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The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey

Year 2016, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 566 - 575, 01.09.2016


Citrus fruits usually processed into juice. The main residues are peel and seeds for citrus fruits after juice production. In order to evaluate the seeds for alternative usages; the oil content and fatty acid compositions of four mandarin Citrus reticulata and three lemon cultivars Citrus limon were determined with respect to their harvesting times. Oil content and fatty acid compositions of the samples were significantly P


  • Ajewole K & Adeyeye A (1993). Characterization of Nigerian citrus seed oils. Food Chemistry 47: 77-78
  • Anwar F, Naseer R, Bhanger M I, Ashraf S, Talpur F N & Aladedunye F A (2008). Physicochemical characteristics of citrus seeds and seed oils from Pakistan. Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society 85: 321-330
  • Avula B, Upparapalli S K, Navarrete A & Khan I A (2007). Simultaneous analysis of adrenergic amines and flavonoids in citrus peel jams and fruit juices by liquid chromatography: Part 2. Journal of AOAC International 90: 633-640
  • Baker R A (1994). Potential dietary benefits of citrus pectin and fiber. Food Technology 48: 133-137
  • Dag A, Kerem Z, Yogev N, Zipori I, Lavee S & Ben- David E (2011). Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 358-366
  • El-Adawy T A, Rahman E H, El-Bedawy A A & Gafar A M (1999). Properties of some citrus seeds. Part 3. Evaluation as a new source of protein and oil. Nahrung 43: 385-391
  • FAO (2013). Crops production database. Food and Agricultural Organisation of United Nations, Rome (
  • Flickinger B D & Matsuo N (2003). Nutritional characteristics of DAG oil. Lipids 38: 129-132
  • Garces R & Mancha M (1993). One step lipid extraction and fatty acids methyl esters preparation from tree plant tissues. Analytical Biochemistry 211: 139-143
  • Gorinstein S, Martin-Belloso O, Park Y S, Haruenkit R, Lojek L, Ciz M, Caspi A, Libman I & Trakhtenberg S (2001). Comparison of some biochemical characteristics of different citrus fruits. Food Chemistry 74: 309-315
  • Habib M A, Hammam M A, Sakr A A & Ashoush Y A (1986). Chemical evaluation of Egyptian citrus seeds as potential sources of vegetable oils. Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society 63: 1192-1196
  • Habila N, Inuwa H M, Aimola I A, Agbaji A S, Ladan Z, Shangodare R, Williams I S, Odjobo O B & Ogabiela E (2012). Variation of fatty acids and vitamin E composition in seed oils of some plant species. Journal of Plant Studies 1: 55-60
  • Kim W C, Lee D Y, Lee C H & Kim C W (2004). Optimization of narirutin extraction during washing step of the pectin production from citrus peels. Journal of Food Engineering 63: 191-197
  • Kulkarni A S, More V I & Khotpal R R (2012). Composition and lipid classes of orange, tomato and pumpkin seed oils of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 4: 751-753
  • Liu Y, Heying E & TAnumihardjo S A (2012). History, global distribution, and nutritional importance of citrus fruits. Comprehensive Revievs in Food Science and Food Safety 11: 530-545
  • Matthaus B & Ozcan M M (2012). Chemical evaluation of citrus seeds, an agro-industrial waste, as a new potential source of vegetable oils. Grasas Y Aceites 63: 313-320
  • Moufida S & Marzouk B (2003). Biochemical characterization of blood orange, sweet orange, lemon, bergamot and bitter orange. Phytochemistry 62: 1283-1289
  • Ozdemir F & Topuz A (2004). Changes in dry matter, oil content and fatty acid composition of avocado during harvesting time and post-harvesting ripening period. Food Chemistry 86: 79-83
  • Piscopo A, Romeo F V, Petrovicova B & Poiana M (2010). Effect of the harvest time on kernel quality of several almond varieties (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb). Scientia Horticulturae 125: 41-46
  • Pritchard J L R (1991). Analysis and properties of oilseeds. In: Analysis of Oilseeds, Fats and Fatty Foods (J.B. Rossell and J.L.R. Pritchard, eds), pp. 39- 102. Elsevier Applied Sciences, New York
  • Reda S Y, Sauer E L, Batista A E C, Barana A C, Schnitzel E & Carneiro P I B (2005). Characterization of rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) and “Sicilian” lemon (Citrus limon) seed oils, an agro-industrial waste. Ciencia e Technologia de Alimentos 25: 672- 676
  • Saidani M, Dhifi W & Marzouk B (2004). Lipid evaluation of some Tunisian citrus seeds. Journal of Food Lipids 11: 242-250
  • Sakouhi F, Herchi W, Sebei K, Absalon C, Kallel H & Boukhchina S (2011). Accumulation of total lipids, fatty acids and triacylglycerols in developing fruits of Olea europaea L. Scientia Horticulturae 132: 7-11
  • Shahidi F & Zhong Y (2005). Citrus oils and essences. In: Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Sixth Edition (F. Shahidi, Ed), pp. 49-66. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
  • Waheed A, Mahmud S, Saleem M & Ahmad T (2009). Fatty acid composition of neutral lipid: Classes of citrus seed oil. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 13: 269-272
  • Yalçin H, Karaman S & Öztürk İ (2011). Evaluation of antioxidant efficiency of potato and orange peels and apple pomace extracts in sunflower oil. Italian Journal of Food Science 23: 55-61
  • Yoshikawa H, Ogawa A, Fukuhara K & Kondo S (2006). Antioxidant activity of tropical fruit jam and marmalade processed with different combinations of peel and flesh in citrus fruit. Journal of Food and Agriculture Environment 4: 78-84

