Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 181 - 188, 05.06.2019



  • Anderson K E (2009) Overview of natural and organic production: Looking back to the future. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 18:348–354.
  • Angelovičová M, Ševčíková V, Angelovič M & Bučko O (2014). Comparison of two different breeding systems of laying hens in relation to egg shell quality. Animal Science Biotechnology 47(2): 166-171
  • Anonymous (2010) Minitab, version 16. Minitab Inc., State College, PA.
  • Clerici F, Casiraghi E, Hidalgo, A & Rossi M (2006) Evaluation of eggshell quality characteristics in relation to the housing system of laying hens. EPC 2006 - 12th European Poultry Conference, Verona, Italy, 10-14 September pp:277.
  • Doley S, Barua N & Kalita N (2010) Effect of rearing systems on meat and egg qualities in indigenous fowls. Indian Veterinary Journal, 87:168-170.
  • Galis A M, Van I & Théwis A (2012) Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological quality of table eggs obtained in different exploitation systems for laying hens in Romania. Scientific Paper, Series D, Anim. Sci., 55:162-166.
  • Hanusová E, Hrnčár C, Hanus, A & Oravcová M (2015) Effect of breed on some parameters of egg quality in laying hens. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, 18:20-24.
  • Haugh R (1937) The Haugh unit for measuring egg quality. US Egg Poultry Magazine, 43:552-555.
  • Hidalgo A, Rossi M, Clerici F & Ratti S (2008) A market study on the quality characteristics of eggs from different housing systems. Journal of Food Chemistry, 106:1031-1038.
  • Krawczyk J & Gornowicz E (2010) Quality of eggs from hens kept in two different free-range systems in comparison with a barn system. Archive fur Geflügelkulde,74:151-157.
  • Krawczyk J & Calik J (2006) Quality of table eggs from hens of conservation breeds kept in confinement or on free range. Polish Journal of Natural Science, 3: 433-438. Lerner I M, Taylor L W & Lowry D C (1951) Selection for increased incidence of blood spots in white leghorns. Poultry Science, 30:748–757.
  • Leyendecker M, Hamann H, Hartung J, Kamphues J, Ring C, Glünder G, Ahlers C, Sander I, Neumann U & Distl O (2001) Analysis of genotype-environment interactions between layer lines and hen housing systems for performance traits, egg quality and bone breaking strength. 2nd communication: egg quality traits. Züchtungskunde, 73:308-323.
  • Nistor L I, Albu A & Usturoi M G (2014) Knowledge of chemical indicators of eggs from hens reared in conventional and free range system. Food Science and Technology, 71:119-124.
  • Nistor L I, Albu A, Nistor A C & Usturoi M G (2015) Aspects of eggs quality provided from free range and conventional systems. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science, 5:186-189.
  • NRC (1994) Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, Ninth Revised Edition, National Academy Pres, Washington D.C.
  • Ozcelik M (2002) The phenotypic correlations among some external and internal quality characteristics in Japanese quail eggs. Veterinary Journal of Ankara Univesity, 49 :67-72.
  • Pavlovski Z, Mašic B, Josipovic´ S & Hopic S (1992) The effect of the system of housing on the laying performance of hens in small flocks. Biotechnologija u Stočarstvu, 8: 57-63.
  • Pavlovski Z, Hopic´ S & Lukic M (2001) Housing systems for layers and egg quality. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 17:197-201.
  • Pavlovski Z, S̆krbic Z & Lukic M (2004) Influence of housing type on internal and external quality of eggs in small flocks of hens. Živinarstvo, 39:9-23.
  • Radu-Rusu R M, Usturoi M G, Leahu A, Amariei S, Radu-Rusu C G & Vacaru-Opriş I (2014) Chemical features, cholesterol and energy content of table hen eggs from conventional and alternative farming systems. South African Journal of Animal Science, 44 :3-42.
  • Samiullah S, Roberts J R & Chousalkar K K (2014) Effect of production system and flock age on egg quality and total bacterial load in commercial laying hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 23:59-70.
  • Sekeroglu A, Sari̇ca M, Demi̇r E, Ulutas Z, Ti̇lki̇ M, Saatci̇ M & Omed H (2010) Effects of different housing systems on some performance traits and egg qualities of laying hens. Journal of Veterinary Advences, 9:1739-1744.
  • Senčic Đ & Butko D (2006) Productivity of layers and egg quality in free range and cage system of housing. Poljoprivreda, 12:48-51.
  • Senčic Đ, Antunovic Z, Domac´inovic M, Šperanda M & Steiner Z (2006) Egg quality from free range and cage system of keeping layers. Stočarstvo, 60:173-179.
  • Torges G & Matthes S (1975) Investigations on the effect of type of management of laying hens (free-range, on the floor or in cages) on egg quality characters. Kleintierzucht in Forschung und Lehre Celler Jahrbuch., 23:18.
  • Torges H G, Matthes S & Harnisch S (1976) Comparative studies on eggs from commercial poultry farms with free-range, deep litter or cage management. Archiv fur Lebensmittel-hygiene, 27:107-112.
  • Wegner R M (1982) Investigation of production systems for laying hens with regard to ethological aspects. Landbauforsch Volkunde, 32:162-166.
  • Yang H M, Yang Z, Wang W, Wang Z Y, Sun H N, Ju X J & Qi X M (2014) Effects of different housing systems on visceral organs, serum biochemical proportions, immune performance and egg quality of laying hens. European Poultry Science, 78,10.1399/eps.2014.48.

Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems

Year 2019, Volume: 25 Issue: 2, 181 - 188, 05.06.2019


This study was designed to compare the physical and chemical qualities of eggs obtained using hens reared in free-range and deep-litter systems. A total of 300 Lohmann Brown hens (150 for each housing system) were used. In the free-range system, 4 m2 grazing area was allocated for each hen. The hens were taken into layer house at 16 weeks of age. Hen egg production reached up to 50%, produced eggs were randomly sampled once every 4 weeks until 52 weeks of age and physical characteristics of eggs from each housing system were measured. Results revealed that there was no significant difference in egg shell color, egg weight, breaking strength, shell thickness, shape index, specific gravity, yolk color, albumen index, haugh unit, meat and blood spots of eggs from two housing systems. However, there was a significant difference in yolk index. It was determined that housing systems effected the chemical content of the egg and the eggs obtained from free-range system were significantly richer in essential amino acids, vitamin D3 and biotin.


  • Anderson K E (2009) Overview of natural and organic production: Looking back to the future. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 18:348–354.
  • Angelovičová M, Ševčíková V, Angelovič M & Bučko O (2014). Comparison of two different breeding systems of laying hens in relation to egg shell quality. Animal Science Biotechnology 47(2): 166-171
  • Anonymous (2010) Minitab, version 16. Minitab Inc., State College, PA.
  • Clerici F, Casiraghi E, Hidalgo, A & Rossi M (2006) Evaluation of eggshell quality characteristics in relation to the housing system of laying hens. EPC 2006 - 12th European Poultry Conference, Verona, Italy, 10-14 September pp:277.
  • Doley S, Barua N & Kalita N (2010) Effect of rearing systems on meat and egg qualities in indigenous fowls. Indian Veterinary Journal, 87:168-170.
  • Galis A M, Van I & Théwis A (2012) Organoleptic, chemical and microbiological quality of table eggs obtained in different exploitation systems for laying hens in Romania. Scientific Paper, Series D, Anim. Sci., 55:162-166.
  • Hanusová E, Hrnčár C, Hanus, A & Oravcová M (2015) Effect of breed on some parameters of egg quality in laying hens. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica, 18:20-24.
  • Haugh R (1937) The Haugh unit for measuring egg quality. US Egg Poultry Magazine, 43:552-555.
  • Hidalgo A, Rossi M, Clerici F & Ratti S (2008) A market study on the quality characteristics of eggs from different housing systems. Journal of Food Chemistry, 106:1031-1038.
  • Krawczyk J & Gornowicz E (2010) Quality of eggs from hens kept in two different free-range systems in comparison with a barn system. Archive fur Geflügelkulde,74:151-157.
  • Krawczyk J & Calik J (2006) Quality of table eggs from hens of conservation breeds kept in confinement or on free range. Polish Journal of Natural Science, 3: 433-438. Lerner I M, Taylor L W & Lowry D C (1951) Selection for increased incidence of blood spots in white leghorns. Poultry Science, 30:748–757.
  • Leyendecker M, Hamann H, Hartung J, Kamphues J, Ring C, Glünder G, Ahlers C, Sander I, Neumann U & Distl O (2001) Analysis of genotype-environment interactions between layer lines and hen housing systems for performance traits, egg quality and bone breaking strength. 2nd communication: egg quality traits. Züchtungskunde, 73:308-323.
  • Nistor L I, Albu A & Usturoi M G (2014) Knowledge of chemical indicators of eggs from hens reared in conventional and free range system. Food Science and Technology, 71:119-124.
  • Nistor L I, Albu A, Nistor A C & Usturoi M G (2015) Aspects of eggs quality provided from free range and conventional systems. Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science, 5:186-189.
  • NRC (1994) Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, Ninth Revised Edition, National Academy Pres, Washington D.C.
  • Ozcelik M (2002) The phenotypic correlations among some external and internal quality characteristics in Japanese quail eggs. Veterinary Journal of Ankara Univesity, 49 :67-72.
