). Auxin– cytokinin interactions in the control of shoot branching. Plant Molecular Biolgy 69: 429-435
  • SPSS Inc. 2007. SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc
  • Vercammen J, Van Daele G & Goman A (2007). Can fruit size and colouring of Jonagold be improved by an interstock? Acta Horticulturae 732: 165–170
  • Webster A D (1995). Rootstock and interstock effects on deciduous fruit tree vigour, precocity and yield productivity. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 23: 373–382
  • Wertheim S J & Webster A D (2005). Rootstocks and interstems. In: Fundamentals of Temperate Zone Tree Fruit Production (Tromp J, Webster AD, Wertheim SJ, eds) Backhuys Publishers Nl 156-175
  • Wickson M & Thimann K V (1958). The antagonism of auxin and kinetin in apical dominance. Physiologia Plantarum 11: 62-74
  • Yıldırım F A & Kankaya A (2004). The spontaneous growth and lateral branch habit of new apple cultivars in nursery. International Journal of Agricultural and Biology 6: 492-49

Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars

Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 331 - 336, 14.08.2014


In this study, branching effects of interstock lengths (15 and 30 cm) of M9 on MM106 rootstock were tested on Golden Delicious and Granny Smith cultivars. In addition, vegetative growth and cumulative yield were determined between 2003 and 2010. The results showed that increased interstock length significantly decreased sapling and tree growth but increased lateral branching in both cultivars. The tallest trees were in the control (176.5 and 186.5 cm) and the shortest trees were in the 30 cm interstock length (147.5 and 162.6 cm) in Golden Delicious and Granny Smith, respectively. The highest number of lateral shoot was obtained from 30 cm interstock length in Golden Delicious (3.67) and Granny Smith (5.33) while there was no lateral shoot formation in the control. The highest cumulative yield was obtained from 30 cm interstock length as 21.77 kg tree in Golden Delicious and 19.18 kg tree in Granny Smith. The results suggested that M9 as a interstock have the potential to induce growth reduction, branching and early fruit bearing especially in sustainable and organic fruit production systems in apple.