Türkiye’de Yetiştirilen Bazı Limon ve Mandalina Çeşitlerinin Çekirdek Yağları ve Yağ Asidi Bileşimleri Üzerine Hasat Zamanının Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 22 Issue: 4, 566 - 575, 01.09.2016


Turunçgiller endüstriyel olarak genellikle meyve suyuna işlenmektedir. Turunçgillerin meyve suyuna işlenmesi sonucunda ortaya atık olarak önemli miktarda kabuk ve çekirdek çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı bazı turunçgil çekirdeklerinin alternatif değerlendirme yöntemlerine yol gösterecek veriler ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla dört mandalina Citrus reticulata ve üç limon Citrus limon çeşidine ait çekirdeklerde hasat zamanına bağlı yağ miktarı ve yağ asitleri bileşenlerinin değişimi incelenmiştir. Örneklerin yağ miktarları ve yağ asitleri bileşimleri her bir tür için çeşit ve hasat


  • Ajewole K & Adeyeye A (1993). Characterization of Nigerian citrus seed oils. Food Chemistry 47: 77-78
  • Anwar F, Naseer R, Bhanger M I, Ashraf S, Talpur F N & Aladedunye F A (2008). Physicochemical characteristics of citrus seeds and seed oils from Pakistan. Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society 85: 321-330
  • Avula B, Upparapalli S K, Navarrete A & Khan I A (2007). Simultaneous analysis of adrenergic amines and flavonoids in citrus peel jams and fruit juices by liquid chromatography: Part 2. Journal of AOAC International 90: 633-640
  • Baker R A (1994). Potential dietary benefits of citrus pectin and fiber. Food Technology 48: 133-137
  • Dag A, Kerem Z, Yogev N, Zipori I, Lavee S & Ben- David E (2011). Influence of time of harvest and maturity index on olive oil yield and quality. Scientia Horticulturae 127: 358-366
  • El-Adawy T A, Rahman E H, El-Bedawy A A & Gafar A M (1999). Properties of some citrus seeds. Part 3. Evaluation as a new source of protein and oil. Nahrung 43: 385-391
  • FAO (2013). Crops production database. Food and Agricultural Organisation of United Nations, Rome (
  • Flickinger B D & Matsuo N (2003). Nutritional characteristics of DAG oil. Lipids 38: 129-132
  • Garces R & Mancha M (1993). One step lipid extraction and fatty acids methyl esters preparation from tree plant tissues. Analytical Biochemistry 211: 139-143
  • Gorinstein S, Martin-Belloso O, Park Y S, Haruenkit R, Lojek L, Ciz M, Caspi A, Libman I & Trakhtenberg S (2001). Comparison of some biochemical characteristics of different citrus fruits. Food Chemistry 74: 309-315
  • Habib M A, Hammam M A, Sakr A A & Ashoush Y A (1986). Chemical evaluation of Egyptian citrus seeds as potential sources of vegetable oils. Journal of American Oil Chemists’ Society 63: 1192-1196
  • Habila N, Inuwa H M, Aimola I A, Agbaji A S, Ladan Z, Shangodare R, Williams I S, Odjobo O B & Ogabiela E (2012). Variation of fatty acids and vitamin E composition in seed oils of some plant species. Journal of Plant Studies 1: 55-60
  • Kim W C, Lee D Y, Lee C H & Kim C W (2004). Optimization of narirutin extraction during washing step of the pectin production from citrus peels. Journal of Food Engineering 63: 191-197
  • Kulkarni A S, More V I & Khotpal R R (2012). Composition and lipid classes of orange, tomato and pumpkin seed oils of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 4: 751-753
  • Liu Y, Heying E & TAnumihardjo S A (2012). History, global distribution, and nutritional importance of citrus fruits. Comprehensive Revievs in Food Science and Food Safety 11: 530-545
  • Matthaus B & Ozcan M M (2012). Chemical evaluation of citrus seeds, an agro-industrial waste, as a new potential source of vegetable oils. Grasas Y Aceites 63: 313-320