  • Pavlovski Z, Mašic B, Josipovic´ S & Hopic S (1992) The effect of the system of housing on the laying performance of hens in small flocks. Biotechnologija u Stočarstvu, 8: 57-63.
  • Pavlovski Z, Hopic´ S & Lukic M (2001) Housing systems for layers and egg quality. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 17:197-201.
  • Pavlovski Z, S̆krbic Z & Lukic M (2004) Influence of housing type on internal and external quality of eggs in small flocks of hens. Živinarstvo, 39:9-23.
  • Radu-Rusu R M, Usturoi M G, Leahu A, Amariei S, Radu-Rusu C G & Vacaru-Opriş I (2014) Chemical features, cholesterol and energy content of table hen eggs from conventional and alternative farming systems. South African Journal of Animal Science, 44 :3-42.
  • Samiullah S, Roberts J R & Chousalkar K K (2014) Effect of production system and flock age on egg quality and total bacterial load in commercial laying hens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 23:59-70.
  • Sekeroglu A, Sari̇ca M, Demi̇r E, Ulutas Z, Ti̇lki̇ M, Saatci̇ M & Omed H (2010) Effects of different housing systems on some performance traits and egg qualities of laying hens. Journal of Veterinary Advences, 9:1739-1744.
  • Senčic Đ & Butko D (2006) Productivity of layers and egg quality in free range and cage system of housing. Poljoprivreda, 12:48-51.
  • Senčic Đ, Antunovic Z, Domac´inovic M, Šperanda M & Steiner Z (2006) Egg quality from free range and cage system of keeping layers. Stočarstvo, 60:173-179.
  • Torges G & Matthes S (1975) Investigations on the effect of type of management of laying hens (free-range, on the floor or in cages) on egg quality characters. Kleintierzucht in Forschung und Lehre Celler Jahrbuch., 23:18.
  • Torges H G, Matthes S & Harnisch S (1976) Comparative studies on eggs from commercial poultry farms with free-range, deep litter or cage management. Archiv fur Lebensmittel-hygiene, 27:107-112.
  • Wegner R M (1982) Investigation of production systems for laying hens with regard to ethological aspects. Landbauforsch Volkunde, 32:162-166.
  • Yang H M, Yang Z, Wang W, Wang Z Y, Sun H N, Ju X J & Qi X M (2014) Effects of different housing systems on visceral organs, serum biochemical proportions, immune performance and egg quality of laying hens. European Poultry Science, 78,10.1399/eps.2014.48.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

İsmail Türker

Sezai Alkan

Publication Date June 5, 2019
Submission Date January 13, 2018
Acceptance Date April 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 25 Issue: 2


APA Türker, İ., & Alkan, S. (2019). Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2), 181-188.
AMA Türker İ, Alkan S. Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. June 2019;25(2):181-188. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.378578
Chicago Türker, İsmail, and Sezai Alkan. “Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained Using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25, no. 2 (June 2019): 181-88.
EndNote Türker İ, Alkan S (June 1, 2019) Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25 2 181–188.
IEEE İ. Türker and S. Alkan, “Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 181–188, 2019, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.378578.
ISNAD Türker, İsmail - Alkan, Sezai. “Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained Using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 25/2 (June 2019), 181-188.
JAMA Türker İ, Alkan S. Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25:181–188.
MLA Türker, İsmail and Sezai Alkan. “Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained Using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 181-8, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.378578.
Vancouver Türker İ, Alkan S. Comparisons of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Eggs Obtained using Hens Reared in Deep Litter and Free-Range Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2019;25(2):181-8.

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