  • Barrit B H (1992). Intensive Orchard Management Good Fruit Grower: a division of Washington State Fruit Commission 1005 Tietion Drive Yakima Washington
  • Bootsma J & Baart J (1990). Choice of half-produced trees is not right. Fruitteelt 80: 22-23
  • Di Vaio C, Cirillo C, Buccheri M & Limongelli F (2009). Effect of interstock (M.9 and M.27) on vegetative growth and yield of apple trees (cv ‘‘Annurca’’). Scientia Horticulture 119: 270-274
  • Dun E A, Ferguson B J & Beveridge C A (2006). Apical dominance and shoot branching divergent opinions or divergent mechanisms? Plant Physiology 142: 812-819
  • Faust M (1989). Physiology of Temperate Zone Fruit Trees. John Willey & Sons, New York, pp. 338
  • Hartmann H T, Kester D E & Davies F T (1990). Plant propagation, principles and practices. Prentise - Hall Englewood Cliffs
  • Hrotko K, Buban T & Magyar L (1996) Improved feathering on one- year- old ‘Idared’ apple trees in the nursery. HortScience 28: 29–34
  • Kviklys D (2004). Apple rootstock effect on the quality of planting material. Acta Horticulturae 658 (2): 641646
  • Kviklys D (2006). Induction of feathering of apple planting material. Agronomijas Vestis (Latvian Journal of Agronomy) 9: 58-63.
  • Leyser O (2003). Regulation of shoot branching by auxin. Trends in Plant Science 8; 541-545
  • Li H L, Zhang H, Yu C, Ma L, Wang Y, Zhang X Z & Han Z H (2012). Possible roles of auxin and zeatin for initiating the dwaring effect of M9 used as apple rootstock or interstock. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34: 235-244
  • Lord W J, Greene D W, Damon R A & Baker J H (1985). Effects of stem piece and rootstock combinations on growth, leaf mineral concentration, yield and fruit quality of Empire apple trees. Journal American Society For Horticultural Science 110(3): 422-425
  • Loreti F & Morini S (1986). Ricerche su alcune combinazioni d’innesto del melo a diverse densita` di piantagione Atti Convegno S.O.I. ‘‘La coltura del melo verso gli anni 90’’-Cordenons (PN) 18–20 dicembre, pp. 399–407
  • Marcon Filho J L, Kretzschmar A A, Rufato L, Cury da Silva L, Madeira F C, Ribeiro R S & Rufato A R (2010). Evaluation of the productive and vegetative aspects of the cultivar ‘Imperial Gala’ apple tree with EM-9 interstem in different lengths. Acta Horticulturae 872: 375-378
  • Miller S S & Toworkovski T (2003). Regulating vegetative growth in deciduous fruit trees. PGRSA Quarterly 31: 8Ongaro V & Leyser O (2008). Hormonal control of shoot branching. Journal of Experimental Botany 59: 67–74 Parry M S (1986). The effects of budding height on the field performance of two apple cultivars on three rootstocks. Joural of Horticultural Science 61: 1-7
  • Richards D, Thompson W K & Pharis R P (1986). The influence of dwarfing interstocks on the distribution and metabolism of xylem-applied [ 3 H] gibberellin A 4 in apple. Plant Physiology 82: 1090-1095
  • Rozpara E, Grzyb Z S & Olszewski T (1990). The mineral content in leaves of two sweet cherry cvs. with interstem. Acta Horticulturae 274: 405-412
  • Sachs T & Thimann K V (1967). The role of auxins and cytokinins in the release of buds from dominance. Nature 201: 939-940
  • Samad A, Mcneil D L & Kham Z U (1999). Effect of interstock bridge grafting (M9 dwarfing rootstock and same cultivar cutting) on vegetative growth, reproductive growth and carbohydrate composition of mature apple trees. Scientia Horticulture 79: 23–38
  • Shimizu-Sato S, Tanaka M & Mori H (2009). Auxin– cytokinin interactions in the control of shoot branching. Plant Molecular Biolgy 69: 429-435
  • SPSS Inc. 2007. SPSS for Windows, Version 16.0. Chicago, SPSS Inc
  • Vercammen J, Van Daele G & Goman A (2007). Can fruit size and colouring of Jonagold be improved by an interstock? Acta Horticulturae 732: 165–170
  • Webster A D (1995). Rootstock and interstock effects on deciduous fruit tree vigour, precocity and yield productivity. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 23: 373–382
  • Wertheim S J & Webster A D (2005). Rootstocks and interstems. In: Fundamentals of Temperate Zone Tree Fruit Production (Tromp J, Webster AD, Wertheim SJ, eds) Backhuys Publishers Nl 156-175
  • Wickson M & Thimann K V (1958). The antagonism of auxin and kinetin in apical dominance. Physiologia Plantarum 11: 62-74
  • Yıldırım F A & Kankaya A (2004). The spontaneous growth and lateral branch habit of new apple cultivars in nursery. International Journal of Agricultural and Biology 6: 492-49
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Hüseyin Karlıdağ

Rafet Aslantaş

Ahmet Eşitken

Publication Date August 14, 2014
Submission Date September 3, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 20 Issue: 3


APA Karlıdağ, H., Aslantaş, R., & Eşitken, A. (2014). Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(3), 331-336.
AMA Karlıdağ H, Aslantaş R, Eşitken A. Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2014;20(3):331-336. doi:10.15832/tbd.63462
Chicago Karlıdağ, Hüseyin, Rafet Aslantaş, and Ahmet Eşitken. “Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20, no. 3 (August 2014): 331-36.
EndNote Karlıdağ H, Aslantaş R, Eşitken A (August 1, 2014) Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20 3 331–336.
IEEE H. Karlıdağ, R. Aslantaş, and A. Eşitken, “Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 331–336, 2014, doi: 10.15832/tbd.63462.
ISNAD Karlıdağ, Hüseyin et al. “Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20/3 (August 2014), 331-336.
JAMA Karlıdağ H, Aslantaş R, Eşitken A. Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20:331–336.
MLA Karlıdağ, Hüseyin et al. “Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 20, no. 3, 2014, pp. 331-6, doi:10.15832/tbd.63462.
Vancouver Karlıdağ H, Aslantaş R, Eşitken A. Effects of Interstock (M9) Length Grafted onto MM106 Rootstock on Sylleptic Shoot Formation, Growth and Yield in Some Apple Cultivars. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2014;20(3):331-6.

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