  • Moufida S & Marzouk B (2003). Biochemical characterization of blood orange, sweet orange, lemon, bergamot and bitter orange. Phytochemistry 62: 1283-1289
  • Ozdemir F & Topuz A (2004). Changes in dry matter, oil content and fatty acid composition of avocado during harvesting time and post-harvesting ripening period. Food Chemistry 86: 79-83
  • Piscopo A, Romeo F V, Petrovicova B & Poiana M (2010). Effect of the harvest time on kernel quality of several almond varieties (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb). Scientia Horticulturae 125: 41-46
  • Pritchard J L R (1991). Analysis and properties of oilseeds. In: Analysis of Oilseeds, Fats and Fatty Foods (J.B. Rossell and J.L.R. Pritchard, eds), pp. 39- 102. Elsevier Applied Sciences, New York
  • Reda S Y, Sauer E L, Batista A E C, Barana A C, Schnitzel E & Carneiro P I B (2005). Characterization of rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) and “Sicilian” lemon (Citrus limon) seed oils, an agro-industrial waste. Ciencia e Technologia de Alimentos 25: 672- 676
  • Saidani M, Dhifi W & Marzouk B (2004). Lipid evaluation of some Tunisian citrus seeds. Journal of Food Lipids 11: 242-250
  • Sakouhi F, Herchi W, Sebei K, Absalon C, Kallel H & Boukhchina S (2011). Accumulation of total lipids, fatty acids and triacylglycerols in developing fruits of Olea europaea L. Scientia Horticulturae 132: 7-11
  • Shahidi F & Zhong Y (2005). Citrus oils and essences. In: Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Sixth Edition (F. Shahidi, Ed), pp. 49-66. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
  • Waheed A, Mahmud S, Saleem M & Ahmad T (2009). Fatty acid composition of neutral lipid: Classes of citrus seed oil. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 13: 269-272
  • Yalçin H, Karaman S & Öztürk İ (2011). Evaluation of antioxidant efficiency of potato and orange peels and apple pomace extracts in sunflower oil. Italian Journal of Food Science 23: 55-61
  • Yoshikawa H, Ogawa A, Fukuhara K & Kondo S (2006). Antioxidant activity of tropical fruit jam and marmalade processed with different combinations of peel and flesh in citrus fruit. Journal of Food and Agriculture Environment 4: 78-84
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Muharrem Gölükcü This is me

Ramazan Toker This is me

Haluk Tokgöz This is me

Orçun Çınar This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 22 Issue: 4


APA Gölükcü, M., Toker, R., Tokgöz, H., Çınar, O. (2016). The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(4), 566-575.
AMA Gölükcü M, Toker R, Tokgöz H, Çınar O. The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. September 2016;22(4):566-575.
Chicago Gölükcü, Muharrem, Ramazan Toker, Haluk Tokgöz, and Orçun Çınar. “The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 4 (September 2016): 566-75.
EndNote Gölükcü M, Toker R, Tokgöz H, Çınar O (September 1, 2016) The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 4 566–575.
IEEE M. Gölükcü, R. Toker, H. Tokgöz, and O. Çınar, “The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 566–575, 2016.
ISNAD Gölükcü, Muharrem et al. “The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/4 (September 2016), 566-575.
JAMA Gölükcü M, Toker R, Tokgöz H, Çınar O. The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:566–575.
MLA Gölükcü, Muharrem et al. “The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 4, 2016, pp. 566-75.
Vancouver Gölükcü M, Toker R, Tokgöz H, Çınar O. The Effect of Harvesting Time on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Some Lemon and Mandarin Cultivars Grown in Turkey. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(4):566-75.

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